Mac's Destiny (Charon MC Book 8)

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Mac's Destiny (Charon MC Book 8) Page 1

by Khloe Wren


  Charon MC

  Book 8

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Mac's Destiny (Charon MC, #8)

  Books by Khloe Wren






  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12



  ISBN: 978-0-6483085-5-3

  Copyright © Khloe Wren 2019

  Cover Credits:

  Model: Alfie Gordillo

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching of R+M Photography

  Digital Artist: Khloe Wren

  Editing Credits:

  Editor: Carolyn Depew of Write Right

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

  If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, please delete and purchase it legally. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Books by Khloe Wren

  Charon MC:

  Inking Eagle

  Fighting Mac

  Chasing Taz

  Claiming Tiny

  Saving Scout

  Tripping Nitro

  Scout’s Legacy

  Fire and Snow:

  Guardian’s Heart

  Noble Guardian

  Guardian’s Shadow

  Fierce Guardian

  Necessary Alpha

  Protective Instincts

  Dragon Warriors:

  Enchanting Eilagh

  Binding Becky

  Claiming Carina

  Seducing Skye

  Believing Binda

  Jaguar Secrets:

  Jaguar Secrets


  Other Titles:


  Tigers Are Forever

  Bad Alpha Anthology

  Scarred Perfection

  Scandals: Zeck

  Mirror Image Seduction


  Kings of Sydney: Daniil


  For the second time in this series, I’ve found myself writing a second book for a couple. Neither of these books were something I saw coming, but I’m so happy they have. I loved writing more of Scout and Marie, and now I’ve got to enjoy giving you all another slice of Mac and Zara’s life. I aimed to write this book in such a way that even if you haven’t read Fighting Mac, you won’t get lost reading this.

  As with all my books, I couldn’t have written it without the support of my wonderful husband and daughters. My eldest really stepped up to help out around the house so I could get this one finished.

  I suspect at this point, Claudia Bost regrets letting me know she works in an ER. Lol, but I really appreciate all the times she’s helped me with medical research. I hope your daughter likes the introduction to Sparrow in this story.

  To my editor, Carolyn, no matter what I throw at you, you always come through with a marvelous edit. And just for something different, this one wasn’t completely last minute and a rush job! I appreciate everything you do and thank you for another job well done.

  To my PA Andrea Rhoads, thank you for keeping me sane and doing all you do to make my life easier so I can focus on writing. My fb sprint group, the Night Writers, thank you all for the many, many sprints that got this baby done. To my street team, thank you for the support.


  Khloe Wren


  Khloe Wren grew up in the Adelaide Hills before her parents moved the family to country South Australia when she was a teen. A few years later, Khloe moved to Melbourne which was where she got her first taste of big city living.

  After a few years living in the big city, she missed the fresh air and space of country living so returned to rural South Australia. Khloe currently lives in the Murraylands with her incredibly patient husband, two strong willed young daughters, an energetic dog and two curious cats.

  As a child Khloe often had temporary tattoos all over her arms. When she got her first job at 19, she was at the local tattooist in the blink of an eye to get her first real tattoo. Khloe now has four, two taking up much of her back.

  While Khloe doesn’t ride a bike herself, she loves riding pillion behind her husband on the rare occasion they get to go out without their daughters.


  To Andrea Rhoads

  Author Note

  The heroine of this book, Zara, suffers with the medical condition Narcolepsy.

  Recently, they’ve classed Narcolepsy into two types. Type 1 has two major symptoms: day time sleeping and Cataplexy (sudden onset of muscle weakness that may be precipitated by excitement or emotion), while Type 2 doesn’t have Cataplexy. Zara suffers from Type 1 Narcolepsy.

  As with most medical conditions, no two cases of Narcolepsy are the same. Zara’s symptoms are based heavily on a friend who has Type 1 Narcolepsy (with Cataplexy). I did that on purpose, as I wanted to make Zara as realistic as possible. Please keep in mind, however, that this story is a work of fiction and there are times where things get exaggerated from what is considered normal. Also, just because Zara reacts a certain way to a particular situation, it’s not to say that every sufferer of this condition will react that way.


  Char·on ˈsher-ən, ˈker-ən, -än

  In Greek mythology, the Charon is the ferryman who takes the dead across either the river Styx or Acheron, depending on whether the soul’s destination is the Elysian Fields or Hades.



  More than happy to be back on home soil, I sat in my usual spot next to Eagle and Taz as Scout called church to order. This wasn’t our usual weekly meeting, but a special one so Scout could fill in the rest of the club in on what had happened up north.

  What a fucking mess that had turned out to be. We’d gone up there in order to find a way to put a stop to the Ice Riders, an MC up in Boston, after they sent two of their men down here after us. Fuckers decided to get our attention by holding a gun on Scout’s pregnant old lady. Yeah, the Ice Riders had been a clever bunch of bastards.

