Highland Challenge (Highland Generations Book 1)

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Highland Challenge (Highland Generations Book 1) Page 24

by B. J. Scott

  Mareal giggled, then bobbed her head at Andrew. “I am hungry and do wish to speak with my cousin afore we go. Tell Elise we will be right down.” She slid from the bed and began to dress.


  Andrew escorted Mareal to the Great Hall, where Callum awaited their arrival. He paused when he spotted at least a dozen men passed out on the floor, and several upturned tables—a testament to the merriment that continued well after they left for their chamber.

  “Good morn, cousins.” Callum strode toward them with his hand outstretched. “I hope you managed to get some sleep, and are well rested for your journey.” He wiggled a brow at Andrew, then clasped his wrist and gave it a shake.

  Andrew fought the urge to laugh when a blush colored Mareal’s cheeks, and rather than answer Callum’s question, she studied the floor. “We managed a few winks, and are anxious to be on our way.”

  “Na in too much of a hurry to break your fast, I hope.” Callum pointed to the servants entering the room with trays of roasted meat, cheese, vegetables, and bannocks.

  The mention of food caught Mareal’s attention and she quickly raised her head. “Nay. We are hungry,” Mareal said before Andrew could answer.

  “Good, that means you worked up an appetite last night,” Callum chuckled, then motioned for them to join him. “Come and enjoy.”

  After accompanying Mareal to her seat at the dais; for what would likely be her last time, Andrew waited for her to sit, then sat beside her. He was anxious to get on their way, but it could not be easy for her to leave her home behind, and he wanted to give her as much time as she needed.

  “Are you feeling settled in your new position as laird, Callum?” Mareal filled her trencher, then popped a piece of bannock in her mouth.

  “Aye. The clan has been most welcoming, and William and James have been a major help,” Callum said. “I only wish you and I had more time to get acquainted.”

  “Hopefully you will come and visit us at Fraser Castle.” She rested her hand on his forearm. “I am sure Andrew would also be pleased to have you come.”

  “Aye, you are always welcome.” This was the first time since his arrival that someone else occupied the laird’s seat, and the huge weight of obligation and duty to Lorne was gone. Andrew loved him like a father, and took pride in the fact he called upon him to oversee his affairs, but was relieved to be heading home to Fraser Castle where he belonged. To top it off, he was taking his new bride with him.

  “Once I am better organized, I will make it a point of visiting,” Callum said.

  “Good. We will be most pleased to see you, as will E . . . everyone else.” Mareal stammered, then popped a piece of cheese in her mouth.

  Elise was what she started to say, Andrew thought as he studied his wife. It was clear his cousin found Callum attractive, just as he seemed to take a fancy to her, but as far as he was concerned, the new laird had enough on his plate and no time to think about courting a woman. If there was more than a casual friendship between them, it was up to them to figure it out in the future, and to act upon it of their own accord, but he seriously doubted anything would come of it. Given the vast distance between them, Andrew was certain her parents would never approve of her moving so far away from home.

  As if on cue, Elise entered the hall and approached the dais. “William was wondering how much longer you would be. He is anxious for us to be on our way.”

  “He is going with us?” Andrew had no idea William planned to accompany them, and really didn’t see a need. Accustomed to traveling on his own, he never worried about what lay ahead, and made better time. But going the distance alone with two women was different, so he was grateful for the protection from a garrison of men. One never knew when they might encounter a band of thieves. But now Kayden no longer posed a threat, he could not think of anyone else who might try to intercept them. “Do you think it necessary William comes with us? Would he na be of more use here at your side?”

  “As acting head guard while Seamus is recovering, his first official duty is to see you home safely.” He smiled at Elise, then spoke to Andrew. “I want to be certain nothing happens to any of you along the way.”

  “Why did you na join us for the morning meal, Elise?” Mareal asked.

  Elise brought a hand to her mouth and giggled. “Because it is past noon and we broke our morning fast many hours ago.” She then spoke to Andrew. “What should I tell William?”

  Andrew rose and held the back of Mareal’s chair until she stood. “I will tell him myself.” He turned to Callum. “Hopefully, there is naught I have forgotten to tell you?”

  “If there is, I am certain I can manage it.” Callum grasped Andrew’s wrist, then pulled him into an embrace and thumped him on the back. “Safe journey, and take care of my cousin, lest you wish to answer to me.”

