Ice Cream with a Side of Danger

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Ice Cream with a Side of Danger Page 4

by Meredith Potts

Patrick nodded. “Exactly.”

  David scribbled a note on his pad of paper. “We will certainly pay Scott a visit.”

  I stared at Patrick. “Who else comes to mind?”

  “Melanie Abbott,” Patrick said.

  “She’s already on our radar,” David said.

  “Good,” Patrick said.

  “In fact, we’re waiting for her to call us back,” David said.

  “Let me give you a word of caution. That woman is a live wire.”

  “You’ve talked to her before?”

  “Oh yeah.”


  “A few nights ago, she stormed in here and got into a big fight with both Walter and Nicole. Things got so heated that I had to throw her out.”

  “Wait a minute. Melanie is in town then?” David said.

  “She sure is,” Patrick said.

  “That’s good to know,” David said.

  I held my hand up. “Do you know what Melanie was so worked up about?”

  “From what I could tell, she didn’t like how things ended between her and Walter,” Patrick said. “She also didn’t like that he was dating Nicole.”

  David scribbled another note on his pad of paper.

  “Aside from Scott and Melanie, can you think of anyone else who was having problems with Walter?” I asked.

  “No,” Patrick said.

  “Well, thank you for the information,” David said.

  “Of course. Whoever did this needs to pay for their actions,” Patrick said.

  “I agree,” I said.

  “Anyway, unless there’s something else you need from me, I really should get back to work,” Patrick said.

  “Actually, before you go, there’s one more thing I’d like to know,” I said.

  “What’s that?” Patrick replied.

  “How often did Walter come in here?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? The man was a regular. He was here practically every night,” Patrick said.

  My eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Oh yeah,” Patrick said. “Aside from yesterday evening, he was in here every other night this week.”

  I took a deep breath before replying, “Wow.”

  “You sound surprised,” Patrick said.

  “I am,” I said.

  Patrick shrugged. “Why?”

  “Did he ever mention to you that he was a recovering alcoholic?” I asked.

  “That’s news to me,” Patrick said. “Walt could throw back a pint with the best of them.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Our conversation with Patrick was eye-opening for a number of reasons. The one that was currently at the forefront of my mind was this new detail about Walter’s drinking habits. Especially since it wasn’t that long ago that Walter told me he had been sober for a number of years. Apparently, that was all a big lie. Then again, my birth father had been dishonest with me about a number of things.

  This latest bit of information just made me wonder what other secrets David and I would discover during the course of this investigation.

  My husband and I didn’t have to wait long to conduct our next interview. Just as Patrick had told us, Nicole Potter entered the bar a couple of minutes later.

  The moment we spotted her, we pulled her aside before she had the chance to clock in for her work shift.

  Nicole was a tall and athletic fifty-two-year-old. That morning, her long blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail, which made her blue eyes and angular face stand out.

  I watched her body language closely as David told her about Walter’s murder.

  When David finished speaking, Nicole’s face filled with shock.

  “No way. This can’t be happening,” Nicole said.

  “I know this is difficult news to swallow, but it’s also the truth,” David said.

  Nicole threw out her arms. “It just doesn’t make sense. Who would do such a terrible thing?”

  “Actually, we were hoping that you might have an answer to that question,” David said.

  Nicole’s forehead wrinkled. “I don’t know why you would think that.”

  “From what I understand, you two were dating,” David said.

  “Yes,” Nicole said. “But our relationship was going really well.”

  “I didn’t suggest otherwise.”

  “My point is, I didn’t even know that Walter was dead,” Nicole said. “I have no clue who was behind this.”

  “If that’s true, then you should have no problem answering some questions for us.”

  Nicole put her hands on her hips. “What sort of questions?”

  “Basic stuff,” David replied. “For example, where were you last night?”

  I was very interested in hearing Nicole’s answer. David and I already knew that Nicole didn’t work last night. If she said otherwise, it would be a huge red flag.

  “I was at home,” Nicole said.

  “Were you alone? Or did you and Walter get together?” David asked.

  “I didn’t see Walt at all yesterday,” Nicole said.

  “That’s odd,” David said.

  “How do you figure?”

  “Generally, couples who live in the same town see each other every day,” David said.

  “True,” Nicole said. “But like I just told you, we didn’t meet up yesterday.”

  David squinted. “Why not?”

  “To start, Walt was at work most of the day. When his shift at the hardware store ended, he called me to tell me that he was exhausted. According to him, he was just going to head home, take it easy, and call it an early night,” Nicole said.

  “In that case, what did you do last night while you were home alone?” David asked.

  “I took a long bath, had a glass of wine, and then watched some TV.”

  David stared her down. “Are you telling me the truth?”

  Nicole nodded. “Absolutely.”

  David looked into her eyes a little bit longer. He then switched gears. “All right. Let’s talk about Walter again. Do you know anyone who might have had a reason to want him dead?”

  Nicole nodded. “Unfortunately.”

  “Who?” David asked.

