The Mermaid Catches Her Mate

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The Mermaid Catches Her Mate Page 8

by Jax Cassidy

  “You never know. She won’t replace me but I’m sure she’s going to breathe new life into the place.”

  The unicorn shifter didn’t seem convinced. She turned to Luna. “Do you know who it is?”

  “Not much. I think she has a seasonal catering business or something like that. She’ll be living here during the fall and winter months.”

  “That’s what you call a dyslexic snowbird!” Keke snorted.

  “I’m sure you’ll get along fine. Besides, she might appreciate having a new friend. It’s always nice to feel welcomed.”

  Keke kicked at an imaginary speck of dust on the hardwood floor. “It’s definitely going to take a little getting used to. Not having you here.”

  Luna wanted to console her best friend and she thought of a way. “I’ve got something for you.”

  “No. I can’t,” Keke refused.

  She ignored her and unhooked the necklace with the dangling charm. The tiny vial contained a few precious drops of the elixir that came from the bottle she’d received from the Goddess. She hooked it around her friend’s neck.

  “Thank you. I’ll cherish this always.” Keke stroked the charm lovingly.

  “I know it will be in safe hands.” Luna dropped her hands to her side. “It looks good on you.”

  Keke raised her head. “I’d meant to ask.” She hesitated a moment before speaking, “How did you get rid of Ace?”

  Luna had intentionally immersed herself in packing today so she wouldn’t have to think of him. His handsomely prominent and chiseled jaw. Those gorgeous eyes. The way he made her laugh. The way he kissed her sensually awake in the mornings.

  She gave a mental shake to refocus, not liking the direction her thoughts were leading. “As fate would have it, he was called to Los Angeles to sort out a few things with his schedule.” She continued, “He won’t be back until tomorrow. I’ll be gone by then.”

  “Do you have to do it this way?”

  She nodded sadly. Her stomach knotted up at already missing him more than she could bear, even though it had only been a few days. “I don’t want him to try to stop me.” She paused to control the emotions welling up inside. “I might not be able leave if he did.”

  Her friend wrapped an arm around her shoulder and hugged her. “We’re business partners so you can’t shake me off that easily. Sisters from another mother,” she giggled.

  “That’s right!” Luna added cheerfully. “Speaking of business, I have four burlap sacks for you to take home.”

  “Jeez, I think you’ve broken the record this time!” Keke’s face broke out into a wide grin. “Remember that weekend we did the sappy romance movie marathon? I had puffy eyes for days! Even had to cancel a few hot dates.”

  They fell into their familiar pattern of conversation and spent another twenty minutes bringing up past antics until Keke needed to head home. “Okay, I’ll stop by later tonight. We can do a whole picnic themed dinner in the living room.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.” Luna waved, watching her friend leave without closing the door.

  She wanted to air out the house and didn’t mind the breeze as she began cleaning and dusting. Luna lit scented candles and placed them on the counter before returning to the organization of the boxes.

  Footsteps echoed from outside and she heard them continue up the steps. She called out, “Did you forget something again, Keke?”

  Luna twisted around and froze. Every nerve in her body seized up in fear.

  “Happy to see me?”

  Pike’s menacing grin made her back up.

  “I thought you were in jail.” She tried to remain calm in his presence.

  “You thought wrong.” He took a few steps forward. “I escaped just so I could finish what I’d set out to do.” He held her gaze. “You’re going to be my golden ticket to the good life.”

  She stood her ground and tipped her chin up. “I don’t know how that’s possible. I’m human and not some mythical creature that you claim to think I am.”

  His face was masked with anger. “You know exactly what I’m talking about, mermaid!”

  “I told you before, you’re insane. I’m no more a mermaid than you are a magician,” she goaded.

  “Why you—” Pike lunged for her and she fell back against the boxes, knocking over some. He was able to grab her forearm. “We’ll see who’s telling the truth.”

  “Let me go!” She tried yanking out of his grip, but she realized she was weaker as a mortal. He practically dragged her out the door and in the direction of the pier.

