78. John Daniel Davidson, “Democratic Congresswoman Compares U.S. Border Officials to Nazis,” The Federalist, February 26, 2019, https://thefederalist.com/2019/02/26/democratic-congresswoman-compares-u-s-border-officials-nazis/.
79. Ken Meyer, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘The U.S. is Running Concentration on Our Southern Border,’ ” Mediaite, June 18, 2019, https://www.mediaite.com/tv/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-the-u-s-is-running-concentration-camps-on-our-southern-border/.
80. Timothy Meads, “AOC Makes Moronic Claim That the USA Has Concentration Camps on Southern Border,” Townhall, June 18, 2019, https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2019/06/18/aoc-says-united-states-is-running-concentration-camps-on-southern-border-n2548442.
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
ABC, 8, 130, 335, 340
abortion, 287–315
Abrams, Stacey, 45, 47
Abramson, Jill, 346
ACLU, 124, 140, 261, 263
Acosta, Jim, 339
Adams, J. Christian, 256
Adams, John, 7
Adams, Stacey, 374
Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA), 254
Agness, Karin, 279
Ainsley, Julia, 345
Ali, Muhammad, 87
Alito, Samuel, 313, 314
Alliance Defending Freedom, 236, 237
Alliance for Justice, 319
Allred, Gloria, 118
Alonzo, Felipe Gomez, 344
alt-right, 101, 229, 341
Amazon, 72, 186
American Commitment, 260
American Dream and Promise Act, 371
American Medical Association, 114
The American Pageant, 151
American Psychiatric Association, 110, 114
American Psychological Association (APA), 102, 110
Andrews, John, 125
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 270, 306
Antifa, 229
anti-Semitism, 35, 40, 215–20, 271
APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology, 111
Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 115, 116
Apple, 186, 270
Arambula, Joaquin, 369
Arcana, Judith, 290
Arpaio, Joe, 227
Arquette, Patricia, 30, 42
Arquette, Rosanna, 42
artificial intelligence, 72, 144
Asher, Nathalie R., 361
Aslan, Reza, 352
Athlete Ally, 134
Atlantic, 35, 37, 61, 86, 336, 341
Attkisson, Sharyl, 373
Atwood, Margaret, 337
authoritarianism (leftist), 247–66, 267–86
Avenatti, Michael, 350
Axios, 368
Azarian, Bobby, 126
Bailey, Issac, 86
Baker, Mitchell, 238
Baltimore Sun, 79
Banks, Elizabeth, 304
Barber, Nigel, 18
BarbWire, 141
Barker, Jason, 49
Barone, Michael, 119
Barr, Roseanne, 90
Barr, William, 244
Barra, Mary, 155, 156
Barrett, Amy Coney, 305
Barton, Bruce, 180
Bassett, Laura, 126
Baumann, Beth, 274, 338
Beattie, Sarah, 351
Beauchamp, Zack, 59
Behar, Joy, 311, 325, 326
Beinart, Peter, 122
Bendersky, Corinne, 79–80
Benko, Ralph, 317
Bernstein, Carl, 348
Biden, Joe, 13, 39, 109, 122, 223, 232, 240
The Big Bang Theory, 124
Binckes, Jeremy, 355, 356
Black Hebrew Israelites, 61
Black History Month, 88
Black Lives Matter movement, 49
Black Panther, 45
Blankley, Bethany, 321
Blazing Saddles, 224
Bloomberg, 332
Bloomberg, Michael, 250
Bogado, Aura, 240
Bonacich, Edna, 50–53
Bonow, Amelia, 293
Booker, Cory, 4, 122, 224, 261, 305, 322
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, 303
Bosson, Richard C., 236
Boston Globe, 336
