Wrath of The Gods

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Wrath of The Gods Page 6

by Leia Stone

  “Not bad, my little Hellhound,” he said, rubbing at his jaw. “There’s no one as fiery as them when riled up.”

  Flexing my fingers, I wondered if I could punch him again without breaking bones. Fucker had a hard face. “You don’t get to call me baby!” I snarled, backing up to sit on the bed again.

  He looked completely unfazed by my outburst. His eyes, his words, his face, they were just reaching out to me with so much emotion, trying to lure me in, but nothing slowed the anger rolling through my veins. This had been a long time coming.

  Cronus stood, taking a step toward me. “Stop!” I held my hands up, closing my eyes so I could block him out. I needed to find my inner strength. “Don’t call me baby. Don’t apologize. Words mean nothing without actions. Nothing. I need you to understand how fucking devastated I was when you left me. Seriously. It wasn’t just that I loved you.” My hands shook with rage as I poured my heart out to him. “It wasn’t just that I was worried about you dealing with the sins and I had no idea if you were okay. It wasn’t even that you sent your ex-wife to fucking babysit me like you wanted to sprinkle some salt in my wounds.” I sucked in a deep breath. “It was that you knew my greatest fear is to be alone … to be left and abandoned like everyone else in my life has done ... like you then did. I’ve been trying to build myself into someone cold and uncaring, someone who just worries about how many Insta likes I have because it’s too hard to go deeper and lose it all…”

  I’d said all of this with my eyes closed, but I opened them now, almost jumping off the bed when I realized he’d moved closer. So close. Our faces were merely inches apart, his wreathed in the sort of sorrow I’d never seen from him.

  “You made me go deeper,” I whispered, choking on my words. “You made me fucking care. I haven’t loved anything other than animals in years, and then there you were, with your stupid-ass caveman attitude and lame jokes. I loved you.”

  The tears fell, because I was too weak to hold them in, and this was what I had been running from my entire life—feeling this sort of pain again.

  Losing a mom at the age I did, it was like my entire life ended. I’d been broken ever since.

  “Maisey, love,” he said, before he swallowed hard, his jaw working as he fought for words. I’d never seen him like this, filled with so much … so much, basically.

  “I know I can’t say anything to make this better, but I promise you, I never fucking left you. I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. I was there every single day, checking up on you, keeping you safe and rescuing those damn animals you love so much.”

  This response shocked me into silence as I stared at him, not even blinking. Was he serious?

  My mind was in overdrive. “There were nights when I thought I saw you, out of the corner of my eye,” I whispered. “But I figured I was just going crazy from missing you so much.”

  Cronus moved a little closer. “I got an InstaBook account for you, Maisey Parker. I never let you out of my sight, and when I had to, I sent others to watch over you.”

  #InstaBook #LoveHowStupidHeIs

  Reaching out, he hesitated near my face, before he gently tucked some of my hair behind my ears. “You’re not crazy.”

  My lips twitched. I knew he thought I was slightly bonkers.

  The smallest smile graced his lips. “Okay, how about I enjoy your particular brand of quirkiness. You’re made for me. We fit.”

  Fuck. I knew I loved this dumbass for a reason … he had all the lines.

  “I’m not sure where we go from here,” I admitted. “I need you to tell me what you want and what your plan is, because I can’t take you leaving me again. If that’s your endgame, you need to leave me alone right now.”

  Cronus’ arms came around me so fast that I never even saw him move. He pulled me close into his delicious scent and overwhelming power. “I swear to you, Maisey, on my family and on Hound, that I will never leave you again willingly.”

  Buried in his arms, my head spinning, those words settled into my soul like a promise.

  “Please don’t make any promises you can’t keep,” I choked out against his chest. “It’s more of a commitment than you realize … than most people realize.” I was babbling now. “Like when people adopt a new pet, they never stop and think that they’ll be their family for their entire lives and that can be twenty years for some of them. It’s a lot. A lot of commitment, and more people should take it seriously—”

  His laughter cut me off, chest shaking against my face. “I’ve been with Hound for over a thousand years. Don’t worry about my commitment. Once you’re in my heart, you will never leave … and you’re in my heart.”

