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Bandages Page 27

by S. L. Kassidy

  “This can’t become a habit.”

  Danny grinned and grabbed her into a tight embrace. “Don’t worry, angel. It won’t. I’ll only come along when you invite me. I’ll never request to go, unless you look particularly upset.”

  “Why are you so good to me? So good for me?” Nicole wondered aloud as she cuddled into her.

  “Because, you’re those things to and for me. I wanna take care of you in any way that I can.”

  “I feel the same. I love you so much.”

  “Love you, too.”


  Dane planned their downtime in Las Vegas. They were only going to be there for three days and two nights. On Friday and Saturday, Nicole would be booked from nine to three and she decided that, no matter what, she had to be in bed by one. Sunday was a free day. They had a late flight back home, and Raymond had actually volunteered to drive them to the airport and pick them up.

  “Danny, I don’t know how you talked Nikki into letting you go with her, but I’m glad you did.” Raymond and Dane were loading the bags in the car trunk. Nicole was inside making sure she had everything for her meetings.

  Dane blinked and regarded him as if he had grown a second head. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. Honestly, sometimes, I do think she works too hard. Not in the sense that she has too much to do, but that she lets work become her whole life. Even her mother doesn’t let the job totally consume her the way that Nikki does. Kate has fun, and I’m not going to bother you with the details, but she does, especially on business trips. Nikki should be able to relax after the meeting and if she has to bring you to do that, then so be it.”

  “Wow. Cool.” One day it would seriously settle in her mind that Raymond liked her. Maybe today would be that day since that was practically approval of their relationship.

  His eyes narrowed on her. “You’d better not come back married.” His tone was deadly serious.

  Dane gulped. “Uh…I’ll make sure to avoid anyone who looks like Elvis.”

  Raymond laughed and patted her on the shoulder. She glanced at the hand, not sure what was going on. Dane was saved when Nicole joined them, and they set off for the airport. Raymond reminded them to call when they landed to let him know they made it all right. Dane wondered why, but Nicole just assured him they would do so.


  They checked into their hotel room and had dinner in the restaurant downstairs. Dane was confused by the time change, mostly because the only clock she really ran by was her own internal one. Sitting down to eat, they both scanned the casino just beyond the restaurant. It was busy with people and loud with slot machines and other things.

  “This place looks like fun,” Dane noted with a smile. There certainly were a lot of bright lights and exciting sounds.

  “We will not find out tonight,” Nicole said firmly.

  Dane pouted. “Fine. But, we’re going to play some casino games eventually. I am in charge of the free time, after all, and I’m taking that job very seriously.” This was the truth. Nicole needed to relax.

  Nicole only smiled. They finished their meal and returned to their room. They showered and fell into bed, going to sleep almost immediately. By the time Dane woke up, Nicole was gone. She remembered a fleeting kiss from her love and a mumbled “I-love-you.” She ran her hand through her hair and frowned.


  Nicole breathed a heavy sigh as she entered the hotel room, practically tearing her suit jacket off. She felt like she was drowning in her sweat. She did not expect it to be so hot just stepping outside from the air-conditioned building. It was not even spring yet.

  “Hot enough out there for ya?” Danny smiled as she pressed a water bottle to the back of Nicole’s neck as she tossed her jacket to the floor.

  “All I did was get out of the cab and walk to the building.” Nicole groaned, loving the press of the cold bottle. She moved her hand over Danny’s hand.

  “I’ve been out there all day.”

  “And you’re not hot? What the hell, baby? Are you, like, immune to weather? You don’t get cold, you don’t feel heat, what’s next?” Nicole teased with a gentle smile.

  Danny laughed and flexed her bicep. “Strong like bull.”

  “That still doesn’t explain you being weather resistant. I’m going to go shower and change, and we’ll do whatever fun filled things you have planned for the day.”

  There was a nod and a smile from the younger woman. “I’ll pack us some water.”

  “Thank you.”


