Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1

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Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1 Page 78

by Rick Scott

  “Damn…” Aiko says flatly, perhaps looking at the stats for herself. “I guess you’re right. Crap…”

  Desperate seconds go by. I watch Gilly’s timer deplete along with my XP.

  One thing’s for sure. Inaction is not the answer. The more I wait, the worse things will become. I materialize the Witch Spider’s Ring in my palm.

  A Witch Spider’s Ring

  +30 INT, 50% reduction to spell-casting and recast times

  Cursed: Strong Poison Effect

  A small ring containing the soul of a Witch Spider. While imbuing the wearer with its powers, it also ails them with its venom.

  No level restriction. I can still use it.

  “Reece!” Aiko shouts. “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve got to compensate somehow,” I say and prepare to place it on my finger. “Those lasers are just way too fast.”

  “Wait!” she shouts. “You have a lot less hit points now too.”

  I verify it with a glance.

  HP: 1032/1032

  I shrug. “I was at half health before anyway.”

  I actually think I have more hit points now than I did when I last checked. I do the math. I have roughly forty seconds to live from the time I place this ring on my finger. The tunnel is roughly a hundred feet long. I could probably run that in about 5 seconds flat unobstructed. If I still had Perfect Dodge I could probably do just that. But even before I lost the level, it was stuck on Cool-Down.

  This is going to take skill and finesse.

  I tune out the cries of worry from Val Helena and Aiko.

  I’m on my own now.

  Only I can do this.

  I buff myself with Shadow Haste.

  I think back to the last two obstacles. I managed to get through the first by a combination of reflex and instinct—the second from careful study and memorization. To get through this, I’ll need to do both. I exhale slowly to decrease the rapid beating of my heart. I’m about to face perhaps the greatest challenge I ever have. One mistake will mean failure, for everyone, and it will be all of my own doing. No monster to blame. Just me and my own incompetence.

  I won’t let that happen.

  I’m not going to fail this.

  I push down my fear and clear my head. Gear or no gear, I’m still a Dodge Tank.

  And I’m going to dodge the crap out of this!

  I cast Shadow Copy and wait for the Cool-Down to wear off. I place the ring on my finger and grimace as the venom burn through my veins.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 982/1032


  I run into the tunnel and purposely take a hit from the first array of lasers.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 932/1032

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 882/1032

  I recast and move forward before the next pattern fires. 5 feet in.

  The sequences flash through my mind as I duck under the beams for the red pattern, then shift to the side for the blue and green. I’m doing it! I press forward, looking for the spots where I can safely take a stray hit from the lasers to recast Shadow Copy.

  My heart is in my throat. I’m beside myself with fear, but shove it into the back of my mind. My HP ticks down with each second as I dodge and weave between the flashing red, blue and green lights.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 732/1032

  10 feet in.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 682/1032

  15 feet in.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 632/1032

  20 feet!

  I’m moving fast, but not fast enough. The slope of the tunnel is slowing me down more than I anticipated. I quit watching my HP and timers. If I don’t get through this tunnel in time I’ll be dead either way. I narrowly dodge a laser I wasn’t anticipating and my heart slams into my chest. Ack!

  Don’t freak out! I tell myself. Just keep moving!

  The venom pulses, but I dare not check my HP. I reach halfway, but still I’m only inching forward up the steep gradient. I’m not going to make it at this rate! I need to trust my senses and my memory.

  Like I said, I need to do both!

  I cry out as I force my mind to ignore every instinct of self-preservation and run.

  I dive into a roll, between two sets of red laser beams then dodge to the side, to avoid the next set that’s green. I recast Shadow Copy and immediately leap ahead twenty feet with a Charge Strike, taking the hit as I fly through the latticework of deadly beams.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I hop back and spin as soon as my feet land, avoiding a laser strike I remember is coming next. It hits right where I predicted and I deftly step over it. Yes! I Wall Run up the side of the tunnel to avoid another blast, casting Shadow Copy again.

  I’m nearly there! Just 30 feet to go!

  I grit my teeth from the sting of the venom and I check my HP one last time.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 182/1032


  No more time to think. I turn about and use Retreat, flipping backwards through the lasers haphazardly.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I pop Active Dodge to jump back a few feet more while recasting Shadow Copy again.

  You take -50 poison damage!

  HP: 132/1032

  I spin and dive forward one last time, exiting the tunnel through a final wall of lasers.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I hit the ground safely on the opposite side and pull the ring off so fast I nearly toss it away in the process.

  HP: 82/1032

  Geez! Way too darn close!

  But I’m alive.

  I made it!

  Relief floods over me like a waterfall and I break into a laugh.

  Cheers and shouts come from Aiko and Val Helena as well.

  “You did it!” Val Helena cries.

