Roots Of Rage: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 9)

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Roots Of Rage: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Saga Book 9) Page 11

by Stephanie Hudson

  “Okay, so the quick and easy version of it is that Harpies, when first created, were known to be the hounds of Zeus, with the sole purpose of stealing whatever he wanted.”

  “It's starting to sound like Oliver Twist, minus the wanting more gruel part.” Nero smirked and carried on,

  “Yeah, well, every supernatural being with a brain and ears knows about Zeus being the most egotistical of the Gods. So then it’s not surprising that he would create four sisters, each one being as beautiful as the next.”

  “Must have been one Hell of an aviary,” I mused making her chuckle again.

  “And knowing Zeus, most likely looked like a caged sex club with feathers, or maybe he just had a thing for birds…who knows, as he certainly had a thing for women, and lots of them. Anyway, over time it seemed that the oldest sister must have gotten bolder or some shit, because this one in particular didn't really take too kindly to being forgotten about.” Looking at the Queen now as she strutted her importance around the Eye and I couldn’t say that it surprised me.

  “Think of it as a naughty child trying to get the attention of their parent.”

  “Did she throw her little birdy mirror and bell out of the pram?” Nero replied,

  “Needy bitches, eh…yeah they started making life difficult for Zeus and not surprisingly really, I mean how many women does one man need…anyway…”

  “…this is the part where he banishes them and punishes them to Hell and all that?” I interrupted making her scoff,

  “Hey, I thought I was telling the story.” I laughed, holding up my hands in surrender and said in the words of my Aunty Pip,

  “My bad.”

  “So yeah, it’s pretty much that part…anyway, the story goes that on their fall to Hell they were stripped of both their feathers and of any beauty they once possessed. Meaning, pretty soon they landed and were soon known as nothing more than the scavengers of Tartarus, like vultures fighting over whatever rotting corpse they could find.” I made a face that looked as if I was smelling bad cheese but asked anyway,

  “What happened next, because it looks like they have come on a long way since then?”

  “A long way?” she questioned sceptically raising her brows.

  “Okay, so not so much of a long way that I think they eat their food at a dinner table with a good use of a knife and fork…I just mean in a more, I know how to share my pound of man flesh with my sisters, type of way,” I said making her grin.

  “So come on, what happened?” I asked steering her back to the conversation,

  “Only that it was your grandfather, the one and only, dishy Prince of Lust that took pity on them…” My eyes widened and my mouth dropped before I replied drily,

  “But of course it was.”

  “Yeah, something about the beauty that they once had or some crap. Anyway, he gave them purpose and naturally being the Prince of Lust, that purpose was of a sexual nature.”

  “Shocker,” I joked making her grin, which ended up looking painful due to the split in her lip. But then I looked at the Harpies and shuddered at the thought of being forced to lie with a creature so hideous.

  “So, it's true then, they actually force themselves onto…” Nero cut me off,

  “Anything that moves, that’s got a dick…yeah, that’s pretty much their gig.”

  “And suddenly, periods once a month and not being able to pee standing up are not so much of a problem anymore.” Now she really laughed and who Nero had dubbed as little miss stick bang happy once again got a hard on for banging on the bars, hissing at us like a wet cat.

  “But then it's not exactly about just getting their rocks off either,” Nero added lowering her voice a little so we could continue to talk.

  “I'm almost scared to ask, but it’s not?”

  “No, their obsession is born from the offspring that they can produce. The continuation of their race means everything to them. And from what I heard years ago, something happened that not only drastically depleted their numbers, but it also killed one of the sisters.” The moment I heard this part of the story I couldn't help but tense, hoping that Nero didn't notice. Thankfully, instead of focusing too much on me, she continued on with her Harpies’ dark tale of woe.

  “Ever since that, there has been rumours, secrets whispered in the dark.”

  “What kind of secrets?” I asked whispering and taking a quick glance at our guard. Nero scooted closer and told me,

  “Secrets about a Harpy army being built somewhere on the ruined outskirts of Tartarus. Of course, no one really believes it, almost like ghost stories told to small children around a campfire in the mortal realm, these were stories told to lesser demons, becoming a step up from just your usual gossip whispered on street corners and boasted about in Taverns...that was until…”

  “Until what?” I asked following her gaze directly on the Harpy Queen.

  “Until a Queen emerged as if being reborn into her once Angelic form. I don't know the ins and outs of it, or whatever piece of her soul was left to sell but it is rumoured that the two things that she wanted she received.”

  “To rebirth the children she lost, gaining back her army and as an extra, that of her beauty,” I finished off for her.

  “Yep, that pretty much sums up the crazy bitch,” Nero said with a roll of her hand in the direction of said crazy bitch.

  “Well, looking around at this lot I would say she received both, along with a new wardrobe of dresses fit for a Queen…really gives new meaning to the whole ‘Devil wears Prada’ film.”

  “Huh?” Nero asked, making me wave my hand and say,

  “Nothing important, just human ramblings.” But whether that might be true or not, I couldn’t help but look at her now, dressed in all her finery. Included in this was that creepy head dress, one that looked half alive and connected with the darkness of her soul. The black shadowy serpents wavered in and out of existence, disappearing with her sudden movements as she circled the Eye, still not daring to touch it. But this surprised me, as I would have thought it was the first thing she would have done. Especially given all the trouble she went to in getting it in the first place.