  She tripped on an uneven patch and landed on her knees. She lifted her head to see a faint glow at a window emanating from inside her house. It had somehow caught on fire. Luna jumped up and made a run for it, but Pike was quicker and stronger than she’d remembered.

  “My house is burning!” she screamed.

  He held her back. “They’ll think you’ve died in the fire and it will work out even better than I could’ve planned.”

  She kicked and clawed at him, but her attempts were futile. “You’re going to pay for this when Ace gets here!” she threatened.

  “That’s not true.” Pike let out an amused laugh, “I overheard you telling that friend of yours he was out of town. No one’s going to save you now.”

  How could she have been so careless! Luna had a sinking feeling this time she wouldn’t be so lucky. No one would know she’d gone missing until it was too late.

  “Is that so?” the familiar voice inquired.

  Luna’s head snapped up. “Ace! You’re back.” She’d never been more relieved to see anyone in her life.

  Ace took a leisurely step toward the man. “You never learn, do you?”

  “You think you’ll get me again? It’s not going to happen,” Pike responded with confidence.

  He released his hold on Luna and she took the opportunity to run toward Ace. She didn’t look back as she ran toward the safety of his arms.

  To the man she loved.


  Her body jerked as she felt a burning pain shoot up her back. Luna collapsed in Ace’s arms. “LUNA!” he cried.

  Ace cradled her body, rage consuming him as he lifted his hand, pointing his finger at Pike. This time the man had made a grave mistake. He clutched Luna to him and the familiar blood thirsty sensation blinded any rational thought.

  He wanted revenge and he wasn’t going to stop at merely sending Pike to jail. His pinky ring glowed as a powerful surge of electricity rushed through his body, gathering up his arm. He drew his arm back and aimed for the man when he felt someone clamp down on his forearm.

  “No, lad. I’ll take care of this,” Kearney lowered his arm and marched toward Pike.

  Pike raised his gun and fired a round of bullets, but they were deflected by the invisible wall of electricity that surrounded Kearney. With a flick of his wrist, Pike was thrown like a rag doll. Disbelief clouded his eyes.

  Without his gun, Pike was soon begging for mercy, “Don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.”

  “Oh, where you’re going, you’ll wish you’d been hurt,” Kearney promised. He closed a hand over Pike’s shoulder and they both vanished together.

  Ace was grief stricken as he lowered Luna to the ground with him. “You can’t leave me yet, lass.”

  Her eyes fluttered open and closed, but she had a hard time keeping them open.

  “I came back because I found a way to keep you at my side, so don’t you dare die on me!” he commanded. His voice pleading, “Stay with me and I promise we’ll be together. Just like you wanted.”

  She nodded, giving him a faint smile. She expelled tenderly, “I…I love you, Ace.” Luna let out a gasp and her eyes didn’t reopen.

  “LUNA! DON’T LEAVE ME!” he sobbed. “I love you!” He kissed her face and whispered, “I love you so much.”

  “What’s going on? What happened?” Keke rushed over to their side. “I called S
heriff Merrow and the fire department as soon as I realized Luna’s house was on fire.”

  He could only nod. Ace’s voice cracked when he spoke, “She’s gone.”

  Keke’s face paled and she broke down and sobbed.

  Ace tightened his hold on Luna. His soul defeated over the fact that he’d arrived a few minutes too late. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of his life and now everything was taken from him in an instant.

  He couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  This week he’d swallowed his pride and had gone to see his father. They’d finally managed to come to an agreement and he’d rushed back to see her. Ace had returned with his mother’s ring and planned on asking Luna to marry him. He could make her immortal again. Since she was no longer a mermaid, his father had cast a spell upon the ring which would allow her to live as an immortal. As long as she never removed it.

  A loud crash made Keke and Ace turn. The cottage had collapsed, but firefighters were expertly controlling the blaze. The sheriff’s siren could be heard in the distance.

