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Bandages Page 11

by S. L. Kassidy

  Nicole chuckled, but didn’t argue. They went out for an early dinner, and even went to a small club, if only to put up a front for each other that they weren’t eager to get back to their room and bone each other’s brains out. They managed to keep up the illusion for an hour, before Dane took Nicole by the hand and led her back to the car. Nicole wasted no time driving them back to where they wanted to be.


  They had barely gotten into the hotel room when their mouths collided. Danny pinned Nicole against the door, seemingly forgetting about the fact that they each got one surprise during the trip. Danny obviously just wanted to get right to the event.

  “Baby,” Nicole hissed as Danny’s lips moved to her neck. Danny didn’t stop until Nicole pushed her away. Danny made a whimpering sound in protest.

  “Wha?” Danny said in a daze.

  Nicole shook her finger at Danny. “We’re being a little naughty, remember?”

  “Pretty sure fucking you against the door for all in the hall to hear is naughty.” Dane realized what she said, shook her head and frowned. “Wait, hell, no. We’re not giving people in the hall a show, even if it’s just an audio show.”

  Nicole chuckled. “Besides, we agreed that tonight would be my naughty night.”

  Danny sighed. “Okay, you’re right.”

  “I know I am. Now, go take a quick shower and when you come out, sit on the foot of the bed while I get ready.”

  Danny nodded and did exactly as commanded. She took quite possibly the fastest shower in history and when she came out, she sat on the edge of the bed. Nicole was surprised she wore pajamas, just a tank top and shorts, but was pleased with that.

  Nicole disappeared into the bathroom with a small bag. She took a shower, too, hoping to relax herself to be able to go through with her surprise. She was a little nervous as she went into her bag of tricks. Dressing was easy after she reminded herself that Danny would never judge her, and Danny would definitely enjoy what she had on. Walking through the door and into the room proved much harder. She had her somewhat shaking hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath.

  “It’s Danny. She’ll like this. I want to do this and she’ll like this. I’ve always wanted to dress sexy and not feel like it’s an obligation,” Nicole told herself.

  In the past, she wore lingerie because her lover had expected it. Danny really didn’t expect anything of her in regards to intimacy. The musician happily took whatever she offered without any demands, to the point that they had practically been making love the same way for almost a year.

  “No more of that,” Nicole told herself, as she turned the doorknob.

  Stepping into the bedroom, Nicole saw that Danny still patiently sat on the bed, listening to R & B playing low on the radio. Smoke-colored eyes grew wide as they landed on Nicole. The openly awestruck, appreciative, and admiring gaze from Danny gave Nicole confidence, making her feel like she was the sexiest woman in the world. The expression also caused a warm tremor in her belly.

  “I love that dress on you,” Danny whispered.

  Nicole smirked. She wore a white dress that clung to her torso, flared out at the waist, and fell just below her knees. She often wondered why Danny liked her in the simple dress, but she didn’t question it. As long as Danny continued to look at her like that, she’d continue to wear the dress.

  “You always love this dress off of me,” Nicole smirked.

  “It does look damn nice on the floor. May I take it off?” Danny entreated, voice still low.

  “Well, since you asked so nicely.”

  Nicole sauntered over to her lover and Danny took a moment to just look at her. There was reverence in her gaze and Nicole doubted anyone had made her feel as beautiful as Danny did without even saying a word. Once the staring was done, Danny worshipped her with her hands, lightly touching Nicole’s arms from her wrists to her shoulders. Her fingers gently caressed Nicole’s neck, chin, and cheeks before going back down to her neck. The trail went to her cleavage, where Nicole let out a small moan as Danny palmed both breasts and seemed to enjoy the weight of them in her hand.

  “Danny…” Nicole breathed out the name as her hands went to Danny’s shoulders to keep her upright. “You’ll ruin the surprise.”

  “You mean, you standing here in this hot dress and those sling-back heels isn’t the surprise?” Danny asked in disbelief.

  “Of course not. I dress like this too often for this to be the surprise.”

