Daddy's Little Secret

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Daddy's Little Secret Page 5

by Rose Marie

  “I understand. This company is on top and on the rise. With so many systems being compromised, I don’t blame him for wanting to keep things on the up and up. That said, I've gotten everything that I need. I wasn’t able to get my badge until I officially sign my offer letter, but they gave me a temporary one for now. Ms. Janet told me as soon you send the document down, I’ll be able to access the system and get my badge. She stated that until then, I won’t be able to have access outside of the building, and I can’t take my equipment from the building either. She told me to tell you, and I quote, ‘Hurry the heck up, so she can do her job.’” At that, we both burst out laughing. Janet could definitely be considered one of my favorite people in this building. Second favorite now.

  “Yes, well we don’t want to keep dear Janet waiting. I've got everything together and was waiting for you.” I tell her, grabbing a chair and pulling it next her instead of going back around to my chair. I’d opened my schedule entirely for her, so I knew we’d have no interruptions. She opened the MacBook, typing out her temporary password, then turned to me expectantly. Reaching across my desk, I grab her documents eagerly. “Well first, I want to discuss your salary. On average, and I'm sure you are aware, that the typical rate for a Personal Assistant is around sixty thousand a year, but due to your expertise and your added duties, I made some adjustments.” I pull out the offer letter and set it in front of her. When I see her eyes go wide, I do everything I can to keep myself from smiling in satisfaction. “Due to there being some times you'll have to travel with me throughout the year, my status and the fact that’s a 24/7 job, I made sure to account for that as well. After everything has been taken into consideration, I believe this amount just about covers everything, wouldn’t you agree Ms. Williams? This does include holiday pay but not bonuses.”

  “I… what? How?” She asks still staring at the number. “I know my job is going to be on a whole different skill, but on this level? Does this..?”

  “To be honest, I like to keep my life private. I’m not only a CEO to this company, but I have my hands in a lot of things that I'll need you to be there for and take an active leadership role when I need you to. I don't want you to confuse this job with your average secretary position, Layla. You will need to be available to me whenever I say so. Pretty much apart from your paid time off, vacation, and sick days, I won’t bother you, but I can’t even promise you those days you won’t receive a call of two from me. This job doesn't have a clock in or out, it’s constant. You’ll be my everything, and your job will never be done.” She looks a bit stricken, and I try to ease up a little.

  “I'm not trying to scare you. You can always decline though, if I'm honest, I don’t want you to. I know it sounds like a lot, but you will be fairly compensated for any time outside of the office that I need you, and that should be few and far between. But it could definitely happen. That's why the offer is so high. If you choose to accept this offer, your healthcare is paid for through the company and starts immediately. You will also start off with four weeks paid vacation, two and a half weeks of sick time and two weeks of family time. I don't know how much research you've done in the company, but we pride ourselves on the retention of our employees. Here we are a family and I want someone who will be here ten years from now. This is not a summer job, this is a career. If you accept, I want you to know things might get tough because of the nature of your job, but you will always be taken care of as my employee.” She sits there, her mind seemingly going over everything I’d just said. “What do you say, Ms. Williams?” I asked, pushing the offer letter her way with a pen resting on it. To my surprise, she sits forward without hesitation and signs looking at me eyes set in determination.

  “I told you, this is what I worked hard for, so bring it on.” She raised a brow in challenge, and I could feel something stir inside of my chest and in my pants. Shit, what have I done?

  “I'm glad to have you on my team, Ms. Williams! Now, let's get down to business.”

  Flashback Two

  This weather is ridiculous. It was raining was raining so hard, it made it damn near impossible for me to see while driving. Even having my windshield wipers on full speed did nothing. Fuck, I think I’m lost. I pull over to check my GPS, only to groan when I see It’s lost service. I pick up my phone to call Aaron and tell him I’m not going to make it, but stop when I looked over to the uncovered bus stop and see a lone figure standing in the in the rain. They had nothing but a yellow cloth sweater over their head trying unsuccessfully to shield themselves from the downpour.

