Riggs' Ruin (Kings Reapers MC Book 1)

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Riggs' Ruin (Kings Reapers MC Book 1) Page 12

by Nicola Jane

  “Let’s just say I think I had more orgasms last night than I ever had with Reggie for the entire time we were together.” We fall into a fit of giggles. “What about you and Cree?”

  “I don’t know why everyone keeps asking me that. Mom asked the same thing over breakfast. Cree isn’t into me like that,” she says.

  I roll my eyes. “How the hell do you not see it? Come with me, I’ll show you.” I take her hand and we go downstairs to the main room. It’s a little quieter today. People must be hiding out in their rooms or outside. Cree is at the same table as yesterday, with his laptop open, and he’s frowning down at a pile of papers. Gears and another biker are by the pool table and I pull Eva in their direction. “I wish I could play pool,” I sigh. “Are you guys too busy to show us?” I add, sounding hopeful.

  Gears shrugs at the other guy and then smiles. “I guess we have time for you gorgeous ladies. I’ll take you, new girl,” he says to me. He’s called me that since my first day at the garage.

  “Lake, that’s Eva.” Lake steps back and looks Eva up and down with a grin on his face.

  “Pleasure’s all mine,” he grits out and kisses Eva on the cheek. I spot Cree looking up at the mention of Eva’s name. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “She’s with me,” I say.

  “Well, for now, she’s with me.” Lake stands behind her and shows her how to hold the pool cue. She bends over the table and I know those shorts she’s wearing must be riding up enough to show some of her ass. Lake presses himself over her, helping her to line up the cue.

  Cree growls and grips the edge of his table. His eyes are burning into the back of Lake’s head. I smile to myself. They pot the ball and Eva jumps around in delight. Lake’s eyes fix to her chest and I see Cree grit his jaw.

  “Come on, new girl. It’s your turn,” says Gears, positioning himself behind me. I’d underestimated how up close and personal the guys needed to be as he bends me over the table. I’m so flustered that I miss the shot.

  Lake waits for Eva to bend over before sidling up behind her and gripping her hips. Eva sucks in a surprised breath and Cree stands so suddenly that his chair tips back and crashes to the ground. We all look over as Cree stares back, his nostrils flared and his chest heaving. He resembles a bull about to charge. Lake drops his hands from Eva and swallows hard. “You okay, VP?” he asks.

  “Eva,” he growls as she hands the cue to Lake. “What did I say to you?”

  “Erm,” she mumbles, and her cheeks flush.

  “Stay away from my brothers,” he reminds her. “Get out of my sight.” Eva glances at me.

  I’m aware of Gears still holding onto me by the waist and I’m about to drag Eva back to her room so we can discuss this situation when an almighty roar comes from the office doorway.

  “What the fuck is going on?” yells Riggs as he marches towards us.

  Gears holds up his hands in the air where they can be seen. “Pres, I was showing her how to play,” he rushes out with panic lacing his words. “Nothing in it, I swear.” Riggs is already in his face. “Pres, I swear,” he repeats.

  “Christ, Riggs, calm down,” I hiss, embarrassed that this whole thing got out of hand. He slowly turns his head in my direction and I almost wilt under his intense glare.

  “‘Scuse me?” he utters.

  “We were playing pool. No big deal,” I say.

  “And that was a reason to be touching each other?” Before I can come up with a smart answer, he grabs me by the wrist and marches me upstairs. “Eva, watch the kids,” he throws over his shoulder.

  Riggs pulls me into his room, then slams and locks the door. I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. “I think that was a little OTT,” I mutter.

  He stands behind me and grabs a handful of my hair. He gently tugs my head back, exposing my neck to his mouth. “I don’t want to see any other man’s hands on your body,” he hisses in my ear. He nips his way down my neck and along my shoulder. “I told you, once we fuck, that’s it, we’re together. No one can touch what’s mine.” I shudder at his words. They should scare me after what Reggie put me through, but they don’t. They make me feel all kinds of safe. He runs his other hand under my top and wraps it around my waist, pulling me against his strong, hard body. “I told you lack of sleep makes me crazy.”