  Nicole was a bit surprised that their first stop was the Shark Reef. The aquarium was a lot more involved than the last marine exhibit they went to, and they both had to consciously remember to act like adults. Just entering the place was breathtaking. Danny actually gasped.

  “This is amazing,” Nicole whispered. She clutched Danny’s arm, as they strolled through the shark tunnel. She doubted her eyes could open any wider than they were, and she was still afraid she might miss something swimming by in the tank.

  “Amazing doesn’t begin to cover it,” Danny replied. Nicole thought Danny’s mouth might never close. “Oh, my God, they’re huge!” Danny pointed to the green sea turtles, as they swam by.

  Nicole nodded in agreement. They oh’ed and aw’ed like two little kids, which they acknowledged with shared smiles, blushes, and some giggling on Nicole’s part. They even leaned against the glass a few times. Danny tapped on it a couple of times, trying to get the turtles attention. When they got to the touch pool, they touched everything and for a long time. They even passed each other creatures to touch. They circled the jellyfish display at least a half dozen times. Nicole had to be dragged away from the octopus exhibit.

  “They’re cute,” she cooed.

  “Not if you’ve seen some of the anime I have,” Danny joked. Nicole was happy she didn’t get that one and looked on for the next piece of amazing.

  “Look at the crocodile.” Nicole pointed at the creature in question, trying to pull her partner to that exhibit, but something else had Danny’s attention.

  “Look at the komodo dragon.” Danny countered and plastered herself to that tank. She then went to look at the crocodile with Nicole. They eventually moved on from the reptiles.

  “Wow, look at those fish,” the redhead said, as they continued through the aquarium.

  “Hey, those are the piranhas.” Dane pointed into the tank.

  Nicole’s mouth hung open. “Have you ever seen them before?”

  “Chem, you know I haven’t seen half these things outside of when we went to the zoo and the aquarium back home. Sometimes, I do watch Animal Planet, though. I’ve seen some shows on them.”

  Nicole nodded; the channel had become a favorite of Danny’s ever since they got their precious pup. They smiled and made their way to the gift shop. They slipped away from each other to get gifts. Danny ended up with a t-shirt and a turtle plushie. Nicole received a mug and a jellyfish plushie.

  “Baby, this was wonderful.” Nicole grinned and wrapped her arm around Danny’s arm, pulling them closer together. She watched Danny visibly preen.

  “Well, we’re just getting started.”

  Nicole grinned even more. She couldn’t wait to see what else her partner had planned. After dropping off their things, they went out for dinner at one of the other hotels. The musician had gone through a lot of trouble to pick out a place that served the exotic foods Nicole delighted in. Nicole spent the evening spoon-feeding Danny bites she thought her partner would enjoy.

  “Big Dog, this is perfect.” Nicole smiled as dessert was brought to the table. It was something else she’d have to let Danny taste.

  “I’m glad you think so, but we still have more stuff to do.”


  “Why the hell are we so impressed by magic? We know it’s an illusion, but we still acted like it was real,” Nicole tittered. She clutched Dane’s arm as they left the show, walking out into the cool desert night.

; “How the hell did they do that thing with the bullets?” Dane almost screamed in disbelief, throwing her free hand up.

  Nicole chuckled. “You are too cute, baby.”

  “Cute enough to have a nightcap?” Dane’s grin was positively sinful.

  A teasing glint sparked in emerald eyes. “You gonna wake up with me for breakfast in the morning?”

  “Promise!” Dane held her hand up.

  Nicole laughed. “Let’s go back to the room and see what you’ve got.”

  Dane was ready to run to the room, but held back. There was something romantic about strolling down the strip with her girlfriend clutching her arm. It was a little slice of perfect, like many things with Nicole. She put her arm around Nicole’s waist.