  The devastation hadn’t fully hit him because the only thing he wanted to do was bring Luna back. He wasn’t going to give up because she was worth fighting for.

  “Dry your eyes, child.” The kind voice startled him.

  Ace had to squint as a white light manifested into a magnificent woman wearing the most exquisite gown and headdress he’d ever seen. She hovered over to them, her feet never touching the ground. She looked lovingly over at Keke. “Return the vial to me, my dear.”

  The unicorn shifter quickly took off the necklace and handed it to Quan Yin, the benevolent goddess who had disguised as a Fae, and blessed the Matsya line.

  The beautiful woman waved her hand over the bottle and the cap twisted open as a glowing blue and silver liquid flowed out of the object, swirling its way toward Luna’s lifeless form. She motioned her hand and Luna’s lips parted to consume the divine elixir. She quickly held out the rest of the liquid to Ace. “If you wish to bring her back, drink the rest quickly,” she commanded.

  Keke watched the whole exchange, unable to speak.

  Ace was a desperate man. He didn’t hesitate and finished off the few drops. He forced himself to keep the bitter tonic down his throat and then the nasty tang seemed to melt away as a sweetness he’d never tasted before heated up his insides. All his senses roared to life and he couldn’t explain what had transpired within him. He’d somehow become another version of himself, and everything made sense.

  “You made her human, didn’t you?” Ace asked.

  She gave him a lovely smile. “Only temporarily.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Goddess nodded in agreement. She added, “You have a lot of work ahead of you in Mer Haven.”

  He didn’t know what she’d meant by those words, but he’d worry about it later. Right now, he needed to focus his full attention on the woman in his arms. He was anxious for the potion to work. Never second guessing the deity, but he didn’t think he would survive losing her.

  Luna’s body convulsed as the energy returned to her. Ace watched as her legs merged, scales lighting up in brilliant blue and green hues, traveling all the way down until her mermaid tail transformed completely.

  Keke’s tears of joy dampened her cheeks.

  “Take her to the water,” Goddess instructed. “Now.”

  He hoisted her up, lifting her in his arms as he carried her to the end of the pier. Instead of lowering her to the lake, he instinctually jumped in with her body still pressed tightly against his chest. They plunged underneath, sinking deeper and deeper. Then it happened, Ace kicked his legs and tried to fight off the strange sensations. His body appeared to be pulled in different directions. He thought something was dragging him down and he wiggled erratically to try to get out of the hold, all while trying to keep a grip on Luna.

  She stirred in his arms and he lowered his head.

  She blinked and her eyes finally opened, surprised upon seeing him. Her mouth curved into a wide grin and he stilled. Luna moved out of his arms and she reached for his hand clinging tightly. She tilted her head to motion for him to look down and then let out a siren’s cry of excitement. Ace followed her gaze and that’s when he saw their matching fins. He wiggled his new merman tail in wonder.

  How could this be?

  Apparently, Goddess had given him her blessings in order for them to stay together. He no longer needed to return to the kingdom, at least not yet. Ace had a feeling this transformation was simply an additional gift and didn’t detract from his supernatural abilities. He wasn’t going to ask questions, but would eagerly accept the gift.

  It had brought Luna back to him, and that was more than enough.

  Ace reached for her other hand and they spun around in circles under water as she laughed. He slowly released a hand as they explored the lake. He didn’t want to stop swimming, so invigorated by the powerful energies that the water embodied. This unimaginable experience allowed him to see the world that Luna had always known.

  They broke through the surface and he couldn’t stop staring at Luna. She was the most breathtakingly gorgeous woman he’d ever met. Ace pulled her toward him and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her musical laughter was intoxicating and flowed through him like a song.

  Tonight had been a rollercoaster of emotions but it was worth it to have her with him. By his side.

  “I love you,” he professed before covering her mouth with his own. This kiss was meant to claim her as his forever.

  “Hey, lovebirds! Quick, go hide,” Keke hissed. “Hank Merrow just parked,” she warned them. Happiness was radiating from her at the sight of the happy couple. “I’ll take care of everything.”