  “For starters, my ex-boyfriend, Scott Hatcher,” Nicole said.

  “We’re familiar with him already,” David said. “And we will certainly be paying him a visit.”

  “Good. I’ll be interested to see what he has to say,” Nicole replied.

  “Melanie Abbott is also on our list,” David said.

  “As she should be. That woman is a bundle of rage,” Nicole said.

  “That’s what we heard. Do you have any idea where we can track her down?”

  “I believe she is staying at a hotel in town. I just don’t know which one.”

  “If we have to, we’ll try them all. In the meantime, I want to pick your brain a little more. Can you think of anyone else that Walter was having problems with?”

  Nicole nodded.

  “Who?” David asked.

  “Max Kingston.”

  David grimaced. “The loan shark?”

  “Uh-huh,” Nicole said.

  “What was going on with Walter and Max?”

  “Let’s just say that Walter had a bad day at the horse track and ended up owing Max money.”

  “I see,” David said. “Making a loan shark angry with you is a good way to put a target on your back.”

  Nicole winced. “It sure is.”

  David scribbled another note in his pad. He then looked up at Nicole again. “Are those all of the potential suspects that you can think of?”

  Nicole threw out her arms. “Isn’t that enough?”

  “In my mind, it’s plenty,” David said. “But I’m just trying to be thorough.”

  “I understand,” Nicole said.

  David held up his notepad. “Before we go, is there anything else you would like to tell us?”

  “Yes,” Nicole said. “Good luck finding Walt’s killer.”

r Fourteen

  Much to my surprise, our conversation with Nicole yielded a large amount of information. David and I were now armed with a slew of leads. In my mind, the biggest takeaway from our trip to the bar was the eye-opening detail that Walter’s ex, Melanie Abbott, was currently in Treasure Cove. Now the big question was, which hotel was Melanie staying at?

  David and I scrambled to get an answer as quickly as possible. We wanted to catch up with her before she had the chance to leave town. After all, if she bolted out of Treasure Cove, there was no guarantee that she would head back to Oakhill Junction. She could also make a run for the border. Or try to hide out in any number of other places.

  My husband and I frantically phoned each of the local hotels, hoping to find a listing for Melanie. It took a number of calls, but we eventually got a hit. According to the front desk clerk at the Treasure Cove Motor Lodge, Melanie Abbott was currently checked in to one of their rooms.

  After getting off the phone with the desk clerk, David sped over to the Motor Lodge. We ended up arriving just in time. Just as David’s car pulled into the parking lot of the lodge, we spotted Melanie Abbott loading up her green sedan with luggage.

  Talk about crazy timing. If my husband and I had gotten there even a few minutes later, we would have missed Melanie completely. While David parked his car, I counted my lucky stars. I also said a quick prayer that this interview would go well.

  David and I then got out of our car and approached the full-figured fifty-six-year-old. Melanie was so focused on loading up her vehicle that she didn’t even notice us behind her. So, when David spoke up with a question, Melanie was completely startled.

  “Going somewhere?” David said.

  Melanie put her hand on her chest as her pulse quickened. After taking a deep breath, she turned around and squinted at David. “Who are you and what do you want?”

  As my husband pulled out his police badge, I stared at Melanie. The curly redhead had a bunch of freckles dotting the cheeks of her round face. She also seemed to want nothing to do with this conversation.

  “My name is Detective David Carlson,” my husband replied. “I’m here to ask you some questions.”

  Melanie’s nose scrunched. “I’m confused. Why is someone from the police department interested in talking to me?”

  “For starters, I’d like to know where you’re going,” David said.

  Melanie put her hands on her hips. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

  “Mrs. Abbott, we’re here as part of a murder investigation. Trust me, this is very much my business,” David said.

  A blank look came to Melanie’s face. “I don’t know anything about a murder.”

  “Perhaps not,” David said. “But you definitely know the victim.”

  “What makes you so sure?” Melanie asked.

  “Does the name Walter Cobb ring a bell?” David said.

  Melanie’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute. Are you saying that Walter is dead?”

  “He isn’t just dead,” David said. “Someone killed him.”

  Melanie’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”


  “That’s crazy.”

  “I can’t disagree with that. It’s really unnerving knowing that there’s a killer on the loose.”

  “Detective, don’t get me wrong. This is terrible news,” Melanie said. “At the same time, I can’t help but be confused about why you’re here talking to me.”

  “Like I told you before, I need to ask you some questions. For example, where are you going?”

  “I’m headed home.”

  “To Oakhill Junction?”

  Melanie’s eyebrows rose. “How did you know that?”

  “I know a number of things about you, Mrs. Abbott. For example, how you cheated on your husband with Walter. Also, how that affair led to your husband filing for divorce,” David said. “In addition, I also know that you happened to get into an argument with Walter and his new girlfriend a few nights ago at McLarsen’s Bar.”

  Melanie narrowed her eyes. “Who told you that?”

  “That part isn’t important,” David said.

