Memory of a Melody

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Memory of a Melody Page 20

by Charli B. Rose

  “Why do you care?” he whispered at my back.

  I inhaled deeply but didn’t turn around. “Because holding onto all this rage and sense of injustice only hurts me. I’m better than that. I deserve peace, so I’m taking it.”

  He didn’t respond, just silently watched me finish emptying his closet of my belongings.

  Cade helped me load my bags and boxes into the elevator. “You want me to help you get this in your car?” he asked.

  “No. I’ve got it. Goodbye, Cade.”

  “Bye, Willa.”

  He watched me as I waited for the elevator doors to close and descend to the parking garage.

  When it stopped, I set a box in the opening so the doors couldn’t shut with my stuff still inside. I grabbed a couple of boxes and made my way to where my car was parked. Hastily, I glanced around and saw no one. The trunk opened with the press of a button. I eased the boxes into the recesses of the trunk. I left it open as I returned to the elevator for another load.

  Footsteps sounded on the pavement, making my heart pound. When I peered around, I saw Bridgette walking to the pink Beetle. I dropped my stuff and headed in her direction. My fists clenched with the desire to smack her.

  “Bridgette,” I called out.

  She stopped and plastered a smile on her face. “Willa, how are you feeling?”

  “Better now that all of this is over.”

  Her eyes widened in question.

  “Yeah, I remember everything,” I answered her unspoken question.

  Fear made her step back. I forced my fingers to unfurl.

  “I called off the wedding. No way could I marry a man who had no more regard for me and my heart than Cade did. And believe it or not, you deserve better than him too. You should care more about yourself than to use your body to get ahead. And you shouldn’t be a bitch to a woman who’s done nothing to you. You were well aware Cade was engaged before you pursued him. My photo is in his office at the studio. Everyone there was planning to attend our wedding. You had sex in the apartment I was going to share with him. You are a disgusting human being. And you’d have been heartbroken in my shoes.” I stared at her for another minute and then decided I’d said my peace.

  As I was walking back to load the last of my stuff, Bridgette yelled, “Hey, Willa?”

  I turned around.

  She shuffled her feet nervously. “I’m sorry for everything.”

  I nodded and effectively turned the page on that part of my life.



  ♪ Nobody but You by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani

  After everything we’d been through, Willa and I decided to get out of town. We’d loaded up her car first thing this morning, and now, we were heading north toward I-87. I reached over and linked my fingers with hers, resting our joined hands on her thigh.

  “You going to tell me where we’re going?” she asked as we crossed the Hudson.

  “I guess I can fill you in. My uncle owns a cabin in the Catskills. Mom and Dani are there for a little vacation. I thought we’d join them.” I smiled at her hopefully.

  She tensed beneath my touch. I probably should’ve talked to her about meeting my family before I planned the trip.

  “You’re taking me to meet your mom?” she whispered. “I didn’t pack mom-meeting clothes.”

  “What did you pack?” I asked, frowning.

  Her skin flushed pink. “Not much actually. But what I did pack is all sexy except maybe one pair of jeans.”

  My cock thickened at her admission. “You packed sexy outfits for me, princess?” I growled.

  “Yes.” She swatted my shoulder with her free hand. “We’re going to need to shop.”

  “My mom won’t care,” I assured her. “She’ll just be thrilled to finally meet you.”

  “I care. And wait, you told your mom about me?”

  I stroked my thumb along the satin of her hand in soothing manner. “Of course, I did. She’s anxious to meet the girl I write love songs about. Speaking of, you want to hear the first official copies of our singles?” I asked to change the subject.

  “You have them?” she asked with a squeal.

  “Yeah, we finished up last night. I asked Mack for a copy so you could hear them.” And hopefully understand how much I love you from the lyrics.

  “What are you waiting for?” She bounced in her seat.

  ♪ Write it on my Heart by Gabby Barrett

  Nervously, I handed her my phone so she could sync it up with her car’s radio. The first song was the one she’d heard on the radio, what felt like a lifetime ago on her wedding day. The ballad I’d written the night I met her. It was about finding love when I least expected it. In a place meant to foster hookups, not forevers.

  The studio version was a little more upbeat than the acoustic version she’d heard before.

  Her fingers tapped the window ledge with the beat. She swayed in her seat, letting the music overtake her. The last lines were a confession, an admission.

  When silence filled the car, I took my eyes off the empty highway for just a second to speak. “That night a few short weeks ago, the last thing I wanted to do was go perform at Mind Meld. I was exhausted and just wanted to relax at home. Thank God, fate had other plans. The powers that be knew that night was destined to change my life, change my heart. A princess with a broken heart sat next to me on a stool. And then she danced with me. Later, when she kissed me, I knew deep in my soul she was the one. You were the one, Willa. I know it defies logic, and people will say we’re crazy … but I love you. And I’ve loved you from the very beginning.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek. “You shouldn’t say things like that while you’re driving,” she hiccupped.

  “Why not?” I asked anxiously.

  “Because I love you too. And for the sake of safety, I can’t kiss you like I want to. Like I need to.” She sniffled.

