Scrumptious: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Camos and Cupcakes Book 3)

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Scrumptious: A Friends to Lovers Romantic Comedy (Camos and Cupcakes Book 3) Page 13

by Melissa Schroeder

  “What do you want to know about her?” I ask.

  “Who is she seeing? And how many kids are we going to have?” Blue asks. Asshole.

  “She doesn’t like when guys come on too strong.”

  I have no idea if that’s true, but I have a feeling that if she is a virgin at twenty-eight there’s a reason. Either way, I don’t want any extra competition.

  Wait, what? Okay, yeah, I am attracted, but…damn. I do want more with her than just friendship. I have to figure out just what that means. Unfortunately, my asshole friends aren’t going to let it rest.

  “Hmm,” is all Blue says. I look at him and for a brief moment I worry. He’s a pretty boy like myself and he does have a reputation—again, also like me. She should stay far away from him. As soon as I think it, I realize I’m trying to come up with reasons because I want her for myself. No, that’s not it. It’s because Blue doesn’t live here, and I want to make sure she doesn’t get her heart broken.

  And that she lets me into her bed.


  Blue looks at me. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Fritz?”


  He eyes me, then sits back with a shit-eating grin on his face. “You want her yourself.”

  “I do not.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t worry, I won’t poach. Can’t say the same thing for Nic or Dane.” He motions with his beer bottle, and I follow his line. Sure enough, Dane and Nic are there bugging her. Before I can stop the growl, it rumbles in my chest. Blue laughs and slaps me on the back. “Better make sure they know she’s off limits.”

  “She’s not a territory,” I spit out, irritated with the assumption. Sure, I’ve talked about women like that and now I feel like a shit about it. Even so, I don’t like Blue talking about Savannah that way.

  He laughs again and shakes his head. He says nothing else before leaving me alone.

  “You know, he’s right,” EJ’s Gran says as she sits down next to me.

  “It’s rude to eavesdrop.”

  “I’m old. I don’t give a damn about being rude. It’s kind of my thing.”

  I chuckle. EJ’s Gran reminds me so much of my own grandmother. “Of course.”

  “So, boy, are you goin’ to go after her?”

  “First, I’m not a boy. Second, what are you talking about?”

  She rolls her eyes. “The little señorita over there. Oh, no.”

  I follow her gaze and see that Blue has ignored me and forsaken his promise as he slips into the seat next to Savannah.

  “You better get in there, Fritz. That smooth talkin’ Yankee is going to steal your woman.”

  “She’s not my woman. She’s my landlady.”

  That still doesn’t sound right, no matter how many times I say it. But I know when I stop thinking of her that way, or at least trying to think of her that way, she will be too tempting to resist.

  “Oh, okay. Sure thing,” she says in a tone that tells me she doesn’t agree with my wording either.

  I watch as Blue leans in and Savannah shakes her head. Then she laughs, a sound that carries over the wind to me, and I feel it shiver through me. Shit. When did I start thinking things like that? Shivering of feelings? Shit. Wait, I just thought that. Fuck.

  “I can hear all your thinkin’ going on, and I think you need to slow down boy.”

  I look back to EJ’s Gran. “What are you talking about now?”

  Okay that was rude and if Grannie Pam was here, she’d smack me.

  “I didn’t mean to be so rude.”

  She laughs. “Oh, yes you did, but if you think that filly is goin’ to remain single, you’re wrong. You want her, you better go get her.”

  I roll my eyes. “She’s just a friend.”

  “So, you don’t care that your Yankee friend there has his hand on her.”

  Anger shoots through me as I whip my head around to find Savannah talking to Mrs. B. EJ’s Gran cackles.

  “Oh, that was fun. You’re just friends. Sure. And I’m a virgin.”

  For the first time in probably a decade, I feel my face heat. Damn. This woman. As I said, just as bad as Grannie Pam. I turn to look at her again—she’s still cackling.