  Squinting I try to see who was holding the sweater, but the rain made it impossible. I could only see it was a woman because they had on a skirt and low heels. Oh God is that a hooker? They work in this type of weather? I need to get out of this part of town. After I text Aaron that I’m unable to make it, I back out of the parking space and drive off ready to get home only to feel guilt consume me from leaving that woman standing there. What if she wasn’t a hooker and just waiting on the bus? Tsk, but what if she is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a mass murderer? I stop at the red light, thinking about what my dad would tell me to do. I roll my eyes already hearing his voice and bang my head against the steering wheel.

  Without much thought, I make a u-turn back to where the lady was, only to frown when I see she isn’t there. I don’t recall a bus coming. I check the temperature grimacing. It’s about thirty-seven degrees so I know they were cold, but hopefully someone gave them a ride to where they needed to be. When I drive off this time, it’s in the opposite direction in which I came. I'm surprised to see the yellow sweater girl running up the street. Speeding up a bit, I pulled up to the figure, but they start running faster. Am I scaring them? Duh! It’s pitch black outside raining cats and dogs in October. Of fucking course she’s probably scared.

  Shit! I speed up on side of her and roll my window down. I grimace when my car and I are immediately pelted with rain so I raised it back up.

  “Fuck. Is this even worth it? Fuck a good deed this is just troublesome.” I mutter as I wipe my eye dry of rain and see the yellow sweater break into a fast run from my car. I almost decide not to follow them but the thought of something happening to them and I could have prevented it stopped those selfish thoughts right away. I let out a deep sigh trying to figure out what to do when I see then run under covered carport visibly shivering. I decided to give it one last shot and pull up under the carport a bit away hoping it’s far enough not to be considered a threat. I grab my varsity leather jacket that’s lying in the passenger seat and climb form the car. With the jacket held out I walk up to the girl whose head is bent and was looking away from me scared.

  “Hey miss.” I call out slowly stepping forward. “I'm not trying to hurt you. I only want to make sure you are okay. I could let you call someone to come pick you up or give you a ride somewhere if you are comfortable with that. If not, you can just take my jacket and umbrella and-.” I don’t get to finish because the shivering girl raised her head and her wide hazel eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.

  “J-J-J-Josh?” She stammered out making me look at her in complete and utter shock.

  “Layla? Oh my God!” I run up to her shivering form touching her ice-cold body. “Damnit, you're freezing!” Quickly I snatch the yellow sweater she had wrapped around her and drag her to the car. Once there I act on impulse with my heart hammering in my chest and peel the shirt and holy moly she has no bra on . I swallow back the drool that almost escaped, and I averted my eyes as she started to protest and fight me. Throwing my jacket over her shoulders, I pull her into a hug, trying to calm her down while thanking God this area was secluded. “Stop it Princess. I’m not going to do anything to hurt you, I promise. Let me help you,” I tell her, rubbing her back.

  When she droops in my arms and her shivering dies down, I pull away and take off my button-down shirt, grateful that I had on an undershirt. Handing it to her, she reluctantly takes it and I turn around, allowing her privacy to put it
on. After a few minutes, I turn to see her wrapped up in my shirt and my jacket and my heart squeezes. Behind her, I opened the passenger door and reach inside, turning the heat up and popping the trunk. She only stands there looking highly uncomfortable. I go around to my trunk and ruffle through my gym bag. When I see a pair of clean grey sweat pants, a pair boxers, and thick socks, I send a silent prayer up to my mom in thanks for cleaning out and changing my bag.

  I go back around to the passenger side where she stood hugging my jacket to her and hand her the clothes. “Here, I know you have to be uncomfortable in those bottoms. Change into these, Princess. I'll keep watch.” She looked at me with a strange expression on her face and I thought she wasn’t going to do as I said but to my pleasure she nods and unzip the jacket so I can hold it out while she changes her jeans. Holding it out to cover her I do my best to avert my eyes but there was only so much ass a boy wouldn’t be able to see. Craning my neck away, so as not to appear to be a creep, I do my best to not think about her rock hard nipples glistening in water and her well-endowed bottom that stood out plump and full.

  “Oh fuck! Stop!” I mutter she pauses looking up at me confused.