Boudreaux, Mike, 368
Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), 218
Boykin, Keith, 61
Bozell, Brent, 344
Bratcher, Ashley, 302
Braunstein, Melissa Langsam, 104
Brazile, Donna, 40
Breitbart, 273, 280
Broad City, 300
Broccoli, Barbara, 131
Brokaw, Tom, 240–41
Brooks, Mel, 224
Brown, Michael, 239
Brown, Sherrod, 81, 242
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, 5
Brownley, Julia, 143
Bruni, Frank, 318
Bryer, Tania, 321
Brzezinski, Mika, 227, 344
Buckley, Richard, 131
Buescher, Brian C., 308
Buolamwini, Joy, 72
Burou, Georges, 94
Bush, George H. W., 166, 317, 340
Bush, George W., 21, 154, 256, 317
Business Leaders in Christ (BLC), 312
Buttigieg, Pete, 122, 261
BuzzFeed, 61, 84, 342
Cahill, Larry, 117
Camerota, Alisyn, 338
Camp, Frank, 138
Campbell, Kim, 320
Campus Reform, 279
capitalism, 50–51, 161–63, 175–93
Caputo, Marc, 331
Carlson, Tucker, 101, 283, 360
Carnegie, Andrew, 150
Carr, Peter, 343
Carrey, Jim, 225, 327, 328
Carson, Andrew, 220
Carter, Jimmy, 12, 17, 167, 188
Castro, Fidel, 152, 153, 215
Castro, Julian, 299
Cathy, Dan, 234
CBS, 8, 201, 335, 345
Center for American Progress, 75
Chakrabarti, Saikat, 196
Chavez, Hugo, 184, 215
Chavez, Maria, 184
Cheney, Dick, 329
Cher, 325, 373
Chick-fil-A, 234–35
chief diversity officer (CDO), 67–70
Chin, Clara, 83
Christakis, Erika, 281
Christakis, Nicholas, 281
Christian Legal Society (CLS), 313
Christian Legal Society v Martinez, 313
Chronicle of Higher Education, 101
Churchill, Ward, 51
cisgender identity, 109, 115, 116, 134
Citadel, 96
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 144
Civil War, 11, 35
Clarke, Yvette, 330
Clean Water Act, 253
Clemens, Colleen, 101
Cleveland, Margot, 135, 256, 286
climate change, 247
Clinton, Bill, 12, 158, 166, 249, 371
Clinton, Hillary, 24, 79, 87, 121, 147, 213, 249, 273—74, 285, 320
Clyburn, James, 218, 220
CNBC, 321
CNN, 36–38, 60–61, 64, 78, 81, 86, 89, 121, 127–28, 152, 225, 226, 228, 258, 267, 309, 319, 338, 342, 343, 346
Cohen, Michael, 342, 343
Cohen, Steve, 256
Colbert, Stephen, 75, 227, 329
Cold War, 151, 169
College of Charleston (South Carolina), 243
Collins, Susan, 229
Comey, James, 324
Communications Decency Act, 270, 275
Communism, 169, 173, 181
Community Reinvestment Act, 208
Condic, Maureen, 289
bsp; Conservative Review, 367
Constitution, 11, 162, 254, 255, 258, 265, 357
Continetti, Matthew, 160, 162, 350
Cook, Tim, 270, 271
Coolidge, Calvin, 202
Cooper, Anderson, 201
Cooper, Brittney, 37
Cooper, John, 139
Cooper, Ryan, 269
Coop les Récoltes, 76
Corbyn, Jeremy, 215, 216
Covington Catholic High School, 59, 61, 351
Created Equal, 289
Crenshaw, Dan, 219, 269, 359, 371
Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 28
“crime against humanity,” 112
Crimes Against Liberty, 377
critical race theory (CRT), 55–57
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, 57
Crowley, Malcolm, 151
Cruz, Ted, 44, 244, 274, 275
Cuban Missile Crisis, 169
cultural appropriation, 3, 75–76, 80, 89
Cummings, Elijah, 79, 252
Cuomo, Andrew, 3–4, 206–7, 300
Cuomo, Chris, 128–129, 228, 371, 372
Curtin, Jane, 225
Daily Beast, 45, 341
Daily Caller, 229, 273, 339, 367, 368
