Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1

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Crystal Shards Online Omnibus 1 Page 107

by Rick Scott

My heart nearly stops. “Do all that now?”

  Gilly places both hands on her head when she sees the drill from the outside. “Holy cow! The thing’s cocked to the side now too? We’ll never move this now!”

  “Gilly, we’ll do it!” Val Helena says, scrambling for more timber. “Come on. Don’t lose hope.”

  Hundreds of footfalls echo from down the tunnel. I hear Lyons issuing commands. This isn’t going to work.

  “We don’t have time for that, Val!” I say and then look to Aiko. “Can you blast through the rest with your bombs?”

  The elf’s face drains of all color. “What?”

  “Can you do it?”

  “Reece, we’re trapped in a tunnel, man,” Maxis says. “We can’t be setting off explosives in here.”

  The shouts grow closer.

  “You all got a better idea?”

  Silence reigns, pierced only by the firing of Rembrandt’s pistols and the yell of Lyons’ sharp commands.

  “Becky, heal us up to full,” Val Helena says and begins casting heal spells of her own. “Everyone up against the wall behind me.”

  “Holy hell,” Aiko says flatly. “Are we really doing this?”

  “Go, Aiko!” I shout. “Set it!”

  The elf stares at me blankly for a moment, but then nods and disappears behind the top of the drill. Down the tunnel I see Lyons leading the charge, half a platoon of men behind him.

  “They’re escaping!” he yells. “Engage! Engage!”

  Aiko sets an Explosive Trap!

  Aiko sets an Explosive Trap!

  “We’re good!” Aiko says reappearing next to me. “Tell me when!”

  Val Helena lifts her shield into the air and a huge blue bubble encases us.

  Val Helena uses Shield Wall!

  Deflect and absorb AOE damage for your party.

  Val Helena uses Cover!

  Val Helena Covers Becky.

  Rembrandt then clones himself several times, making a wall around us.

  I grab Gilly and press her back against the wall, shielding her with my body.

  “Reece,” she says, looking up at me with her big green eyes. “Your Shadow Copy!”

  Crap…I think about it a moment, but then shake my head. “No, I don’t want the blast going through me and hitting you. Plus, I’m the one who made this call. I need to endure the full consequences like everyone else.”

  She stares up at me. “Reece…”

  “Now, Aiko!” Val Helena screams.

  “I love you, Gilly,” I say and kiss her just as the charges go off.

  Chapter 50: Final Delivery

  Bruce’s heart made a double beat when his comm device flashed.

  He scrambled to answer the call, careful not to wake Barbara in the process. He’d been catching up on some reading, but a call from Carl at this hour meant only one thing.

  Something had either gone very right…or very wrong.

  He left the bedroom and plopped down on the living room couch, eyeing the time at 10:52 PM. “Tell me it’s good news, Carl.”

  Carl smiled. “See for yourself.”

  The sonar tech relayed something to the small holographic screen hovering above his device.

  An image of a progress bar displayed, reading 32%.

  My God, he’d done it. He’d gotten past the barrier!

  “I found the bug,” he said with a grin. “Well it wasn’t a bug really. Something in the message itself was causing the algorithm to shoot to infinity.”

  “What was it?” Bruce asked.

  “Still don’t know,” Carl said. “But I found the section of data that was causing it and isolated it. It’s maybe a couple seconds’ worth of speech.”

  “Was it corrupted or something?”

  “Maybe, but so far there doesn’t seem to be any other problem with the recording.”

  “So we’re in the clear?”

  Carl nodded on the screen. “As far as I can see.”

  Bruce’s insides surged with adrenaline. Soon they’d have the answers. They’d know what was being said on the other end of that conversation and the true nature of the threat Dennis posed.

  “Just have to wait for the rest of it to compile,” Carl said. “Could be quite a few more hours though. You want me to give you a call first thing in the morning?”

  “No,” Bruce said. “Call me as soon as it’s done. I don’t care what time it is.”