  “Oh sorry I… I wasn’t talking to you,” I tell her turning her way and seeing she’s done changing. I shouldn’t be thinking like that. She’s a friend and she needs my help. But on another note, I was only trying to help, I didn't know she wouldn’t have on a bra. I didn't know I would see her beautiful full breast with the darkest of nipples that were hard like pebbles and poking out. Fuck! It’s to cold and rainy outside for this. “Uhmm, let’s get you out of this weather. You look better, but I can see you’re still shivering.”

  “Th-th-thank you.” She whispered and I for the first time in my life felt that ‘awww’ moment while looking at something cute and utterly adorable. Not wanting to take away from her thanks I nod, playing it off like I wasn’t just going between eye fucking her because how hot she looked in my clothes and thinking she’s the most adorable human being known to man. With my conflicting emotions, I let out a sigh and make her have a seat in the car. I needed to focus and take my mind off her boobies, so I take the socks she’d yet to put on and pick up her foot.

  “Take the towel I have on the seat and dry your hair, the water is running down your neck. You’ll get wet again. While you do that, I'll help you with your shoes.” I told her about to pull off the muddy sneaker.

  “N-no that's ok I'm fine. You’ve done enough.”

  “No, you aren't. They freaking squelched when you walked. Besides you’ll never warm up with these shoes on you and you raise the risk of getting sick. Right now, you’re the Princess and I’m the Knight in a shiny white Benz.” I wink, making her laugh but I can only gag at how corny I’m being right now? Shiny white Benz? Who the fuck says that?

  For a moment she does nothing but watch me as if trying to figure me out. I in turn, not wanting to back down from this, stare right back in those eerie looking eyes of hers. When she sees that I’m dead serious about the shoes, she nods while biting her lip. I waste no time untying her shoes, pulling them off. Right away I see why she was so hesitant, but I don’t allow the holes in her socks so stop me or affect my judgement. Once I take them off, I rolled them up and stuff them into her shoes. I pull my socks from the floor of the car where I’d place them to get some of the heat from the car. I was about to unroll them, but I feel how cold her feet are so I put them back and wrapped my hands around them, trying to massage some warmth into them. Slowly, I knead her feet to get the stiffness out of them not really paying attention to her… that is until I her let out a soft moan. I look back up to her and laid back with a dare I say it… fucked out expression on her face.

  “W-what are you doing?” Damn she looks good.

  “What does it look like Princess? Your feet are cold so I'm warming them up.”

  “But I…”

  “But you nothing. Hush and let me work.” For another minute or two, I keep at it then grab the socks and slide them onto her feet. “There, that's better right?” She smiled down at me wiggling her toes. And I do something completely unexpected even to me. I grab each foot and kiss them. She goes stiff and I can feel my face burn with heat. Embarrassed beyond belief I stand and place her legs in the car before I shut the passenger door. When I get in on the driver’s side I hold out her clothes that I’d wrung out. “What would you like to do with your wet clothes?”

  “Do you have a plastic bag I can put them into?” I shook my head no but step back out of the car and go to my trunk. I pour everything from my gym bag and place her things inside. I’ll just buy another one . After that I grabbed my body wash and used the rain to wash my hands. When I get in, I hand her the bag with her clothes and shoes, but she looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “What?” Her eyes go wide, staring at me then she looks at the designer things I’d just handed her. She shakes her head frowning then sits back.

  “Nothing, just thank you. You didn't have to do all of this. My own dad wouldn't even come out in this weather to pick me up, yet you turned around and tried to help a person you didn’t even know. You truly are a nice person.” She looked down and started playing with her fingers. I reach over and squeeze them wanting to comfort her.

  “You called him and he said no? What about your mom?” She let out a deep sigh then turned to look at me, rolling her eyes.

  “Yeah, I called him but since my mom left him, he hasn’t done anything for me. He’s selfish and a child molester but I was scared and had no one else to call.”

  “But your mom…”

  “Thing about my mom is I know I can fight off my dad if he tried something, but my mom? If I’d told her that I was out this time of night when she’d already told me the weather was going to be bad and while she’s at work busting her ass to feed us…” she shook her head as if I were supposed to understand where she was coming from. I didn’t but still try to piece one and two together.

