Highland Challenge (Highland Generations Book 1)

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Highland Challenge (Highland Generations Book 1) Page 17

by B. J. Scott

  “I could say the same about you,” Callum scoffed.

  Andrew looked from one man to the other, then raked his fingers through his hair. At this moment, he could be certain of nothing when it came to either man. The only sure thing was that Elise, and now Mareal needed rescuing. He would worry about seeing Kayden punished for his mounting list of dishonorable deeds once he knew the lasses were safe.

  “Are you going to let that bugger get away with pummeling his guards?” Seamus lumbered toward them with his sword drawn. “I warned you na to turn your back on him.”

  “Easy, man.” Andrew moved into Seamus’s path, preventing him from reaching Callum. He already had his hands full keeping William and Callum from killing each other. “There is something of importance I need to tell you.” He looped his arm around the older man’s shoulders and attempted to usher him away, but Seamus dug in his heels.

  “What about, him?” Seamus pointed at Callum, scowling.

  “He is na going anywhere,” William growled, then again grasped the hilt of his sword, but halted his advance when Andrew raised his hand.

  “Leave your blade where it is, and step down.” Although he could not be sure leaving Callum and William alone together was wise, Andrew needed to speak with Seamus alone. “I understand your concerns, Seamus, but we really must talk.”

  “Verra well,” Seamus grumbled. “But I have my eyes on you, Forbes, so dinna try anything you will live to regret.”

  After convincing Seamus to join him near a small clump of trees a few yards away, Andrew told him that in addition to Elise, Kayden held Mareal prisoner as well. He confided in him what Callum claimed about his sire, then shared his suspicion that Lorne’s death was not an illness and Kayden’s probable involvement.

  When Andrew finished, Seamus blew out a low whistle. “That is a lot to take in. Na that I would put anything past a scoundrel like Kayden. He caused much grief over the years, but to kill his uncle and now threaten Lady Mareal is far too much to fathom. Even for him. He must be stopped.”

  “The reason why I have no choice but to trust Callum Forbes,” Andrew said. “My head tells me to be wary of him, but my gut tells me what he claims is the truth, and he only means to help. Either way, time is running out and we need to get Elise and Mareal away from Kayden before he does them harm. Forbes has been in the castle and knows where to find the ladies.” He offered his arm to Seamus. “Are we in agreement?”

  Seamus grasped Andrew’s wrist and gave it a shake. “Aye, if you think it wise, you are laird, and I will honor your wishes. But I still wouldna turn your back on him.”

  “I dinna plan to let down my guard,” Andrew said. “I also think it best that we na tell anyone about Callum’s claim to be the son of Donnal MacCurtry. At least na for now. The fewer people who know the better. We will deal with confirming his birthright once the ladies are safe.”

  Seamus nodded in agreement. “A wise decision. Things are already complicated enough when it comes to who will be the next laird.”

  Andrew had wished more than once that he had refused Lorne’s request to care for Mareal and find her a husband to take his place. He also regretted his decision to ask Elise to come to MacCurtry Castle to be her companion. But it was too late for second guessing and the responsibility of getting the women back from Kayden rested on his shoulders. “I also promised William that I wouldna put his friends at risk, so willna share their names with anyone.”

  “Agreed.” Seamus glanced at Callum and William who remained standing toe-to-toe glaring at each other like two rabid wolves ready to pounce. “Best we get back to those two afore a fight breaks out and they kill each other.” He turned and stomped toward them with Andrew on his heels.

  “I have decided to let you both help me in my attempt to rescue the ladies,” Andrew announced. “Callum is right when he says he can move about the keep freely and no one will recognize him. William, if anyone spots you, the chances are good they will turn you over to Kayden and he will no doubt see you drawn and quartered. However, your knowledge of the castle and the other resources you have to offer once we are inside will prove invaluable.”

  “I will be watching you, Forbes,” William hissed through clenched teeth.

  Standing his ground, Callum returned the glower of contempt. “And I you.”

  Seamus stepped forward. “Andrew has my support in this, but if either of you give me cause to regret my decision, I will hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.”

