Dragons of Cadia - The Complete Dragon Shifter Series

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Dragons of Cadia - The Complete Dragon Shifter Series Page 22

by Amelia Jade

  “You know what we need to do,” Asher said once they were aloft and able to speak freely.

  “What?” Zeke asked.

  “We need to find Dom a girl now.”

  “She’s not my girl!”

  “You are not setting me up on a blind date!”

  The Frost Dragon laughed heartily at the immediate reaction from his friends.

  “First off,” he began. “Zeke, you’re so full of shit if you don’t realize that this is the girl for you. I mean, I can see it. Dom’s pretty thick-skulled, but I think even he can see it.” Asher paused. “I think. Can you Dom?”

  He turned to look at his blue-scaled friend, just in time to see a weak bolt of lightning shoot past his face.

  “Uh-oh, we’ve angered him Zeke!”

  Zeke shook his massive head. “No, you angered him my friend. I had nothing to do with it.”

  Ash, flying in the middle, looked back and forth between the two of them.

  “Shit,” he said dully as the other two laughed at his expense.

  “Asher is right though,” Dom said after they had calmed down. “You and Amber are a thing. I see the same things between you two as I do between Ash and Quinn. Not that I see what the two of them do for either of you. They must be crazy, if you ask me.”

  Flame and Frost met as the other two dragons hurled their breath weapons in front of Dom. They were all weak, underpowered things, the same way they would push or punch a friend in human form. No harm was meant by it, and they didn’t direct it at their friends either, always to the side or in front.

  “Can you believe this guy?” Asher said, looking over at Zeke as the ground flew by underneath, their wings powering them on tirelessly.

  “We definitely need to find him a girl,” Zeke agreed. “But finding one who will like him is going to be hard.”

  “If it can happen to the two of you, it can happen to me,” Dom said fiercely.

  “You see how passionately he says that,” Asher said.

  “I did. It’s like he already found somebody. Do you have a girl that we don’t know about, Dom?” Zeke asked, half-teasing, half-serious.

  “No,” Dom said too quickly.

  Asher and Zeke exchanged glances, but they realized that this wasn’t a topic of conversation Dominick wished to pursue, so they let it drop. They were at their destination anyway, already beginning their descent from the sky.

  Asher’s house had two stone circles, one in the backyard, and one on the roof.

  Zeke dropped onto the roof while the Frost Dragon landed on the ground. In moments the pair were in human form, and as Zeke dropped down to the ground below with a slight bend to his knees to absorb the force, the rear door opened.

  “About time!” Quinn said as she and Amber emerged.

  “So sorry milady,” Asher said, bowing as he moved clear of the circle for Dom to land. “But we made the best time we could.”

  “Sure, sure,” she said, practically throwing herself into his arms as he picked her up and planted a kiss on her lips.

  Amber and Zeke approached more tentatively, each of them eying the other couple as well as themselves. When they locked lips, Zeke cracked a smile, all the while steeling his insides.

  “That looks like fun,” he commented, nodding his head in their direction.

  “Yeah, it probably is. Did you want to go kiss Asher next?”

  The others burst out into laughter as they heard her speak.


  She cut him off. “Or are you going to get it together and kiss me yourself?”

  Zeke moved before she was even finished speaking, his hands sweeping her up and off the ground, bringing her in tight to him as he pressed his lips firmly to hers. His cheeks burned slightly at the mock applause from the other three people present, but he didn’t let that stop him from doing his job of kissing her thoroughly.

  “I think I have an answer,” Amber said, flushing as they broke apart for air at last.

  “A partial answer,” he growled into her ear as softly as he could, so the others couldn’t hear.

  Amber giggled and kissed him again quickly, before pulling apart. They were in a group setting after all, and Zeke didn’t fight it, though he did rest his hand on the small of her back, keeping her close.

  “So, what’s for dinner?” Dom asked, bringing about laughter from all as they filed inside.

