The Mermaid Catches Her Mate

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The Mermaid Catches Her Mate Page 6

by Jax Cassidy

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I only want to go forward.” She pulled him toward her for another passionate kiss and he happily let her take the lead.

  Luna wasn’t able to tell Ace what was in her heart, but she was certainly going to show him exactly how she felt with her body.

  Luna left Nocturne Falls and took a few days off from work for this important hike.

  The hike up to the Yuugen Mountain was a treacherous one filled with winding roads, poisonous insects, and dangerous overgrowth. It was a trek many dared not take, yet Luna had made good time by foot. She had been weighted down by the traditional garb of satin and silk with elaborate priceless gems and silver thread woven through. The heavy cloak was equally elaborate and touched the ground. These garments were reserved for a special day like this to honor her deity. It was also symbolic of the respect and devotion she carried.

  Luna knew anyone who decided to take this journey to see the Goddess needed to go with a pure heart, and could not use magic. Those who ventured up didn’t necessary always come back down. There were risks and she never was good at not taking them.

  Forcing her tired and shaky legs to take the final steps to reach the summit, Luna’s heart pounded so hard and fast against her chest she thought she’d pass out from the rigorous activity.

  “I made it,” she breathed, hunching forward. She rested her palms on her thighs and paused a few seconds to catch her breath, forcing in as much air as her lungs could hold. When she was able to straighten up, tears gathered at her eyes upon seeing the magnificent, picturesque view. The name of the mountain invoked the true meaning of the word yuugen. There was no denying that simply being here placed her in a state of total awareness of the universe, triggering uncontrollable emotional responses that were too mysterious. Too deep for words.

  She pulled back her hood before heading toward the enormous statue of the Goddess Quan Yin carved beautifully and intricately from the precious stone. Exotic flowers grew in a circle around her feet reminiscent of a giant lotus flower. She exhaled and slowly lowered herself to her knees, head bent in prayer.

  A gentle touch to her head caused her to raise her head back up to see who was present. She gasped as tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of the stunning Goddess in front her. Her white and sky blue gown flowed effortlessly in the wind. The spectacular jeweled crown at the front of her bun was a spectrum of sparkles. She floated above the earth as she held a porcelain bottle of her elixir in her hand.

  “Stand up child,” she gently instructed.

  Luna complied, unable to speak.

  “Is that what you truly wish from your heart?” The Goddess inquired. “There’s no going back once I grant your heart’s desire.”

  She inhaled deeply and nodded. “Beloved, Goddess. I am certain.” Truthfully, Luna had thought long and hard over this request the past few days, so she wasn’t willing to back out. She couldn’t back out now.

  “There are still conditions.”

  “I’m aware of them and I abide with them,” Luna promised.

  “This is your last chance.”

  Luna shook her head. “A mermaid’s heart cannot be changed.”

  The Goddess smiled sadly. “Then it shall be.”

  Natalia walked over to Ace and helped him adjust his collar on his dress shirt. “How are you feeling?”

  “Same as I always do before a performance,” he responded dryly. He stepped away and finished on his own. Ace didn’t need any distractions tonight. The show had been sold out for the past week and still no sign of Luna.

  She hadn’t answered his calls or attempted to return his texts. He was frustrated by her stubbornness. Had stopped by her cottage, but she still wasn’t home. She’d also arranged for time off, which was odd even to her co-workers. After their night together, he had made up his mind to reveal the truth. He wasn’t going to waver on his decision. His emotions for her remained the same even though she was putting him through all of this madness.

  How would she react when she knew he was immortal? Most importantly, did Luna not feel the same way about him? Ace had never been so tormented over a relationship since Aislinn.

  He knew not to jump to conclusions until he was able to see her face-to-face. If he was one thing, it wasn’t a coward. Ace knew what he wanted and he wanted Luna Matsya.

  “I assume there’s trouble in paradise,” Natalia commented with a slight curl to her lips.

  “It’s no concern of yours.” Ace glared. “You’re my manager, so you should stick to your job.”

  Hurt reflected in her eyes. “I see.” She quickly recovered. “I thought we were more than that. I thought we were at least friends. I’ve worked with you for more than a decade, been by your side all this time...”

  “Can we discuss this later?” Ace interrupted. “It’s really not a good time. People will start arriving soon.”

  “I won’t keep you any longer then.” Natalia headed for the exit, the door of his dressing room trailer sat wide open.

  Ace walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Aye, Natalia.” His face softened. “You are special to me. In fact, you’re great and damn fine at what you do. I’m thankful for that. However, sometimes you can go too far.”

  Natalia stepped out of his hold in time for his gaze to land past her shoulders. His eyes immediately locking onto familiar green ones.

  “Luna, wait!” he shouted as he ran after her, but she had a decent head start. Ace couldn’t use his abilities without being noticed by the busy crew preparing for the event around him.

  Kearney passed him and turned back around. “Did you see Luna? I sent her to see you.”

  “I don’t have time to explain.” Ace rubbed his spiky hair. “Can you make sure everything is in order? I have to take care of something important now.”

  “I got it. Just go get the lass,” the man urged.