  Chapter 51: Freedom

  The world explodes with a concussive blast that blows my eardrums apart. The weight of a building crashes into me from behind, forcing me into the wall. I brace my elbows against the hard rock, preventing myself from crushing Gilly as my back is shredded with a thousand pieces of flying stone.

  You take 773 (2172) blast damage!

  A high-pitched ring mutes reality as I struggle to come to my senses.

  I check my HUD.

  Please…please let everyone be okay…

  Gilly and Becky are in the red, but they’re still alive!

  Thank God.

  The rest of us are down to about a quarter, save for Val Helena who is sitting pretty at one-half.

  “Gilly!” I shout, but I can barely hear my own voice from the ringing in my ears. Rock and debris rain down like hail from the tunnel ceiling, and a thick cloud of dust hangs in the air. I feel for Gilly’s hand and grasp it in the chaos.

  “Gilly, I’m here!”

  Motion and sound slowly resumes as my grogginess wears off and I take in the carnage.

  The drill is sitting at the bottom of the shaft—pushed away by the blast and illuminated by a beam of moonlight from the top of the tunnel, given form by the swirling dust.

  Holy crap…we did it!

  I take stock of my friends around me. Val Helena and Maxis are embracing, as are Rembrandt and Becky. I look for Aiko and see her already poking her head out the top of the tunnel.

  “It’s clear!” she says. “We need to go. Now!”

  “You okay?” I ask Gilly, cradling her face in my palms.

  She answers me with a kiss. “Never make us do anything crazy like that again. Okay?”

  I give her a weak smile. “Agreed.”

  “They’re still alive!” a voice calls out. “General!”


  I look back down and see a soldier trying to get past the drill now wedged sideways in the tunnel. I can’t see General Lyons, but I know he’s there, snapping orders that will soon have his men up and around that drill.

  “Let’s go,” I say. “That won’t hold them for long.”

  We make our way up the slope of the tunnel and I cast Shadow Copy just in case there are more soldiers waiting to ambush us outside. We burst free from the ground in a hail of dirt and snow and I thank the heavens when I don’t see Braxus’ entire army waiting for us there.

  I laugh out loud with pure joy.

  I’ve never been so happy to see the stars in all my life. Cold air fills my lungs like heaven as I take a deep breath of fresh air. We did it. We actually did it! The rest of my friends stumbled out of the hole in the ground, still somewhat dazed by the explosion. But I can see from their faces that they too are happy to be free and alive.

  “We did it!” Gilly cries out in cheer, raising both hands.

  “No, you did it Gilly!” Val Helena lifts her sword in triumph as well. “Great job!”

  I smile like never before. We’re well past the army now. We’re home free!

  “Let’s get moving to the wild zone,” Maxis says. “That general’s still right behind us.”

  I nod. “Yeah, let’s book it.”

  I’m about to dash off when Becky raises her hands. “Wait!”


  “Let me heal us up first,” she says. “We all took a lot of dam—”

  Her words cut short as the ground explodes with a massive blast of frost and ice. I lose my shadow as a gigantic hammer made of crystal lands right on top of me, the blast radiating outwards!

  Your shad
ow absorbs the attack!

  Becky is defeated!

  Gilly is defeated!

  Aiko is defeated!

  Val Helena takes 1387(2721) damage!

  Maxis is defeated!

  Rembrandt is defeated!

  My stomach lurches as everyone in the party save Val Helena drops to the ground.

  Oh God… “Nooo!!”

  “Found you…you little tunnel rats.” Witgar’s gravelly voice booms from above me. “Think you could scurry away, did you? I heard you from miles away.”

  I look up to see the giant lowering himself from between the trunks of two massive pine trees. The charred black skin on his face cracks as he leers at me with a grin of pure hate. “I merely played with you before, Shard Warrior, but you scarred me… now you shall feel my wrath!”

  “Reece! Watch out!” Val Helena cries, raising her shield as she dashes towards me.

