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Pixie Hazard

Page 20

by Archibald Bradford

  He blushed at the thought of jerking off into her sleeping mouth, never in his wildest fantasies having dreamt of such a thing.

  “Mary I, um, th-thank you?”

  She chuckled at the reticence in his tone, her erotic promises reminding him of the vast gulf in their sexual experience. While not a virgin, he was still practically a virgin, and she didn’t want him to forget that fact.

  “That’s the trade-off baby, that’s what you’ve earned for giving me your v-card, you now have an all-access pass to my body when you are on this ship. And I know how horny teenage boys can be, so as long as I’m not working or on the rag, I’ll take care of you whenever you need me to.”

  The uncertain and yet goofy smile that spread across his face was endearing, but she wasn’t finished.

  Shifting again she brought one finger up in front of his face and frowned, his smile withering in the face of her glare.

  “But there is one rule, and if you break it, then that all-access pass I just gave you gets revoked, along with that perfectly curved little spine of yours.”

  He agreed quickly, still mentally recovering from his first ever time ejaculating inside of a woman, and extremely earnest in his desire not to endanger the possibility of another such instance in the morning.

  Once she was certain she had his attention, she laid it out for him.

  “You aren’t allowed to so much as brush up against any of the other horny bitches on this starship without my say so. Especially the redheads, those girls have issues and at least one of them won’t hesitate to totally ruin you.”

  Though Davie and Eva didn’t know it, Maria had caught the tail end of their conversation when she snuck into the head to clean up.

  But as much as she was concerned for her friends’ emotional wellbeing, right now her focus was on driving her point home to Bryan.

  “You are mine for the duration of your stay. Maybe if I’m drunk off my ass I might share you with Bunny if she talks fast enough, but for the most part I want you all to myself. We clear?”

  He nodded emphatically, now a bit too intimidated to sleep.

  The strong yet kindly Maria’s only character flaw?

  She could be crazy possessive.

  Nobody’s perfect.

  Chapter 22:

  Berthing Time

  Two days after Bryan got his first taste of Maria’s nether-regions the crew was killing time together while waiting for their berth at Mung Station.

  The four hour wait-time was annoying but hardly unexpected, so with nothing else to do they were all left twiddling their thumbs.

  Eniella and Davie had their datapads out and hooked up to a tiny holographic projector, they were wearing headsets as their two avatars dueling across the surface of the dinner table.

  Meanwhile Maria was warmly snuggling with Bryan on the couch, the teen blushing from the public display of affection that nobody else batted an eye at.

  The quiet atmosphere vanished quite rapidly though when Bunny skipped into the common room wearing nothing but a bright smile on her face.

  Bryan turned as red as a tomato as his curiosity got the better of him, his eyes tracing over her exotic fuzzy body and her swishing tail.

  “Bunny! We’ve talked about this!” Maria complained as she noticed Bryan’s attention.

  Despite her glare and his best efforts, her new snuggle-buddy’s gaze was inevitably drawn to the naked cat’s pink nipples and glistening sex.


  The K’or-Macka was in the galley now, gathering a number of snacks in her arms to bring back to her quarters, along with a couple of energy drinks.

  “You! Naked in the common areas!”

  “Mwha?” The bag of crisps she was holding with her teeth dropped into the pile of goodies nestled against her breasts; “I’m just getting some snacks for hubby!”

  Kyle had since repaired the transport and cannibalized some choice non-critical parts, so the Pixie was running smoother than she had in a long while.

  With his work on the other ship finished, the mechanic was enjoying some downtime while they waited for their turn to dock with the station.

  Eniella snickered from her place at the table, her game with Davie forgotten as her avatar was choke-slammed over the edge of the table to its death.

  “Yeah Maria, don’t be a killjoy. You’ll ruin the view for the rest of us!”

  Heading back to her quarters now, Bunny paused to kiss the Hispanic woman on the top of her head, nearly losing the energy drinks in the process.

  “You’re sweet, pink-lady. But it’s my hubby’s time now!”

  She fended off Eniella’s exploratory hands as she made her escape.

  “Lucky pendejo.” The Hispanic woman lamented.

  Davie set aside her datapad and reached over to twist her wayward girlfriend’s nipple through her shirt, causing her to let out an odd squeaking noise.

  “Control yourself baby, or it will be my time again.” The redhead warned.

  “What’s all the commotion?” Donnie asked as she came into the room with Billy, a pack of cards in hand.

  “Bunny. Naked. Again.” Maria replied.

  The captain chuckled as she and the doctor sat across from each other and cut the deck for high card.

  “Sorry I missed it. You turning into a prude Maria? Or are you worried that Bryan will fall in lust and leave you?”

  The blonde both frowned and pouted at the notion.

  “Not cool Skipper.”

  “Don’t blame me, I’m amazed this ship isn’t a non-stop orgy with that girl onboard. I don’t know how Kyle keeps up with her.”

  “It’s true.” Davie admitted with a dramatic sigh; “Even the frigid Major Nelson is hooking up with our Bunny.”

  The captain snorted as she waited for Billy to finish dealing.

  “Frigid? Never been accused of that before.”

