Back To You This Christmas

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Back To You This Christmas Page 14

by Sterling, S. L.

  I got up and closed the door to my office and went and sat back in my chair, putting my feet up on the corner of my desk and loosening my tie. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

  "It's not like I didn't know it was coming. It’s just going to be hard to say good-bye, you know what I mean?"

  "I do. Did you get the actual closing date? I mean, perhaps I can arrange to get some time off and we can go and spend a couple of weeks up at the house before the wedding."

  "She sounded so upset, Drew, I didn't bother to ask. I'm assuming it is probably two months from today. She said she was going to go and call Zach next."

  "I'll take a look at my schedule and see what I can do, okay."

  "Okay. Are you going to be home soon?"

  "I just have two things to wrap up, and then yes, I'll be home. How about we meet for dinner at Lorenzo's tonight?"

  "That sounds wonderful. I just have this shoot to finish and I will be on my way."

  Sophie walked into my office carrying some paperwork, and I held my finger up to signal that I just needed one second. She nodded and sat down across from me.

  "Okay, sweetie, I've got to go. My last appointment just came in. I love you."

  Her soft voice came over the phone. "I love you too. See you soon."

  "Will do." Hanging up the phone, I looked to Sophie. "Everything good?"

  "Yep, just need your signature on a couple more documents before I file them for finalization."

  "Sounds good."

  She passed me four documents all marked where she needed my signature. I signed quickly and handed them back to her.

  "You're sure that is everything?"

  "Yep, I’m sure. Give me a half an hour and I will have copies for you."

  "Great, I'll be here." I smiled at her as she walked away.

  As soon as she was out of the room, I leaned back in my chair and thought back to the phone call with Lexi, and how I had wanted to tell her my surprise but figured it would be better over a bottle of champagne tonight at our favorite restaurant, after she had already digested the news of her parents selling the house.

  I did some paperwork and then called the restaurant to confirm our reservations and make sure that they had indeed brought in the bottle of champagne I had requested, since they didn't normally have it on the menu. It was a special favor from the owner to repay me, the newest partner in the law firm who had saved his restaurant from being taken over by his ex during the divorce.

  * * *

  I was seated at our favorite table in the back of the restaurant when I saw Lexi walk in. I patted my jacket pocket, making sure the documents were in there, when she spotted me and made her way over to our table.

  "What made you choose Lorenzo's?" Lexi asked as she kissed me hello and sat down across from me.

  "Just thought I would treat my girl," I said, winking at her.

  "What a nice surprise."

  Lexi flipped her menu open and started looking over the selections. I smiled to myself. She did this every time we came here but always ended up ordering the same thing. I signaled to the waitress who came right over.


  "Can we get two glasses of water and a bottle of your 2009 Cristal Brut please." I immediately noticed Lexi's head snap up at the mention of the bottle of champagne.

  "Are we celebrating something?" she asked, looking off into the distance, searching her mental calendar of important dates. "No, there is nothing that I can think of…"

  "Relax. Can’t I treat my girl?" I asked, trying to brush it off as nothing.

  "Well, you can, but not with an eight-hundred-dollar bottle of champagne, Drew." She let out a nervous laugh and closed her menu.

  "Just sit back and relax." I winked at her, placing my hand on hers, as she settled back into her seat.

  "Please, Drew, just tell me. Is something wrong? Did you lose your job?" There was panic in her voice.

  Just then the waitress showed up and poured us each a glass of champagne, setting the bottle in the center of the table. I kept eye contact with Lexi, watching the questions wander through her mind.

  "Are you ready to order?"

  I was just about to say yes when Lexi spoke up. "Could you give us a few minutes please?" Her eyes were still locked with mine.

  "Of course." She nodded and quietly left the table.

  "I can't eat until you tell me what is going on," she said, picking at her thumb, a nervous habit she still hadn't outgrown.

  I let out a breath and looked at her, unable to decide whether I wanted to share it now or not, but I knew I had to. I reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out the first set of documents Sophie had given me, and passed them over to Lexi without saying anything. She reached across the table and took them from me, opening them as if they contained bad news. She looked them over, flipping between the pages, and then looked at me.

  "I don't understand what these are."

  "Well, the ones on the top are the sale of our house."

  "What? What are you talking about? You sold our house without consulting me?" She was angry, her cheeks reddened, her body taking on a defensive posture.

  "I did," I answered, straight-faced.

  She stood up and grabbed her coat, throwing it around her shoulders. She grabbed her purse and began to walk out of the restaurant but then turned back, walking over to the table.

  "How dare you do that, Andrew. How dare you." She whipped back around and took two steps forward, again stopping.

  "Do you not even want to know why I did this?" I called out. I knew she was upset by the way she held her body as she stood there.

  It was close to a minute before she finally turned toward me. "I'm curious."