  “You know what, let’s walk for a while,” Dane said in a low voice, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  Nicole smiled and patted Dane’s arm. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  They were silent through most of their walk, taking in the sights. There was some kind of quiet warmth between them that had nothing to do with the desert air, and Dane didn’t want that to end.

  “You feel it, right?” Dane hoped Nicole knew what she meant.

  Nicole squeezed her arm and smiled. “Of course.”

  At the end of the night, they returned to their room and settled for some heavy petting. They showered together and fell into bed nude. They rolled around until Dane settled on top of Nicole. They exchanged heated kisses and caresses, but nothing more than that.

  “You should go to sleep. You’re the one that has meetings, after all.” Dane wasn’t sure where the willpower came from to keep her mouth from Nicole’s breasts, to not bury her fingers to the hilt in her girlfriend; but it was late and Nicole had work in the morning. They had spent too much time wandering outside, but she didn’t regret their time together.

  Nicole groaned, but glancing at the clock, she conceded the matter. “It is bedtime. But, we are waking up early and continuing this.” The yawn made her words seem doubtful.


  Nicole was somewhat distracted from her meeting, silently lamenting the lack of playtime that morning and wondering how Danny was spending her time. After an hour, she gave in to her distractions, which bothered her somewhat. This is why I didn’t want Danny to come! I need to focus on business. She stepped out of the meeting and called the hotel room, but there was no answer.

  “I really need to get Danny a cell phone,” Nicole sighed and returned to her meeting.

  At lunch, her cell phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway. “Hello, Nicole Cardell.”

  “Hey, Nick, come downstairs,” Danny said and then hung up.

  Nicole’s curiosity was piqued as she made her way downstairs. Danny was in the lobby. Nicole couldn’t help the smile that conquered her face. Danny grinned in return. She was greeted with a warm embrace.

  “Baby, what are you doing here?” Nicole inquired, still smiling.

  “I dunno. Just thought you could use a friendly face and a break from the business end of this trip,” Danny remarked with a dashing smile.

  Nicole sighed. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

  Danny’s forehead wrinkled, but she followed Nicole to the small food court in the building. They quickly got their meals and sat down at an open table in the corner. Danny gave the place a quick once-over before focusing on Nicole.

  “This place’s pretty big.”


  “You okay?” Danny reached across the table for her hand.

  Nicole blinked. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

  “Your face looks a little bothered. Did I do wrong by coming here?” Grey eyes were laced with worry, and the way her eyebrows curled up drew out a small smile from Nicole.

  “No! I’m happy you showed up. I’m so happy you’re here. I was thinking about you all day.” She squeezed her girlfriend’s hand.

  Danny nodded. “That’s the problem isn’t it? You’re supposed to be focused on your business meeting since this is a business trip, a trip for business, but you’re thinking about what fun I might be having or what trouble I might be getting into.”

  Nicole looked down at the table. “How do you know me so well?”

  A wide, amused grin settled onto Danny’s face. “I read your diary late at night.”

  Nicole laughed. “I figured as much. So, what have you been up to?”

  “Losing money in blackjack. Nothing big or elaborate for you to be concerning yourself over. I’m saving all of the fun stuff for when you’re around. Because I’m trying to kill time, I just give back anything I happen to win.”

  “Where have you been playing?”

  “All over. Wanna play with me later? We’ll have time before I take you some place you’ll love.”

  Nicole thought on it very briefly. “What the hell? We’re in Vegas, after all!”

  Danny’s face lit up. “That’s the spirit!”

  Lunch was over sooner than Nicole liked, and she was back in her meetings. She was surprised to find she could now focus and was even reinvigorated for the rest the day. She actually left the day’s meeting feeling good.

  Danny waited for her in the lobby. They left hand in hand, returning to the hotel so that Nicole could shower and change. They hit the blackjack tables and Danny learned Nicole was much more prudent with her money. Her bets were small, and she pocketed all of her winnings, only using small amounts to add to wagers when she had a “good feeling.”