  Andrew looked from William to Callum. “I would be a liar if I said I dinna have reason to question the motives of both you men. Separately, we each have our own reason for being here, but I believe together, we may just have a chance of rescuing, Mareal and Elise.”

  “Seamus, I need you to wait an hour, then cause a diversion.” Andrew hooked his arm around Seamus’s shoulders. “Rally the men and launch an attack on the front and flanks of the stronghold, distracting Kayden. From what we know, he is prepared for a frontal assault and has archers and caldrons of hot tar at the ready. Dinna get too close, just make him think we are ready to attack.”

  “What do you plan to do?” Seamus asked.

  “William, Callum, and two of our warriors will accompany me to rescue the ladies. Seamus, I need you to personally select two men you feel confident I can trust. Have them waiting at the edge of the encampment, armed and ready to leave.” Andrew waited for Seamus to run off to do his bidding, then returned his attention to the other two men. “We will sneak into the keep through the storage area prior to the diversion, locate the ladies, and hopefully get them out while Kayden is fending off what he believes is an assault on the stronghold.”

  “When do we make our move?” Callum asked. “The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be to help the lasses. Especially if he decides to separate them.”

  “Now.” Without saying another word, Andrew turned and strode off in the direction of Billingsworth castle.

  Chapter Twenty

  Mareal paced, desperately searching her mind for answers. She needed to figure out a way to get her and Elise out of their current predicament and safely back to MacCurtry Castle. But so far, she’d come up empty. She chastised herself again for believing that Kayden might find a modicum of decency in that black heart of his and let Elise go as promised. Deep down, she knew the likelihood of that happening was slim, but after what Andrew told her about Elise’s frailty, she felt duty bound to try her utmost to arrange her release as soon as possible.

  She moved to where Elise sat curled up in a chair by the fire. “Mayhap you should lay down and close your eyes for a wee nap. I will stand watch and let you know as soon as I come up with a way to get us home.”

  “I couldna possibly sleep.” Elise peered up at her. “Please dinna fash over me. I can only imagine what Andrew told you about my health, but as I mentioned when we first met, I am stronger and more resilient than anyone gives me credit for.”

  Elise did tell her that after a near-death mishap as a bairn, everyone coddled her and never allowed her to have the normal level of independence she desperately craved. However, given her sheltered existence until now, Mareal did not think this was what her friend had in mind when she mentioned she wanted a chance to spread her wings and experience life. She shuddered when she thought about the abhorrent marriage Kayden had planned for her to Lord Billingsworth. Even worse was the fate he intended for Elise. She could not imagine the horror of Kayden handing her over to his warriors to do with as they pleased.

  “You mentioned your parents were overprotective, but this is entirely different,” Mareal said. “Kayden poses a real danger, and he should never have involved you in our quarrel in the first place.”

  Elise rose. “As I told you afore, it isna your fault I was abducted. You are na accountable for Kayden’s evil deeds. Anymore than you are solely responsible for finding a way to get us out of here.” She looped her arms around Mareal’s shoulders. “We are in this together, and I havena been m
uch help in coming up with a plan of escape either. Unfortunately, the way out is through that locked door. Even if we could open it, two women are no match for a brute that large.”

  After returning the much-appreciated hug, Mareal stepped away. Elise was right. With the window barred, the only way out was to get by the sentry, which would not prove easy. She wished she had some sort of weapon to use against the guard, but a complete search of the room upon her arrival, provided nothing they could use to defend themselves. “Dinna fash, there must be an answer.”

  The door swung open and the guard ushered a maid into the room, putting an abrupt halt to the ladies’ discussion about escaping.

  “Lily fixed you some food and drink,” he announced. “I told her it was far too late for a meal, but she insisted Lord Kayden wanted you to have it. Best you eat quickly, then get into bed. There is no telling when his lordship will call for you.”

  “Where would you like this?” the maid asked.

  Mareal motioned to a table on the far side of the room. “Over there will be fine. Thank you.”