  I prepare to dodge his attack, but instead the LM bellows loudly and my heart freezes with fright.

  Witgar uses Fear of the Gods!

  You are Terrorized!

  Val Helena resists the Terrorize.

  You are terrorized and cannot act!

  Oh God… I can’t move?!

  “Reece!” Val Helena cries again and pushes me out of the way, just as Witgar’s hammer comes crashing down where I stood.

  Val Helena Rescues you!

  Witgar’s frost hammer slams atop Val Helena but she lifts her shield at the last moment and is pushed back with a mass of frost and sparks instead.

  Witgar hits Val Helena for 756(1512) damage.

  Her HP is down to 30% but I can do nothing to help her!


  You are terrorized and cannot act!

  Dang it! How long does this thing last?

  “Val, I can’t move! I can’t tank it!”

  She buffs herself with several abilities, bursting into a radiant golden light.

  Val Helena uses Shining Honor!

  Passive Enmity Increased.

  Val Helena uses Invincible!

  Take zero damage from all attacks for the next 30 seconds.

  Val Helena stares up at the monster, a grim look of determination on her goddess face.

  “How about you pick on someone your own size!” she yells, blasting him with a War Cry.

  She then says through the party chat, “I’m going to raise Gilly and lure him away. Take him from me as soon as you can!”

  “You are no match of mine, Shardling half-blood!” Witgar bellows with rage. “Die!”

  Val Helena tanks the hits as Witgar goes wild with his hammer, striking her again and again.

  Val Helena takes 0 damage!

  Val Helena takes 0 damage!

  She uses one more ability and then begins casting a spell in between the hits.

  Val Helena uses Divine Poise.

  Witgar hits Val Helena for 0 damage.

  Val Helena casts Raise on Gilly.

  Witgar hits Val Helena for 0 damage.

  Witgar hits Val Helena for 0 damage.

  My heart freezes with trepidation as Val Helena is slammed over and over again, but her concentration remains unbroken.

  Come on, I grimace to myself, willing the debuff to go away. Move!

  I break free just as Val Helena finishes casting the spell.

  I quickly cast Shadow Tendrils and Shadow Copy and yell at Witgar with a War Cry. “Over here!”

  The LM ignores me, the hate caused by Val Helena’s top-tier ability way too strong. The Half-Giant runs past me towards the forest.

  “Keep him away till Gilly can raise us all!” Val Helena cries through the chat.

  Witgar stomps after her, easily matching her pace with his long strides.

  I run after them and watch in horror as Val Helena’s 24-hour ability wears off and Witgar pegs her with a double attack from behind.

  Witgar has defeated Val Helena!


  It’s just me now. I glance back at Gilly and see the Raise spell starting to lift her off the ground. Whatever I do, I need to ensure she stays alive! But Gilly’s still in her Miner’s gear! Crap! Did Val not realize that? Why didn’t she raise Becky first?

  No time to worry about that now.

  I Sprint forward towards Witgar and peg him with a Charge Strike from behind.

  You hit Witgar for 312 damage!

  Witgar is stunned!

  I blaze into him with my enmity-buffed kunai and then circle to his front. I can’t risk him turning about to see Gilly. I force myself to stay calm as the Stun effect wears off. I can’t screw this up. I need to buy Gilly time so she can raise everyone else. And as powerful as this guy is, I need to tank him perfectly.

  I need to Dodge Tank like never before!

  I slip on the Witch Spider’s Ring and endure the poison bite as the world slows.

  “You’ll see the true power of a Shard Warrior now!” I say with a War Cry. “Come and hit me if you can!”

  Witgar roars and slams the hammer down with an AOE blast.

  Your shadow absorbs the attack!

  I shoot right underneath the shaft of his hammer and stab him with multiple hits to his legs. I recast Shadow Copy, ready for the next AOE. He lashes out wildly, slamming the hammer down again and again. I lose my shadow and before I can even recover I’m struck by something that feels like a truck.

  Witgar uses Crippling Blow.