  When we’d arrived in New York, we’d found so much more going on than just our issues with the Ice Riders. We’d called ahead and thought we’d arranged to stay with the Satan Knights MC while we did our thing. That would have been fucking great except for the fact that when Scout had called Jack Parrish, the man hadn’t mentioned he wasn’t the president anymore, and had walked away from the club. Not only that, he and the club had shit going down with a fucking cartel. Ironically, it had been the same cartel causing problems for the Ice Riders.

  In the end, we somehow managed to have it work out that all the Charons and Satan’s Knights were still standing, while the Ice Riders MC was
nothing more than a cautionary tale on why you don’t mess with either of our clubs. Also sent a damn strong message out to other MCs that might think they could take on the Charon MC because we were a single-chapter club. We had friends, powerful ones, ones who had our backs and if you came after us, fucked with us or our families, they would help us come for you and vengeance would be delivered. Once we had the Ice Riders dealt with, we didn’t hang around. Wolf, the Knights’ new president, had assured us they had things with the cartel under control and we could head on home to our families.

  Listening to Scout recap everything made it hard to believe how so much shit went down in the few short days we were up north, and I was there for it. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the others didn’t believe it.

  “So, the Ice Riders are history and gone for good. The Satan’s Knights are still our allies, with Wolf now holding the gavel. That leaves one more enemy we need to take care of to truly end this shit for good.”

  As Scout finished talking, his gaze found mine. And stayed there. Dammit.

  “Antonio Sabella. We need to vote on sending a crew over to deal with that fucker once and for all. All in favor?”

  Sounded like every man in the room uttered a response.

  “All against?”

  Dead, fucking silence.


  I uttered the curse as I realized what my club president was about to say. Sabella was a mob boss out in L.A. A man I’d gotten information on in the past. Everyone in this room knew I’d be the best option to send after the bastard.

  I’d missed my girls something fierce while I’d been away, and now it looked like I wasn’t going to be getting much quality time with them before I was going to have to leave again, which sucked. My old lady, Zara, who was fucking perfect and I loved more than life, was going to be mad as hell. She had a couple of medical issues—narcolepsy and cataplexy—that made her nervous when she was alone with our daughter, especially overnight.

  Strange thing was, since she’d had Cleo, she’d been doing better. It was like her maternal instinct overrode the illnesses somehow. If Cleo needed her mom, Zara was there, on it. But it didn’t stop Zara from being filled with all the what ifs. Like, what if she was holding Cleo and had a cataplexy attack and dropped her when she went down? Or, what if she was struggling with her narcolepsy and couldn’t get out of bed when our girl needed something? I was confident those things would never happen, but she wasn’t. So she preferred it when I was there with her, especially at night.

  I fought the grin that wanted to break free at the thought of what else Zara liked about me being home with her. Especially at night, after Cleo was tucked into bed. Fuck, two years later and I still couldn’t get enough of my wife. I mentally shook the thoughts free, trying to focus back on Scout and what I knew he was about to ask me to do.

  Life sure had been simpler before I had a family of my own. I would have jumped at going on this run if I’d still been single. But I wasn’t, and honestly, I wouldn’t change my life for the world. Zara and Cleo owned me, heart and soul, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I just wished I could find a way to be by their sides 24/7 and still accomplish everything else that needed to be done.

  “Mac, you did real good up north, brother. Everyone’s impressed. I wish I could give you a week off before I send you out again, but we don’t have that kind of time. Sabella will hear about what happened up north and know we’re going to come for him. We need to strike now, before he’s got time to plan. And, brother, you’re the only one of us with the contacts in L.A. to get this shit done. Arrow will go with you again, along with Jazz. Need you to choose two others to go as well. And, brother? Don’t think you won’t be rewarded for all your hard work once this shit is done.”

  Ignoring that last, cryptic line and what it might mean, I focused on who I wanted to take with me. I glanced to my right, at Eagle and Taz. Not only were they both my club brothers, they’d also had my six in the USMC before we’d even heard of the Charon MC. Eagle gave me a firm nod, but Taz hesitated for the first time in our lives before he nodded. And I understood his hesitation. His daughter, Lolly, was only three months old. So while I appreciated that he’d still step up for me, I wasn’t going to let him this time.

  “Taz, you need to sit this one out, brother. Flick and Lolly need you to be here.”

  His eyes blazed. “Fuck that. I’m at your six, that’s where I belong.”

  I tried to stare him down. Times like this, it would be nice if we were still in the USMC, me as their Gunnery Sergeant, since he and Eagle had to fucking listen to me. But here in the club? The three of us were all on equal ground.

  “Mac’s right, brother. We need you to stay close to home.”