  After several minutes of searching for Luna frantically, Ace made his way around to the back of the tent and was rooted to the spot. He watched as Pike stood with her, engaged in heated conversation.

  “I told you, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” she spat out.

  The look on Pike’s face was one that Ace hadn’t seen before. “I saw you that day. I thought I was crazy. That’s when I decided to follow you and my suspicions were correct.”

  “I don’t know what you saw. You’re insane!” She took a step back.

  “You’re a mermaid,” he sneered. “I saw you transform with my very own eyes.” He let out a bone chilling laugh as he lunged for her, grabbing hold of her wrist.

  “LET GO!” Ace roared. “Let go of Luna, now!”

  They both turned in his direction.

  “Well, if it isn’t the mighty Ace to the rescue,” he taunted. “Did you know about her?”

  “What do you think you know, Pike?” His eyes didn’t falter. “If you let her go I will consider you keeping your job with us.”

  He tipped back his head and laughed. “Why would I want this job when I could sell a mermaid to the highest bidder?” Pike’s face contorted into a menacing one. “I did a lot of research. How much more do you think I’ll get when they discover her tears produce real pearls? Maybe I should consider keeping her for myself.”

  “Don’t listen to him!” Luna screamed.

  He made a move and Pike bellowed, “Stay there!”

  “Ace, don’t listen to him!” Luna urged.

  Pike threatened, “I’ll prove it to you.”

  “I’m giving you one last chance to release her,” Ace warned. “Can’t guarantee what I’ll do to you if you don’t,” his voice held a deadly promise.

  Pike didn’t listen, instead he let go of her wrist and shoved Luna over the edge.

  “LUNA!” Ace yelled, momentarily shocked, but secretly knew that once she hit the water she’d transform back into her mermaid form.

  While Ace was distracted, Pike took the oppo
rtunity to lunge at him with full force. The man swung his fists like a pro boxer but Ace deftly circumvented the punches. The burly man groaned in frustration. Swinging again, this time Ace flashed out and back in behind him.

  Pike twisted around in alarm. “What the hell are you!”

  Ace’s eerie laugh echoed. “I’m a magician.” He swiftly wrapped his fingers around Pike’s neck, lifting him in the air.

  Pike was dangling a good foot off the ground as Ace smiled wickedly. He threw the brawny man across the yard with hardly any effort and Pike’s back slammed against the wooden post. Ace turned back in the direction of the lake without noticing a lit torch had snapped in half and fallen to the ground.

  Ace peered down in search of Luna when he caught sight of Natalia kneeling over an unconscious Luna on the small patch of land. She held something in her hand and Ace didn’t wait to see the rest. He vanished and re-materialized, grabbing hold of the woman’s hand that held a small vial of bright liquid.

  “What are you doing, Natalia?”

  “Trying to save your girlfriend’s life,” she replied. “This is the only way.”

  His eyes narrowed but he released his grip. “You know about her? About me?”

  She nodded. “I’ve always known about you.”

  “We’ll speak later, but not now,” he ground out.

  Natalia agreed, “There’s much to talk about.”

  He dropped to his knees and pulled Luna’s wet, lifeless form against his chest.

  “This is Fae magic,” Natalia informed as she gingerly poured a small amount of the powder into the mermaid’s mouth. He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

  Now was not the time to figure out the truth. He’d get to the bottom of all this once he knew Luna was okay.

  “Will it work?” he asked eagerly. With agony in his heart, all the fear and anguish rushed back as he tightened his hold on Luna.

  Please don’t die.

  Flashes of a familiar scenario re-played in his head and he swore beneath his breath.

  “I’m not sure if it will work on humans,” Natalia said blankly.

  “What do you mean human?”

  “I don’t know how it happened.” Natalia continued, “I found out what she was the other day, but I would never have told anyone. I swear.”

  “I don’t understand,” he said incredulously, not hearing her words. “Nothing makes sense.”

  Shouts rang from above, making them turn toward the direction of the tent. Smoked had clouded the sky as a fire blazed uncontrollably. A team of people were making their best efforts trying to contain it.

  “Go help them!” Natalia ordered.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Luna is in safe hands.” She gave him a kind smile and reassured, “Fae’s promise.”

  Ace gave her a curt nod, handing the mermaid over to her like a precious cargo before he teleported out.

  Luna forced her heavy lids to open, not sure what had happened or where she was. The familiar scent of flowers and herbs comforted her and she relaxed a little. All she remembered was being pushed into the water and literally drowning. Her mermaid tail wasn’t there to assist her. The last person she saw was Natalia swimming towards her, which was the oddest dream she’d ever had.

  “You’re awake,” Keke squealed.

  She blinked and the familiar rainbow hair made her smile weakly. Luna struggled to sit up and Keke immediately took charge. Helping Luna adjust into a comfortable position, her friend’s expression quickly changed. Tears gathered at her eyes as she hugged Luna tight.

  “I was so worried you’d never wake up.” She finally released her.

  “Ye of little faith.” Luna forced a smile. “How long has it been?”

  “Three days.” Keke’s brows furrowed together. “I was really surprised Natalia called me.”