  Unless of course, it was forbidden?

  If not, then what was she waiting for…or should I say, who?

  “So, you think she did all this just so she could get revenge on whoever it was that killed her sister?” I asked Nero, who was looking at the other two sisters, a pair who were still high up on their perch. It was obvious that they had not received the same deal their sister had, making me wonder if they had even been in her thoughts when making this bargain.

  “Honestly, but who knows what the bitch is thinking, but one thing’s for sure, she's definitely not working alone,” Nero said with a shake of her head.

  “What makes you say that?” I asked because I was curious to find out how much she knew.

  “Harpies don't do magic and that summoning Hex you have on your back is the work of a witch, and a powerful one at that.” Nero nodded to emphasise her words. Of course, I knew this already, Especially, after what the Harpy Queen had said to me down in the temple. Her Master wanted me, and it wasn’t a stretch to assume this Master was Lucius’ brother and the witch that had been behind the scenes making this all happen was just another one of his lackies.

  “Tell me more about the Queen,” I said after a moment of silence stretched between us.

  “The Queen is called Celaeno, and being the older sister she was also the one who led the other three to ruin and got them kicked out of Heaven as well as far from Zeusy boy’s good graces as she could get…but don’t quote me on the details because they are sketchy. But this is the reason I'm not exactly surprised that she was the only one to be granted beauty in this bargain…As I don't think she's going to win any sister of the year awards, do you?” I had to agree on that one.

  After this Nero went on to tell me about the other two, who were the twins, Aello and Ocypete. Nero also said that supposedly they were born w
ith their wings entwined with one another and that was also how they arrived in Hell, landing together as one. She also went on to speak of their skills in the air and how their speed could not be matched. Although, it also had to be said that intelligence was not their strong point, hence being lackeys overshadowed by their sister.

  I then asked about the sister that had been killed, again trying to discover what she knew and if the ‘gossip’ hymn sheet she was singing from mentioned a certain someone. She told me her name had been Podarge, a Harpy, who had been quicker on her feet than in flight.

  But then Nero surprised me when I asked who it was that had killed her.

  “That's the odd thing, no one knows her name but the only thing that is confirmed is that whoever killed their sister, unbelievably, was mortal.” Nero took a glance at my worried face and grinned a little before nudging me on my shoulder and telling me,

  “Oh, don't worry. After all, they should know it was well before your time.” I gave her what I knew was a strained smile in return before evading her concerned gaze. Because she didn't know what I knew. She didn't know who that mortal was…but I did.

  Which meant that if I did, it also meant that the Harpy Queen did too. That was why she told me back in that Temple that she had been waiting a long time for this.

  She had meant her revenge.

  Well, as if shit couldn’t get any more convoluted. Meaning this little escape plan of mine just got a whole lot more complicated. Because this was no longer a snatch and grab type of gig for these winged bitches. They hadn't kidnapped me solely to hand me over to their master.

  No this was all about a bargain made. It was all about their revenge for a sister’s death.

  A sister who was killed by…

  My mother.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Master Arrives

  This conversation ended abruptly, and this wasn't just down to the secrets I was keeping. Of course, it wasn’t ever confirmed that the death of this Harpy was indeed my mother’s fault, but seeing as she was the only mortal known to be down here before me, then who else could it have been. And besides, the reason the Harpy Queen had wanted me was for revenge, meaning it didn’t take a genius to add these two together and have it equal one dead Harpy, and three pissed off sisters.

  The moment a hush fell amongst the Harpy swarm, I knew the time had come…the Puppet Master had arrived.

  “Who is that?” Nero’s question was one I couldn't yet answer even though I had seen his cloaked form before. I also knew the face of the man hiding underneath the large folds of his hood, just as I had heard him speak of his hatred for his brother.

  In the end I didn't get chance to tell Nero this, because the moment he was seen a silence swept through the bailey like a wave of doom, forcing all the Harpies to place their heads to the ground. Even the Queen bowed to the shadowed figure, one who had seemingly created a tear in the realm and simply stepped through it.

  This was the only way to describe it, as he seemed to have arrived out of nowhere, creating a portal from nothing. In all honesty, I didn't think there was a being powerful enough to do such a thing. For someone to have the ability to go anywhere was a scary thought indeed but mostly, I had to wonder how could you defeat a being such as this? How would you be able to contain him once he was even caught? Such a feat just didn't seem possible.

  The portal he created had been higher up on one of the only levels left with an arched walkway. I could just imagine that at one time it would have made for a decorative part of the castle. But for now, well, its beauty was long gone and with it a large chunk of the balustrades and arches, having been lost to the war won against its residing Lord.

  However, enough of the ledge remained for the cloaked figure of Lucius' brother to stand upon as he addressed his adoring Harpy Queen and her minions.

