The Evil Headmaster

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The Evil Headmaster Page 13

by Dora Blume

  Jessie’s eyes widened, and in a moment, she was running behind him. She jumped in the car after Mike. He jammed the car into gear easily and whipped around in reverse. “So, why do we need to stop them before they get to Denver?”

  “They’ll be fewer demons in the car. If they get her to wherever they’re stationed in Denver, we’ll have to fight more of them. I’d rather not fight a bunch of demons at once, but I will if I have to. If it means saving Sloane, I’ll do anything.” The last words were said in a whisper. Jessie heard the shakiness and fear he was trying to hide. Jessie watched as the car sped in a blur onto the highway.

  “Can you tell how far down the road they are?” she asked.

  “Yeah, they’ve got about fifteen miles on us.” Mike gripped the wheel tighter.

  “Oh, so how are we going to beat them if they’re that far ahead?” Jessie turned her curious gaze on Mike.

  “Drive fast,” he responded.

  “You’re kidding, right?” She peeked down at the speedometer and gulped. They were going almost ninety miles an hour, in Colorado, near mountains. Jessie reached her hand to pull the seat belt over her body and secured it. She said a little prayer in her head before focusing back on Mike.

  “Nope.” Mike’s singular focus was the road in front of them.

  Jessie gripped the door as Mike raced down the highway, weaving between cars. Sometimes he got so close; she was sure they were going to crash. A few cars honked as he cut them off. He didn’t even seem to notice.

  Jessie shrugged. “I’m going to call Erik. Let him know what’s going on.” She pulled out her phone and hit send when she found Erik’s number. “Hey, babe. We’re headed to Denver. Mike said they have her in a car. We’re trying to stop them before they get to Denver. We’re about fifteen miles behind them. What’s going on with the kid?” She drummed her fingers on her thigh as she spoke.

  “He’s still out. Caroline’s been getting supplies. We’re about to wake him up. Do you think you’ll make it to Sloane before they get to Denver?” Erik asked.

  “Yeah, Mike’s pretty damn determined.” She peeked over at Mike “I think we’ll be taking on all of Denver if we have to. I don’t think we’ll have to, but I don’t put it past him right now. Don’t worry; she’ll be fine. We’ll get her.” Jess reassured.

  “Damn straight,” Mike commented, and Jessie looked over to his rigid form.

  “Good, then I’m trusting you to find her, and I’m going to find out what this guy knows.”

  “Okay, babe. See you later.”

  “Later,” Jess hit the end button.

  “Have you talked with him about your mother, yet?” Mike asked in a low voice; eyes still focused on the road in front of him.

  “No,” Jess whispered.

  “Don’t you think you should tell him?” Mike asked, glancing over, his mouth pressed into a hard line. She drummed her hands in her lap again and stared out the window.

  “No, I’m not ready to tell him, yet. I don’t even know enough to tell him. Besides, I told you in confidence, so I hope you will keep it to yourself. We both know how my mom can be. She’s probably out gallivanting with another new fling. It’s probably nothing.” Jessie’s words blurred together as she spoke. She was anxious. She hadn’t heard from her mother, but she also knew how flaky her mother could be. It was her flakiness that had her concerned.

  “And what if it’s, nothing?” Mike asked.

  “Then, I will tell Erik, and deal with it. Right now, we need to focus on finding Sloane.” Jess huffed out a breath. She didn’t want to think about her mother. She’d been nothing but trouble. She’d been dropping her off with Sloane and Erik since she’d been young. Every time she met “the one” she disappeared and often left her behind. The few times she chose not to leave her, they’d go on, what her mother called, grand adventures. Which often left them begging for gas or food, in some Podunk town that had nothing in it but hicks and closed- minded housewives. Their trips never lasted long, and eventually, her mom would call someone to wire them money to get back to Wisconsin.

  She always liked when she would get to stay with Erik and Sloane. She loved her mom, but her ups and downs were a little much. Especially, when she was younger and didn’t understand why, after two or three days on the road, her mother would suddenly snap at her. She’d tell her she was having a bad day. She’d get a hotel room, where you drove up to park in front of your room, and she’d sleep for a day, sometimes two. Jessie would sleep, but when she’d tried to wake her mom up to tell her she was hungry, she’d yell at her. After a few belligerent moments, she’d fall back asleep leaving Jessie hungry and fending for herself. She learned to make friends with people fast. Being the cute blonde girl with spiral curls always helped. People always thought she looked like Shirley Temple. Learning street smarts came early, too. Knowing who to ask for help was important. She didn’t want to end up in the hands of the state, either.