  “Steaks, corn on the cob, and some fancy garlic bread,” Quinn announced as they entered the kitchen to view the banquet before them.

  “We’re in charge of steaks then?” Asher asked.

  “Absolutely,” Quinn replied. “They’re seasoned and ready to go. Get cooking, grill master!” she teased, handing him an apron with the same saying emblazoned on it.

  Asher took it good-naturedly, and Zeke grabbed a trio of beers from the fridge as the shifters headed back outside to the barbecue. He gave Amber a wink, reluctant to leave her, but knowing that she wasn’t going anywhere either. She smiled and blushed slightly before turning back to help Quinn with the final preparations.

  “Here we are, boys,” Zeke said as he pushed through the back door, toeing it closed behind him. He handed out the beers, cracking Asher’s for him as the other man lit the grill.

  “Cheers,” Ash said, and the three of them clinked bottles and took a deep drink.

  “Indeed, cheers to Z finally making a move,” Dom teased.

  The three of them clinked again, though Zeke was shaking his head at his friends.

  “You guys are ridiculous,” he stated.

  “And?” Dom replied.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just glad to have you around.”

  There was a moment of silence at that, the expression of feelings, something that they had rarely done around each other.

  “Cheers,” Asher said, this time a little more solemnly, and held out his bottle.

  The trio clinked, nodding at each other. They didn’t need to say more than that. Enough had already been said.

  As if by common agreement, they then turned to the barbecue, where Zeke and Dominick immediately began to criticize Asher’s cooking ability, and to tell him how a steak should properly be done.

  The playful banter continued over dinner, and as Zeke looked up and down the table at his friends, and at Amber, he couldn’t help but feel happier than he had in a long time.


  “Hi,” she said softly.

  “Hey,” he responded just as quietly.

  There was silence after that. He pulled her in a little tighter to him though, and she didn’t object, practically pulling herself onto his lap in the effort to get closer. Finally he decided that would work best and just lifted her from her seat onto him, where she curled up, tucking her head under his chin and resting it against his chest.

  He closed his large arms around her and held her tight, just enjoying the act of being there with her.

  Amber exhaled in a contented sigh.

  “Shhh,” he hushed. “You’ll wake the others.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You couldn’t wake Quinn with a freight train. And Dom snores so loud.”

  He laughed silently at the truthfulness of her comments. The others hadn’t meant to stay the night. It would mean an early morning to wake up and fly back, but they had just been having too much fun together. Now he and Amber were the only ones still awake, lost in each other’s presence and reluctant to let it go.

  “Well, if they’re so sound asleep, they won’t hear this,” he murmured into her ear before picking her up and placing her so that she was straddling him.

  Amber settled down onto his lap, arms draped around his neck.

  “That was pretty smooth, I must admit,” she teased in whisper. “Only one creak from the couch.”

  He grinned. “I’m stealthy, like a ninja.”

  Amber giggled, then clapped her hands over mouth.

  She shook her head at him, silently blaming him for her outburst.

  “Much h
arder for you to do that if I’m doing this,” he said, and pulled her head down to his, so that he could press his lips against hers.

  Amber inhaled sharply through her nose as they kissed, and Zeke reveled in the desire he felt in her actions, the way she melted against him, her entire body forcing itself against him.

  It triggered a reaction between his legs, and he felt Amber grin slightly as they continued to kiss. Her hips began to grind back and forth against the growing bulge beneath her, forcing a hiss from Zeke each time she made contact. Her touch was driving him mad. He knew that even as her fingers spread across his chest, touching him through his shirt, that he needed her. To take her. Right then.

  “Wait,” he told her softly. “Not here.”

  Amber looked around. “Where then?”

  He smiled. “I have an idea. Follow me.”

  Clearly confused, Amber took his hand. Zeke snatched up a blanket with his free hand and made his way outside. The stars were out in full force, and the moon was hidden from the sky. The wind was slightly chilled, and he draped the blanket over her shoulders.