  “You’ll just have to hold that thought,” I said with a laugh. I lifted our joined hands to my lips and pressed a kiss to the back of hers.

  “I will,” she vowed. The smile on her face was inspiring new lyrics. “Now let’s hear the second song.” She started the other song in the folder.

  It was “Willa Love”.

  The tears started over again as she paid attention to the words my heart had written for hers.

  When the song ended, she said, “I love them. And I love you.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say those three words. Which is so odd for a man, who before you, didn’t even have love on his radar. I love you so much, princess.” I had to stop because I was starting to get choked up.

  Sensing I needed a minute, Willa fiddled with the radio and found us a classic rock station. For a while we just enjoyed the ride and sang along with the radio.

  “So, how were things at the record label this week?” she finally asked.

  “A little somber. I think some people are still in shock. And they’re investigating to see if anyone helped Cade cover up his theft. But Mack’s doing great at managing everything, I think.”

  Once the board had decided to remove Cade, Mack offered us our contract again. The guys and I happily signed on. We couldn’t wait to become part of the new Matthews’ Melodies family.

  “I can’t imagine what his parents must be going through,” Willa mused.

  “His dad was in the office one day while I was there, bringing Mack up to speed I think,” I offered.

  “I don’t think his parents were very involved for the past couple of years anyway. They’d been biding their time for Cade to be able to fully take the helm.”

  “Well, they still maintain majority ownership of the label as far as I understand. They just aren’t going to be involved in running the business. But I think Mack’s a good fit. Some say Cade’s sister was the original person groomed for the role, but I guess she left some time ago.” I turned left to continue the way we needed to go.

  “Yeah. I’ve met Lila
a couple of times, but I don’t know her well. Anyway, I’m glad you guys were able to still get your record deal,” she said, squeezing my fingers.

  “How did the interviews go yesterday?” I asked her. Syd and Willa were looking to hire a couple salespeople to help with the unexpected influx of customers. Even though this was their first official season, Willa was already looking into the possibility of opening a second store in Manhattan.

  “There were a few promising prospects. Syd’s going to give a couple of them a trial run next week.”

  The road began to curve upward. “Before we get there, I need to explain something just so you aren’t alarmed. My little sister, Dani, she’s … well, she’s sick. And has been for years. She’s got leukemia. In the next couple of weeks, she’s starting a new treatment program and will have to be in isolation for a while. Mom thought it would be good to get away and just relax before that. I didn’t want you to be concerned that she’s tiny for her age and she gets tired easily.”

  “I’m so sorry your family has had to deal with that.” The look she gave me was filled with sympathy.

  “Her doctors are really hopeful the new treatment plan will do the trick and she won’t have to go through this anymore,” I explained as I made the turn off the road and onto the path that wound up to our family’s place. “I also need to warn you that Dani is … quite exuberant about me finally having a girlfriend.”

  “Oh, am I your girlfriend?” She quirked her brow at me.

  “I hope you are,” I said as we slowed for the sharp turn.

  “If you’re asking, then I’m saying yes.” She beamed at me.

  I parked the car and leaned over, giving her a sweet kiss. “I’m asking,” I murmured against her lips.

  Before I could get lost in the kiss, the slap of the cabin’s door shutting had me pausing. “We’ve got an audience,” I whispered.

  Willa blushed and glanced out the windshield to find my mom and Dani spying on us.

  “We’d better get out before they come over here,” I said with a laugh. I shifted back and opened the door. Mom and Dani waved like maniacs from the porch. I threw my hand up as I walked around to the passenger door to open it for Willa.

  “Ready?” I asked as she climbed out.

  She gave me a confident nod. I laced our fingers together and led her through the soft grass to the front porch, our hands swinging between us the whole way.

  “Son,” Mom said and drew me into a big hug.

  “Hi, Mom.” I squeezed her tightly as Willa stood back, not intruding on our little reunion.

  Small arms wound around my waist from the side.

  “Squirt, did you grow since I saw you last?” I rubbed my hand across Dani’s hair. It would probably fall out once treatments started. But it would grow back, as we’d seen a couple of times already.

  “You’re the squirt. And Mom says I’m hitting a growth spurt.” Dani let go of me so she could stare up at me. “I told you when your band started getting heard, you’d finally find a girlfriend,” she whispered loudly, causing Willa to giggle behind me.

  “Yes, you did.” I tweaked her nose, then stepped back and urged Willa up by my side. I wound my arm around her waist. “Mom, Dani, this is Willa. My girlfriend.”

  Mom pulled Willa away from me and into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you, Willa.”

  Dani was next, wrapping Willa up in an embrace as well. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she told Willa.

  “Me too,” Willa responded.

  “Let’s go inside,” Mom said, tugging the door open.

  Dani skipped around to the living room. It was good to see her with so much energy. I sat on the couch and urged Willa down beside me. Dani perched on the cushion next to Willa.

  “Your hair is so pretty,” Dani said and ran her palm over Willa’s long locks.

  “Yours is too,” Willa said. “Short pixie cuts are all the rage this year.”

  “Really?” Dani asked.