  Gods. Was I crying again? This had to be some sort of record for eye leakage.

  #GetMyTherapist #MyEmotionalCracksAreShowing

  “I’m sorry I hit you,” I murmured. “Sometimes I think I should have red hair to match my temper.”

  He chuckled again. “I deserved it, love. Don’t even worry about it.”

  He had a point, he definitely deserved it.

  Cronus held me for a long time, neither of us speaking. A lot was being said with this gesture, more than most words could convey. Eventually, though, I had to pull away. There was something very important I needed to ask him.

  “Cronus, I have to know. What did Jessell say?”

  The question hung between us, the air almost shimmering. Even though I accepted Cronus’ reasons, and believed his love for me, the trust thing still needed work. First step was truly understanding why he left. If he was in this for the long haul, then he had to stop keeping things from me, even if he thought it was for my own good.

  What about what Selene said?

  I shushed my inner voice quickly, shutting her down. I was dealing with one issue at a time. The fact that my bonus mom wanted me to kill Cronus wasn’t a fact I wanted to pass on to him just yet.

  He lowered his eyes briefly, hands clenched at his sides. “She told me that there would be a time in the future that you would love me so much you’d sacrifice yourself for me. She told me to walk away, and to do it in a way that would turn your love to hate. If I didn’t, it would be your downfall.”

  Chills raced up my arms, goose bumps following them. Did Jessell speak to Selene in the underworld? Did she know how this was all going to end? That I wouldn’t pass the necklace on to Cronus knowing it’d kill him…?

  His eyes were on me now, cataloguing my reactions, watching every expression cross my stupidly expressive face.

  “I was already in love with you, Maisey,” he continued. “Leaving you didn’t change anything for me, but if I had to leave you to keep you alive, it was an easy decision to make. Nothing trumps your life, not even some shattered hearts along the way.”

  Love. Yeah, he’d said he loved me again, but I could barely focus on that with how relaxed he was in regards to shattering my heart. “Don’t ever,” I started, jabbing a finger at him, “and I mean EVER, make a decision like that without me again. Shattered hearts are not as easily repaired as you might hope, and no fate is set in stone. You told me that.”

  #SurelyItWasHim #NotSomethingIdThinkUpOnMyOwn

  He sighed, and the big dick actually looked like he was filled with remorse. “I can only say sorry and promise I won’t do it again. Time will prove my sincerity, and you never need to worry about me being here for the long haul.”

  A sigh escaped me. “Okay, I believe you. Let’s move forward, together, as a team.”

  I needed to let the anger at him go, because right now I was keeping a rather large secret from him. I mean … I planned on telling him as soon as I figured out another solution … one that didn’t require either of us to die.

  He took my hand, lacing our fingers together.

  “Can I just ask,” I started, “why you’ve changed your mind now? You seemed quite determined to stick out the shattering my heart thing.”

  His laughter was dark and cynical. “Three reasons. Firstly, we tried everything to contai
n Jealousy without you and it was an abysmal failure on all fronts. It’s clear that we need you for that. Secondly, the Fates trump everything, and they have stated that together we are strongest. Together we have a shot. Which leads me to my third…”

  It was at this point his free hand came up to cup my face and he moved closer so our lips were a hairsbreadth from each other.

  “Thirdly, we were both slowly dying being apart. It took me a while, but I decided that maybe, just maybe, I would not accept some poorly-conceived fate. We would forge our own, together, because that’s where we were strongest. It took me too long to figure it out, and I’ll never forgive myself for the pain you felt while we were apart, but … I hope, in the end, this will only strengthen us.”

  My lips slammed against his like super-powered magnets that had finally found their match. Cronus wasn’t even remotely taken by surprise, because he took control of that kiss immediately, his mouth dominating mine in a way that left me breathless.