  Witgar hits you for 527 damage!

  You are paralyzed.

  Blinding pain snaps through my entire body as I’m slammed to the ground, my legs shattered!


  Panic runs through me as I try to move, but I simply can’t. Crap! The hammer comes down again, but I pop Retreat and blur out of the way at the last second, removing my paralysis in the process. I glance at my HP.

  205/1732 HP

  What? He didn’t hit me for that much, did he? Then I remember the ring and quickly remove it.

  Anxiety rises up in my throat as I lose my edge. I can’t simply recast Shadow Copy at a moment’s notice anymore. And I have no idea when this guy is going to perform his next AOE.

  No, I can’t allow this fear to affect me.

  Not now!

  A glimpse of something flashes through my mind, a vision of myself wielding that huge katana and filled with immense power. Yes, I’ve faced much worse than this.

  Defeated much worse than this this!

  I’m Kono-Zemsu!

  The words echo through my being like a mantra. I still don’t know what it means but it brings an immense sense of calm and clarity to my soul. I recast Shadow Copy as Witgar charges at me, but I gauge and predict his hit and step deftly to the side. It feels like I’m back in that jumping quest again, calculating my way through, making conscious and deliberate decisions that will see me dodging hit after hit.

  Witgar’s moveset is quick and powerful, but limited and I soon pick out the tells before each one. A lift of his right shoulder indicating a swing, a flex of both shoulders an overhead strike.

  In the corner of my vision I see Gilly’s Health finally return to green.

  “Gilly!” I yell through the chat.

  She stands shakily, taking in the death surrounding her. “Oh my god…What happened?!”

  “Gilly, get everyone up…” I say quickly. “As fast as you can.”

  Her voice snaps back with resolve, total no-nonsense. “I’m on it.”

  Nano-dust swirls at her feet as she changes classes. But just beyond her, the rubble from the mouth of the tunnel shifts.

  General Lyons…

  “Hurry Gilly!” I shout as I evade another attack. “Hurry!”

  I lose another Shadow and recast Shadow Copy as I Dodge Tank near instinctively. I contemplate running to protect Gilly from the soldiers, but if I move I’ll turn Witgar and he’ll see her as well.

  A soldier in heavy plate pushes his way halfway out of the tunnel…


  Her transformatio
n finally completes and Gilly stands a Level 85 Celestial Mage again, dressed in her white witch’s robes and hat.

  “Hurry, Gilly!” I cry. “They’re right behind you!”

  She doesn’t even look over her shoulder, her focus absolute. “I know…”

  Gilly raises her Spell Bow and when she does, I understand now why Val Helena raised her first instead of Becky.

  Gilly casts Great Miracle!

  Becky is raised!

  Becky is fully restored!

  Aiko is raised!

  Aiko is fully restored!

  Maxis is raised!

  Maxis is fully restored!

  Rembrandt is raised!

  Rembrandt is fully restored!

  Their HP bars go from red to green as they rise off the ground surrounded by brilliant white light.

  “Good going, Gilly!” I yell.

  I focus back on Witgar, whose attention is momentarily drawn by the massive display of Celestial power.

  “By the Seven Hells,” he mutters, moving towards Gilly. “Curse your kind to the depths!”

  “Stay on me!” I shout at him with another War Cry.

  He hesitates for but a moment but then keeps on moving.

  Darn it… Gilly must have pulled too much hate casting that!

  I use the opportunity to cast Shadow Cloak and then pull back my arm with a Charged Attack.

  I let my kunai fly with a Backstab and remove 1% of his life.

  He roars and turns back to me.

  “That stung, you little insect!”

  I evade another swing from his hammer just as Gilly tops me up to full.

  Gilly casts Heal V

  You gain +1527 HP!

  My friends snap to their senses and quickly mobilize to the chaos erupting around them.

  “I’ll raise Val!” Becky says and runs past Witgar from behind.

  Rembrandt is at a standstill, dust swirling around him as he changes class.


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