Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance

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Intimate Negotiations--A workplace surprise pregnancy romance Page 1

by Nicki Night

  Zoe had just kissed her boss—again!

  She should have felt worse about it, but didn’t. She had fantasized about that kiss. Her mind told her not to do it, but she couldn’t resist.

  Now she knew what it felt like and wanted more. Much more.

  Longing blazed a hot trail from her center up to her chest. Ethan pulled back and stared into her eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His breathless voice came as a whisper. “Tell me to stop.” He kissed her more. She moaned. “I will if you want me to.” Kisses. Ethan moaned into her mouth. Zoe felt the rumble in her belly. She moaned. “Tell me what you want,” he groaned.

  “You. I want you, Ethan. If you’ll have me.”

  * * *

  Intimate Negotiations by Nicki Night is part of

  the Blackwells of New York series.

  Dear Reader,

  Hey there! I hope you enjoy getting to know Zoe Baldwin and Ethan Blackwell. Have fun seeing the Big Apple through Zoe’s and Ethan’s eyes as their forbidden affair unfolds.

  Zoe wants to take her career to a new level. She didn’t let her last boss stand in the way of her advancement and she surely isn’t going to allow her gorgeous new boss, Ethan, to stop her. However, they didn’t plan on falling for each other.

  Ethan likes Zoe’s strong work ethic and innovative ideas. Zoe is an asset to his company. She’s also completely irresistible. Zoe is smitten by Ethan’s savvy, charm and good looks, making their work stimulating in more ways than one. Their desire for one another becomes too intense to deny until Zoe finds herself in a precarious situation that could put their relationship, reputations and careers in jeopardy. Find out how Zoe and Ethan navigate these Intimate Negotiations. Enjoy the journey!


  Nicki Night

  Nicki Night

  Intimate Negotiations

  This book is dedicated to my husband and best friend, Les, for showing me what love feels like every single day.

  A born-and-bred New Yorker, Nicki Night delights in creating hometown heroes and heroines with an edge. As an avid reader and champion of love, Nicki chose to pen romance novels because she believes that love should be highlighted in this world, and she delights in writing contemporary romances with unforgettable characters and just enough drama to make readers clutch a pearl here and there. Nicki has a penchant for adventure and is currently working on penning her next romantic escapade.

  Books by Nicki Night

  Harlequin Desire

  Blackwells of New York

  Intimate Negotiations

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  Her Chance at Love

  His Love Lesson

  Riding into Love

  Visit her Author Profile page at, or, for more titles.

  You can also find Nicki Night on Facebook, along with other Harlequin Desire authors, at

  Lord! Thank You for bringing me through this one more time. Let the glory be all Yours! I love writing and I’m so blessed to be able to indulge this joy. I want to thank everyone who inspires me just for being who they are. Thank you to Glenda Howard, Stacy Boyd and the entire Harlequin Desire team. Thank you to my fellow writing cronies who keep me inspired, Zuri Day, Lutishia Lovely, Tiffany L. Warren, Victoria Christopher Murray, ReShonda Tate Billingsley, Leslie Elle Wright, Sheryl Lister, Brenda Jackson, Beverly Jenkins, Donna Hill and so many more. To my heartbeats, Big Les, Little Les, Milan and Laila, you are my life. To my siblings, cousins, besties, readers, maniacs and book club buddies nationwide, thank you for being on this journey with me! Where would I be without your support? Like I said before, I dunno! You all rock!


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Excerpt from No Holding Back by Lori Foster

  Excerpt from The Rancher’s Wager by Maisey Yates


  “Well...better luck next time.” Seth Sanders’s tone was cool, almost frigid, and devoid of any concern.

  Zoe Baldwin saw Seth’s lips form into a smirk. He was gloating. She held her expression, hoping her true feelings didn’t best her and spread across her entire face. “Yep.” She offered a tight smile. “Next time,” she said and then turned her attention to her computer. Chest up, back erect and eyes straight forward, she dismissed him.

  She was done talking, even though she really wanted to lash out with stronger words. But she didn’t want to come across as the bitter employee who didn’t get the promotion. Yet, she was bitter. This was the second time she’d been overlooked, the second time an employee she trained was now getting the title she deserved, and Seth was instrumental in both incidences. Zoe couldn’t prove it, but deep inside, she knew it.

  Seth lingered for a moment before walking away. At his exit, Zoe felt the threat of tears sting her eyes. She grabbed her cell phone and headed to the ladies’ room. Going into the farthest stall, she bowed her head and let the tears fall. She hated that anger caused her to cry. Crying made her feel weak.

  Zoe took a few deep breaths and then stood straight. She swallowed hard, pushing down other rising emotions. She closed her eyes, inhaled slowly and exhaled as much frustration as she could.