  Luna nodded and waved. “I know where we can go hide,” she said, leading the way.

  Ace followed without any questions. After several minutes of swimming, they reached a secluded clearing with plenty of trees and shrubbery to shield them from the world. The moon glowed softly, lighting a romantic path to where the water met up with the soil. Their fins retracted and returned to their human form as they neared the desired spot. They walked on the solid surface still holding hands until he stopped.

  Ace cupped her face and peered into her beautiful jade eyes. “This feels surreal.”

  “You’re right. I hope this dream never ends,” she whispered.

  “Not as long as you’re with me,” he promised.

  Luna stood on tip-toes and planted a firm kiss on his lips. “So, have you ever made love under the magical glow of the stars and moon?”

  He chuckled, “I will now.”


  “I guess it’s finally official.” Natalia handed Ace the newspaper. “Congratulations, you’re retired.”

  He unfolded the paper and a wide grin spread across his face.

  “Who is that handsome fella?” Kearney stopped next to them, tapping the smiling mug of himself. “Looks like Pike will get what he’s always wanted. He’ll be infamous in the psychiatric ward for his mermaid tales, eh?”

  “Aye. That’s the truth.” Ace gave Kearney a grateful smile. “Thank you for making the right judgement call.”

  “That’s what friends are for.” They shook hands and he patted Ace on the shoulder. “It was a pleasure watching over you, but I’m collecting on that vacation you promised me. I know you’ll have your hands full with all of Luna’s family.”

  Ace groaned. As long as his fiancé was by his side, he didn’t care if he was a tadpole swimming in a shark’s tank.

  Luna walked over to where they were huddled. “Did I hear someone say my name?”

  The men feigned innocence, shaking their heads.

  Natalia stepped closer to Kearney and placed a perfectly manicured hand on his bulging bicep. “Now that you’ve gotten quite the publicity for playing hero, have you ever considered a manager? I’ve recently found myself one client short. Sign with me and I
can make your spiritual guru dreams a reality.”

  “Here we go.” Ace rolled his eyes. He added, “Although, I’d have to say, she’s the best in the business.”

  “I’d have to agree with Ace. She’s a real life saver!” Luna winked at Natalia and the women broke into laughter at the inside joke.

  Ace couldn’t help feeling the pride in his heart. He was surrounded by everyone who had impacted him since his arrival. Luna’s backyard was filled with her friends and some dear crew members that he’d always considered as his own mortal family. This was part bon voyage and part retirement party for them.

  The lake was the backdrop and the space was magically transformed into a spectacular venue. The festive decorations combined with the elegant cuisine added to the ambiance. His eyes wandered through the crowd, landing on the beautiful Pandora as she was speaking to Stasia Tien, the caterer who would soon become the new owner of Luna’s property. He was surprised she’d taken the news of the fire better than expected. In fact, she was having it designed to fit all her culinary needs, including a kitchen equipped for her catering affairs.

  Ace felt a tug at his shirt sleeve and rewarded Luna with a loving smile. “Shall we take a brief stroll?” he suggested.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” She reached for his hand and they walked across the pier to the edge.

  He placed his hand on her waist and drew her close. His brows knitted together. “Have you any idea what our children will be like?”

  “Maybe you should reserve those thoughts for after you meet my parents,” she proposed.

  “C’mon, aren’t you the least bit curious?” he persisted.

  Luna laughed at his serious tone. “Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?”

  “You’re right.” He lowered his head and kissed her on the tip of her nose. “I wouldn’t want our children out of wedlock. Marriage is the sensible first step.”

  The woman he loved burst out into laughter. He didn’t understand why she wasn’t more concerned.

  He scowled and she seized the opportunity to caress his face and kiss him. Ace had soon forgotten his name, let alone their conversation. She tasted like honey and wine. The perfect combination of sweet and intoxication. He deepened the kiss and she clung to him, as the world around them disappeared.


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