  Aiko: You’ve earned yourself another kiss for that one, Pretty Boy ;)

  I’m still laughing but feel a shudder of anxiety as I read Aiko’s message. Again I can’t tell if she’s joking or not. I hope she is, but you never know with her.

  “I’ll let you guys in! We need to hurry.”

  I check Gilly’s timer again as I get up and rush toward the last sealed door.


  Now we just have to pray that Aiko’s sister is somewhere inside one of these crystalline pillars—and still alive. I skirt around the edge of them as I head for the door. The pillars are as thick as pine trees about two feet across and about thirty feet high. There are eight of them in all, but only three seem to have someone inside. I look eagerly at the humanoid figures that appear to float inside them in some kind of liquid, but their features are obscured by the rough surface of the crystal.

  Not that I even know what Becky looks like.

  I need to get Aiko and Val!

  I race across the hard surface of the platform housing the pillars and notice it’s made of the same material as the platforms outside. Even the multicolored lines are present and crisscross one another as they connect the six columns. High above them floats the shimmering orb, radiating heat like a spotlight.

  I clamber down a set of steps to the locked door and throw the lever.

  Val Helena dashes past me with a wildness in her eyes.


  Aiko does much the same, but stops to give me a quick peck on the cheek which makes me blush a little. “Thank you, Reece…”

  I follow behind them, realizing I’m still in my underwear. I sure hope that level comes back somehow. Val Helena dashes back and forth between the three pillars that contain people, stooping to look at their faces.

  Aiko does the same.

  “Here! She’s here!” Aiko cries. “This one!”

  Val Helena and I race to the pillar that Aiko’s standing in front
of. The figure inside looks very much like the girl we saw earlier. Not that I can see her features clearly, but she has dark hair and white robes. The other two look distinctly different. One of them looks like a guy, the other a taller blonde woman, I think.

  “How do we get her out?” I ask.

  “Stand back!” Val Helena says and rears back with her axe.

  I fear for a moment if she’s doing the right thing, but Val Helena swings away and chops into the crystal pillar well above the girl’s head. It lands with a massive crack of breaking glass, sending a spiderweb shooting across the surface. She hammers it again and this time the entire thing explodes in a shower of nano-dust.

  The figure inside falls to the ground, face-down, in a heap.

  “Becky!” Val Helena cries and drops to her knees, turning the robed figure over in her massive arms. My heart stands still as I wait to see if she’s alive or dead.

  Please, God… Please be alive.

  Her character stats pop up automatically on my HUD.

  Name: Becky

  Sex: Female

  Race: Halfling

  Class: Celestial Mage

  Level: 17

  Guild: Nasgar

  She has dark hair down to her shoulders and a face that somewhat resembles Aiko’s but a lot younger-looking. In fact, she more resembles a girl of around twelve rather than someone who is supposed to be Aiko’s older sister. She coughs and sputters as she draws a breath and my knees go weak with relief.

  She’s alive!

  “Rebecca!” Aiko crashes to the floor, and together with Val Helena they crush the little Halfling girl in an embrace. My heart melts at seeing their reunion. Val Helena breaks into a sob and her face streams with tears.

  Becky stirs, seeming somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden crushing embrace from her two sisters. “You… you found me…”

  Val Helena laughs with tears in her eyes. “Of course we did!”

  “God, Becks…” Aiko says, hugging her again. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you.”

  “Aiko….” Becky reaches out and caresses her ‘little’ sister’s face. “You came too.”

  Becky hugs both her sisters so hard I think she might strangle them with her short little arms. Their reunion continues for a few moments more until finally Becky’s deep brown eyes find mine.

  She stiffens. “Who’s the naked guy?”

  My face heats with embarrassment. Not the first impression I was aiming to make, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. I have bigger needs at the moment.

  “I’m Reece,” I say hastily. “And I don’t mean to rush you guys’ reunion or anything, but—”

  “Oh my god!” Val Helena exclaims, cutting me off. “Gilly!”

  Becky looks at her. “Huh?”

  “No time to explain, Becks!” Val Helena removes Gilly from her back and rests her on the ground. She pulls back the layers of fabric and exposes Gilly’s face. Just the sight of her cold dead eyes gives me chills and tightens my throat with emotion.

  “We need you to raise her,” Val Helena says. “Fast.”

  “Who is she?”

  “Reece’s girlfriend,” Aiko says. “And a big reason we even got back here to find you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We had to kill the Shadow King again,” Val Helena says. “Reece and Gilly, they came from the Shards to help us. They helped me beat the world boss just to get back here to the surface and then came all this way just to save you.”

  Becky stares at me again, bewildered. “I…I don’t understand. When did all this happen?”

  “Time runs differently in here,” Val Helena says. “I’m not sure how long it’s been for you, but for us…it’s been six months.”