  “I was helping Eva see that Cree likes her,” I admit weakly. “It went wrong.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” he mutters. “You should never piss off two of the most hot-headed males in this place. It’ll get someone killed.” He flicks the button on my denim shorts and then eases them down my legs using one hand. The other remains in my hair. “You wanna learn to play, you ask me.”

  “I know how to play pool,” I sigh. “I wanted to get a reaction from Cree.” He pushes me to bend at the waist so that my hands rest on the bed. I jump when he brings his hand down hard on my naked ass.

  “So, you let Gears touch you even though you knew how to play?” he growls. I hesitate before I answer, and he slaps my ass again.

  “I admit it wasn’t a well thought out plan. I think it’s lack of sleep,” I mutter weakly.

  Riggs runs a hand between my legs, and I cry out. “You’re wet,” he whispers, and I hear the smile in his voice. “You like to be punished?”

  “By you,” I whisper, and he groans.

  “So, you’re not wet like this for Gears?” He spanks me again.

  “No,” I hiss. His hand goes back to teasing me and I shudder.

  “I should make him watch while I fuck you,” he growls, rubbing more vigorously. I feel an orgasm building and I begin to squirm. I’m not sure if I’m trying to get more friction or less, but I can’t hold still, and as the first waves hit me, Riggs places his free arm across my back to hold me down. He doesn’t slow the pace of his rubbing and I scream as the warm rush hits me hard.

  Riggs doesn’t wait for me to recover. He pushes his jeans just below his ass and then slams into me hard. I grip the sheets. “Fuck,” he growls. “I think your pussy was made for me.”

  My legs are weak and I’m pretty certain I may pass out if he makes me come again. He grabs hold of my shoulders and pulls me to stand. He pins my arms behind my back and turns me slightly so that we’re looking into his floor-length mirror. My breasts are jutting out and my cheeks are flushed pink. Riggs’ body fills the mirror and I look petite compared to his huge build. The tattoos that cover his chest and arms make my tanned skin look pale. Seeing him looking so strong and alpha like this drives me crazy. His eyes lock onto mine in the mirror. “Fuckin’ beautiful,” he growls against my ear.

  I begin to shudder. “Riggs,” I pant. “I can’t . . . ”

  “Finn,” he hisses. “Call me Finn.”

  “Finn,” I repeat, and he closes his eyes briefly. “Finn.” This time it comes out shaky. “I can’t come again,” I moan.

  “The fuck you can’t,” he hisses. “I want to feel you squeezing my cock.” He moves one hand to my front and pinches my nipple. I cry out again. “Come on my cock, Anna,” he growls.

  My legs almost fall from under me as my body shakes uncontrollably. I have no choice as the climax rips me apart. Riggs spits out a string of curses as he follows me over the edge. He looks down to where we’re joined, and his face stiffens when he finally comes inside of me. He thrusts hard with a grunt and then stills.

  After a few seconds, he releases me and points to the bed. “Sleep,” he mutters.

  “I need to clean up,” I say, but he shakes his head and jostles me over to the bed where he throws the sheets to one side. I climb in and he follows me.

  He pulls me against him, and I feel his semi-erect cock against my ass. “I feel gross,” I point out.

  “How can it be gross?” he mumbles sleepily. “It’s us mixed together.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I wake up disorientated. My cock is painfully hard, and I feel too hot. I glance at my watch. It’s almost six in the
evening. We must have slept most of the damn day. Anna stirs beside me, but before she can fully wake up, I push into her. She moans and I smile. I love hearing her moan when she’s full of me.

  I planned on slow, sleepy sex, but something primal takes over and I find myself climbing over her and settling back between her legs before slamming into her. She wakes fully and her hands reach above her head to grip the headboard. “Hold on, baby,” I warn and then I let the animal in me take her hard and fast. We fuck, and it’s not long before I come again on a roar. I slow down and reach between us to rub her swollen clit until she comes too.

  I fall down beside her. “Shit, what is it about you?” I mutter more to myself than her. “You’ve bewitched me.”

  “I think it’s you who’s bewitched me. I bet Eva is cursing me. I hope the kids have been good,” she says.