  “Listen, Fritz, that woman is a treasure. You don’t snap her up, someone will, and you will only have yourself to blame.”

  I study Gran for a second, then I shake my head. “We have a good friendship. I don’t want to ruin that.”

  “You think she’s gonna stay your friend if she finds another man? You think you’re gonna have access to her then?” She snorts. “Any man worth his salt would keep you away from her.”

  “You’re confusing me here.”

  She rolls her eyes. “No man is gonna to want you sniffin’ around her even as a friend. So, you worryin’ about losing her friendship is stupid. If she finds another man, you’ll lose her anyway. Think about it. Now, I am off for some more of that sheet cake the Ginger Jesus made.”

  And with that, she leaves me with my thoughts.

  Savannah and I are on our way home and my mind’s still on the conversation with EJ’s Gran.

  “You’re really quiet.”

  I glance over at her. “Just tired. A lot on my mind.”

  “Are you worried about the wedding?”

  “What?” Then I realize she’s thinking about Ed and Allison. “No.”

  We stop at a light and I glance at her. She’s looking out the window, deep in thought.

  “How are you doing?”

  She looks at me, her eyes still sad. No matter how much she pretends, I know she’s falling apart inside. She hides it from everyone she loves. I knew she was a strong woman before, but as I get to know her, I’m starting to admire her tenacity. She is broken, left to deal with what that bitch of a mother dropped into her life, but no one would know it.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Savannah, I think you should have told Allison and EJ.”

  She nods. “Your opinion has already been noted.”

  Then she looks out the window again, virtually shutting me down. Fuck. I don’t like that one bit. The light changes and I drive forward.

  “I just think they could help you deal with it.”

  She sighs, the sound filled with resignation and annoyance at the same time. “Fritz, I can handle it. I don’t want to ruin their wedding. My problems will be there on Sunday. Will telling them make any difference?”

  “Sharing your burden is important. It is part of being a friend.”

  “So is not being an ass and making the weekend about me and my fucked-up family. If this had happened any other time, I would have told them right away.”

  Fuck, that is a good point. “Okay.”

  I have to let it go, although it is still churning in my gut. I don’t know why I’m focusing on the fact that she hasn’t told anyone she knows about what happened. I probably wouldn’t know if I hadn’t caught her at a low point. She’s so frustrating. On top of that, it is taking all of my concentration not to insist that she explain why a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent woman is still a virgin at twenty-eight. Maybe that’s why I keep thinking about her situation and focusing on the fact that she hasn’t told her friends. If I concentrate on that, I don’t have to think about her being a virgin.

  Ugh, the word irritates me. Why, I don’t know. It’s not important in the grand scheme of things, but it is also very important. Yeah, I’m not making sense. At all. Probably a problem since I’m driving. I pull up to the house and we get out of my truck. We walk up to the house, side by side.

  “What time are you all heading over to Incarnate Word?”

  “I think two. I need to double check.”

  “That early?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Well, we’re getting our hair and makeup done.”

  I nod and follow her into the house, trying to come up with some reason to spend more time with her. I don’t know why I’m desperate, but I feel as if I am holding on for dear life. Lik
e if she disappears upstairs, I’ll lose her forever, which is insane because she is right there in the same house as I am. And we are walking back up the aisle together after the ceremony together. And apparently sitting beside each other at the reception.

  Honestly, I really don’t get what this is all about.

  McLovin comes prowling down the hallway and ignores me completely, deciding to rub up against Savannah. Lucky fucker.


  I blink and look up at her with my eyebrows raised.

  “You said something about lucky fucker.”

  Jesus, I said that out loud? I shake my head. “Just tired.”

  “Okay, see you in the morning.”

