Serving the Wicked

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Serving the Wicked Page 4

by Wendi Zwaduk

  Chapter Four

  Embarrassment filled her to her core. He’d seen her push the vibrator under the pillow. He knew she’d gone into the guest room and taken the toy. She froze. Was the damn thing still on? Sure sounds like it. God. She wanted to melt into the floor.

  “Well?” Casey tipped his gaze and smiled. “Turn it off before you run out the magic.”

  “It’s magic?” She reached under the pillow and retrieved the toy, then slid the knob to still the vibrator. “I wondered how it worked without a cord or batteries.”

  “Magic.” He brushed his fingers over her bare leg. “Don’t be ashamed to follow your body’s needs. But next time, let me watch.”

  He continued to amaze her. He had to be too good to be true. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  She held on to the vibrator. “You never did tell me what you wanted me to do around here. Be your slave? In the guest room?”

  “Eventually.” He stared into her eyes, but if he used magic and was trying to peer into her mind, she couldn’t feel it.

  Happy shivers ran the length of her spine. “Then what in the meantime? Sit around?” She wanted to play with him.

  “Be my model.”

  “For what?” Photos? No one had ever wanted to photograph her before.

  “My paintings.”

  “You paint?” He was a multi-talented man. Nice.

  “Not as well as I’d like.”

  “No way.” He didn’t use magic to make the painting better?

  “A vampire shouldn’t paint?”

  “No, I like the idea of you painting. I want to see your work and I’m impressed.” She hadn’t seen him as an artistic being. Vampires tended to only want one thing. But he wasn’t an average vampire. “When do I get to model? What am I going to do in the meantime?”

  “You exist,” he said, his voice even. “You’ve been on the run and been hunted for a long time. Now you should rest.”

  “Like that?” She crawled off his lap. “Come on. There has to be more. No one does anything to be nice.” She shook her head. “Do I exist in the playroom? Shackled?” Her grasp on her emotions frayed. She’d been abused, beaten, left for dead twice and used. What made him different? Because she liked him? She was attracted to him? “You’ll kill me. You’ll toss me out like the others and deem me worthless.”


  She scrambled away from him. The rational part of her brain swore she was overreacting. He wasn’t like the others. He’d exercised patience. Diplomacy. But she’d been hurt, and the others had taken her dignity. She knew what she wanted and what she deserved, but doubted she’d ever have those things.

  She darted into the hallway. She had no idea where to go, but she’d manage. She always did. Her feet slipped on the tiles in the kitchen as she ran away from Casey.

  “Stop.” Casey stepped into her path. “Enough.” He grasped her shoulders. “Raine.”

  She scratched at him and kicked his shins. She’d neglected to fight back before. Not again. “Let me go.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. She hated crying because it made her look weak.

  He threaded his arms around her and sank to the floor. “Stop.” He held her tight without crushing her. “Stop.”

  She struggled against him. “Let me go.” She balled her hands and pounded his chest. When she looked into his eyes, the fight left her. “Don’t you dare glamour me.”

  “I haven’t.” He tucked her to his chest. “I refuse to.”

  She sobbed, unable to control her emotions. The strength in his embrace soothed her. As he rubbed her back, he comforted her. Still, her fear controlled her.

  “I know you’ve been hurt. I know you’re afraid. Yes, I want to play with you. I want to watch you use that vibrator and come apart in my hands. But I want to ensure you’re safe. When you want to play, then we will.” He massaged the back of her head and forced her to look him in the eye. “I am not like the other men. Not one bit like anyone you’ve ever known. I can be a piece of shit, but not where you’re concerned.”

  He said the right things and knew how to touch her, but she couldn’t change her past or fears in a matter of hours.

  “I could be a human’s worst nightmare. I don’t believe in love and detest most other beings, but I am half-Fae and I will not risk the last shred of my humanity because I’m a creature of the night.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She understood, but she’d need time to adjust.

  He massaged her scalp. “You’re very important to me. I know you’re scared. I would be if I were you.”