  Davie stretched her arms over her head, her chest pressing out and causing her tits to strain against her shirt.

  “It just surprises us Skip, two fine looking lesbian ladies like ourselves and you’ve never given us a second glance.”

  Bryan was fairly certain he was going to be scandalized to death by the banter going on between the crew and their captain; he probably would have fled the room if Maria’s arm wasn’t around him.

  “Pretty sure you two dykes are into cock as much as anyone on this ship.” Billy said as she took up her hand and sorted through the brightly coloured cards.

  “Bryan’s straight, I checked. Thoroughly.” Maria declared primly.

  He did not appreciate being brought into the conversation when the captain’s eyes fell on him and she grinned wolfishly.

  “I dunno, I heard him mulling over you and Bunny spit-roasting him the other day, it’s a short leap from there to the land of sweaty man-balls bouncing against his chin.”

  The young man’s face twisted with revulsion as the others laughed at his discomfort.

  “Don’t worry baby, we’re just playing.” Maria murmured so that only he could hear.

  Eniella waved her datapad at the pair of them on the couch.

  “You two lubby-dubbys should get over here and brawl with us.” She invited, changing the subject to take pity on Bryan.

  Davie smiled smugly as she likewise took up her datapad and reset the holo-projector.

  “Yeah, my woman needs all the help she can get. I’m mopping the floor with her.”

  Maria looked to Bryan as his eyes flicked uncertainly to the captain and the doctor, now immersed in their card game.

  “Oh, don’t mind those two.” Eniella said; “They’re playing some ancient game from Old Earth, too cerebral for me.”

  “It’s all about getting into your opponent’s head.” Donnie said without breaking eye contact with Billy.

  The doctor tucked her straight black hair behind one ear as she looked to her cards.

  “Do you have any... threes?” She finally asked.

  The skipper answer
ed with a smug grin.

  “Nice try. Go fish.”


  The poorly named Mung Station was located next to a hollowed out asteroid ninety kilometres long. The celestial body was once rich in a number of precious metals that all ended in ‘ium’, the most copious being the highly coveted rhodium.

  Now it was a pockmarked rock of nearly worthless iron and silica, slowly turning in place, indifferent to the few hopeful miners picking over its well picked-over carcass.

  Its official designation was a boring series of letters and numbers but the locals all referred to it as ‘Old Banana’ given its shape.

  The polite ones did anyways: Old Banana had countless other more... phallic, nicknames.

  The station that orbited it was built by Juan Corps when humanity first reached this sector and discovered a number of asteroids just like the Old Banana. They had sought an early mining advantage with the construction of their outpost, and indeed they had it, clearing out the most valuable pockets of precious metals in short order before their competitors arrived in the system.

  The glory days of Mung were long past however, with Old Banana and every other valuable rock in its vicinity long since depleted of resources and more updated stations having been built closer to the remaining mining sites in the system.

  This meant that the venerable station was good for only one thing: selling gas.

  It was a smart move on the part of the Juan Corporation; by abandoning their mining efforts and securing the license to distribute slipspace fuel in the sector they ensured that Mung Station remained relevant and profitable.

  However because it was a reliable stream of income the focus of its owners had long since shifted their attention to riskier but more lucrative prospects, which meant that a local criminal element had been allowed to flourish aboard the station.

  Like mould behind a refrigerator.

  The crew of the Pixie Hazard left the transport in stationary orbit outside the station, just one of dozens of ships that were either waiting for an open berth or simply taking advantage of the Juan Corporation’s security presence to catch some rack time on their way to parts unknown.

  Davie had set up proper remote navigation so aside from slipjumps the transport would follow the Pixie around like a lost puppy once they were underway again.

  Once the pilot finished docking they all met up in the airlock where Donnie turned to her crew.

  “Who’s my anchor watch?”

  Billy lifted her hand.

  “I’ve seen enough of Mung to have a firm preference for the Pixie.”

  “Can’t argue with that, need me to pick you up something?”

  “We could use some more nanites. The stock in the infirmary took a hit between you, Maria and Bryan.”

  Donnie put one hand on her formerly-injured hip and fought not to roll her eyes.

  “I mean something I can afford. Like half of a sandwich, or a day old muffin.”

  Billy shrugged.

  “Pick me up some mango juice?”

  “Oddly specific flavour, but deal. We’re off. Supply order should be coming shortly.”

  “Copy that.” Billy nodded.

  With that they cycled through the airlock, observing proper quarantine procedures even if they were the only ship that bothered.

  Because pink-eye was a thing.

  Mung was hardly the fanciest shithole in the galaxy, though it wasn’t the worst either. A snootier spacer might complain that the beige neocrete in the corridors was cracking and in need of a new coat of sealant, and that the shops on the promenade were cramped and their staff abrasive.

  But save for the local criminal element Donnie and her crew didn’t really mind the place.

  A wave of smells washed over them as they stepped out of the Pixie’s airlock into the grungy docking bay; garbage, sweat, grease, and the dry and faintly bitter smell of oxygen.

  From their last visit they knew that the station was undergoing some major renovations on its life support systems, so the corporation that owned it had to pump oxygen into the ventilation to keep the station’s occupants alive.