  Luna rubbed her temple. “She did?”

  “I know how you are with hospitals, so I insisted you were brought to my house.”

  “I appreciate it.” Luna leaned her head back for a minute.

  Keke added, “The doctor said you were in some kind of deep sleep, but otherwise you’re unharmed. He’ll be back tomorrow to check on you.”

  There were so many questions running rampant in her head. “Did I miss anything?”

  The woman’s eyes were round as saucers. “You won’t freaking believe what happened!” Keke gushed, “Seems one of the guys that worked on Ace’s crew went bonkers and set the performance tent on fire. I heard he was a failed magician and all the resentment of not fulfilling his dreams made him plot to ruin the whole traveling show.”

  “What?” she asked, wincing in pain from her dry, cracked lips.

  “Good thing Kearney was there when it happened and witnessed it. Yep, that guy Pike will be rotting in jail for a while.” Keke handed her a glass of water. “So it’s safe to say they have postponed the show indefinitely. Luna, you’re going to get your lake back now!”

  “That’s great.” She didn’t feel the excitement that she should have at hearing the news.

  Luna took a small sip and let everything sink in. When she swallowed, the cool liquid coated and soothed her throat as it glided down. She asked casually, “What about Ace?”

  Keke hesitated a second. “He’s fine, but there are things you need to know.” Her face turned serious. “I think you’re going to have to hear it from him.”

  “Why?” Her jaw tightened. “What are you hiding from me?” She didn’t like what she heard.

  Keke crossed her arms. “The real question is why you aren’t a mermaid anymore?” She gave Luna the same stubborn stare. “Please tell me you didn’t do something stupid.”

  “You wouldn’t understand.” Luna’s eyes fell over the pattern on the blanket.

  “Try me.”

  Luna smiled weakly. “I suppose I’ll never hear the end of this if I don’t.”

  Keke’s face broke out into a silly grin. “You know me too well.” She settled comfortably next to Luna. “First off, I’m dying to know how it feels to be human?”

  “You would.” She laughed, “Not what I’d imagined.”

  “Didn’t think so.”

  Luna gathered her thoughts for a moment, not knowing where to begin. She said slowly, “I traded my fin in for a chance at love.”

  Her friend’s face paled. “Oh, boy.”

  “What is it?” Luna demanded.

  Keke took a deep breath and said evenly, “Ace is a supernatural.”

  Did she hear the words correctly?

  It felt as if the wind was knocked out of her. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard. She didn’t want to believe it. How could he have deceived her like that? Luna became queasy.

  “How?” She shook her head, not believing her friend.

  “It’s true. He told me…no, he showed me what he was.”

  “NO! It’s not true!” Luna shouted, throwing the cup across the room. The tiny shards of glass landed all over the floor.

  She covered her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. Her head hurt, but her heart hurt more. She searched her mind for any indication or clues for the truth. She thought back to all of their encounters and then an image flashed in her mind. The one-of-a-kind vintage ring on Ace’s pinky was no ordinary ring. Ace had cloaked his magic with that heirloom! He’d charmed his way into her heart, and she’d consumed the entire illusion.

  He may have fooled the world, but Luna had been the biggest fool of them all!

  “What have I done?”

  Tears spilled over, no longer hardening to round gems. Had she not been human, Luna’s tears would’ve littered the floor.


  The fish were swimming happily around in circles as Luna watched with a heavy heart. Her feet dangled off the dock, legs immersed in the crystal clear water. She could no longer communicate with the sea creatures but she still held a connection to them. Could feel their
love as they tried to console her.

  “I thought I’d find you here.” Ace’s thick brogue made her stiffen.

  She didn’t respond, wasn’t ready to face him yet.

  He let out a heavy sigh before continuing, “I wanted to tell you the truth. In fact, I’d planned on doing it when all this happened.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said, staring off into the distance. “Did you know I selfishly thought that if I gave up everything, you’d never know what I was?”

  Ace took a step forward. “That wasn’t selfish. That was protecting me.”

  She dropped her head to stare at her feet, gripping her fingers tight around the wooden ledge where she sat. She still had feelings for him but she needed more time to sort things out.

  That was a lie.

  Luna loved him.

  His question interrupted her thoughts. “Do you mind if I sit with you a bit?”

  Luna nodded half-heartedly. He took off his shoes, rolled up his jeans, and plopped down beside her. His legs were so close, almost touching hers. She flinched, not from disgust but from fear he would know what was in her heart.

  “I’ve never been good when it came to women,” he started. “The first woman I fell for, I couldn’t save.”

  Sensing how difficult it was for him to reveal his emotions to her, she finally looked at him.

  “I wanted to protect her so I never told her I came from the world of magic. When I had the courage to tell her, she thought I was some kind of demon.” He said softly, “She chose death rather than staying with me.”

  Luna reached over and placed her hand over his.

  He kept talking, “I thought it was love. I was naïve. Now I realize it was nothing more than a desire to feel human because I could never be.” Ace moved her hand and placed it over his heart. “I love you, Luna.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “You can’t,” she said in defeat. “I’m mortal now. I’m going to eventually die and then what? You’ll be exactly where you were.”


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