  “I don’t follow,” she said.

  “Stay here,” he told her, and jogged into the middle of the stone circle, calling upon the power of his dragon before he’d even reached the middle.

  This time Zeke let his change flow unharnessed, allowing the circle of flame to wash over the stones. Then he maneuvered so that his body and wings could block the view of the stones from the house.

  Inhaling, he let Dragonfire wash over the stones, quickly heating them up. His job done, he moved back to the circle and shifted. The warmth of the stones took the chill out of the air, and he went to Amber’s side, taking the blanket from her. Once the stones had cooled just a bit, he put the blanket down and pulled her on top of him.

  “You are such a romantic,” she said, leaning down to kiss him full on the mouth, her tongue pushing its way into his lips as he reciprocated.

  “For you, anything,” he said, sliding his hands up her sides, under her shirt.

  Amber bit her lip at his touch, and he felt himself about ready to burst through his seams at just how beautiful she looked, illuminated there by starlight.

  He rolled her over onto her back, and let his lips trace their way across her jaw and down her neck.

  Zeke was the luckiest man alive, he knew it. Now all he had to do was show her how he felt.

  Chapter Nine


  Though this was not how she had imagined the evening going, Amber had no complaints. The idea of making love for the first time out under the stars, on a bed of rock heated by his Dragonfire was…exhilarating, to say the least. It was likely not an opportunity she would ever have again.

  The fact that it was with Zeke was even better, because it was someone she wanted to be with. Doing it with him would make the experience perfect. There was no hesitation in her as he slipped her pants off. Her bare skin was warmed by the ambient heat of their makeshift bed.

  She flinched as his lips made contact with the inside of her leg just below the knee. It wasn’t his touch that made her jump, but the still-unexpected warmth that accompanied him every time her skin was against his. She felt he could probably have kept her warm all on his own.

  “I like that,” she said aloud as he slid one hand up her opposite leg, his fingers matching his lips as he crept closer.

  He smiled, eyes focused intently upon her face. He never stopped moving, and inched his way upward. As he lowered himself down, Amber was forced to prop herself up on her elbows to keep him in sight.

  She bit her lip as he began to encounter increasingly sensitive skin, his touch now lighting a fire within her to match the one he had used only minutes earlier.

  “Stop teasing,” she growled as he moved away slightly.

  Zeke laughed, and in response, ran his tongue softly right across her clit.

  Amber’s entire body tensed at the sparks of pleasure and electricity that ripped through her nerves and overwhelmed her brain.

  It had been too long. She’d forgotten how amazing it felt to be with someone. Zeke seemed to know just what to do as well. His tongue found its way back directly between her legs, and Amber had to do everything she could not to cry out. The windows were closed, but she still didn’t want to risk anyone hearing them.

  The longer Zeke spent attending to her, the harder it became as she drew closer and closer to the edge. His movements were slow and rhythmic when they needed to be, interspersed with bursts of speed that always seemed to catch her off guard, driving her pleasure to new heights. It was also his way of teasing her, because just as she felt herself getting ready to climax, he would change it up.

  The effect served to build up a pressure inside of her that threatened to boil over. Each time he drove her closer, she had a harder time coming back down.

  “Now,” she begged. “Please, do it now. I want to cum for you, Zeke. Please make me.” Her voice was ragged and dry from her moans, despite the best attempts to stay quiet.

  At this point, Amber no longer cared. His touch was too good.

  “Oh my,” she said, eyes going wide as Zeke gently slipped a finger inside of her. Her eyelids fluttered and then her eyes rolled back into her head. “Yes, just like that, holy shit. It feels so good.”

  This time Zeke didn’t change anything. He just slowly increased his pace, driving her to the edge as she writhed under his touch. Her hands wrapped around his head, pulling him tight into her. She wasn’t letting him stop this time. Her hips ground against his face as he pleasured her.