  When she was a teenager, she stopped going with her mom. She learned they could get money through the order, so she didn’t need her mom anymore. It was a relief not to have to live from motel room to motel room for weeks on end. She never understood why her mother got the whim to leave when she could stay in Wisconsin in a house provided by the order. Jessie liked staying in one place. Her mother got a little stir-crazy if she had to stay anywhere long. Jessie liked the idea of settling down, of staying in one place. She knew as a Shikari; she couldn’t do that anytime soon. Especially with a power like hers. But someday, she hoped she could live a normal life. Raise kids to be the next Shikari fighters. She pictured Erik then; he’d be a great father. She sighed.

  “Thinking pretty hard over there. Are you okay, love?” Mike’s voice was light. He knew her history, and the many secrets she hadn’t shared with anyone else.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about what life would be like if we could settle down. Maybe even live normal lives even if it’s only for a little while.” She sighed.

  “Oh,” Mike said surprised. “I guess I never thought about settling down, but I technically already have. I have my bar, which is the one place I can always go. It’s my home. What made you think about all that, love?” She felt his eyes on her.

  “I don’t know. Just thinking about my mom, and all the traveling we did when I was younger. Then, all the traveling I’ve done since I started fighting for the Shikari. I have a great offensive and defensive power, so I thought I might never get to settle down.” She looked down to her intertwined fingers in her lap.

  “Oh, love. I’m sure you’ll get to settle down at some point. They can’t keep you running forever. Even the Shikari have limits. I’m sure you’ll get the normal life you desire.”

  “I hope you’re right. Especially since, right now, we don’t know what the hell is going on, and demons seem to have the upper hand.” Jessie rested her chin on her hand. She leaned against the door of the car and stared out the window, dreaming of another life.

  Chapter 12

  Erik looked up after strapping the boy to the chair with zip ties. Caroline strode into the room. She stopped in front of the boy and put her hand on her hip. “Why haven’t you woken him up yet?”

  “I was waiting on you. Do you have everything?” he walked over to the items she set on the table.

  “Yes, I doubt we’ll need anything other than a few words, and a good old-fashioned knife. This kid isn’t going to take much.” She knelt in front of the kid. She snapped a capsule under his nose. The boy’s head flew up in an instant. Caroline smiled wide.

  “Ah, there he is. I know you want to tell us where they took our friend.” The corner of her mouth crooked up as he tried to pull his arms up, then looked down to the restraints.

  The boy shook his head, “Friend? What are you talking about?” His eyes dilated realizing where he was.

  “Oh? You don’t know what I’m talking about. I believe I need to speak to the demon. I challenge the demon to address me.” She spoke with such convi

  Erik walked over to Caroline, “What are you doing?”

  “Shush, I know what I’m doing.” She waved his hand for him to go away.

  Erik narrowed his eyes but nodded. He didn’t like stepping back, but she was the leader here and outranked him. Suddenly, a thought entered his mind. You’re too emotional. This is your sister. Trust me. He looked shocked. Another thought came abruptly. You block people’s thoughts. I don’t, and I can send you thoughts.

  Ah... okay, he thought, and she nodded in his direction. She turned her focus to the boy.

  “What’s your name?” Caroline asked.

  “I am the demon, Orzal.” The demon cackled. “Did you mean the pesky human, or wait, Shikari? His name is unimportant to me. Are you angry that I wear one of your own?” His eyes stalked Caroline.

  “No, because you won’t be there for long. So, are you going to tell me what I want to know?” She stared down the demon.

  “Ha, that’s what you think. I will come back. I have marked this Shikari vessel. I will be able to find him again.” His lips curved into a wicked smile.

  “I’m going to ask this one last time.” She took a knife from the table and ran her finger down the curve of the blade. “Where did they take my friend?”

  “Denver, bitch. That’s all you’re going to get out of me. I hope she’s possessed before you get to her. We have plans for all of you worthless humans.” He spat through clenched teeth.