  “I think I should stop now and just hold chips for you.” Danny laughed. She had lost a lot of her money, because she liked to play fast and loose.

  “No, no. I like having you play next to me. Please stay, baby.”

  Danny smiled and continued playing. Nicole saw Danny check her watch, which she rarely wore. She wondered if her girlfriend’s divided attention was the reason behind losing her money.

  “Baby, if you tell me when we need to leave, I can set an alarm on my phone,” Nicole offered. Of course, there was a chance they wouldn’t hear it thanks to all of the casino noise, but it was worth a shot.

  “No, no, no. I got this. You just worry about your cards. You support us, after all. Wouldn’t do if you lost your money,” Danny replied with a laugh.

  Nicole laughed as well and continued playing until Danny pulled her from her seat. They cashed in their chips, and Danny looked ready to pass out when she saw Nicole had won almost seven hundred dollars.

  “You must be lucky, baby.” Nicole kissed Danny’s cheek, which brought a smile to Danny’s face.

  “I think you’re right because I know I hit the jackpot.”

  Nicole bumped her girlfriend with her hip. “Sweet talker.”

  “We should put the money in the room before we leave.”

  Nicole nodded in agreement. They wandered to their room and then were out and about. They ended up at a chocolate festival. Nicole’s knees actually went weak; she clutched Danny’s forearm to keep herself upright.

  “Sweetheart,” she whispered.

  “We’ve got all night.” Danny grinned as she watched Nicole become a kid in a candy store.


  “Nick, how the hell are we going to eat all of this junk food?” Dane gawked at the bags in her hands, bags full of sweets. Packets of chocolates, cartons bearing cakes, boxes of pastries, and packages of candy. There was no way in hell they’d be able to eat everything and escape cavity or stomachache free.

  “Not just us, Danny. Some for my parents. My sweet tooth was come by honestly and is genetic. Then there’s Mina, Clara, and Crow. A few people I like at work and school.” Nicole was holding bags of her own.

  Dane couldn’t help arching an eyebrow. “Crow?” She was shocked Nicole even thought about Crow, considering their still somewhat rocky relationship.

  “Yes. She is your best friend, after all. We had to get something for her.”

  Dane shrugged. “Crow will appreciate it.”

  “I thou
ght as much. After all, with the way she looks out for you, she deserves some kind of reward,” Nicole teased.

  Dane scoffed slightly. “She looks out for me? All of those chocolate fumes must’ve messed up your brain.”

  They laughed and teased all the way back to the hotel room. Dane planned for some sweets of her own, but Nicole showered by herself and fell into bed. She was sound asleep by the time Dane got out of the shower. Dane smiled softly.

  “Well, I guess I won’t get my sweet treat, but I’ll settle for holding you in your sleep any time, angel.” She put her hands around Nicole, who turned in her sleep and cuddled into Dane’s body. Dane continued to smile. “God, I love you, woman. Even when you’re too tired to sex me up.” She laughed at her own joke before kissing her lover’s cheek and falling asleep.


  Dane awoke to the sensation of sweet lips floating across her own. She purred at the feeling and taste. It tasted like Nicole and chocolate. Good combination.

  “You’ve been in the candy already,” Dane accused, not bothering to open her eyes. She could feel Nicole’s naughty smile against her mouth.

  “You don’t know that for sure.”

  “I can taste it on your lips.”

  “How about you try to taste it inside my mouth?”

  She opened her eyes to see the devilish sparkle in Nicole’s eyes. She wasted no time taking Nicole up on that offer. A moan echoed through the room, as Dane’s tongue caressed and explored Nicole’s delicious mouth. They broke for air, and Dane smacked her lips.

  “That is definitely chocolate. How are you eating chocolate this early in the morning?” Dane asked, even though she had seen the redhead eat sweets before breakfast every now and then.

  “Because it’s unwrapped already,” Nicole replied in a seductive tone, licking her girlfriend’s neck. “And it tastes so good,” she cooed.


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