  “Then maybe I should get you out of this and we get to the surprise.” Danny’s hands drifted to Nicole’s stomach and paused there for a second before moving to free her girlfriend from the garment.

  As the dress fell from Nicole’s shoulders, Danny got a glimpse of what was hidden beneath. Danny gasped as she saw the silken edge of the pearl white corset. Once the dress was at Nicole’s waist, Danny’s mouth was gaping. She pulled the dress down more and made a strange, strangled noise when the dress hit the floor.

  “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Those are…and these aren’t…” Danny couldn’t speak. Her eyes were glued on Nicole’s legs.

  “You like my stockings and garters?” Nicole asked with a smirk. She knew her lover would assume she had on panty hose, which was what she typically wore.

  Danny looked up at Nicole with wide eyes and her mouth stuck open. Her expression definitely answered the question. Nicole leaned down and kissed the corner of her girlfriend’s mouth.

  “I like this surprise,” Danny said in a low voice.

  “It gets better,” Nicole promised, hoping her heart would stop hammering against her ribs. She was about to suggest something that boyfriends had asked of her, but she refused because it seemed sleazy to her. But, she was curious why her boyfriends had wanted to do it.

  “Better?” Danny echoed in a breath. “Might not survive better.” Her voice trembled. She was such a visual person, which Nicole thought was a little strange for a musician.

  “I’m sure you’ve seen much more exciting things.”

  Ebony locks swayed, as Danny shook her head. “Nothing’s more exciting than you. You’re it for me, angel. Maybe it’s because I love you so much, but you could read me the dictionary in a turtleneck and I’d be turned on.”

  “Baby, there you go again with sweet talk.” Nicole leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She didn’t pull away. “I’ll keep the heels on.”

  Danny gasped. “No kidding?”

  “No kidding. You like that?” This was something else that had been requested of her by past lovers. Nicole didn’t get the fascination, but this was the perfect time to explore it.

  “Uh-huh.” Danny swallowed.

  “Anything else you want me to keep on?” she whispered.

  “The corset can stay. Can I…?” Danny reached out, hands exploring her lover’s torso.

  “Yes, this is the end of my surprise.”

  “I fucking love surprises,” Danny murmured before shooting up off the bed and capturing Nicole’s mouth with her own eager lips. Nicole moaned as Danny pulled her as close as possible while continuing the passionate kiss.

  Nicole could barely fathom the fire burning inside of her. It helped her understand why Danny reacted to her lingerie, even though she was certain Danny had seen sexier sights in her short life. None of Nicole’s past lovers had ignited the raw, carnal, erupting, yearning ardor like Danny did. She craved and ached for her partner for the first time in her life.

  Nicole could barely control herself as she reached down to Danny’s shorts and yanked them off of her hips. Danny wiggled out of them and kicked the shorts away. She moved her hands from Nicole long enough to get out of her tank top. Danny was now naked and Nicole backed her up to the bed, so they could get comfortable.

  “On your side, okay?” Nicole said in between kisses.

  Danny nodded and allowed her lover to ease her down onto her left side. Nicole followed her, making sure to keep the kisses going. Once they were down and facing each other, Nicole’s hands
leisurely roamed her girlfriend’s body. Danny purred as Nicole’s fingers kneaded her breast.

  “Uh, that’s so good, angel.” Danny moaned loudly.

  “You like that? Hmm…” Nicole focused on the flesh at her fingertips. “What would happen if I pull it?” She didn’t wait for an answer and gently tugged on the chocolate brown peak. She didn’t usually do anything beyond massage Danny’s breasts because, in the past, she had her own nipples tugged and it mostly just hurt.

  It certainly didn’t hurt Danny if her loud moaning meant anything. Emboldened by the sounds, she twisted the gem between her fingers and moaned herself when Danny arched into her. She placed a soft kiss to Danny’s mouth that turned into a serious, passionate embrace.

  “You feel so good,” Nicole whispered as they broke for air.

  “You too.” Danny’s hands caressed Nicole’s toned belly and thighs. “I wanna…” Her fingers traced Nicole’s waist.

