Book Read Free


Page 18

by Deborah Bladon

  “I love the one idea so much,” Misty says, oblivious to the strained silence between Bella and I. “The one about framing pictures of our customers over the years. I took so many photos with that old camera of mine. I have a box full of them.”

  Isabella’s eyes widen. The lines between the dots are getting clearer.

  “And the Saturday morning writing workshops for kids.” Misty’s smile is brighter than I’ve seen it since I met her. “Think about it. A couple of months from now on a Saturday morning just like this, there will be young writers gathered at a table. One might be writing the next great novel of our time.”

  The books in Bella’s hands fall to the floor.

  I reach for them, glancing over to see her rubbing the newly polished nail of her thumb. She went for light blue this time around. It matches the jeans and blue silk blouse she’s wearing. Dressed like this with black leather boots on her feet and her hair in a messy bun on top of her head, she looks perfect.

  I know her mind is racing. I know she’s got to be wondering what the fuck is going on. I also suspect she’s pissed as hell at me right about now.

  “Barrett.” My name escapes her in a trembling voice. “Can we talk in private?”

  “Let me give you two some space.” Misty picks up a stack of books from the edge of the counter. “I’ll take these to the stockroom for when Velvet Bay Books opens. I could say that name all day. Whoever thought of it is a genius. It pays homage to Bay Ridge where we opened our first store before we moved here and our grumpy old cat.”

  Just as the words leave her lips, the gray-haired feline jumps up on the counter, parading across the worn wood.

  “There’s my girl.” Misty scoops Velvet up in one hand. “Let’s give these two some privacy. I sense they have something important to talk about.”

  That we do.

  As soon as Misty disappears out of view, Isabella is in my arms with her hands in my hair. Her mouth finds mine in a kiss so tender that I feel my knees weaken.

  I drop the books so I can tug her closer to steady myself and to feel more of her pressed against me. When I deepen the kiss, she lets out a moan of satisfaction.

  Pulling away just far enough to speak, she presses her lips to the corner of my mouth. “I know what you did. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”


  We exit the store ten minutes later, after Bella promised Misty that she’d have a cup of tea with her soon.

  I planned on surprising Bella late next week after construction had started on the interior of the store. I have the new exterior sign on a rush order. I wanted it in place before I brought her down here so she could see it and realize that this is her vision. All of this is Bella’s vision.

  “We should talk,” she says, glancing down the sidewalk. “Are you hungry?”

  I haven’t eaten yet today. I got up early. After showering and dressing, I went down to the office. I put in a few hours there before I decided to make the trip to Brooklyn to check in on Misty.

  Shutting down Rusten’s Reads for a few weeks is an essential part of the rebranding process, but it’s tough on her and Rusten. Before Bella and I left the store, I put Misty to task looking through the boxes of old pictures to find a dozen to frame. They’ll be a reminder of what once was.

  “I know a place.” I hold tight to the copy of Pride and Prejudice in my hand. “You game to try something different?”

  “Different for you or for me?” Her gaze drops to the book.

  “Shit. I didn’t think of that. You’ve probably already been to the place I want to take you.”

  Grabbing hold of the strap of the purse slung over her shoulder, she shrugs. “Try me.”

  “Crispy Biscuit.”

  “Jo is the best.” She starts down the sidewalk. “I’ll get her to make something from her secret menu.”

  I fall in place next to her, keeping up with her quick pace as she weaves seamlessly around the people headed toward us. “Who the fuck is Jo?”

  A smile curves her lips. “The owner. I’ve been going to Crispy Biscuit for years.”

  Of course she has. This city owns a piece of Bella’s heart.

  I have no fucking idea what it feels like to give a piece of your heart away, but if this ache inside my chest and this desire to spend every goddamn second of my life with her is any indication, Isabella Calvetti owns all of my heart. She owns all of me.

  Chapter 48


  “Vegetable eggs benedict.” Barrett pierces the perfectly cooked egg yolk with the fork in his hand, sending the bright yellow liquid cascading over the grilled portabella mushroom and roasted peppers. “You say this is delicious?”

  I point at the avocado-lime hollandaise sauce. “That is the best part. I have to fight with myself not to lick the plate when I’m done.”

  “I’d love to watch that.”

  I contain a laugh as I slice my knife through the egg on my plate. “If this isn’t pure satisfaction, I don’t know what is.”

  Barrett lets out a chuckle. “I can think of a few other things I’d consider pure satisfaction.”

  That sets a blush up my cheeks. I take a sip of ice water to try and flush it away. “Take a bite and see for yourself.”

  He does. He scoops up a bit of everything on his plate onto his fork. I watch his face as he chews slowly. His eyes close briefly before his head bobs in a nod. “This is fucking amazing.”

  “I know, right?” I giggle. “I told Jo she should put it on the menu. It would sell like hotcakes, although the hotcakes here are amazing. We can try those the next time we come.”

  I curse silently for letting that slip. I want there to be a next time or a million more next times, but I don’t know if he does.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Barrett washes down another bite of food with coffee. “Let’s talk about the bookstore.”