  His touch lulled her. She rubbed his forearms. If she wanted to survive, then she needed to give him the chance to prove he cared. She had someone to protect her.

  “Sweet.” He brushed his nose along hers. “I want to erase all of the old memories from your mind and replace them with good ones.”

  She held onto his wrists. “Okay.” She met his gaze and made a decision. If he wanted her trust, then she needed to give it. “Bite me. Mark me.”

  He tipped her head, baring her neck. “You haven’t been marked by the others?”

  “Not bitten in a marking situation, no.” Her stomach lurched. “He said I wasn’t worthy.”

  “He lied.” Casey licked her neck, then raked his teeth over her jugular. “You’re very worthy.”

  His words lulled her again. She swayed into him and moaned. She’d been bitten, but not marked. “Do it.”

  He sank his teeth into her neck. The tearing of her flesh hurt more than she ever thought possible, but the passion overwhelmed her. She sagged into him. Her pussy creamed, and her entire being hummed. Electricity zapped her from within. Her knees weakened, and she wobbled forward.

  Casey kept her in his arms. When he’d finished marking her, he licked the wound. He scooped her into his embrace and carried her through the house.

  Her head swam. She clung to him as he brought her to the bedroom. He placed her on the mattress. “I took a long draw from you.” He kissed her forehead. “Sleep, sweet. You need to recharge your body.”

  “Will you be close?” she managed.

  “All you have to do is think my name, and I’ll be with you.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  She closed her eyes, unable to keep them open. Her thoughts turned to Casey. He’d done as he’d said—he hadn’t killed her. She bore his mark. She was protected. Lomax couldn’t hurt her unless he went through Casey. She’d never known such a thing was possible. If he’d be true to her and keep sticking to his declarations, she’d give herself over to him completely.

  She wanted to pose for him and looked forward to her first chance. Maybe he’d use the cuffs or pose her with a crop.

  She slipped her hand between her thighs and rubbed her clit. Damn, she was wet already.

  Would he have her posed nude? She’d like that. She loved being on display—would he like her to be that way?

  She continued to rub her clit, sending tingles through her body. Her nipples strained against the T-shirt. She eased her middle finger into her pussy and pinched the tight bud of her clit with her free hand. She wished Casey were there to watch her.

  “Casey.” She writhed in the bedding. “Oh God.” She rubbed harder and masturbated herself. She didn’t have much restraint left, but why did she need it right now anyway?

  Her heart hammered as the orgasm shot through her body. She panted and sagged against the mattress.


  She didn’t bother to hide. If he wanted to see her, then perfect. She needed him to crave her as she learned to trust him.

  Casey strode over to the bed and moved the sheets enough to bare her arm. He caressed her skin. The next time she masturbated, he’d have her nude. Plus, she’d called his name.

  “Casey?” She stretched. “You came to me.”

  “I said I would.” He kissed her light on the lips. “I always will.” A tingle ran the length of his spine. He sat up and listened. Something wasn
’t right—Atell didn’t bark at random. He didn’t howl for nothing, either—and he was barking.

  “What?” Her eyes widened. She shivered and covered herself with the sheet. “Casey?”

  “Stay here.” He flattened his hand on her thigh. “Do not leave this room.”

  She nodded. “Be safe.”

  He didn’t look back. Instead, he rushed out of the bedroom and locked her in. The only way in or out went through that door and him. He strode to the sound of Atell barking. He spied the shifter through the window. The security light glinted on his fur.

  Atell glared at Casey, then turned his attention to the yard.

  Jerome appeared beside Casey. “You have a visitor.” He trembled. “Lomax.”

  Wonderful. The bastard wants to argue? “I’ll handle it.” He conjured a black suit and straightened his shoulders. He’d meet Lomax at the gate and on his terms.

  “He wants his prize,” Jerome said. “What’s that?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Casey strode out to the yard. If Lomax crossed onto the property, he’d be electrified in seconds. Casey made his way to the gate.