  “Go ahead.”

  Nicole’s eyes fluttered shut as Danny’s fingers crept into her panties and touched her soul. Determined to pleasure Danny, too, her fingers found the source of Danny’s fire and stoked the flames higher. They were quickly moving in tandem, loud moans filling the room with the smells of their love. The noises increased in volume, and Danny lifted her leg to give Nicole better access as she crested.

  As Danny came down from her wave of bliss, Nicole threw her leg over Danny’s hip as she got closer. The musician knew what was happening and pushed into Nicole with more passion. Nicole screamed as she peaked, while Danny placed gentle kisses to her cheeks, chin, and neck.

  “You okay?” Danny asked in a quiet tone. Nicole could only nod. Danny smiled and peppered a few more tender kisses to her lover’s face. “No more?”

  Nicole made a noise, which Danny understood. Long, graceful fingers eased out of Nicole, causing her to whimper. She then gently removed her fingers from Danny. She kicked off her shoes, as Danny covered them with the blankets.

  “Help me take the corset off,” Nicole said in a low voice.

  “Don’t gotta ask me twice.” Danny did as requested. She also happily helped her girlfriend out of her garters and stockings.

  Once Nicole was naked, they cuddled close. Danny kissed the top of Nicole’s head while she caressed Danny’s sides. She tilted her head for Danny to kiss her lips and after that, they settled down.

  This is wonderful. Nicole doubted she could ever do this with anyone else she had ever dated. Danny is so special to me. Not only that, but Danny made her feel special and secure. For once, she was comfortable with exploring herself beyond the idea that she liked both sexes.

  “Hey, Chem.”


  “This is just a break, right?”

  Nicole laughed. “Yes. Round two in a few minutes.” It was a promise she kept.


  The couple didn’t rise until noon, but they were able to get breakfast at a nearby waffle place. They could hardly believe how famished they were. They ate waffles, pancakes, sausage, fruit, and a half dozen scrambled eggs between the pair of them.

  “Do you think we’ll be able to do that again?” Nicole asked.

  “Oh, yeah. We got a good sleep, good food in us, and it’s not like we’re about to jump back into bed. Should we go canoeing or to the art festival?” Dane shoved some waffles into her mouth. Syrup oozed out of the corner of her lips.

  Nicole reached across the table and wiped her mouth. “You can be so messy. How about we save the art festival for tomorrow? It’ll give us something to talk about on the train ride in the morning.”

  Dane chuckled. “My sweet angel, if I’ve done things right, an art festival will be the last thing on your mind.”

  “Still, baby, we have to do something with our Sunday. We’re not going to be in bed all day. We could’ve done that at home.”

  Dane smirked. “You’re the one that felt like we were defiling the house with our naughty behavior.”

  Nicole laughed, but didn’t argue. They finished their massive breakfast and then walked it off around the lake. Once they no longer felt like they weighed twice as much as normal, they rented a canoe. They ended up going right out on the lake because Dane definitely wouldn’t have been able to carry a canoe to get to the inlet.

  “This is cool,” Dane said, as soon as they were on the water. She sat in the front of the boat. “Thanks for suggesting this, Chem.”

  “Well, I know how into the outdoors you are. I used to do this with my dad all the time, when I was little. We haven’t done it for a few years now, though, because we’re both always busy. I should talk to him about going camping again. If only for a few days. You’d like it.”

  “No heat, no running water, no real bathroom, and sleeping on the ground exposed to the elements? Pretty sure I did that before I met you.”

  “I’m sure camping is a completely different experience than sleeping in a park.”

  “You’re probably right. One day we can test your theory.” Dane glanced back to see her girlfriend smiling. She wondered what camping would be like, but she was sure she’d enjoy it just because Nicole would be there.

  They were quiet for a while, taking in the grand scene before them. The lake water was sparking as the sunlight hit it, and it seemed like magic. Dane reached behind her, wanting a connection to her lover. Nicole wasted no time taking her hand and squeezed. They slowly moved toward each other after securing their oars.