  I pulled another set of papers out of my pocket and held them out to her. She slowly stepped forward and removed the papers from the envelope, unfolding them. As soon as she began to read, her face relaxed, and then the tears started to pour. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Is this for real?"

  "Yes, Lexi, it’s real." I stood and stepped toward her waiting for her to realize I was telling her the truth.

  Finally, she dropped the papers to the ground and crashed into me, wrapping her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately and thanking me profusely.


  Alexa - Christmas - One Year Later

  “Jingle Bells” played in the background as I stirred the bowl of cookie batter. I was getting frustrated because it looked nothing like my mother’s.

  "This should be dough by now," I murmured as I looked down to the bowl full of watery mess. "Why are you not working!" I screamed to the empty kitchen as I dumped the third bowl of ruined dough into the garbage. What the hell had I been thinking agreeing to host Christmas when we could have went to Hawaii and visited my parents?

  I began again, starting in order of the ingredients on the card that I had carefully copied from my mother when the phone rang. I wiped my hands on my apron and picked up the phone. "Hello."

  "There's my sexy wife. How's everything going? Everything okay at the house?"

  I instantly smiled at the sound of Drew's deep, sexy voice. "Hey, baby, yeah, everything is fine. What time do you think you will be home?" I asked, looking down at the matching wedding band that now accompanied my diamond.

  "Should be home around four. Traffic just opened up. It's getting busy in town with all the tourists."

  "Great, I can't wait to see you." I giggled into the phone. "Oh, and just so you know, I'm not wearing any panties."

  "Lex, you can't do that to me, babe. Play fair."

  Drew had been gone for a week back to New York to finish cleaning out his office and tidying things up at the other law office. We had moved to Denver six months ago, after Drew had surprised me by selling his home and buying my parents’ house in secret. The law firm he had been working for opened a branch out here, and Drew was handed the torch to lead this firm. I could still remember the night he presented the documents to me. I had gone through a whole range of emotion
within ten minutes of arriving at that restaurant before I finally collapsed into his arms.

  "Sorry, baby, but you know I don't play fair," I whispered and then giggled into the phone.

  "Yeah, no kidding. Did you hear from your brother?"

  "Yeah, he and Ann Marie will be here shortly."

  "Great, and your parents?"

  "They arrive tonight. Zach already said he and Ann Marie would pick them up from the airport."

  "That would be great. Okay, sweetie, I’m off. I'll stop at the grocery store and pick up those items that you asked me to get before I get home. I guess I will see you shortly."

  "I can't wait." I giggled into the receiver.

  I hung up the phone and continued my venture of watching another damn recipe fail as I added the exact same measurements and ingredients into the bowl, which only resulted in the exact same mess I had before. Frustrated, I walked out of the kitchen and looked out the front window.

  I had already re-arranged the furniture in preparation for Zach, Dad, and Drew to get the tree in the morning. I seriously couldn't wait to have everyone here in the house once again. I looked around and quickly straightened the blanket that lay across the back of the couch and fluffed up two of the pillows before wandering back into the kitchen to dump yet another messy mixture of what were to be cookies in the garbage. I placed everything into my new dishwasher we'd had installed and went upstairs to get changed before everyone arrived.

  I had just stepped foot into our bedroom when my cell phone rang. I frowned, glancing down at the screen, a soft smile coming to my lips. Finally, I thought. I had been waiting patiently all day for this call.

  * * *

  Drew and I lay in bed. Everyone was all tucked in and probably asleep by now, after a long day of festivities. Surprisingly, my first Christmas dinner had turned out perfectly, with a little help from Mom, and after we had eaten we had gone downtown to the ski lodge. Zach, Drew, and Ann Marie took in the slopes, while Mom, Dad, and I sat in the lodge.

  "Did you have a good Christmas?" Drew asked, running his fingers through my hair as my head rested on his chest.

  "I did. Even better knowing that you won't have to travel any longer for work." I kissed his shoulder and scooted over in the bed so my body was against his.

  Drew had finally finalized everything at the firm he was at and had been given the go ahead to start hiring at this firm here. The first person he asked was Zach. He had agreed to join him in the new year. Ann Marie was so giddy with excitement that she started looking right away for a house in the area.

  He pulled me in tighter yet, and I let out a large sigh. "What are you thinking about?"

  "I just can't believe it’s been a year. So much has changed. Last year at this time I had packed my bags and was getting ready to board a plane and never hear you out."

  "Aren't you glad you got off that plane?" His lips grazed mine.

  "I am. I so am."

  "So am I." Drew shifted his body down beside mine and pulled me into him, allowing my head to rest flat on his shoulder as his hand cupped my cheek and he kissed me deeply.

  "And now look. We are living in my parents’ house, you're about to open and lead a law firm, and my brother is going to join you."

  "I know. It’s somewhat unbelievable, to be honest."

  "I agree." I rested my hand on his abs and let out a large yawn.

  "And all because you got off that plane," Drew whispered, kissing me once again.