  Her big brown eyes widen. “Six months?”

  “Don’t worry about that now,” Val Helena says. “Please. Just raise her. Her timer is running out.”

  Becky nods and a prompt appears for her to join the party. “Okay.”

  Val Helena has invited Becky to join your party.

  Becky has joined your party.

  Val Helena and Aiko make room for her as Becky stands. She barely comes to Aiko’s waist, standing maybe four feet tall. Her robes, I see, are not really robes at all, but some kind of white nighty. I look at her again and realize she’s dressed just like me.

  She’s in her underwear!

  I check her stats again.

  Name: Becky

  Sex: Female

  Race: Halfling

  Class: Celestial Mage

  Level: 17

  Guild: Nasgar

  Geez! Level 17? She must have lost all her levels and can’t wear her proper gear anymore. I hazard to guess how much XP she’s lost to be drained that low. Plus, Raise is a Level 15 spell, if I remember correctly. Three more levels and we’d have been out of luck.

  Man…we really did make it here just in time!

  My heart beats with anticipation as the little Halfling woman bows her head and begins casting the spell. A glowing aura surrounds Gilly’s body with brilliant white feathers. Elation fills my soul as I see the words I’ve been waiting for finally appear on my HUD.

  Becky casts Raise on Gilly.


  The light fades and I wait for Gilly’s body to rise into the air, bringing her back to life.

  But nothing happens.

  A sickness enters my stomach as I wait a bit more. I check her timer again.


  That’s still plenty of time! “What’s going on? Why isn’t she raising?”

  Becky closes her eyes and casts the spell again.

  Still nothing.

  Val Helena looks down at her, eyes wide with concern. “Becks?”

  “I’m sorry…” Becky says and shakes her head at me with big remorseful eyes. “All I’m getting is this.”

  She links something to the party chat and my soul comes undone.


  Chapter 15: Incomprehension

  My stomach feels like it’s about to fold in on itself.

  This can’t be happening.

  This has got to be some kind of sick joke!

  “No!” I scream, balling my fists with rage. “What is this!?”

  I stare at my friends and they look back at me forlornly. Val Helena slowly shakes her head, lost for an answer. Aiko rests her hand on my shoulder in an effort to comfort me, but I’m beyond that now.

  This place is jacked up!

  “What’s the point of having game rules if they don’t work how they’re supposed to?” I cry out. I stare up at the glowing orb. Whatever that thing is, it’s got to be causing this mess. “Why isn’t this working?”

  “I don’t know,” Becky says, looking as if she’s about to cry. “I’m sorry, I’m doing my best.”

  The sincerity in her voice calms my spirit some. I don’t know who or what I’m raging at, but it’ll do no good to take it out on my friends. Still, we can’t have come all this way for nothing. Tears blur my vision as I look down at Gilly, my throat constricting. I can’t have gone through all this and still not save her…

  “There has to be a reason,” Val Helena says. “Maybe it has something to do with Becky losing her levels.”

  Becky shrugs, but Aiko shakes her head in disagreement.

  “I don’t see how,” she says. “It’s not like Becky couldn’t cast the spell or anything. It just didn’t work. I’ve never seen that happen before. Ever.”

  “Aiko’s right,” I say. “None of this makes sense.”

  I check Gilly’s timer again.


  The numbers mock me. Racing against that stupid clock. It was all for nothing. It was a lie the entire time.

  “So much for Hail Marys…” I say bitterly.

  An icy silence descends, like a blanket of despair.

  A dull emptiness fills my heart and I can’t feel anymore. I want to quit. I want to quit all of this. Hail Mary. Yeah, right. We though
t we’d received a blessing, but it’s nothing but a curse. This whole place is a curse!

  “Wait…” Val Helena says, her eyes suddenly wide. “The Hail Mary like you said!”

  I look up at her. “What?”

  “The time compression, Reece!” she says excitedly. “It has to be it! It must work both ways!”

  I’m trying to grasp what she’s saying but maybe my anguish is clouding my thoughts too much. “What do you mean?”

  “Gilly’s timer should have only lasted an hour, right? But it’s lasted way longer than that. Didn’t you say you saw pulses or something that was in time with it?”

  “Yeah…” I say and reopen the window I had closed off earlier.

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]


  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  [Critical Error… Kernel pulse not found.]

  The cycle repeats and I notice there are double the pulse errors now compared to when I first entered the labyrinth outside. “Yeah, they match. But I still don’t see how that would stop Gilly from being raised.”

  “Think about it,” Val Helena says. “When Gilly was killed, her timer was set from the outside, real time, and that’s what it’s still set on. If those pulse errors are what’s slowing down the timer for us, then that’s the only thing that’s out of place here.”


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