  They had barely taken five steps away from the ship before Donnie was rolling her eyes.

  “Argh, not this clown again.”

  A coarsely bearded man dressed in a dingy looking robe had caught sight of the new people and his eyes lit up as he scampered towards them.

  “Excuse me, have you accepted the Lord into your heart?”

  “Only thing allowed in our hearts is ice-cream and bacon. Now piss off.” Donnie pushed past him without making eye contact.

  He smiled beatifically at her rejection as the others quickly followed her up a short flight of stairs from the docking berths to the promenade.

  “Abraham loves you, even when you spurn him!” He called after them; “Know that if you accept his love he will carry you away from the sinful stars and home to Eden!”

  The Coalition of Abraham was the last vestige of religion left from Old Earth, clinging to mouldy books long since forgotten by mainstream culture.

  They were not a popular bunch.

  Once in the hub of the station Donnie set her crew loose with fairly straightforward orders:

  “Stay out of trouble you lot.”

  She stalked off into the guts of the station to meet up with some contacts that might be able to help her offload the transport, leaving them to it.

  Save for Eva, who had been something of a ghost since her argument with her sister a few days prior, the others paired off in search of food or entertainment: Maria with Bryan, Eniella with Davie, and Kyle with Bunny.

  The K’or-Macka was on a mission, and her husband would do anything to help her see it through.

  His wife had decided that the delicious fish she had fed the crew was worth more than she had paid for it.

  Chapter 23:

  Special Delivery

  Larger vessels would be resupplied rapidly by drone operated auto-loaders, but small ones like the Pixie still relied on manual labour to deliver their supply orders.

  Back on the ship Billy had cycled out of the airlock to sign for theirs.

  She was standing with her back to the hatch, which she had sealed behind her as she looked over the goods to ensure everything was up to snuff.

  She paused as she snapped the lid back down on a load of freeze-dried meats for the galley, her eyes measuring the three men that had dropped it off and not liking what she saw.

  They were too clean.

  She pulled her hair back with two fingers, surreptitiously activating the coms unit in her ear.

  “Thanks guys, you can go now. My crew will load the supplies when they get back.”

  The man who had handed her the datapad for her thumbprint smiled at her, flashing teeth that had very recently been whitened.

  “Part of the service is that we load the cargo free of charge. Stevedore Union rules I’m afraid.” He pronounced with an awkward chuckle; “Can’t have your crew taking deks out of our pockets now can we missy?”

  “Doctor.” She corrected with authority; “Meaning that I know exactly how long it takes for a man to bleed out when I sever his carotid.”

  His friends drew back in surprise at the thinly veiled threat while his cheek twitched and his gaze was drawn to the combat knife she casually bounced against her thigh.

  She had produced it from seemingly nowhere and was holding it with the same easy confidence that Eva would.

  But the stevedore didn’t back down, his demeanor hardening as his comrades squared their shoulders in preparation for whatever was to happen next.

  Billy smirked at their ignorant courage: their eyes were on the knife, and the knife was a distraction; her other hand held a charge-pistol behind her hip, just out of their sight as the standoff continued.

  She shook her head slowly in a bid to keep things from escalating.

  “Despite the best efforts of her crew, this ship isn’t union. And if you try to board her wi
thout the captain’s permission, it will cost you a great deal.” Her tone shifted as she spoke, trying for reasonable; “Besides, the airlock is encoded, so without a cutting torch and a lot of fuss you aren’t getting in.”

  His cheek twitched again, in annoyance now as his gaze flicked to the sealed airlock over the doctor’s right shoulder.

  A tense minute later he gave up and turned to leave, his friends right behind him.

  “It was the hands.” She called out to him, halting him in his tracks.


  His reply was sullen, but he stopped, his mates leaving him behind as he waited for her to elaborate.

  “If you three were really stevedores, your hands wouldn’t be so soft, and they definitely wouldn’t be so clean. I doubt any of you have ever done an honest day’s labour in your lives.” She had taken a seat on one of the boxes, the pistol now fully visible as she crossed her arms over her thighs to wait for the crew’s return; “You should try it sometime, keep playing this game and you’re going to meet a bad end.”

  He matched her gaze for a few seconds, then gave a jerky nod of his head and left to catch up with his buddies.

  “We clear Billy?” Donnie’s voice sounded in her ear.

  “Yeah, we’re clear. Some street level bullshit I’d bet. Anyways, I’m locked out. Need your override code.”

  “Copy that. Stay put. I’ll be a little while yet.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Billy sighed as she lamented leaving her datapad and its trashy contents on the ship.


  Eli Porter was a walking stereotype.

  A jovial fat man of middling years who was friendly to anyone and everyone that entered his humble little shop, he made a living selling fresh fish to hungry spacers.

  He had made some inroads with the Juan Corporation’s inspectors aboard the station, so his business had taken off splendidly, and with no family to speak of he had amassed quite a nest-egg for himself.

  Which was good, as it allowed the fat man to give away expensive fish to certain hungry cats in exchange for indulging his desires.

  The door opened with a musical chime, announcing another customer to the bustling merchant.


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