  I lock the front door and key in the security code. I turn around to see McLovin follow her up the stairs. Asshole isn’t even hiding his preference these days. I head back to my room, my mind on Savannah and my embarrassing behavior over the last few days. Close proximity…that’s all it was. At least there would be a good bevy of attractive women tomorrow at the wedding. With that thought, I get ready for bed.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I stare up at the ceiling in the early afternoon and try to go to sleep. It’s something that didn’t come to me easily last night, and I would like to not look like shit in the pictures. I woke with a pounding head, which should have told me it was going to suck today. Don’t get me wrong. I’m fucking ecstatic for Ed and Allison. They deserve their happily ever after and I am thrilled to be a groomsman. But…I had no fucking sleep. Thoughts of Savannah, her virginity, and this need to be near her kept me up all night. I haven’t lost sleep over a woman in the last decade.


  Even thinking her name makes my heart beat a little harder. She had rushed out the door about an hour ago, flushed with excitement. She was sweet and sexy…and I wanted to take a big bite out of her. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve fantasized this much about a woman since I was a teenager. And she has no idea. I am pretty sure she still thinks of me as a friend.

  And that should warn me off. I should take a step back and preserve that friendship. But…Gran’s comments the night before come back to me. There is a good chance that when she does find herself a man, I will lose her as a friend. But…fuck. I can’t even think straight right now. I grab up my phone and realize that it’s time for me to get ready so that I can make it to Incarnate Word on time.

  I push Savannah out of my head—or pretend to—rush through a shower and then put on my tux. I’m heading toward the front door when my phone buzzes.

  Mom: Where are you?

  Me: At my house. Why?

  Mom: I was just wondering.

  Me: Are you at Incarnate Word?

  Ed and Allison had decided to marry at the reception center at Incarnate Word. They liked the idea of having the wedding and reception at the same place. It was a bit pricey, but the view was definitely worth it. Since they are getting married at dusk, the twinkling lights of San Antonio will be the backdrop of their reception.

  Mom: God, no. We’re at the hotel. They let us have an early check in. We’re going to get ready, then stop off to see Grannie Pam on the way to the wedding.

  Only my mother would talk a hotel into letting them check in early during a weekend that would be busy in San Antonio.

  Me: Are you checking to make sure I’m on time?

  Avery: You do have issues with showing up on time.

  Liv: Yeah you do. It’s embarrassing.

  One time I was late for my mother’s birthday party. It was ten years ago, and I lived in Washington State. Thanks to weather delays, I was an hour late for dinner. Yes, I am thirty-five and the women I have in my life will never let me forget the one fucking time I was late.

  Dad: Yeah you do.

  Me: Et tu, Dad-o.

  Avery: *sick emoji*

  Me: Are all four of you in the same hotel room texting me?

  Mom: We might be.

  My family, ladies and gentleman. They gang up in a text to tell me not to be late…while they are all in the same damned room.

  Me: I have to go now, because you know, I’m in a wedding.

  Mom: We’ll see you there.

  I lock the door and head down the walk to my truck. As I settle inside the cab, my phone starts buzzing again.

  Ed: I am getting FUCKING MARRIED.

  I roll my eyes. Like I said, he deserves happily ever after but, Jesus, he’s making me a little sick to my stomach.

  Me: Did you just figure this out?

  Ed: You will not make me mad today. I AM GETTING MARRIED.

  Harry: Stop caps shouting at us.

  Ed: FU. And nothing is going to upset me today. Sunshine will be mine today. Forever and ever.

  It is really sweet how much Ed loves Allison, but it is starting to irritate me. Like, all the time. I never envied him or Harry. Once they hooked up with their fiancées, I was happy for them. Still, it’s making me feel as if I am missing something in my life. I just need to get back into the swing of things now that I am settled in with Savannah.

  I mean…at Savannah’s. I start up my pickup thinking that tonight might be the best time to get back in the game.

  I park at the event location and get out of my truck. I slip on my jacket, then grab my phone. On my way into the venue, I stop in my tracks. There’s a woman standing at the top of the stairs and, Jesus, she is a fucking vision. I sort of remember the women talking about the dresses. The only thing I remember is that they were going to be dark blue. Good god. The dress is one of those sheath dresses with a split up to the middle of her thigh. And, of course, I know what sheath dresses are. FOUR SISTERS, remember?