  That kiss continued until I couldn’t remember my name and my body was aching with the sort of intensity that would normally require a doctor's visit. In this case, doctor was definitely not the D word I needed.

  Cronus slowly stripped away my clothes without his mouth ever leaving mine. Fuck, it really helped to have magic powers and super long limbs.

  #IAmSoReadyForThis #SexingTheGoldDick

  When I was completely naked, his lips lifted and I let out a low moan as they closed over my left nipple, the right breast in his palm, his fingers stroking across the sensitive peak.

  “Cronus…” I groaned. He didn’t stop at the boobs though, expertly kissing his way down my body, spending quality time on every sensitive part I had. Some I didn’t even know existed.

  He loved me so thoroughly that by the time his tongue brushed across my center, stroking over my clit once, I came.

  It was hard and fast and I cried out, hands wrapped around the back of his head, holding him against me. His tongue was a fucking weapon of mass clitoration. I had no idea what he was doing down there, but almost immediately the sensations built again and I lifted my hips, moving in time with him. Thick fingers played at my folds until they entered me, one, and then another, my body stretching to accommodate him.

  That’s when he got more serious, his tongue moving rapidly, fingers following suit, and I was losing my fucking brains, screaming out his name.

  #CanYouDieFromAnOrgasm #NotAskingForAFriend

  “I’m pretty sure,” I choked out, when I could breathe again and the stars were gone from my eyes, “that this is what Jessell meant … when she said I might die.”

  His chuckle vibrated over my sensitive flesh, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. #NoOneIsComplaining #TrustMe

  “I waited a long time to taste you,” Cronus rumbled, and my legs were already moving against the sheets, needing to deal with the pleasure overload. “Better than I fucking imagined.”

  “Motherfuckinggodsandsins,” I screamed, as the third orgasm ripped through me, and this time I think I did kind of black out for a bit.

  Cronus ran that wicked tongue over me a few more times, drawing out every ounce of pleasure, before he slowly made his way up along my body, taking his time again. “You’re doing this deliberately,” I huffed out.


  He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “Fuck yes I am.”

  I tasted myself on his lips, and it was more of a turn-on than I expected. Just … being with Cronus like this was already beyond anything I’d experienced before. It made any other sexual encounter seem like they never happened.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” I told him, trying to get my hands between us to get them off.

  “I wanted to focus on you,” he told me, and while I appreciated that, fucking hell I did, it was time for me to focus on this Titan of a man.

  “Off. Now,” I demanded.

  His eyes darkened, lust filling them, and within a blink of his eye he was as naked as me. Tilting my head back, I ran my gaze along his body, noting the powerful corded muscles in his arms, impossible number of abs down his flat stomach, and that perfect vee-shape that led to…

  “Nope. Nuh-uh,” I said, crossing my arms and glaring at him. “What in the fuck is that? Seriously! Nope.” I shook my head vigorously. “Sorry, it’s not happening, buddy. My vagina has run away in terror.”

  Cronus’ lips twitched and he shook his head. “Love, you can’t say that to a man about his dick. You just can’t.”

  I pursed my lips. “That’s not a dick, that’s a weapon, and as such, should not be carried concealed where one might be surprised with a fucking anaconda in your pants.” I hadn’t gotten the full picture of this when we’d been possessed by Jealousy. I mean, the tip had felt large, but this … this was something else.

  Cronus threw his head back and laughed, rolling off me slightly so he could lose his shit without crushing me. This was the first time in so long that I’d heard him laugh, and it was the best thing—outside of all those orgasms—that I’d had in my life.

  “I seriously love you,” I said, before I could stop myself.

  His laughter faded away as he turned back to face me.

  Leaning over, I kissed him. “I hope you’re okay with us never having sex though, because I’d like my lady parts to remain in one piece.”

  Cronus growled against my mouth, hands landing on my hips as he hauled me closer. “I promise it will fit, love. You were made for me. There’s no other in this world, or any other, that would even come close to being a match.”

  Well, fuck. Now I had to risk possible death via vagina explosion.