  “Okay, so your mom told you not to come out. So why did you?” Layla turned away from me and just stared at the windshield, not saying a word. Ooookay I guess that’s my cue to stop asking questions. I watch her with a tad bit of pity that I’m sure she would be able to see if she faced my way, so I schooled my features and faced the steering wheel.

  Why was I making a fuss like I couldn’t relate at least a little? My dad and I were close, even if he is a cheater. He loved me and was always there for me. My mom and I not so much, but she never made me feel- wait .

  “Are you afraid of disappointing your mom?” She doesn’t even look at me, but her nod was clear as day.

  “She works hard and is one of the best mom’s a girl could ask for. There’s no way I could tell her that the daughter she’s protected with her everything went out to pimp herself out. Talk about disappointment on a grand scale.” Whoa…

  “I-It's ok Princess… Daddy’s got you.” I tried joking to break the tension like when first met, but it ended up sounded more sexual than funny. It was hella awkward, but to my surprise that got her attention and made her smirk.

  “Oh really? So you my Daddy now?” Her voice went down an octave and I could swear I felt it reverberate through me. I swallow back the groan that wanted to escape and try to play it cool, like she wasn’t already rocking my fucking world just sitting next to me.

  “Yes, really. I’ll be your Daddy of you want me to be.” WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY? I sound like some old pervert trying to be some little girls sugar daddy. Ugh, disgusted with myself I switch gears, and back out from under the carport. Still feeling gross from what I’d just said, I try to change the subject. “Are you hungry Princess?” My heart is pounding and I’m expecting her to call me a creep, but she bites her lip and place her hand on top of mine.

  “Yes, Daddy.” I could feel my ears grow hot and my body flush with heat. Wow! That was hot. How come it doesn’t sound creepy and wrong when she says it?

  “O-okay, uhm, w-wh
at are you in the mood for?” She yawned, snuggling into the heated seat.

  “It doesn't matter Daddy, anything is fine.” She said as she settled back and closed her eyes. On the empty road I pull over and reach under the seat, letting it back so she could be more comfortable. When I hear soft breathing, I chuckle at her lack of self-preservation. How can she trust me like that? Though the amount of control she’s handing me gave me a sense of superiority that I’ve never felt before. Her trust and allowing me to take control had my heart rate escalating. I lean over and kiss her cheek, scared to go closer to her lips, before buckling her in since she hadn’t done it herself.

  When I see the light turn green, I slide back over to my side and drive off. I look around for anything that’s open, groaning when most everything is closed. When I see a diner also about to close, I get depressed at the thought of having to tell my Princess that I couldn’t get her anything to eat. I perk up when I see a small diner with a flashing red open sign in the window. I pull into the driveway and I notice that the rain is lighter. Weird.

  I sit there trying to debate if I want to go in or find a drive-thru. When I see a cute black girl about our age there carrying a chocolate cake, I give into temptation and get out while leaving the car on. This is a rare opportunity! Mom hated chocolate cake, but my dad and I loved it. I run in, scaring the girl and almost making her drop the Godly creation.

  “Oh! I didn’t think anyone would come out in this weather. Welcome to D’s Dinner. My name Carman, what can I get for you?”

  “Hey Carman can I get a two slices of that chocolate cake and-“ a older white woman came out holding a bag.

  “We’re about to close boy. Take this and go home; the storm is about to get worse. Carman, give the boy and his girlfriend their cake and this here food so they can go.”

  “Yes ma’am.” She does as the older white lady tells her and hands me the food and the cake. “Thank you for coming. Get home safe.” Confused, the older white lady shoos me out and the cute black girl follows me out, locking the door behind us. She waves, turning off the open sign. Not wanting the food to get wet I run to the car, glad Layla is still sleeping peacefully. Pulling out the food my mouth waters at the burgers made to perfection. The fries were golden brown and crisp and the cake... my God the cake looked as if it’ll melt in your mouth. Wow she even put in a Sprite and Coke. I need to bring Layla back here one day.


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