  Amber came, and the pressure between her legs suddenly swelled in size and rushed out through the rest of her body, tensing muscles, pausing her lungs, and generally shutting off her brain. She climaxed hard, her entire core flexing and releasing repeatedly as she quivered, held in place by his one hand wrapped around her leg.

  Light blossomed behind her closed eyes and Amber felt fiery pleasure explode out, ripping a cry from her lungs as she came, waves of bliss pounding against her like the heat that still roiled up from the rocks under them. Zeke stopped then, pulling back from her and simply holding her tight as she continued to shake, her senses on fire and every nerve ending singing loudly for attention at that exact moment.

  She whimpered slightly as Zeke withdrew, but the break was necessary. He rose up and slid alongside her, pulling her into his arms as she shuddered through the post-orgasm shockwaves that were still ricocheting through her body.

  Teeth gently nipped at her ear and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

  Instinctually her hand slid down between them until it found his cock, straining against the seams of his jeans. She fiddled with it, still in the final throes of her own pleasure, but intent on giving Zeke some as well. Amber licked her lips as he used his own free hand to help, and together they divested him of his undergarments as well.

  “So big,” she murmured as her hand wrapped around his shaft. Her eyes widened slightly at his size, but she didn’t slow down.

  Moving carefully over the blanket-covered rocks, she slid down until her head was between his legs, switching their positions. Zeke’s hand reached out and stroked her head, easing her hair to one side as well. She loved it when his fingers brushed against her. Something about his touch drove her absolutely wild, and Amber wasted no time in showing him that.

  Wetting her lips, she gave the head of his throbbing cock a slow, seductive kiss, taking it half into her mouth in the process, leaving the tip shiny in the starlight from her saliva. The entire time her eyes stayed focused on him, watching him as he watched her stroke her hand up and down his shaft, her lips parting to take him inside of her mouth as she did.

  When her tongue slid across the underside of his head, along the seam between it and the shaft, Zeke’s eyes closed halfway and he moaned her name quietly into the night, his fingers tightening in her hair. She thought he was going to pull her down, and braced for it, but he didn’t. Instead he continued to stro
ke her head as she took him deeper into her mouth, until she could fit no more.

  Then she backed off, running her free hand from where his shaft started up, pushing under his shirt until she could feel his hard abs flexing as she pleasured him. That was a delightful feeling, the tense and calming of his muscles brought about by her actions. Amber smiled to herself and closed her eyes, focusing on the feel of his cock as it slid under her lips, the pulse of his blood under her hand as it rose and fell up his long shaft. It was moving easier now as she coated him in saliva, sliding smoothly over his skin.

  Zeke was groaning louder now as she worked him faster and faster, forcing herself to take as much of him into her mouth with every movement as she could. She gagged on him slightly, for once not feeling self-conscious about doing so, and the sudden hiss of delight from Zeke made her tingle all over. She loved it when a man was comfortable enough to express his pleasure, making plenty of noise for her. It made Amber willing to do it again.

  Abruptly his shaft tightened and she withdrew her hand from his abs and used it to cup his balls as they tensed.

  A moment later a grunt emerged from Zeke and he came inside her mouth. She flicked her tongue constantly along the bottom of his head as it pulsed between her lips, filling her mouth with jets of hot cum. Her hand on his shaft worked it up and down quickly, trying to drain him of everything he had.

  When the torrent slowed she swallowed it, making room for the last few drops as Zeke finished cumming, his body relaxing back on to the blanket.

  She noted that his cock didn’t relax. It was still hard and standing at attention as she licked the last vestiges of his climax from him, leaving him clean and gleaming in the dim light.

  “Come here,” he ordered, and she didn’t hesitate, climbing atop his stomach and pushing her way back to his hips.

  Amber bounced slightly in surprise when the tip of his cock pressed up against her opening. She sat upright and reached behind her, taking his shaft in her hand once more, and guiding it right where it needed to be as she sat back, taking him inside of her at last.


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