  Seth’s actions were nothing short of retaliation. She’d been one of the few women at Bowman Advisors who’d rejected his advances. She didn’t care if he was the son of a board member. Seth was slick. He never made another pass at her but tried every single day to be just annoying enough to make her miserable at work. Most times she successfully ignored his childish behavior. But now he was standing in the way of her moving up the ladder. She didn’t have enough evidence to actually prove it—yet.

  Zoe took another deep breath and released it with conviction. Either Seth had to go, or she would. Her mentor had once told her that sometimes bosses fired employees but other times, employees fired their bosses. It was time to fire Seth.

  She exited the stall, tucked her cell phone under her arm and washed her hands. She grabbed tissues from the box on the sink and dabbed her eyes. Studying her image in the mirror, she stared directly into her own doe-like eyes that matched her mother’s, drawing strength from inside.

  Zoe put a smile on her face. If she could handle the challenges of the life she lived, she could certainly handle the Seths of the world. With new conviction, she left the bathroom and dialed Willena Williams. Tough, brilliant and well respected, Willena was an icon in the finance industry. She was also one of Zoe’s professors from grad school and had become her most trusted mentor.

  “Good morning, Zoe.” Willena’s singsong voice was full and strong. It was one quality tha
t allowed her to move a room full of people to silence or action. Zoe pictured her at her desk, the large office, the wall of windows behind her. She could see Willena in one of her tailored suits and her salt-and-pepper tresses cut low in the back and swinging over her left eye in the front. “Have a good weekend, my dear?”

  “I did, but today...not so good. Can you do lunch?”

  “Oh...lunch won’t work but I can meet you for dinner. I haven’t been to Smith’s in a while. I could use a good steak.”

  “That would be perfect, Willena. Six o’clock?”

  “Let’s do five thirty.”

  “Great. See you then.”

  “Ta-ta for now” was Willena’s signature sign-off. She even closed text messages with it, using TTFN.

  Zoe headed back into the office feeling a tad better. She watched Seth eyeing her in his normal squinted fashion as she made her way to her cubicle. Zoe hoped the day went by quickly so she could get to her dinner with Willena.

  Despite Seth’s nagging presence, it did. The second the clock on her computer struck five, she shut it down, grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Again, Seth eyed her entire departure.

  Maneuvering through the throngs of New York City’s after-work crowd, Zoe walked at a brisk pace, the pace and rhythm that matched the soul of the city. It came automatically when she hit those streets. After a quick subway ride, she reached the restaurant with minutes to spare. Willena walked up seconds after her and in no time, they were being seated.

  “Blue. Neat please, my dear?” Willena said to the waiter, asking for her usual Johnnie Walker Blue straight with no ice even before the server had a chance to place the menus in front of them. “And she’ll have...” She paused for Zoe.

  “I’ll have Riesling, please,” Zoe added.

  “Uh!” Willena held up a finger just as the waiter was about to turn away. “Your best Riesling, thank you.”

  One day, Zoe would drink scotch like Willena, no ice, no chaser. Willena’s drink choice was an indicator of the type of woman she was: aged, refined, hard and smooth at the same time, and of course no-nonsense. For now, Zoe was a white wine kind of woman.

  “How’s it all going, my dear?” Willena buttered a warm piece of bread from the basket on the table and took a bite.

  “Okay.” Zoe toyed with her bread, turning it over in her hand.

  “Just okay? How’s the family?”

  “All are well. Stable. And yours?”

  Willena had no husband or children to speak of. She’d been married to her work for more than twenty-five years, managing to maintain a few boyfriends along the way. She’d turned down her share of proposals. Instead, she was the proud, wealthy aunt who spoiled her tribe of nieces and nephews. “My nephew chose Harvard. Following in his auntie’s footsteps. I’m so proud.”

  “That’s great news! I know that makes you super happy.”

  “It certainly does.”

  Willena leaned aside for the waiter to place their beverages on the table. They took a moment to order appetizers and entrées.

  “Now,” Willena said, bringing the focus back to their reason for meeting once the waiter left with their selections. “What’s going on at work?”

  “I was passed over for a promotion—again.”


  “This time stung worse than the last. I mean, at least the last time, I chucked it up to fair game. But this time, it feels...personal. Like sabotage. It’s like they don’t want me to move up in this company.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Willena nodded. Her lack of dialogue always propelled Zoe to talk more.

  “Seth seemed happy that I didn’t get the promotion.” Zoe told her about their exchange this morning. “He’s so inappropriate at times. I’m going to file a complaint, but I want to make sure the timing is right. I don’t want to look like a sore loser.” She took a deep breath, feeling the need to calm herself. “He takes joy in bugging me. I’m qualified. I deserve this.”

  Willena chimed in with a hummed response here and a nod there as Zoe continued to vent until their food arrived.