  Scout spoke up and I watched as Taz clenched both his fists along with his jaw a moment before he dropped his head forward. Scout was our president and his word was law. Taz was staying home. I wrapped a hand around his shoulder.

  “Times change, brother. Family comes first. We’re not alone anymore. You not being there doesn’t mean I’m not covered this time. And it means you can watch over Zara and Cleo for me.”

  His shoulders rose and fell with a deep breath before he looked up, locking his gaze with mine. “I’ll keep the home front guarded, brother.”

  I gave him a nod before releasing him and looking around at the rest of my club brothers.

  “I want Eagle and...” My gaze traveled to each face, discounting each one for various reasons until I stopped. “Bank? You wanna come with? Get yourself outta town for a while?”

  Poor bastard was having a time of it with his woman. I was pretty sure he’d jump at an excuse to leave town temporarily. That, and I’d seen the man in action. I knew he was solid in both hand-to-hand and with his firearms.

  “Sure, brother. I’ve got your back.”

  Scout nodded. “Done. I’ve already spoken to Keys, and he and Donna will stay at your place. Help Zara with Cleo while you’re gone. They’ll also help Eagle, keeping an eye on Silk and Raven, too. I promise you, we’ll take care of your families while you do this for the club. Hopefully it won’t take long, then we can get back to what we should be about. Brotherhood and riding free. We need to vote in some new patch holders, celebrate what’s good about this life instead being so fucking bogged down in protecting it we forget what the fuck we’re protecting.”

  Cheers went up at that, but my heart was heavy. I loved being part of the club, would always do what was needed of me. And I appreciated that Scout had already thought to have Keys and Donna, who was a nurse, stay with my woman. But fuck it all, I’d only just gotten back after being away. I wanted a fucking minute to spend with my woman and daughter.

  “When do we roll out? Wouldn’t mind at least tonight to spend with my girls.”

  Scout gave another nod. “Done. This can wait till morning. But we need to plan.” He hit the gavel on the table, ending church. “Everyone not heading west, get outta here.”

  I nodded to each of the men who gave my shoulder a slap and murmured words of encouragement on their way out. The whole while I kept my gaze on the Charon MC logo that hung on the wall behind the officers’ table, wondering how the hell I ended up where I was. If someone had told me five years ago, this is where’d I’d land, I would have laughed in their face before asking what drugs they were on.

  It had been a hell of a ride to get where I was currently standing. Being trusted to lead a second run within days of the first, which, considering Taz, Eagle and I had originally been sent here by the FBI to spy on the club, was amazing. The fact the club had allowed any of us to even stay in town after we were discovered was a miracle it itself.

  Between our FBI handler turning out to be dirty, and us discovering that we actually liked being part of the Charon MC, we’d decided fairly early on to tell the feds to go fuck themselves. Didn’t hurt that all three of us had found our women here in Bridgewater. But we hadn’t come clean with Scout or the club about our FBI conne
ctions. We’d all hoped it would just vanish into the past, never to be seen again.

  We really should have known better.

  It all came out after the feds sent in Flick to get Taz back on their side. Of course, that shit backfired on the feds too. Flick was now married to Taz and no longer working for the FBI.

  When Scout and the other officers had discovered the truth behind why Flick, the boys, and I were here, shit got real and could have easily ended with all four of us in the ground. But instead, they were now trusting me to lead the charge against this latest threat to our club. That meant a lot to me. I didn’t give a fuck about whatever Scout had planned to reward me with. His trust, and that of the club, was enough.

  While in New York, we’d discovered that it had been Antonio Sabella who’d told the Ice Riders MC they needed to come down and deal with us for him to forgive their debt to him. Stupid bastards choose to do that by holding a gun to the pregnant belly of Marie, Scout’s old lady. She’d been eight months along and the shock of it had sent her into early labor. Thankfully, both Marie and little Joey were okay.

  The Ice Riders MC were now nothing more than a footnote in Boston’s history. Together with the Satan’s Knights, we’d blown their shit to pieces, leaving no one standing. Now it was Sabella’s turn, and despite the fact I hated leaving Zara and Cleo again so soon, I couldn’t wait to go end that piece of shit for all he’d done to those I cared about.

  This latest stunt wasn’t the first time the bastard had set his sights on the Charon MC, and is sure as fuck wasn’t the first time I’d crossed paths with him. Sabella and I had a long history. After my sister had been murdered by her gang banger boyfriend, Sabella had come in and given me a way to get vengeance on her killer. I’d been so young and filled with rage, I’d jumped at the chance to take that fucker and his buddies down for what they’d put my sweet Bea through. I’d even been grateful to him for a long time. Until I figured out that he’d taken advantage of the situation to get me under his thumb and a rival gang leader taken care of. Once I calmed down from my rage and saw the bigger picture, I took the only way out I could find. Military service. Not even Sabella could argue with Uncle Sam.


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