The Daily Show, 294
Daily Signal, 62, 261
Daily Wire, 138
Dallas, Joe, 239
Damore, James, 120
Dancing with the Stars, 331
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, 350
Daniels, Stormy, 252
Daum, Keziah, 76
Davi, Salvatore, 284
Davidson, Warren, 364–65
Davies, Sharron, 145
Dawes, Thomas, 10
Dawkins, Richard, 314
Deadspin, 140
Dean, Howard, 60
De Blasio, Bill, 57, 132, 234, 250, 369
Del Beccaro, Thomas, 186
De León, Kevin, 51
Delgado, Richard, 57
Del Valle, Vanessa, 132
De Niro, Robert, 225, 326
De Rugy, Veronique, 200
Detroit Free Press, 61
DeVega, Chauncey, 62, 63
DeVos, Betsy, 279
Dewey, Melvil, 42
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 110
DiAngelo, Robin, 90
Dickerson, Mikey, 285
Dinklage, Peter, 43
Dolezal, Rachel, 51
Dominguez, Alfredo, 46
Donegan, Moira, 121–22
Donovan, Jessica, 310
Dorsey, Jack, 275
Dos Passos, John, 177
Douthat, Ross, 355
Dream Act, 369
Dreher, Rod, 102
D’Souza, Dinesh, 296
Duke, Selwyn, 95, 96
Duplass, Mark, 231, 232, 240
Dupree, Cydney, 79
Dupuis, Larry, 140
Durant, Will, 186
Durbin, Dick, 322
Dwyer, Devin, 340
Eckford, Elizabeth, 61
economic boom (Trump), 212–15
Edwards, Alyssa, 130
Egerton, Taron, 125
Eich, Brendan, 238
#ElectionNight, 44
Electoral College, 255, 256, 257, 258, 264
Ellison, Keith, 230
Elon University, 296
Eloquent Rage, 37
Emanuel, Rahm, 341
Emba, Christine, 32
Emory University, 296
Employment Policies Institute, 207
Endocrine Society, 114
Engel, Eliot, 219
Enten, Harry, 81
Environmental Protection Agency, 253
Epstein, Jennifer, 332
Epstein, Robert, 274
Equality Act, 144, 145
Escobar, Veronica, 320
ESPN, 83
Eureka Women’s March, 33, 34
Facebook, 22, 76, 108, 230, 271, 285
facial recognition software, 72
Fairfax, Justin, 39, 40
Fair Representation Amendment, 364
Fallon, Brian, 87
Fallon, Jimmy, 336
Fallows, James, 61
Farrakhan, Louis, 35, 41, 78, 217
Federalist, 114, 136, 137, 286, 311, 327, 339
Federalist No. 47, 253
Feinstein, Dianne, 305
Ferguson, Niall, 24
Fiene, Hans, 103
Figueres, Christiana, 197
Filburn, Roscoe, 8
First Amendment, 236, 237, 261, 267, 269, 270, 271, 280, 305, 341
First Step Act, 322
Flanagan, Caitlin, 37
Florio, Angelica, 277–78
Focus on the Family, 105
Folsom, Burton, 150
Fonda, Peter, 230
Ford, Tom, 131
Fordham, Evie, 367
Foreign Affairs, 47
Forever 21, 45–46
For the People Act, 259
Forward, 132
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, 281
Foval, Scott, 285
Fox Nation, 44
Fox News, 101, 148, 193, 252, 339, 342, 360, 388
Francis (pope), 309
Free, Travon, 44
French, David, 102
Friedman, Milton, 156, 157, 159, 175, 189
Fusion GPS, 285
Gabbard, Tulsi, 39
Gaetz, Matt, 371
Garber, Megan, 341
Garcia, Gustavo, 368
Gates, Henry, 16
Gay, Mara, 57
Geisler, Norman, 181
gender affirmation treatment (GAT), 114
gender binarism, 108–9, 114–16
gender dysphoria, 114, 127
gender identity, 94, 99, 105–7, 109, 112, 114, 117, 129, 132, 135, 140, 144, 250, 311
gender ideology, 31, 94, 95, 107–8, 117, 248
“gender-reveal parties,” 115
Gennai, Jen, 274
George, Robert P., 115
Geraghty, Jim, 90
Gerken, Heather, 244
Ghodsee, Kristen R., 137
Gilbert, Bret, 81
Gillette, 104, 105, 143, 273