  I’ve been processing everything since we left Rusten’s Reads. At first, I was stunned that Barrett was saving the store, but when I realized where the ideas for the rebranding came from I was touched.

  I should be pissed, but I’m feeling too grateful for that.

  He looks down at the copy of Pride and Prejudice on the table. Patting his hand on the cover, he gazes at me. “This is how it all started.”

  “That book?” I raise a brow.

  “It’s the only Jane Austen novel you don’t own.” He slides the book across the table toward me.

  I slide it back at him. “I already own it.”

  “You don’t.” He studies my face. “You keep all of Jane Austen’s other novels in the bottom drawer of your desk. This is the only one you’re missing.”

  With a push of his fingers, the book is next to my plate.

  “I have two copies at home.”

  “I asked your sister if you did when I went there to find you the other night.”

  Gina wouldn’t know a good book if it fell on her head. My sister is incredibly smart and innovative, but books have never been a big love for her. Not the way they’ve been for me.

  “She told you I didn’t?”

  He nods slowly. “I even asked her to go to your room to check.”

  Since both of my copies of Pride and Prejudice are sitting on top of my nightstand, Gina must have had her eyes closed when she went on that search mission. Or she was looking at her phone’s screen.

  “She must have missed them.” I smile. “I love the book, so I wouldn’t mind having a copy for the office.”

  Placing his fork on the table, he studies my face. “Tell me why you love the book so much that you already own two copies of it.”

  I look into his handsome face that’s so much more than a strong nose, and a chiseled jaw. It’s the face of the man I’m falling in love with. “I’ve always had a literary crush on the main character. Mr. Darcy.”

  He flashes me a devilish grin as his hand hits the cover of the book. “Now I’m going to have to read this damn thing to find out what Mr. Dar
cy has that I don’t.”

  I drop my hand on his. “Mr. Darcy has nothing on you.”


  Jo appeared at just the wrong moment in time. She refilled Barrett’s cup with coffee and offered to bring us a piece of lemon meringue pie to share for dessert.

  I didn’t turn that down.

  I’m still smiling about the conversation we were having before Jo interrupted us.

  “What’s the smile for?” Barrett yanks a few bills from his wallet and tosses them in the middle of the table to pay for brunch.

  It’s way more than the cost of the meal. He’s more generous than I realized.

  I inch the conversation forward because I want to talk about the ideas for Misty and Rusten’s store. I know where he got them. “Is there anything in Garent’s employee handbook that states that a boss can’t go through his employee’s desk whenever he damn well pleases?”

  Leaning back in his chair, he raises his chin. “We’re finally going there, are we?”

  Resting my elbow on the table, I sigh. “You found the notebook in my desk drawer, didn’t you? It was under the novels.”

  His eyes lock on mine. “You know I did.”

  I do know that. When Duke first told me that he was considering buying Rusten’s Reads to rebrand it, I got straight to work making notes of all the changes I felt were necessary.

  I was the one who sent him to the store when he was looking for a birthday gift for his mom. She loves to read, so it felt like the perfect suggestion.

  He came back to the office from Brooklyn with a copy of Oliver Twist and a determination to save the corner bookstore. I was overjoyed.

  I spent hours jotting down ideas for names, a color scheme for the revamped store and community events that would fill the shop with avid readers.

  I never showed any of it to Duke because he didn’t have a chance to move forward with the deal before he went to Fire Island.

  When I heard Misty talk about the new name, I knew that Barrett had gotten a look at my notebook. I should be mad, but I can’t be. My favorite bookstore is getting a second chance, just like the books inside of it.

  I rest my chin on my hand. “Why didn’t you tell me you were saving it?”

  He scrapes his teeth over his bottom lip. “The truth?”

  I nod. “The truth.”

  “You won’t tell Ivan?”

  I jut out my hand toward him. Wiggling my pinkie finger, I laugh. “I pinkie swear I won’t.”

  He shakes his head. “Is that making a resurgence? Dylan tried to get me to pinkie swear last night.”

  I want to ask about what, but I’m way more curious about why he didn’t tell me he stepped in as the savior of Rusten’s Reads.

  “Pinkie swearing has always been around.” Dropping my hand, I grin. “Just tell me why all the secrecy about the store.”

  “Two reasons.” He holds two fingers in the air. “The first is that it’s got great potential. With your ideas and some smart marketing moves, I believe we can turn it into a hot spot in Park Slope.”

  I believe that too.

  “What’s the second reason?”

  He waits for a beat before he leans forward. Lowering his voice, he says, “I did it for you, Isabella. I know how much it means to you.”

  Chapter 49


  We held hands all the way back to his penthouse. I tried to pull away once we were on the subway, but Barrett only tightened his grip on me.

  I whispered that a Garent employee might see us, but he shook his head telling me not to worry about that.

  “I have to go back to Chicago for a few days.” Barrett pulls the pins holding my bun in place. “It’s Garent business. The new COO has hit a few roadblocks.”

  Shaking my hair loose, I smile. “You’re going to go kick those roadblocks out of the way?”

  “Something like that.” He starts working on the buttons of my blouse. “You’ll take care of things here?”