  Erik reacted instantly. He bolted toward the demon hand outstretched. He wrapped his fingers around the demon's neck and pushed the demon, and the chair against the wall with a loud crack.

  “Erik! Stop!” Caroline yelled as a large crack spread up one of the chairs legs leaving the demon hanging from Erik’s hand.

  “No, I’m done. I want to know where the hell my sister is, now.” He looked vehemently at the demon. He tightened his fingers around his neck.

  “Fuck you.” The demon spat.

  Erik squeezed tighter. “I will snap your neck with my hands. I don’t care about the boy you are in. We are Shikari, and we are born ready to die for our creed. Can you say the same demon?” Erik’s eyes narrowed, and his fingers tightened.

  “Put him down Erik,” Caroline demanded.

  “Not until he tells us what we want to know.” Erik held the eyes of the demon.

  “Well, let’s see what this boy can take, shall we?” Caroline held a small taser in her hand. “I don’t think it will take that many volts to make this one talk.” She eyed the demon levelly, and Erik dropped the chair back against the wall.

  “Bitch do whatever you want I’m not telling you anything,” he spat.

  She tested the taser in her hands, and her eyes widened at the blue sparks that shot from the end. She held the taser to the demon’s neck “What do you think will happen if I touch this button here?” She stroked her finger over the button so the demon could see. The demon’s eyes widened momentarily, then narrowed on her.

  “Do it, Bitch.”

  She shrugged, “If you insist.” She pressed the taser against the skin of his neck and hit the button. The demon convulsed momentarily and slumped in the chair. “So, are you ready to talk now?”.

  “Fuck you, Bitch.” The demon spat as he straightened his back in the chair.

  “Okay, I guess we’ll try that again. Maybe I will have to up the juice.” She adjusted the taser and touched the demon's skin again, holding a few moments longer than before. The demon screeched as he convulsed. When the shock stopped, he slumped forward, drool dripping from the side of his mouth.

  “You ready to talk, yet?” Caroline asked. She peered over to Erik.

  “They’re taking her to the warehouse district in Denver. Forest Street, 3890 Forest street. Go ahead, Bitch, go get her.” he cackled.

  She looked to Erik, call them, let them know where she is. I’ll take care of the demon. Erik nodded and rushed out of the room.

  “Ha, bitch, it’s a trap. We’ll get even more of you worthless hunters. You think you can stop us, but you’ll never stop us.” He threw his head back in a villainous laugh.

  Caroline stopped, holding the taser in front of the demon. She hit the button, sending sparks from the tip. “What do you mean, it’s a trap?” she asked.

  “It’s a trap, bitch. We are leading you there, all of you. It’s why we took the girl. She was a means to get all their powers. Mr. Hall watched the others outside while you were on your tour. He knew the powers they possessed, and he wanted them for himself. Now, he will have them. Master will be proud of me for delivering even more powers to him. I’ll be rewarded.” He laughed again, eyes alight.

  She touched the taser to his neck and hit the button holding it there until she saw liquid pooling on the floor at his feet. He slumped forward again. Eyes closed. Caroline looked at the boy who passed out after the shock and huffed. She ran out into the hallway. “Erik, Erik! It’s a trap. They need to know it’s a trap.” She looked both ways down the hall, but he wasn’t there. She sent out a message telepathically. Erik, It’s a trap. You have to tell them it’s a trap. They want all of them. She raced up the stairs to find him.

  She stopped in front of Erik who made it to the door. “Hey, what’s going on?” his eyes widened at Caroline. She was panting from racing around to find him. She bent with one hand on her thigh to catch her breath.

  “It’s a trap. You need to call and tell them it’s a trap.” She raised to stare into his eyes.

  “What? A trap? I just got off the phone with Jessie. They are on their way to the warehouse.”

  “Call them; they can’t go in by themselves. They need help. The demon said it’s a trap. They saw you guys at the school. They want to possess all of you for your powers. You need to stop them. They can’t get either Mike or Jessie. They’ll be able to track and freeze us in a battle. They can’t get Jessie or Mike. We’ll be screwed. Erik, stop them.” She looked into his eyes.