  "Oh, I also wanted to talk to you about perhaps remodeling one of the spare bedrooms in the spring."

  "Oh, sweetie, I don't need a home office. I won't be working like I was back in New York. There just won't be enough work, and if there is, I honestly don't need to bring it home with me."

  "I wasn't thinking of an office."

  "Oh, did you need something to do with photography? I mean we can always make the basement into a photo studio for you if you need. I mean you do have all the equipment. Perhaps a new backdrop would be something you would like. That way you can work from home."

  "I wasn't thinking of that either, Drew."

  "Well then, what would we remodel a room for?"

  "A nursery," I said, propping myself up on my elbow and looking down into his eyes, a smile on my lips.

  He studied my face, and I could see the beginnings of a smile on his lips. "For real, baby?"

  "For real."

  He rolled me over onto my back and met my lips, kissing me hard. "Two of the best Christmases in a row—the first one getting you, the second you are giving me the greatest gift I could ever ask for. I love you, Alexa. Merry Christmas, baby."

  "Merry Christmas."

  A Note from the Author

  Dear Readers,

  I would like to thank you for taking the time to read Back to You This Christmas. I hope you enjoyed Drew and Lexi’s story. If you did, I would love it if you would drop me a review. Reviews are so important and really help me; I love to hear what my readers think. I have included a sample of my other holiday novel, On A Silent Night, for you to read at the end.

  I would really like to thank each of you who have supported me throughout the last couple of years. This journey has been amazing so far and I look forward to many more years of bringing you stories to get lost in.

  Over the next few weeks I will be planning my 2020 year. I am very excited to see what next year will hold.

  Coming Soon

  February 25, 2020

  Bedtime Quickies: Take Me to Bed Anthology

  March 27, 2020


  Malone Brothers Book 4

  Finding Solace in You

  About the Author

  S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dogs in Northern Ontario.

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  Other Titles by S.L. Sterling

  It Was Always You

  On A Silent Night

  Bad Company

  A Kiss Beneath the Stars (The Malone Brothers 1)

  In Your Arms (The Malone Brothers 2)

  His to Hold (The Malone Brothers 3)

  On A Silent Night


  Cass – 2015

  I got up out of bed and looked out my bedroom window, the dark grey skies that hung overhead threatening another winter storm. It had snowed overnight again, and from the looks of it from the second-story window, it looked like it would be more than my shovel and my back would be able to handle. I watched two young kids across the street in the middle of a full-blown snowball fight, laughing away. I kept watch on them, laughing to myself until I heard a deep moan from the bed.

  I turned and glanced at the clock beside my bed—only seven, Brody was still sound asleep but dreaming. I grabbed my bathrobe from the end of the bed, wrapped it around my body, and went downstairs. The floor was cold on my bare feet. I could feel the chill in the air of the house—if it was going to storm today it was only going to get colder. The old house was drafty as it was, needing a lot of work, work I just couldn't afford to do to keep it up. On my way to the kitchen, I stopped and checked the thermostat in the hall—sixty-nine. I turned it up two degrees, wrapped my thin robe tighter around myself, and went into the kitchen.

  I turned the coffee maker on, always preparing it before I went to bed the night before, a habit I had gotten in when I first married. I headed straight to my laptop while waiting for it to brew. I sat at the kitchen table, a lot of work to do if I was going to meet the deadline I had set with my editor for the end of the month. Truthfully, I was nowhere even close to making it and was considering asking for an extension. My book sales had fallen, and they were suffering. My publisher really wanted me to continue with the series I had started befor
e Jackson had passed away, and even though I was trying, nothing seemed to be coming to me. I was so beyond stressed. I had only released two books this year, a far cry from my usual, and I was now finding it a struggle to find my voice.

  Everything seemed to be very complicated lately—writing, the house, my relationship with Brody—everything! With Brody, trouble hadn't started right away, maybe about a year after Jackson passed. There was no denying it, we were both physically and mentally attracted to one another and had been for a long time. We had flirted back and forth over the past year, dancing around one another like children at a playground. I remembered the first time our eyes had really met, every single touch we shared, and how they would send shock waves through my body. That catch of bare skin, the way his hold on me changed while we cuddled and watched TV, and how one day his touch started to feel more like fire than comfort. I let go of the breath I was holding, got up and grabbed a mug from the cupboard, setting it on the counter.

  Last night had happened—it had really happened.

  We had been laying together cuddling, watching TV. I had fallen asleep curled into his side. He was like a blanket, always making me feel safe and secure. I felt him slip out from underneath me and opened my eyes in time to see him step away from the couch.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, my voice deeply sleep filled. He stopped and turned, tilting his head to look at me.

  “Sweetie, it's late.” He pulled the blanket up around my shoulders, tucking me in. “I'm going to head home, you need to get some rest.”

  “Stay with me?” I begged as I inched my ways toward the back of the couch, making room for him to lie down with me. “Please Brody.”


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