  I can handle the office. I did it when Duke was out of town. “I’ll keep things running smoothly.”

  He groans when the white lace bra I’m wearing comes into view beneath the blouse. “I’d ask you to go with me, but I don’t trust anyone else to take over for me.”

  Pride blooms in my chest. My job is important to me and knowing that he feels I’m capable of filling his shoes is a huge compliment.

  His hands drop to the waistband of my jeans. “You’re mine for today. I’m not letting you leave until morning.”

  “I’ll stay,” I whisper as I watch him unbutton my jeans.

  Kneeling, he removes my boots before sliding the jeans down my legs. I kick free of them.

  Standing in his bedroom dressed only in my bra and panties, I don’t feel exposed. I feel safe and cherished. I’ve never felt this comfortable with a man before. I trust him with my body and with my heart.

  He yanks his sweater over his head in one fluid movement.

  The sight of him, half-dressed with desire in his eyes, makes me want to strip bare and climb on him so I can wrap myself around his beautiful body and never let go.

  “Feel this,” he says, his voice low and filled with need.

  Lifting my hand in his, he presses my palm against the center of his chest. I close my eyes. The rhythmic pounding of his heart is strong and rapid.

  “You do that to me.” He edges his cheek against mine, still holding my hand against his skin. “You make my heart race.”

  “You do that to my heart too,” I whisper.

  His free hand drops to my chest. Pressing two fingers between my breasts, he smiles. “I feel it. It’s beating faster than mine.”

  Stealing a quick kiss, I laugh. “It’s because you’re so hot.”

  I expect at least a chuckle in return, but that’s not what I get. He pulls back so he can look me in the eye. “It’s more than that.”

  He’s right. It’s so much more than that, but I’m not ready to confess that to him. I’m not sure I’m ready to admit it to myself.

  “You feel things in here.” He presses his fingers harder on my skin.

  “Do you feel things in here?” I respond with a push of my fingers into his muscled chest.

  A faint nod dips his chin. “I’ve never met anyone like you before, Isabella.”

  Before I can tell him that he’s the most incredible man I’ve ever met, his lips are on mine, and my words get lost in the passion of our kiss.


  I writhe beneath him as he takes his time. I’m so close. His lips haven’t descended beyond the skin right below my breasts, but my core is on fire. I’m aching for him to touch my clit. I want his lips on it, his tongue, and his teeth.

  I groan out a protest when he inches back up to take my right nipple between his teeth again. When he nips me, the burst of pain sends a wave of need through me.

  My hand drops to my mound.

  “No.” He yanks it away for the third time since we got into his bed. “I’ll touch you when I’m ready.”

  “I’m ready now,” I protest with a pout. “If you help me come, I’ll help you.”

  The laugh that escapes him sends a vibration through my body. I try and push my legs apart, but he’s pinned me to the bed. I can feel the weight of his heavy, thick cock on my thigh.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper.

  For that, I’m rewarded with a harder bite of my nipple.

  I yelp in pain. “Oh, God.”

  “You loved it.” He looks up at me with his intensely blue eyes. “You love all of it.”

  I nod twice. “I’ll love it more if you fuck me.”

  Without warning, Barrett moves back on his knees and flips me over. With an arm under my stomach, he scoops me up, until my ass is in the air. I breathe deep.

  I’m exposed. I’m so exposed to him.

  I feel him behind me. “Goddamn, this is beautiful. You are exquisite, my Bella.”

  Tears fill my eyes when his fingers part my tender flesh and his tongue trail
s over my cleft.

  “This is what I want,” he growls. “You are what I want. Always.”

  Chapter 50


  Wrapping Bella in my arms, I take a second to catch my breath.

  I ate her to two orgasms before I crawled up her body and kissed her senseless. The need to be inside of her is driving me mad, but there’s something I want more.

  I want the peace that I feel when she’s close to me. When we are like this, body-to-body with no barriers and nothing between us, my world feels settled in a way it never has before.

  I feel like I’m home.

  “You’re so good at that,” she whispers. “Like the best ever.”

  I’ve been tempted to ask about her past lovers. I know about Emil, but frankly, I don’t give a shit about how many men she’s been with or when any of that happened.

  “I’m ready,” she announces.

  An uncontrollable laugh barrels through me. “What the fuck are you ready for?”

  “You just said it.” She plants a wet kiss on my jaw.

  I cup the back of her head to tug her closer to me. “You’re not shy about sex. I fucking love that.”

  “I fucking love sex.” She enunciates each word with a tap of her fingers on my chest. “It’s better than good food.”

  I would have disagreed before we met, but now I can’t. Sex with her is on another level. It’s not just about the physical release. With Bella, it’s tied to my emotions.

  Pulling away from her, I reach behind me for the condom package I tossed on the bed before I ate her out.

  “Can I do it?” Her fingertips feather over my arm. “I’ve never done that.”

  I’m all for giving her every new experience she desires, even if it’s rolling a condom onto my hard cock.

  I hand it to her. “Be gentle.”

  A smile lights up her face. “I’m always gentle.”

  She is. Taking her time, she opens the package carefully before she sheathes me. “Is that good?”


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