  #WorthIt #YouKnowItsWorthIt

  I sighed. “Well, if this is how I go … I could think of worse ways.”

  Cronus lifted me up, rolling underneath, and when I sprawled on top he stroked a hand along my breasts, caressing them as my body slid over his. “You set the pace,” he murmured, that low husky voice doing all the right things to me. “You're in charge.”

  Nothing was hotter than a man putting you in charge in the bedroom.

  He continued to play with my body as I adjusted myself. I wrapped my palm around his thick hardness that lay between us. At this point, I was turned on enough that my fear of “death by giant dick” was at a minimum. Lifting my hips, I sank onto him, slowly, letting him fill me in a way that no one else ever had. Cronus was not just long; he was thick and perfectly straight. Rare to find straight ones, according to the poll I ran in high school.

  #TitanPerk #TitanDickIsSuperior #ProveMeWrong

  As I made my way down his length, my body relaxed, opening up further as the pure pleasure overcame the small amount of discomfort at his size. For reals, I’d never be able to fuck him without some decent prep work, but since Cronus seemed to love foreplay, that wasn’t going to be a problem.

  “Told you,” Cronus said smugly, both hands wrapped around my tits as I sat above him, managing to take all stupid-amount-of-inches.

  All I could do was groan as I started to move on top, sliding my body in a way that felt good, and was hopefully good for Cronus too. At one point I changed the angle, lying across him as I moved so our mouths could meet.

  I wanted to kiss him. I needed to kiss him.

  The spiraling of pleasure in my center started slower this time, because I was moving in a slow, steady rhythm—until the point Cronus took control, heavy hands on my hips, biting into me a little as he lifted me and started to fuck me harder.

  “Fuck, I’m gonna come again,” I groaned, pretty much holding on for dear life this time.

  Cronus groaned as well. “Hearing those words fall from your pretty mouth…” he growled. “Come for me, love. Right. Now.”

  I’d never been one to take commands very well, but apparently Cronus’ gold dick was the ticket I’d been missing on that front.

  My scream was loud, the orgasm intense in ways I didn't know they could be. It was normal to not feel your legs, but I literally co
uldn’t feel any part of my body. I’d gone to the fucking next dimension.

  Cronus’ eyes were so dark now, the gold the only slice of shimmer to be seen. “Maisey,” he groaned, as he started to lose his shit, gripping my hips tightly. He jerked up into me once and then again, and I felt him swell even further, sending me screaming for the tenth time.

  When we were finished, I collapsed against him, my breathing so harsh that it was the loudest sound in the room. Thankfully, he was breathing almost as strongly, and I felt somewhat satisfied that he’d liked it.

  And he’d fit.

  Couldn’t ask for more than that.

  Chapter 8

  “You broke me,” I moaned the next morning, trying to roll over but none of my muscles were responding. Cronus grinned, palm flat on my belly, as he tickled his nose against my neck. “Round three?” he breathed, sending chills down my spine and horror between my legs.

  “Maybe in a week after I’ve recovered and had a plastic surgery consult.”


  He chuckled against my skin and I grinned, sitting up and climbing on top of him. I hadn’t realized my legs were so weak until they gave out and Cronus had to steady me.

  “Whoa, you okay?” he asked, concern crossing his features.

  I waved him off. “This happens to a lot of people who run marathons. I’ll be fine. Wanna go for a swim?”

  He leaned over and reached under the bed, producing a bag from the gift shop. “Got us swimsuits while you were sleeping. Don’t want anyone seeing my woman naked.”

  I grinned, slipping into the black and white polka-dot bikini.

  Without another word, he dressed himself and then lifted me into his arms. I’d normally protest such caveman behavior—but fuck, who was I kidding. I loved it.

  He carried me to the ocean. The second the cool water caressed my body, a contented sigh escaped me. “I’ve missed this,” I said.

  His mouth came down to kiss my cleavage, which was extra right now because of my bikini. “I missed looking at these.”


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