  “You know that company is home base for the ‘old boys’ club,’” Willena said at last. “I think it’s noble that you figured all you had to do was work hard and then you’d be rewarded.” She shook her head. “Not there. If you don’t have an in with the right executive or you’re not family to one of the board, your chances of making it up the ladder are slim. But you knew that.” She huffed. “You got what you needed from them. When other companies see them on your résumé, they’ll take notice. It’s time.”

  Willena bowed her head silently over her meal for a quick grace. Her gesture reminded Zoe that she should do the same. Her mother would have reprimanded her had she picked up a fork without giving thanks first.

  “You need to move on,” Willena said when she looked up. “What’s your plan?”

  A plan. Good question. Zoe hadn’t quite thought of one. She just knew it was time to move on. Hopefully she’d get a better salary. “I need a plan,” she admitted.

  “Yes. Spontaneity is best preserved for romance. Planning is imperative in business. We don’t want to make rash or careless decisions about our career choices. Think about where you see yourself in the next few years and make sure your next steps are ones that get you closer to that goal.”

  Zoe was glad she’d called Willena. She rarely volunteered her wisdom, but since Zoe had shared her situation, Willena had managed to give her the most thought-provoking advice in just a few words.

  “In the meantime, I have a few friends in a few places.” Willena always referred to her vast network of professionals with nonchalance. “You know Blackwell Wealth Management, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “They’re expanding. I’ll ask Bill what the deal is over there. There may be an opportunity coming up with them. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “I’d really appreciate that.”

  “In the meantime, work on your plan and send it to me. We’ll see what the possibilities are for you.”

  Zoe nodded. Suddenly she felt lighter. Seth wasn’t going to stand in her way of becoming all she was destined to be. Just because he didn’t want to promote her didn’t mean she wouldn’t achieve her own career advancement.

  “Now, about that love life!” Willena watched Zoe curiously with a raised brow.

  Zoe threw her head back and laughed. “Willena! I’m fine.”

  “You have to have a little fun, honey.”

  “Mmm, this salmon is delicious!” Zoe tried to hold her smile back as she wrapped her mouth around a forkful and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, Willena was still giving her the same raised-brow expression.

  Zoe laughed again. She had no answer for Willena. She wasn’t sure when she would ever be able to answer that question.


  “I just had the worst interview ever.” Ethan palmed his forehead and sighed. “This guy was so arrogant you would have thought he was interviewing me to be his boss.”

  “Wow. Sounds like you’ve had some crappy candidates lately. I guess that vice president position is going to be mine after all?” his brother Carter teased him over the phone.

  “I didn’t say that. Don’t go printing new business cards yet, bro. I’ve got three more interviews lined up for today alone! That VP job is mine.”

  “Wanna put a wager on it?”

  “Nothing like a little friendly competition. What would you like to bet?”

  Carter hummed. “Let’s see. How about something really humiliating?”

  “Ha! Don’t do that to yourself. I’d hate to laugh at your pain when I win, but I will.”

  Carter laughed. “You mean when I win. Let me think...”

  Ethan pictured Carter tapping his fingers on his desk while he thought.

  “I got it!” Car
ter spit his words out so fast they startled Ethan.

  “Okay. Whatcha got?”

  “The loser buys the winner a brand-new set of Callaway irons.”

  “Ooo-wee!” Ethan sang. “That’s a nice set of clubs. I could use those to beat you on the green again. Let’s throw in a new golf cart, too.”

  “Aww. You want to buy me a cart, too?”

  “Nope, it’ll be you dipping into your savings for me. And I want my cart customized with some torque. Then I can ride over to your house with my irons just to hand you my business card with my new title.”

  “Um...excuse me... Mr. Blackwell.”

  Ethan’s head snapped up. He noticed his assistant standing in the entrance to his office. “Yes, Bella?” Once the branch manager was hired, Bella would become the new office manager at that location.

  “Your next candidate has arrived. A Ms.—” Bella looked down at the papers in her hand “—Baldwin. Zoe Baldwin.”

  “Okay. Give me two minutes and send her in.”

  “Will do, sir.”

  Bella left and Ethan returned to his call. “My next interviewee is here. Let’s hope this one is better than the last one. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “Cool! And good luck. I’ll send you some pictures of the clubs I want when you lose this bet.”

  “Ha! Later, big brother.” Ethan ended the call and popped a mint in his mouth.

  He wasn’t exactly looking forward to the string of interviews ahead of him. The past few days of meeting with potential candidates to run the new branches of Blackwell Wealth Management in his territory had proven to be a bit exhausting. He and Carter had already swapped some interesting interview stories since their father put them to the task of expanding the company.

  They were charged with opening several branches in each of their territories. Ethan was responsible for all of Long Island from the Cross Island Parkway to Montauk. Carter’s territory included the five boroughs of New York City, and their colleague Dillon Chambers was responsible for expansion in Westchester County. Each held the position of regional director, and depending on how well they fared in the first six months, one of them would be selected to become the new vice president for the combined territories.


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