  The maid placed the tray on the table, then bobbed a curtsy, before leaving the room with the guard on her heels.

  “Are you hungry, Elise? I am sure it has been a while since you had anything to eat.” Mareal peered down at the food, but had no appetite.

  “Nay. I am too nervous to eat anything,” Elise said. “Do you think Kayden will send for us soon?”

  Mareal shrugged. “I dinna know what he has in mind or might do.” She still could not bring herself to tell Elise what her despicable cousin planned, and saw no point in upsetting her.

  “I canna believe you are here with me. You never did tell me how you got away from James,” Elise said. “I dinna know him well, but he appears to be diligent when it comes to following orders.”

  “He is, and I hate that he will be reprimanded because of me, but, wait—” Mareal stopped mid-sentence, then patted the pouch at her waist. She had completely forgotten about the herbs she used on James. When searched for weapons upon her arrival, the man never bothered to take them. “It worked once and might again. This could be our way to escape.” She showed the pouch to Elise.

  “What is it, and how can a tiny sack help us to get by the sentry?”

  “It isna the pouch, but what it contains.” Mareal raced to the table and picked up a jug of mead. “I collected this assortment of herbs to help my father sleep when he was ill, and got away from James by putting a pinch in his ale. If we add some to the mead, then offer it to the guard, we may just have our way out of the room.”

  “It is a fine plan, but if he locks the door from his side, then falls asleep, how do we get out?” Elise asked.

  Mareal cursed beneath her breath. The herbs worked on James, but he was in the room with her at the time. When he fell asleep, she simply plucked the keys from his side, and let herself out. She forgot the guard would lock the door from the outside and have the key with him. “I dinna think of that.” She tapped a finger against her brow, then returned her attention to Elise. “If we offer him the mead containing the herbs, wait a bit for it to take effect, then give him a reason to open the door, he may be groggy enough for us to subdue him.”

  “I could tell him you suddenly took ill and needed a healer,” Mareal suggested. “He would come in to check. Or one of us could say we must visit the garderobe, and he will then have to open the door.”

  Elise nibbled on her lower lip. “It might work, but if he falls asleep afore we get him to open the door, or dinna give him enough to affect him, it will be for naught.”

  “We have to try, Elise. The sun will soon be up, and we canna just sit here waiting for Kayden to show up and drag us out of here, or for Andrew to arrive and fall for my cousin’s trap. We must warn him.”

  “I know reaching Andrew is important, and I dinna mean to question your ideas, but if we do manage to get by the guard, how will we get out of the castle without being stopped?”

  “We will worry about that, once we get out of here,” Mareal began, but never finished what she had to say. Instead, she ran to the window in response to a sudden outburst of men shouting and a loud ruckus outside the curtain wall. “It is too late.”

  “What is it?” Elise joined Mareal by the window.

  “The stronghold is under attack by an army of men, flying my father’s colors.”


  The five men entered the storage chamber filled with kegs of ale, barrels of grain, and sacks of oats through an unlocked door. After searching the room, Andrew turned his attention to William. “Where are your friends? You said they would be waiting, and that we could count on them to help us.”

  “We can. I will stake my life on it,” William whispered.

  “Yours and ours,” Callum grumbled.

  “Lily works in the kitchen, and she left the door unlocked as promised, did she na? She said she would try to let the ladies know we were coming for them, and that we should wait here.”

  “If we hope to save the ladies, we canna afford to dally and risk getting caught.” Andrew drew his sword, then addressed the men, keeping his voice low so not to draw the attention of anyone who might pass by the room. “The battle sounds I hear, tells me that Seamus has launched the mock attack, so we will have to proceed on our own.”

  The door to the storage room opened, and Andrew and his men scattered, taking refuge behind a stack of whisky barrels and sacks of oats.

  “William?” a woman whispered. Are you here?”

  “Aye, lass.” William sprang from his hiding spot, then sprinted to the woman, hooked his arm around her waist, and hauled her against his chest. “When you werena here, I feared something happened, and you might na come.” He captured her lips and kissed her soundly.