  The closer I get, the harder my heart beats. She doesn’t notice me as I make my way up the stairs. God, the material clings to her curves. She’s pacing back and forth. With every step, she shows a bit of her thigh. I’ve seen her dressed to go out, but this is different. She’s wearing heels that add about three inches to her height. Her hair is up with a few curls falling here and there. When she turns, I stop and stare. The dress is missing a damned back. It dips down to her waist. It’s simple, but so seductive at the same time. And…is she wearing a bra with that?

  She turns and notices me. A second later, her mouth curves and I feel it all the way down to the soles of my feet. Jesus. She’s dangerous when she smiles. She’s made up with makeup, but not too much. Just enough to enhance her features. The sheer gloss on her lips makes me want to lean in for a kiss.

  Nope. Wrong. Thinking about that is dangerous.

  But it doesn’t feel like it. It just feels right.

  “Hey,” she says.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  She rolls her eyes. “I needed a break. So many women, hairspray…and my head. It hurts.”

  I nod. “It’s a gorgeous day.”

  “Of course.”

  We stand there looking at each other, and I don’t know what to say. I just know that I want to stay there with her.

  “Is something wrong?”

  I shake my head.

  “Then what?”

  I want to tell her she looks beautiful, but I don’t want to make this any weirder than it already is. I just can’t keep my mind on task, especially when this gorgeous, amazing woman is a virgin. And she has no idea that I know. And my own lips tingle because they want to taste her. Her flesh, her mouth, her…everything.

  “It’s weird being all dressed up.”

  She nods. “I guess I should get back in there. Allison should have her wedding dress on soon.”

  I open the door for her.


  “No problem.”

  We walk side by side down the hall. Harry steps out into the hall. “There you are.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Savannah asks, laughter in her voice. I smile at the sound of it. Only I know just how shitty her life is right now, and this incredible woman hides it so well. Not because she doesn’t want to share,
but because she doesn’t want anything marring Allison’s wedding.

  “Both of you. I have been texted at in all caps from my love that you need to get back there. They are almost done with Allison.”

  She nods.

  “See ya at the altar, Martinez,” I say. She smiles back at me, then walks away. I watch her until she disappears into the bride’s area.

  A smack to the back of my head breaks my concentration.

  “What’s up with you?” Harry demands, his gaze narrowing on me. Savannah is an old family friend, so I know that Harry thinks of her as a sister.


  “I saw you watching her. What is going on there, dude?”

  “Absolutely nothing. I’m just not used to seeing her all dressed up.”

  “Right? How hot do I look in my tux?” he asks.

  “Not as good as I do, but then, you are letting yourself go.”

  “Is he…” Ed stops talking when he sees me. “There you are.”

  “I’m ten minutes early.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Ed grumbles.

  “He’s been a nervous Ned waiting on you,” Harry says.

  “Get bent, Bradley.”

  Still, he’s smiling. Out of all of us, it’s surprising that Ed’s the first to marry. But once he fell for Allison, there was no stopping him. I might not think of marriage for myself as an option, at least not right now, but I am a romantic. Ed being in love is kind of cute. Don’t tell him I said anything because he would probably kick my ass. Allison is the perfect mate for him. She softens those hard edges he has.

  “Gentlemen,” Mrs. B says as she steps out from the bride’s room. She’s dabbing at her eyes with a tissue, and it’s evident that she’s been crying. Panic seems to wash over my two companions, and I just smile. Remember what I said about those four sisters? I have been through two weddings and so many moments that made my mom cry.

  “Hey there, Mrs. B. I take it you saw Allison in her gown.”

  She sniffles. “So beautiful. But look at you handsome men.”

  “Thank you. I’m hoping you save a dance for me.”


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