  Lomax glared from behind the iron bars. “Let her go.”

  “Go?” Casey folded his arms. “No thank you.”

  “She’s mine,” Lomax growled.

  “The human? You didn’t mark her.” He refused to let this piece of shit backtalk him.

  “I whipped her. That’s enough.”

  “That’s abuse.”

  “Oh, and you will protect her? She’s out of control,” Lomax said, his voice rising. “She’s a mess.”

  “I see.” He didn’t, but he refused to tell Lomax that.

  “She’ll run away.”

  “If you beat her, she will.” He notched his chin. “But she’s tried, and I’ve talked her down.”

  “Let her go. You don’t want her.” Lomax grabbed the bars of the gate. “You don’t need her.” He screamed and pulled away. “You have other girls. Fuck. What do you have running through that thing?”

  He had other girls? That was news to him. He kept his expression blank and ignored Lomax’s question.

  “Give her to me.”

  “So you can abuse her? No.” He crooked his eyebrows. “Are we done here?”

  Lomax’s eyes blazed. “You believe her to be your salvation.” He sneered. “She won’t accept you or make you Fae again. You’re a bastard. Always have been and always will be. A mongrel.”

  “Be that as it may, I’m done here.” He flicked his hand, adding another jolt to the gate and arcing the electricity to Lomax.

  Lomax screeched and jumped away from the bars. “You’ll regret it. You’ll be destroyed.”

  Casey shrugged. He was part of the undead. He’d take his chances with destruction, but doubted she’d be the one to kill him.

  “Stupid bastard. You’re dead,” Lomax screamed. “I’ll snatch her and make you pay.”

  Lovely. He’d have to keep his guard extra high. Casey waited for Lomax to skulk away before he went into the mansion.

  The asshole. Casey headed inside. Atell waited in the foyer. He’d shifted into his human side. His shaggy hair stuck out at strange angles.

  “He’ll return,” Atell snapped. “He stinks.”

  “And I don’t?” He shrugged out of the suit jacket. “Yes, he’ll be back. He wants to terrorize Raine.”

  Atell nodded. “I will keep up my post,” he said. “One day, I hope to find the person who makes me whole—like you have with Raine.”

  “I hope you do.” He clapped Atell on the shoulder. “One day.”

  “If you’ve found yours, then I have faith I will find mine.” Atell saluted, then left the foyer.

  Jerome crept up to Casey. “Sir?”


  “I kept an eye out for him, but I didn’t detect him.” Jerome bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”

  “I knew he’d come. You let me know when you did and you ensured she didn’t have to see him, yes?” Casey asked.

  “I did.” Jerome mopped his brow. “Will he be back?”

  “Yes.” Casey removed his shoes. “I need to go to her.”

  “Can you destroy Lomax?” Jerome asked. “You will, right?” He shivered.

  “I will.” Her life depended on it. “Excuse me.”

  “I’ll lock up, Sir.” Jerome scurried away.

  Casey strode through the house. He kept three rooms completely sealed within the building. Not to keep Raine in, but to prevent light—whenever it returned—from filtering in and to ensure there were safe spots. No one needed to be in the guest room or his sleeping quarters. Once he had her full trust, he’d show Raine the portal, too. He hadn’t used the gateway to the castle in so long he’d bet it didn’t even work.

  He unlocked the bedroom door. “Raine?”

  She sat in the middle of the bed, sobbing. “He was here.”

  “He was.” He closed the door behind him. “He can’t get in here. Promise.”

  She hugged her knees and rocked.

  “Sweet.” He approached slowly. He could use magic on her, but why? He’d rather the trust come organically and not have to glamour her.

  Raine launched herself into his embrace. She cried against his chest. “You promise?”

  He held her and patted her hair. “I promise.” Goddess. What had Lomax done?

  She wept, and her shivers damn near broke him. She clutched his shirt.

  Casey brushed her hair back. “One day, please tell me what he did.”