  “It was Nicole, wasn’t it?” Melanie snapped. She then shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t know what Walter saw in that woman.”

  “Mrs. Abbott, forget about Nicole. Right now, we’re focused on you. Namely, how you were still hung up on Walter.”

  “That isn’t true,” Melanie said.

  “Oh yeah? Then why did you drive all the way over here from Oakhill Junction? That’s a three-hour trip,” David said.

  Melanie opened her mouth to answer, but David was determined to give her a warning first.

  “Before you say another word, I want to remind you that it is a crime to lie to a police detective,” David said.

  Melanie took a deep breath and then responded, “All right. I was still hung up on Walter. After all, I gave up my marriage for him. And how did he repay me? By skipping town on me. I deserved better than that.”

  “After all you gave up to be with Walter, I imagine seeing him with Nicole was like a slap in the face,” David said.

  Melanie lowered her head. “Something like that.”

  “When you realized that Walter had moved on, I’ll bet it also became pretty clear that he was never going to take you back,” David said.

  “Why do you think I’m packing up my car?” Melanie asked. “There’s no reason to stay in Treasure Cove any longer. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a long drive ahead of me.”

  David put his hand up. “Not so fast, Mrs. Abbott. You aren’t going anywhere yet.”

  Melanie shrugged. “Why not?”

  “Because I still have some more questions for you.”

  Melanie let out a groan. “Haven’t you put me through enough already? You’ve dug up a lot of bad memories.”

  “I understand. But there’s something else that I really need to know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Where you were last night.”

  “I was in my room.”

  “All night?”

  Melanie nodded.

  “Was anyone with you?”

  Melanie squinted. “Why does that matter?”

  “Please just answer the question,” David said.

  “No,” Melanie said. “Can I go now?”

  “Actually, I’m afraid I can’t let you leave.”

  “Are you serious?” Melanie snapped.

  “Deadly serious,” David said.

  “Why can’t I leave?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? You’re a suspect in a murder investigation.”

  Melanie became outraged. “Says who?”

  “Mrs. Abbott, you have ample motive for wanting Walter dead—”

  She gritted her teeth. “You have a lot of nerve—”

  “You also have a flimsy alibi,” David said.

  “I told you, I was in my room last night.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, but your story is only as believable as my ability to verify it. And since there isn’t anyone who can corroborate what you told me, I can’t cross you off of my suspect list. Nor can I let you leave town.”

  Melanie scoffed. “You’re kidding me, right? Please tell me this is all just a twisted joke.”

  A stern expression was on David’s face as he stared back at her. “Do I look like I’m laughing?”

  Melanie groaned. “This is ridiculous.”

  “No. It’s just a fact of life,” David said. “If I catch you trying to leave town, I will detain you. Do you understand me?”

  Melanie stared into David’s eyes for a few seconds.

  She then nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good,” David said.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Even though Melanie was outraged with David, she obeyed his orders. When we finished talking to her, she went back inside her motel room.

  David and I then traveled to the south side of town to speak w
ith Scott Hatcher. On the drive over to Mr. Hatcher’s place, I couldn’t help but think about what a mess Walter’s life was. He certainly had a knack for making enemies. He also seemed to burn bridges everywhere he went. What a disaster this case was.

  With the way the previous interviews had gone, I fully expected our upcoming conversation with Scott to feature all sorts of emotional fireworks. Of course, I would love it if I was wrong. That said, I wasn’t going to hold my breath.

  A few minutes later, David and I arrived at Bolton Avenue. Scott lived in a beige Spanish-style house.

  The tall brawny forty-nine-year-old opened his front door after David’s first set of knocks. The brawny man was an imposing figure with a deep voice and a confrontational attitude.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” Scott snapped.

  When David flashed his badge, it usually changed the entire complexion of a conversation. Typically, a suspect would abstain from mouthing off too much once they realized they were dealing with a police detective.

  That wasn’t the case with Scott. The man remained just as worked up as ever. In fact, Scott didn’t even back off when David revealed that Walter had been murdered.

  Make no mistake, I didn’t expect Scott to shed a tear when he heard the news about Walter’s death. However, I did assume that Scott wouldn’t act so antagonistically toward us. It turned out I was gravely mistaken.

  “I don’t understand why you told me any of that,” Scott said.

  “Really? That’s your reaction to finding out that Walter was killed?” David asked.

  Scott threw out his arms. “What did you think I would say?”

  “I assumed that you would be sad. Or at least you’d pretend to be.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. It’s always awful to hear that someone has been murdered. But it’s not like we were friends or anything. As a matter of fact, I only met the guy once.”

  “Trust me. I realize that you two weren’t best buddies,” David said. “That’s why I’m here.”

  Scott’s nose crinkled as he stared deep into David’s eyes. Scott then folded his arms and replied, “I don’t like where this conversation is going.”

  David put his hand in the air. “Look. There’s no need to get worked up. We just want to ask you a few questions. It’s all standard procedure.”


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