  Andrew grunted, then coughed to clear his throat, reminding the enamored couple they were not alone. “We dinna have time for your dalliance.” He joined William and Lily, immediately accompanied by the others. “I am Andrew Fraser, and thank you for your help. As you know, we are here to rescue Lady Mareal and my cousin Elise. Do you know where they are, and if they are well?”

  Lily broke free of William’s embrace—her cheeks flushed a bright red. She peered up at Andrew and curtsied. “They are both well, m’lord. Less than an hour has passed since I took them a tray of food.”

  “Then they know we are coming to rescue them,” William said.

  “Nay.” Lily lowered her gaze. “I hoped to speak with them alone, but the guard insisted on accompanying me into the chamber, then wouldna go. I could do naught but drop off the tray and leave. I considered putting a note with the food, but feared one of the guards might find it.”

  “How many guards?” Andrew preferred to know the odds he was facing in advance when possible.

  “Three. Lord Kayden ordered the ladies held in the north tower of the castle,” Lily said. “There is a narrow, winding staircase leading to the top, where a single sentry stands guard at the door to the chamber. There are two other men at the bottom. Getting by them willna be easy.”

  “Let us fash about how to subdue the guards,” Andrew said, then spoke to William. “In addition to Lily, you claimed to have a friend who was willing to help us once we were inside.”

  “Rory will be waiting in the tunnel and have horses outside the postern gate,” Lily spoke up before William could answer. “Since William would be recognized if seen by anyone, he and Rory will make sure the tunnel beneath the castle is clear for you to make your escape, and have the mounts ready.” She turned and spoke directly to Andrew. “What of you Lord Fraser? Mayhap you should go with William and leave the rescue to the others who can move freely about without fear of recognition. Capturing you would be a fine prize for any of Kayden’s men.”

  Although what Lily stated held credence, Andrew was determined to get Mareal and Elise back, and regardless of the risks, he strongly believed it was his personal responsibility to do so. “I will take my chances. Kayden knows me well, but
I dinna think any of his warriors or servants will recognize me,” he said. “I appreciate your concern for my safety, Lily, but have all intentions of going with my men to retrieve the ladies.”

  Callum stepped forward, his brow creasing deeply as he spoke to Lily. “So, you are saying we just need to make our way through the keep to the tower, get rid of three guards, retrieve the lasses, go back through the castle, then get to the waiting mounts using the tunnel?”

  Lily met Callum’s gaze. “Aye. It may sound daunting, but it is the only way.”

  “And you are certain this is possible?” Andrew asked.

  “Normally it would be difficult for you to go unnoticed, but his lordship has hired many new men of late to help defend the keep against an attack, so four more strangers will not seem out of place,” she explained. “If bent on doing this thing, now is the perfect time. I was told there is a threat on the stronghold as we speak, so Lord Kayden and Lord Billingsworth will be thus occupied, along with everyone else.”

  Callum looked at Andrew. “Sounds straight forward to me. What in damnation are we waiting for?”

  Chapter Twenty One

  Determined to trick the sentry into accepting the herb-laced mead, Mareal carried the mug toward the door. “We must try to get the brute to drink this. It is our only hope,” she whispered, then sucked in a deep breath for courage.

  “I pray you are successful in your attempt, and your plan works,” Elise responded softly.

  Mareal was about to call out to the guard, but stepped back when she heard more than one voice on the other side of the door. “He isna alone.”

  “Who could it be?” Elise wrung her hands, her voice trembling as she spoke. “Do you think Kayden has come for us?”

  Before Mareal could reply, the latch lifted, and the wooden slab creaked opened. Momentarily at a loss for words, her jaw dropped open. She blinked several times, finding it hard to believe that instead of Kayden or one of his minions, Andrew and Callum Forbes stood in the doorway. Relieved and thankful to see them, she dropped the mug of mead and launched herself forward, throwing her arms around Andrew’s neck. “You startled me half to death. I dinna know how you got into the castle and by Kayden and his guards, but I am so happy to see you.” Without giving it a second thought, she kissed his cheek.


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