  She nodded.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and placed her on his lap. He should take her to the palace to ensure she’d be safe, but he wasn’t sure if there was a king any longer. The last he knew, the royal family had been killed. If someone else had taken over the castle, he might not be accepted. They might accept him, but he doubted it.

  “Casey?” She continued to shiver, but her voice had gained strength. She picked at his shirt buttons. “He chained me in a room in the dark. He’d come in and…” She gave him every detail, sparing nothing.

  He bit back a growl. “That’s why your back is marked.” He trailed his fingers over the scars. “Sweet.”

  “He got another girl. A younger one. She got into vamps and she was skinny.” Her voice broke. “He got rid of me for her.”

  “Why would he say you’ll destroy me, then? That you’ll never accept me?” he asked. “Are you hiding something from me?”

  “Look into my head. I have nothing to hide.” She placed his hands on her head. “Read my thoughts.”

  “I have your permission?”

  “Yes.” She pressed into his palm. “Please?”

  He spread his fingers on her temples and peered into her mind. He saw her memories, the trauma and her anxiety. He saw each time Lomax had laid a hand on her and the things he’d said. He saw things she probably didn’t realize she remembered, like being a child in the sunshine, being a teen and dating…then the darkness. He saw her memories of her family, their death and why she’d gone to Lomax—because he’d said he could save her. No wonder she had trust issues. The man who claimed to rescue her had increased the voracity of her nightmare. The toughest part was that she truly enjoyed the BDSM lifestyle. Lomax had used her desires to get to her. Had he read her thoughts, too? Maybe.

  She opened her eyes and wobbled forward. “Casey?” She shrugged against his chest.

  “Do you want to destroy me?” he murmured. He hadn’t seen anything about that in her mind.

  “No.” She met his gaze. “I don’t know if you’re really Fae or just a vampire, but I’ve seen the magic. I do feel more safe when I’m with you than I have ever before. I don’t want to lose that or you. I’m human, so I don’t know how to destroy you. Unless you turn on me, I don’t want to kill you.”

  “It’s only been a few hours,” he said. “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.” She stared into his eyes. “I need time to adjust to this life with you, but this is
where I want to be. I want to pose for you, play with you and find my heart again.”

  “We’ll take lots of time.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Are you hungry?”


  “I’ll have Jerome bring you dinner.”

  “And you?” She frowned. “You don’t need anything?”

  “I drank from you. That’s all I need.” He kissed her. Making love to her would fulfill him, too, but he’d wait until she was ready.


  Chapter Five

  Two weeks went by, but Raine barely noticed. She adjusted to Casey’s sleep schedule and spent most of his resting time with him. He didn’t have the vampire stench. Maybe it was his magic, but his scent calmed her.

  She hadn’t posed for him yet or gone into the guest room again, though she wanted to. She’d come to enjoy Jerome’s company and made friends with Atell. Casey had drunk from her three more times and with each occurrence, she’d grown more accustomed to him.

  She longed to pose for him. What did he expect from her? Would she have to be still? What pose? Nude? Clothed?

  Part of her also wished she could venture away from the house and have somewhat of a normal existence. He left—to feed, she assumed—but he left. If she had needs, he used magic to fulfill them. Was that normal? No. Then again, living in full darkness wasn’t exactly average, either. Her friends had to be dead by now. Her family was gone. Damn, she was sort of alone.

  Except she had family—Casey, Atell, Jerome. They were an odd grouping, but she rather liked it.

  “Sweet?” Casey strode into the living room. He sat beside her on the massive sofa. “You seem bored.”

  “A little.” She crawled onto his lap. Boredom wasn’t so bad now that she was safe, warm and dry. “I feel useless,” she confessed. “Like I should be doing something, but I don’t know what.”

  His eyes flashed. “Then you’ll enjoy what I have planned.”

  “I will? What is it?” She straddled him. In the last two weeks, she’d come to trust him. The worry he’d drain her hadn’t gone away but had faded each time he fed without killing her. She didn’t have total trust in him, but more than she’d ever thought possible. “Tell me.”


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