  “We’ll take them away for a few days when I can lift the lockdown,” I say. “Ziggy loves the sea.”

  “What are you gonna do about Reggie?” she asks quietly.

  “I told you already, it’s not your concern.” I sit up and pull myself to the edge of the bed. “If you’re gonna be my ol’ lady, then you have to understand that I can’t talk about that shit with you.”

  “Maybe if you offloaded, you’d sleep better,” she suggests.

  “I offload to Cree. I offload to my brothers. But I look after you,” I say firmly. “It’s just the way it is.”

  “Then change it. You’re the president. Don’t you make the rules?” she asks.

  “Yes, but this rule stays because I want it to. I wanna take care of you, Anna. Some of the shit I do . . . ” I pause and sigh. “You don’t need those images in your head. The women here, they don’t ask questions. If I come home covered head to toe in blood, you shower with me and fuck me. That’s how you help me.”

  She sits up and wraps the sheet around her. “Sounds old fashioned. This isn’t the eighteen-hundreds. Women have equal rights these days. I’ve looked after myself since I was a kid,” she points out.

  I laugh, shaking my head. “And a fine job you did of that,” I say sarcastically. Anna glares at me and her eyes almost bug out of her head. “Sorry,” I sigh. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No. Please, speak your mind. Don’t hold back,” she snaps.

  “Anna, I didn’t mean it. I’m not used to being questioned.”

  “So you want a doormat? One that doesn’t question you? You want me to sit, looking pretty, and smile at all your jokes? Fuck you when you seem upset or stressed? Wash the blood from your clothes, but if I step out of my box, you’ll throw my past at me?”

  “Anna,” I sigh.

  “No, Riggs,” she snaps, getting up from the bed. “I just want to clarify what you need from me.” I remain silent. Whatever I say to her right now, she’ll lose her mind. She’s raging. “What if you seem mad but I don’t know why, can I ask what’s wrong or is that above my station? Am I allowed to enquire about how you’re feeling?” she rants.

  “You’re blowing this out of proportion,” I say calmly.

  “I don’t think I am,” she mutters. She begins picking her clothes up from the floor.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I spent years with a man who wanted a Barbie doll on his arm. I was good enough to open my legs but not to speak for myself. I was good enough to attend his business dinners and look good beside him, but if I asked the wrong thing, I’d become his punchbag.”

  “I’m not the fucking same as that piece of shit,” I growl.

  “No?” she asks. “Maybe you’re more alike than you think. You call it looking after me, I call it controlling me. He called it love, I called it abuse. At the end of the day, you both want a woman who bows down to you and doesn’t ask any questions. I won’t be that person again.”

  I let her leave the bedroom even though everything inside of me says to stop her, to pin her down and make her listen to me. At least she can’t go anywhere outside the club, and if I’ve learned anything about women, it’s to leave them to cool off.

  “What did you do?” Cree smirks as he joins me at the bar a couple of hours later.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask.

  “If things could get any frostier between you and Anna, we’d be on the film set to Frozen. And before you say a word, I only know about Frozen because Ziggy makes me watch it.”

  “Yeah, of course he does. Funny ass,” I mutter. He’s right. Anna hasn’t spoken two words to me all evening. The kids wanted to have a sleepover in Ziggy’s room, and we were both in there to tuck them in, but she wouldn’t even look at me. “I made some comment and she blew it up. How do women have the ability to do that?”

  “Beats me. I don’t have that issue. Maybe try and talk less, like me. Just growl and boss her around instead.”

  I roll my eyes. “I don’t think Anna’s a boss around type of woman. She growls more than me. What happened with you and Eva earlier?”

  “You’re doing it again,” groans Cree. “Stop trying to talk about emotions and shit.”

  “You know it’s normal for people to talk like this, right? It’s only you who hates it and tries to make a big deal out of it. Anna set you up earlier. That little display with Gears and Lake was to get a reaction from you. She’s tryin’ to prove you got feelings for Eva.”

  Cree stares down at his beer. “Something about Eva drives me wild,” he admits. “I haven’t had that before.”