  “My Master, I have completed my task and did as you commanded, I brought you not only the Eye of Crimson but also the Chosen One of your enemy. All I ask is that when you are done with her, I am to be awarded the honour of delivering her death,” The Queen said after rising up, sweeping the length of her skirt out to the side as she did. I couldn't help but wonder if these actions were part of an old soul who, until her change back to a heavenly beauty, had resided in her as a dormant part of her past and was in fact how she used to address the Gods when in their presence.

  “You will have your revenge, make no mistake for our bargain is intact until the end. But trouble yourself not, for her life will be of little worth once I am through with her. However, for now it is the Eye I want.” I had to admit that the voice of Lucius' brother terrified me. Even Nero shuddered next to me, telling me I wasn't the only one affected by the depth of evil I could hear coming from his demon side.

  Neither of us were strangers to the demonic nature that surrounded us on a daily basis, but his voice was something else entirely. It was one of pure poison that was fuelled by a river of hate. Oh, but the Harpy Queen may have thought she was on the road to revenge but this man, this demon, was the one who paved that road for all of the others. A road taken by those that held nothing but hatred in their hearts, for his own brand of hatred knew no bounds.

  The Queen bowed her head once more, answering in what I knew was a more angelic voice than before this bargain for her soul was ever made. As no other Harpy sounded this way, not even those of her sisters.

  “But of course, my Master.” She walked towards the plinth where the Eye sat like a beacon for all malicious intentions. She then reached out ready to take possession of it, when suddenly the booming voice of her Master ceased her actions. Moments later and I knew that I would be wishing that he had been too late in his warning.


  “Master?” she questioned, after bringing her hand back to her chest, as if it were a wounded animal in need of the comfort of her bosom.

  “Have one of your children bring it to me,” he ordered making Nero and I frown at each other. He motioned with his gloved hand, one that matched the harsh hard lines of his armour-plated body, you could just see beneath the swallowing folds of the strange shadowy cloak. It almost looked like a separate entity encasing itself around every inch of him, being that of half material, half creature. This eerie movement could be seen whenever he raised a hand or shifted his stance, as its darkness seamlessly shifted around his movements.

  The Harpy Queen, who I now knew was named Celaeno, looked uneasy for the first time. You could see this as she gazed around at her children as if trying to decide whose fate would be first tested and at the mercy of the Eye. Her obvious reluctance was forced to the back of her mind with only a simple action from her Master when he folded his arms across his chest. This provided us with more than just a glimpse of the scaled armour beneath, and it was one that looked as if it was made from the hide of a dragon. I couldn’t say I was surprised when she hurried on with her task of choosing.

  She motioned one Harpy forward and if there was any way to describe the creature, then it would have been classed as the runt of the litter. This, or the reason it was smaller was due to its young age, either way it made its way through the rest of the swarm coming to the front to bow before its mother Queen.

  “Take the Eye to our Master, youngling,” the Queen demanded answering my silent question. The youngling as she had named it, lifted its head and clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth three times, reminding me of the sound of a cricket in the summer grass. The sunken hollows of her cheeks dipped even further when making this sound and her little breasts shook as her small wings vibrated.

  She then straightened her back, thrusting out what little chest she had, as she made her way towards the plinth. The moment she got there her wings spread out and they fluttered once again. Only this time they shivered like a nervous bird waiting to take flight at the first sense of danger.

  “Oh, this is gonna be bad,” Nero commented and before I could ask why, the smaller Harpy reached out and grabbed the Eye, one that was now
glowing a brighter crimson. For a few seconds, it was as if all that was happening to her was that she was receiving some glimpse of the future. I let a held breath out only to end up sucking it back in through my teeth. This was because the moment a certain image must have penetrated her mind, she opened her mouth and let out a horrified scream. This was the last sound she would ever make, for the scream lasted only a few seconds before it stopped.

  This wasn’t because she had asserted the will and right to stop it herself. No, the sound stopped when it became stuck in her throat when her air supply had been cut off abruptly. Her entire body followed as the rest of her became imprisoned by the power of the Eye.

  It was as if she couldn’t move, as if she couldn’t speak and more importantly for her, she couldn’t do anything to free herself. Her eyes were frozen wide with fear but even then, they could not move beyond staring at the Eye. I didn't have to wonder long as to what the Eye had shown her, as it took about three seconds until she suddenly burst into a cloud of black sand before floating away.

  The haunting image she had been shown, had been that of her death. The rest of the swarm let out a wailing cry at the loss of their kin. Even the twins cried out at this loss, as they were still sat up high and perched with the bird’s-eye view of their young offspring’s death. Their echoing pain was by far the loudest and continued on until the Queen demanded silence.

  “I'm sorry, my Master, but my offspring are clearly not worthy, perhaps if you were to…” His hand went up demanding silence and this I knew was so he could issue another order. I was right when he spoke without an ounce of feeling,

  “Pick another one.” The Queen baulked, recoiling back a step before saying,

  “But Master it will only mean the death of one of my…” He raised a hand to stop her and demanded again, in a deadly voice,

  “I. Said. Pick…another one!” At this the Queen’s shoulders slumped and the panicked looks between the twins were witnessed by the older sister’s silent devastation as she glanced up at them.


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