Gilliam, Haywood, Jr., 311
Gillibrand, Kirsten, 36, 86, 122, 261, 264
Gillum, Andrew, 45
Ginther, Christina, 134
Girl Scouts, 297
Glaser, April, 272
Glaude, Eddie, Jr., 342
Glazer, Ilana, 300
globalism, 5, 380
Gnostics, 105–6
Godinez, Alejandro, 229
Goebbels, Joseph, 134
Goldberg, Whoopi, 292, 326
Gong, Gaolang, 118
Goodlatte, Bob, 263
Good Morning America, 130
The Good Place, 277
Goodwin, Michael, 220
Google, 22, 120, 267, 271, 272, 273, 277
Gopalan, Meghna, 297
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 190
Gordon, Robert J., 213
Gore, Al, 256, 271
Goss, Christine, 205
Government Accountability Office, 373
“Government Motors,” 154–56
Graf, Hannah, 131
Graham, Lindsey, 45
Graham, Renee, 38
Great Depression, 14, 165
Great Society, 14, 15
Greaves, Lucien, 332
Green, Al, 325, 342
Green, Dominic, 215, 216
Green, Emma, 35
Greene, Chad Felix, 139
Green New Deal (GND), 176, 195–200, 202, 248
Greenwald, Glenn, 217, 350
Greszler, Rachel, 208
Griffin, Kathy, 64, 230, 352
Griffin, Patrick, 37
Grimes, Andrea, 30–31
Gross, Bill, 213
gross domestic product (GDP), 158
Grossmann, Matt, 20
Guardian, 98
Gucci, 75
Guelzo, Allen, 10, 258
Guide to Gender: The Social Justice Advocate’s Handbook, 96
Gurian, Michael, 102–3
Gutierrez, Luis, 321
Haberman, Maggie, 64
Hadid, Bella, 72
Hagedorn, Brian, 312
Hagel, Jenny, 309
Haley, Nikki, 123, 292
Hamill, Mark, 329
Hampton, Deon Strawberry, 131–32
Hanania, Richard, 275
Handler, Chelsea, 44, 329
The Handmaid’s Tale, 337
Hannity, Sean, 44, 338
Hanson, Victor Davis, 51, 58, 207
Harding, Warren, 202
Harkness, Kelsey, 327
Harmon, Evvie, 217
Harris, Kamala, 37, 38, 87, 90, 122, 242, 261, 322, 340
Harris, Sam, 234
Harrison, Brielle, 108
Harsanyi, David, 218, 258, 349
Hart, Kevin, 227, 241
Hartzler, Vicky, 359
Harvard University, 83, 277, 282, 307
Hatch, Orrin, 326
Hathaway, Anne, 301
Hawkins, John, 234
Hawley, Josh, 244
Hayek, Friedrich, 154, 175, 182, 191, 192
Hayes, Chris, 77, 268, 323, 359
HBO, 60, 283, 319, 329, 330
“Heartbeat Bill,” 303
Hedda Lettuce, 130
Heiser, Michael, 181
Hemingway, Mark, 283
Hemingway, Mollie, 339, 371
Henry, Ed, 342
Henry, Patrick, 10
Heritage Foundation, 144, 198, 199, 207–9, 214, 259, 319, 340
Herod (king), 321
Herring, Mark, 39, 342
Hesson, Ted, 339
Heterodox Academy, 150
Heyer, Walt, 109–11
Higgins, Charlotte, 98, 99
Hill, 124
Hill, Jemele, 336
Hill, Katie, 78
Hillyer, Quin, 337, 338
Hiltzik, Michael, 213, 283
Hinkle, Jaelene, 306
Hitler, Adolf, 296
Hochman, Jonathan, 108
Hodgson, Thomas M., 370
Hoffman, Reid, 285
Hofstadter, Richard, 150
Holder, Eric, 4
Homan, Thomas, 339, 375
Hoover, Herbert, 157
Hopkins, Daniel J., 16
Hopkins, Nancy, 119
Horowitz, Daniel, 367
Horwitz, Steven, 167
Hostin, Sunny, 243
Howe, Thomas, 181
HuffPost, 126, 241, 309
Human Rights Campaign, 235
Hyde Amendment, 299
Hyde-Smith, Cindy, 87, 223, 328
identity politics, 2, 11–13, 47, 65, 66, 73, 123, 146, 209, 358
Ihlenfeld, Charles L., 111
illegal immigration, 5, 19, 283, 360, 363, 365, 370, 374–76
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 229, 355–75
Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, 271
Guilty by Reason of Insanity Page 56