  “You have my word on it.” Andrew patted Callum on the back, then broke free of his hold. “William and James will prove invaluable should you have any questions, but feel free to call upon me should the need arise.” He snaked his arm around Mareal’s shoulder and pointed to the door. “Best we go afore William comes in after us.”

  Mareal lunged forward and hugged Callum. “Take care of yourself, and do come and visit.” She kissed his cheek, then returned to Andrew’s side. “I am ready.”

  Callum coughed to clear his throat, before he spoke again. “Andrew is right, if you tarry any longer, William will leave without you.” He threw back his head and laughed.


  “Is Fraser Castle much farther?” Four days had passed since they left, and Mareal could hardly wait to reach her new home, and to have her feet planted firmly on the ground for more than a few hours. Although she loved riding, she didn’t care if she saw another saddle, piece of dried venison, or a pallet of leaves again.

  “We should be there afore nightfall,” Andrew slowed his mount and motioned for William to go on ahead of them. “I know it seems like forever, but it willna be long now.” He glanced at Elise. “How fare you, cousin?”

  For a frail lass, Elise was doing far better on this arduous journey than anyone would have expected, including Mareal. More than once in the last sennight, Elise proved to be much stronger than given credit.

  “I am tired, but I know it willna be much longer. I must say, it will be good to see my parents, and to sleep in my own bed.” Elise shifted in her saddle, then asked, “Could you grant me a boon when we get home, Andrew?”

  “It all depends on your request.”

  She had not posed the question yet, but after their conversations at MacCurtry Castle, Mareal had the feeling it likely had something to do with Callum, or her parents’ overprotectiveness. Elise was no longer the shy, demure dormouse who arrived at MacCurtry Castle a little over a sennight ago, and while the change might unnerve her parents, Mareal was happy to see a more confident woman returning to Fraser Castle. With luck, her parents would ease up on their restraints and someday, she would meet a wonderful man, fall in love, and get married. She hoped that man might be Callum, but while they showed an interest in each other, their relationship didn’t appear to advance beyond friendship.

  “Could you speak to my da about giving me a tad more freedom? You know how he and mother fuss over me,” Elise said. “After spreading my wings, it will na be easy to go back to living a sheltered life.”

  “I am na sure it will do any good,” Andrew replied.

  “Your plea on her behalf may na make any difference, but after the brave way she dealt with her abduction and threats from Kayden, you at least owe it to her to try.” Mareal hated to interfere, but she had grown very fond of Elise, and her new friend and cousin-by-marriage had made it clear that she wished people would stop treating her like a breakable piece of fine china.

  “I canna promise they will listen, but I will do my best to inform them of your frustration and concerns,” Andrew promised. “I canna fight you both.”

  As they entered Fraser land, Andrew rode up beside Willia
m. “We will soon be home. I see no reason for you to go the rest of the way, unless you wish to rest up afore heading back. The choice to finish the journey or return to MacCurtry Castle with our thanks is yours to make.”

  “Callum did tell us to see you all the way home, but he is still new to his position as laird, and he might need some help keeping the men in line,” William said.

  Rather than respond to William’s remark, Andrew abruptly reined in his mount. He leaned forward, cupped a hand over his eyes, and stared into the distance. “Riders are coming. It looks to be about twenty men.”

  William rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, then squinted at a cloud of dust in the distance. “Do you recognize them?”

  “Aye. It appears my da has sent out a garrison to see us the rest of the way home.” Andrew motioned for Mareal and Elise to join him. “If na mistaken, my da and Uncles Bryce and Lazarus are with them.

  Relieved they were so close to home, and excited to learn his father and uncles were part of the Fraser garrison, Mareal nudged her mount forward. “I must say, I am so nervous, my stomach feels like a bevy of butterflies were set free and canna escape.”

  “There isna a reason to be nervous. My father thought highly of your da, and found you most charming. It is my mam you need worry about,” he laughed.

  Mareal narrowed her gaze. “It is a wee bit late to be telling me this now. You told me that your mother would approve of our union, and that we are alike in many ways.” She swallowed against the lump in her throat.

  “Andrew leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I jest, leannan, my mother will adore you. It is I who need worry. With two powerful women in my life, I will have to watch my every step.” He slid from the saddle, then helped her down as the Fraser men arrived.