  “Absolutely.” Willa tucked Dani’s short hair behind her ear. “And your earrings are adorable. My friend, Syd, has just designed a shirt in this very color.”

  “Fuchsia is my favorite color,” Dani said with a bright smile.

  Mom mouthed at me, “I really like her.”

  I knew my mom and Dani would love Willa, but it was such a relief to have her confirm it.

  Mom leaned forward to get Willa’s attention. “I can’t believe Trystan finally brought a girl home. I thought I’d never see the day. Tell me, how did you two meet?”

  I rolled my eyes. “At a bar, Mom.”

  “Don’t underplay how serendipitous our meeting was,” Willa scolded. She kissed my fingertips. “I was engaged to be married. But then I got some bad news that broke my heart.”

  “You found out the guy was a jerk, huh?” Dani chimed in.

  “Dani,” Mom scolded.

  “No, she’s right. He was a jerk. Anyway, my friend, Sydney invited me out to cheer me up. Your brother was there. And he was so sweet and kind. Made me realize all men weren’t … jerks. We danced and laughed, and then he sang for me. It was so romantic.”

  “And then you kissed and lived happily ever after?” Dani asked.

  “Well, it wasn’t quite that simple. But we’re getting our happily ever after now,” Willa explained.

  “I’m glad,” Dani said.

  “Me too, Dani-girl. Now, I’m going to go get our stuff out of the car,” I said and got to my feet.

  “I put clean sheets on the bed in the master bedroom for you two,” Mom said.

  “I thought Willa could stay in my room with me,” Dani piped up.

  “Wh-what?” I stammered, alarm on my face.

  Dani looked up at me all sweet and innocent with an expression I was rarely able to resist. Then she burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding, big brother. I know you can’t have S-E-X with your girlfriend if she’s sleeping in my room.”

  Willa’s face turned beet red. My jaw dropped open, and Mom sputtered, “Daniella Alice Davis.”

  “You guys, I’m not a baby. I’m almost a teenager. Go get your bags.” Dani waved me away. “Willa, you want to come to my room and watch The Little Mermaid with me?” Dani stood and grabbed both of Willa’s hands.

  “I’d love to. It’s my favorite movie.”

  My heart was full as I went to the car to get our bags. Being here together as a family was just what we needed.



  Any nerves I had over meeting Margie and Dani were erased after only a few minutes with them. Dani and I lounged in her room, watching The Little Mermaid, while Trystan helped Margie fix dinner.

  Dani sat behind me so she could weave my long hair into intricate braids she hoped to do on her own hair one day when it was finally long enough.

  “How old were you when you got your first boyfriend?” Dani asked after a while.

  “Hmm. About your age, I think. His name was Nicholas,” I said, thinking back to that note he stuck in my seventh-grade math book. Do you like me? Check yes or no. Will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no.

  “Did you hold hands with him?” Dani asked.

  “Yeah. It was weird at first and made my stomach feel funny. But I liked it when he held my hand on the playground,” I confessed.

  “How about kissing? Did you kiss him?” Dani whispered excitedly.

  “I did. But only twice. They were just pecks. Neither of us knew what we were doing,” I said with a chuckle. Then I looked over my shoulder at her. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Her little face turned bright red. “Kinda,” she mumbled.

  I turned around and sat cross-legged in front of her. “What’s his name? And where did you meet him?”

  “His name is Thomas, and I met him at the hospital. His little brother is a patient,” Dani confessed.

  “Is he cute?” I asked, remembering what it was like to be a twelve-year-old girl with a crush.

  Her eyelashes fluttered. “He�
��s dreamy. He has blond hair that kinda flops over one eye. And when he smiles at me, he gets a dimple in his left cheek. He held my hand while we watched TV in the media center. It felt like my tummy was floating,” she said with a giggle.

  “That’s totally normal,” I assured her.

  “He hasn’t tried to kiss me yet … but I want him to,” she said in softest, sweetest voice.

  “You know, when you stop anticipating it, it’ll happen. And it’ll be wonderful. You’ll always remember your first kiss. When will you see him again?” I asked her.

  “He should be there when my treatments start up again. His little brother is also in the trial program with me.”

  “What are you going to wear that first day?” I asked.

  “I have no idea. I want him to notice me. But I don’t really have anything that fits me and is super cute,” Dani said, her mouth turning down sadly.

  “I might be able to help with that. What size do you wear now?” I pulled out my phone and started tapping out a message to Syd with Dani’s details.

  “Umm … I think an eight or ten.”

  I added the size info and hit send.

  Moments later, Syd responded she had the perfect thing. When the image came through, I showed it to Dani. “How would you like to be the first person to wear this from the collection my friend is creating?”

  Dani threw her arms around me, nearly knocking me flat with the force of her hug.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she shouted.

  “What’s going on in here?” Trystan said from the doorway.

  “Willa’s getting me a new outfit, and I’m going to be the first person to wear the design. Isn’t that awesome? I have to go tell Mom.” She jumped up and dashed from the room.

  Trystan sauntered over to the bed and gripped my hands to tug me to my feet. “Thank you for that. You’ve made her whole year.” He squeezed me tightly.


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