  “Like you’d do anything to protect her?” I ask, understanding exactly the feelings he’s talking about. “You wanna make all their decisions so that you know they’re safe.”

  Cree nods his head. “Yeah, something like that. Seeing Lake’s hands on her . . . ” he trails off and I pat him sympathetically on the back. “But I don’t want anything to happen like that. I can’t do the ol’ lady bullshit.”

  “Then there’s every chance she may end up with some other guy,” I point out and he clenches his jaw.

  “I told her to stay away from the brothers. Once all this shit with Reggie is done, she can go back to her life and I don’t have to see her again. If it ain’t under my nose, then I won’t know either way.”

  I nod over to where Lake is chatting with Eva and Anna. “Maybe you should warn the brothers that she’s off-limits.”

  I drink way more than I should . . . again. I sit by the bar watching the brothers party, my eyes seeing double vision and my head spinning. I make out Bonnie approaching me. She’s ignoring me too. Seems to be a trend around here lately. She stands by me trying to get the prospect’s attention. “You still ignoring me?” I slur.

  “Just getting myself a drink, Pres,” she mutters.

  “It’s not you,” I continue. “I mean . . . ” I look down at her ass. “I’d love nothing more than to sink into that fine ass, but I—”

  “Oh my god,” screeches Anna, and I groan. My blurry eyes make out her angry face. Her hands are on her hips and she looks pissed. “We have one disagreement and you’re trying to jump into bed with Bonnie?”

  “No, I wasn’t. I just—”

  “I heard what you were saying. You asshole!” She stomps away in the direction of the stairs. I go after her, stumbling into the walls, and I catch her at the bottom of the stairs. “Every time you drink, you end up back with Bonnie. How can I ever trust you?” she asks.

  “I don’t fucking want Bonnie. Anna, I love you,” I blurt out. “Just you.” I sigh. Anna stares at me. A range of emotions passes over her face. “Don’t make me sleep alone,” I add.

  She takes a deep breath, but I think I see her face soften slightly. “We need some rules,” she says firmly. I nod my head eagerly. I’ll say anything right now just to have her smile at me. She takes me by the hand and leads me upstairs. “We’re talking tomorrow, Riggs. I know you have rules around here, but I have boundaries and we need to compromise on a few things.”

  “Okay, we’ll talk.”

  “And compromise,” she pushes.

  I follow her into my room. “Yes,” I sigh. “And compromise.”

  The following day, I use avoidance tactics by bringing Anna breakfast in bed to begin with. She smiles as I place the tray on the bed. “How’s your head?” she asks.

  “Good. Eat up. I promised the kids we’d set up the paddling pool for them today and Frankie and Esther are making up enough picnic food to feed an army. Most of the club will be out in the yard today enjoying the sunshine.”

  She pulls herself to sit up. “But we’re gonna talk, right, Riggs? We do need to talk.”

  I give her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Yeah, Angel. Later.” I rush out before she can pin me here.

  The next few days follow pretty much the same. We relax all day and fuck through the night. Whenever she tries to talk to me, I manage to change the subject with the promise that we’ll talk soon. Truth is, I can’t change the rules. I can’t talk club business with her because I don’t want it to touch her, to taint what we have. Our time together makes me feel so ridiculously happy that I want it to stay like this all the time. Hearing her laugh, seeing her smile, it makes all of this worthwhile. Even Malia is full of giggles. My brothers adore her, and she’s settled right in as their little princess. It feels like we were always meant to be like this. Once Reggie is out of the way, I can make it official.

  I stretch out in bed next to Anna. The sun shines through a gap in the drapes and I wince. My head is pounding. We drank way too much last night and my mouth feels like I’ve been licking sandpaper. I have a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I sit up slowly. Anna rolls away from me, her naked body exposed as the sheet falls away. I lost count of the number of times I buried myself deep inside of her throughout the night. There has to be a point where I stop wanting her so much, right?

  I take a shower and leave her to sleep. When I return, Malia is sitting on the bed playing with a doll. Anna smiles awkwardly. We hadn’t spoken to the kids about us, but Malia obviously found her way here so maybe they just sensed it. “Ziggy not awake yet?” I ask. Usually, he’s the first up around here.


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