  “Okay, okay I get it. I’ll call.” He picked up his cell and dialed Jessie. It went straight to voicemail. “Shit, it’s going to voicemail. Her phone must be dead. I’ll try Mike.” He dialed Mike’s number. It rings twice and goes to voicemail. “What the hell. It shouldn’t go to voicemail that fast. I’m going to call Bryant. Send in reinforcements. If anything, they can still get Sloane, but not walk into the trap alone.” He dialed Bryant.

  “Good plan. I’ll call a few friends and send them their way. Maybe we can warn them before they go in.” Caroline went to her office to get her phone.

  Erik turned toward the door. He wanted to be moving, but he needed to warn them. If it’s a trap, they’re in danger. Bryant picked up. “Hey, Sloane got kidnapped, and Mike and Jessie are about to walk into a trap. You need to stop them.”

  “What? Sloane was taken? How could you let that happen, son?” Erik could hear the disappointment in his voice.

  “Yeah, I can’t give you all the details, right now. Jessie and Mike are following the demons who took her. They are about to go to a warehouse at Park Hill, Northeast. You need to stop them before they go in. The demons are trying to get their powers. We absolutely can’t let them get Mike or Jessie’s powers. We’d have a hell of a time stopping them.” Erik explained.

  “We need to get your sister away from them as well. If they can see the future, they’ll know when we’re coming. I’ll immobilize everyone here. Will you be coming to Denver, son?”

  “Yes, Caroline and I will be on our way. I’m going to keep trying to warn Jessie, but you need to get there. Stop them, Bryant. The address is 3890 Forest street. Bryant, you need to stop them, please.” Erik’s voice was panicked. He couldn’t believe he let this happen.

  “It will be done. I will stop them.” Bryant hung up the phone.

  Erik rushed to find Caroline. He flipped through his contacts to find Jessie again. He hit send on the phone as soon as he got to her name. “Oh God, Jess, please pick up.” He strode through the door of Caroline’s office. The phone kept g
oing to voicemail. “Shit, Jess, what the hell?” He huffed a frustrated breath.

  Caroline looked up from her call. “I got a hold of my friends. They’re on their way to the warehouse. Hopefully, they will stop them before they get inside.”

  “I don’t know why her phone’s going to voicemail.” Erik paced the floor staring at his phone.

  “Come on, let’s go. I have people who will try to beat them, but we need to go, in case they need our help.” Caroline grabbed her purse and stopped next to Erik. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, we need to save them.” Erik shook slightly as he followed Caroline out the door.

  Caroline started the car and threw it in drive. She flew down the side streets and got on the highway.

  “Um, Caroline, what about the kid we left at your house?” Erik looked over.

  “I’m having someone take care of him. We have more important things to do.”

  “Okay.” Erik picked up his phone and dialed Mike again. “One of them has to pick up, eventually.” He tapped his thumb against his pants as he listened to the phone ring. He brushed his hair back with his hand. “Shit, voicemail. I hope the others get to them in time.”

  Chapter 13

  Sloane blinked her eyes open once, then shut again. Her arms ached, her head was pounding. She tried to reach her hands up to her head but pulled on the zip ties that bound her wrists. Shit, where the hell am I? She thought. Sloane blinked her eyes open again. Looking around, her eyes met a silver crossbar. She kicked her feet out and connected with the wall. The sound of a humming motor filled her ears, and she was jostled when the car hit a bump. Shit, I’m in a trunk. How in the hell did I get in the trunk? I was on the phone with Mike; then everything went black.

  Sloane rolled onto her back to see what she could grab as a weapon. She yanked and wiggled her wrists, but the zip ties bit into her skin. She could feel the hot blood drip down her hands. She bent her knees, trying to pull her arms around to the front. The zip ties cut further into her flesh, but she managed to get her hands to the front. Her shoulders burned, and she bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping. She didn’t want them to know she was awake. She kicked out the back taillight with her boot. She scooted until she could peek out at her surroundings. All she could see was the passing trees on the highway. There was a burgundy Buick behind her. Maybe they saw her kick out the tail light. She moved to kick out the second. She was grateful that she was in an older car. This wasn’t always possible in newer models. If she were in a newer model, she could pull the trunk release cord and jump out. This old boat didn’t have one. It was quite a spacious trunk though.


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