  She usually loved when he called her leannan—his sweetheart, the term of endearment making her feel loved and safe, but hearing it now, did little to stay her nerves.

  “Andrew!” Connor sprinted toward his son, then hauled him into a tight embrace. “It is good to have you home. Your missive arrived early this morn, and everyone was thrilled to learn you were on your way with your new bride.” He released him, then hugged Mareal. “And welcome home to you as well, lass. It pleases me greatly to see you again, and to call you daughter.”

  Mareal bobbed a curtsy. “Laird Fraser.”

  “You dinna need to be so formal, Mareal,” Connor said. “We are family, so call me da.”

  Bryce dismounted and rushed to Elise’s horse, then lifted her from the saddle. “It does my heart good to see you. We have all missed you, especially your mam,” he declared, then wrapped his arms around her.

  As Mareal watched the joyous reunions, and given the warm welcome she got from Connor, her angst about meeting the family and fitting in dissipated. She glanced at the other warrior who remained on horseback. The strong family resemblance could mean but one thing, he was another of Andrew’s uncles. She peered up at him and smiled.

  “My Uncle Lazarus.” Andrew approached his destrier and reached up to shake his hand.

  “Welcome home, lad.” He caught Mareal’s gaze, then bobbed his head. “Welcome to the clan, m’lady.”

  “Will you continue with us to Fraser Castle, eat, then rest up afore heading back home?” Connor asked William.

  “There is plenty of food, ale, whisky, and pretty lassies,” Bryce added.

  William scratched his head, then after giving the proposal some thought, he replied. “Passing up your generous offer of spirits, lovely maidens, and a soft bed isna easy, Laird Fraser, but if you dinna mind, we will make camp here for the night, rest the horses, and head back on the morrow.”

  “Stay as long as you like.” Connor faced Andrew. “Best we mount up and get moving if we wish to be at the castle afore dark. Your mother is anxious to meet your lovely new bride, and I am sure she canna wait to tell her all of your faults, and how to keep you in line,” he snickered.

  “I have no doubt they will be fast friends, and Lord help me,” Andrew replied. He wrapped his hands around Mareal’s waist, assisted her into the saddle, then mounted his own horse. “Was mam upset that we married at MacCurtry Castle?”

  “A bit, but as you well know, Cailin is a strong, resilient woman, and it takes a lot to rattle her. When we set out this morn, she was busy planning what she considers to be your real wedding ceremony, and you can be sure it will be elaborate, and the ceilidh will last for days,” Connor chuckled, then threw his leg over the back of his horse and mounted with ease. “Let’s go. There is a castle full of people waiting to welcome you and your new bride home.”

  About B.J. Scott

  With a passion for historical romance, history in general, and anything Celtic, B.J. always has an exciting work in progress. Each story offers a blend of romance, adventure, suspense, and, where appropriate, a dab of comic relief. Carefully researched historical facts are woven into each manuscript, providing a backdrop from which steamy romance, gripping plots, and vivid characters--dashing alpha heroes and resourceful, beguiling heroines you can't help but admire--spring to life. A PAN member of RWA, World Romance Writers, and Savvy Authors, B.J. also writes contemporary, paranormal, time travel, and romantic suspense.

  C.S. Lewis first captivated B. J.'s imagination in the fourth grade, and her desire to write sprang from there. Following a career in nursing and child and youth work, B.J. married her knight-in-shining-armor, and he whisked her away to his castle by the sea. In reality, they share their century-old home in a small Canadian town on the shore of Lake Erie with our dogs and a cat. When she is not working at her childcare job, on her small business, or writing, you will find her reading, camping, or antique hunting.

  More by B.J. Scott

  Highland Hearts Afire – Time Travel Romance

  Talisman of Light

  Forever and Beyond

  Legacy of Love

  Fraser Brothers Trilogy

  Highland Legacy

  Highland Quest

  Highland Homecoming

  Blades of Honor series (Sequel to Fraser Brothers Trilogy)

  Highland Hellion

  Highland Resurrection

  Highland Deliverance

  Other Scottish Historical Romance

  Bedded by her Highland Enemy

  Her Highlander's Promise

  Laird of the Deep: A Pirates of Britannia Novella

  Coming Soon:

  Highland Covenant (Blades of Honor book 4)

  A Rose Among Thistles (the full novel)




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