  “This is so peaceful,” Dane said, as Nicole rested her head against Dane’s shoulder.

  “Maybe we should’ve gone horseback riding first.”

  “Nah. We’d have thrown up that huge breakfast.”

  Nicole laughed. “Yeah, we would’ve. Horseback riding should help us work up an appetite for dinner, anyway.”

  They drifted on the lake, curled up together. They didn’t say anything, even as they started back to the boat rental place. They walked away, holding hands.

  “Nick, this trip was a great idea,” Danny declared with a grin. They took their time walking back to the rental car.


  “We’re both more relaxed and we’re closer. You feel it?”

  Nicole smiled and nodded. “That’s why I was able to do what I did last night. I’ve had lovers ask me for a lot of things that made me feel uncomfortable or dirty. Sometimes I even wondered if they saw me as some kind of whore. But, I never feel that way with you, and even though you don’t ask for a bunch of sexual things from me, I want to give them to you.”

  Dane was touched and leaned down to place a kiss to her girlfriend’s crown. “That is a special gift, angel. I’ll never abuse that trust,” she vowed.

  Nicole offered her a small smile. “I know you won’t.”

  “And tell me if I ever do anything, in bed or otherwise, that makes you uncomfortable.” Of course, she had purposely held off on plenty of things to make sure not to offend her girlfriend. But, sometimes, she felt like she’d failed.

  “I will.”

  An ebony eyebrow arched. “Will you?”

  Nicole’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “Talk about it later when we’re not out in the open like this.”

  Nicole nodded, definitely not wanting to discuss their sex life outside. So, they went about their day.


  “You look really comfortable on that horse,” Nicole said to Danny. They were out on a trail, slightly ahead of the group of other riders.

  “This is something I’ve done before. My knee isn’t really comfortable, but it isn’t throbbing either.” Danny leaned forward a bit to pet her horse. “He’s a good horse, too.”

  “I’m glad he’s taking care of you. I haven’t done much horseback riding. I prefer to do my own running in sports.”

  Danny laughed. “I need to see you play something.”

  “You name it and we’ll play, if your leg can handle it.”

  Danny scoffed. “So you can beat my ass? You kno
w I don’t play anything beyond instruments.” She smirked. “And you,” she added in a whisper.

  Nicole blushed and looked around to make sure no one else heard. Everyone else had their attention focused elsewhere. Danny chuckled at Nicole’s paranoia, and Nicole reacted childishly by sticking her tongue out at the musician.

  “Is that an invitation?”

  Nicole yelped and put her tongue back where it belonged. She blushed deeper and her lover laughed again. To punish Danny, Nicole didn’t talk to her for about five minutes. That only tickled Danny more if the smile on her face meant anything.

  “We should take more trips together.” Nicole reached over to pat her lover’s arm.

  Danny chuckled. “The silent treatment might be more effective if you could last longer than Bach’s Little Fugue.”

  “Keep it up and I’ll keep being mad at you,” Nicole threatened, even though it was clear she couldn’t uphold that. “But, seriously, we should go on more trips. I’m really enjoying this time with you, doing these types of activities.”

  “That just means we should go on more dates before anything else, but this is fun and I’d like to do it more often. I’ve been able to realize a lot about being with you already. I want this to last forever. I want to love you forever; I want you to love me forever; and I want to let you love me forever.”

  Nicole was speechless. While she was used to Danny saying sweet words from the heart, these words were different for some reason. They were more than emotions shared. They seemed to be deep thoughts and beyond. This was an epiphany that Danny shared with her.

  “Baby…before this…did you think we wouldn’t make it?” Nicole quavered. She almost didn’t recognize her own voice.

  “What? No, of course not!” Danny grabbed for her lover’s hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I never thought that. But, there’s always been this part of me that’s pulled away from you because I’m wary of you wanting to take care of me. I dunno, I felt like you were babying me or something.” She shrugged.

  Nicole’s brow furrowed. “I’m not trying to baby you. I just want to make you happy in any way that I can.”


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