A Little Rain Must Fall (Summer Lake Silver Book 3)

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A Little Rain Must Fall (Summer Lake Silver Book 3) Page 19

by SJ McCoy

  “Where do you think you’re going, mi amigo? You can’t leave when I arrive.”

  He turned and smiled through pursed lips at Diego. “I wasn’t leaving.”

  “I know!” Diego took Audrey’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Lovely, Audrey. It’s my pleasure.” He looked back at Ted. “You were about to ask me what I’ve been up to today.”

  “I was?”

  “You were.” Diego pulled a chair over from the next table and placed it behind them so he could put one arm around Ted’s shoulders and the other around Audrey’s.

  She laughed and gave Ted a puzzled look.

  “Don’t worry about it. This is just how he is. He gets excited, and he likes to share.”

  Diego nodded happily. “I am, and I do. I am excited because today I found my new home!”

  Ted’s heart jumped into his throat. He hadn’t expected that.

  “I talked to Zack, and he put me in touch with Austin. You should talk to him, Ted. He’s good. He was going to show me three places, but I fell in love with the first one. I want it. I’m going to buy it.”

  Ted raised an eyebrow at him. “Just like that? You want the first one you saw? You don’t want to see any more or take your time to figure out if it’s the right one for you?”

  Diego laughed out loud. “Of all people, I thought you would understand.”

  Ted shook his head. He didn’t even understand what his friend meant.

  Diego turned to Audrey and then looked back at Ted. “You want me to believe that you haven’t fallen in love at first sight yourself? That you can’t relate to my excitement and my happiness?”

  Now, Ted understood what he meant. He smiled. “I wouldn’t expect either of you to believe that. I can totally relate to how you feel.”

  Audrey frowned. “I’m very happy for you, but does that mean you’re moving here, too?”

  Diego grinned. “We all are!” He looked around. “Where’s Miss Isobel?”

  Ted looked at Audrey; he really needed to tell her what was going on—the plans he had in mind that he hadn’t yet shared with her, but that he hoped she’d like.

  Izzy was just coming back from the bar, and Diego got up and greeted her with a bow. She made a face and walked past him to come and sit by Audrey.

  Ted had to laugh at the look on Diego’s face when he straightened up and realized that Izzy wasn’t there.

  “What’s going on, kiddies?” Izzy asked.

  Audrey gave her a rueful smile. “It’s all go around here. Ally and Brayden are making plans to pack up and move; Diego has apparently just fallen in love with a house and plans to move here, too.

  She looked so deflated. Ted felt terrible.

  Izzy gave him a puzzled look. “Diego’s moving here?”

  “Not exactly moving but getting himself a place to be closer to his family.”

  “You should do that, too,” Izzy told Audrey.

  “I’d love to but—”

  Ted couldn’t wait any longer. “I might have a solution to whatever but you’re about to come up with.”

  They both turned to look at him. Ted wished that Izzy wasn’t looking at him so expectantly. Diego appeared behind them.

  “May I have a word with you, Miss Isobel?”

  A look of irritation crossed her face, but she got to her feet. “Just one word?”

  Diego smiled. “Well, maybe a few.”

  Ted took hold of Audrey’s hand. “Do you want to take that walk now?”


  ~ ~ ~

  They went out over the deck of the restaurant and down the stairs that led to the beach. Audrey couldn’t help feeling a little sad. She loved having the kids living so close by in Ventura. She was pleased that they’d both managed to find new jobs so quickly, and Summer Lake was a wonderful place, but still. Life wouldn’t be the same. They wouldn’t be just around the corner anymore. They wouldn’t just come in through the door from the garage and surprise her.

  Ted took hold of her hand when they reached the bottom of the stairs. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Sorry. I’m pleased for the kids, but I’ll be honest, I’m feeling a little sorry for myself at the thought of them leaving.”

  He stopped walking and put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Audrey. I didn’t mean for it to look like this.”

  “What do you mean? It’s not your fault.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “It is! It’s all my fault, but I’m hoping you won’t think it’s as bad as it seems once I explain.”

  She looked into his eyes. They were such kind eyes; he was such a wonderful man. It was sweet of him to care so much that she was sad about her kids moving away, but it was hardly his fault.

  “I’m the one who helped them both find jobs here.”

  “Yes, and that’s so kind of you. I really appreciate it, and I know they do.”

  “I’m not looking for thanks. I could have helped them find work anywhere.”

  She frowned.

  “I had an ulterior motive.”

  Her heart began to beat harder and faster. Ulterior motives were something she associated with Richard—not with Ted. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m sorry. I should have told you straight away, but I wanted to give us a little bit more time.”

  “For what, Ted? I don’t understand.” She was starting to feel uneasy now.

  “Diego told us that he found himself a house here. I want to do the same. I want to get a place here and be closer to Eddie.”

  She nodded. “That’s understandable. But what’s it got to do with me?”

  “Everything, Audrey. I want to spend more time with him and the family, but I want to spend more time with you, too. When Brayden and Ally both needed work all of a sudden, and I knew of people who might be able to help them out here, it seemed perfect. Once they’re here, you’ll want to be here more, too. And we can be together more.”

  He looked so unsure of himself.

  “Diego and I talked about not needing to go into the office so much anymore, and about wanting to spend more time with family. I … I suppose my only reason for not telling you about it straight away is that … well, I want to be able to think about you and Brayden and Ally as my family, too. But I know it’s too soon.”

  “What are you saying, Ted?”

  “That I don’t want you to feel sad that they’re moving here, because I want you to move here, too …”

  “What would I do here?” Even as she asked, she remembered her conversation with Izzy earlier. She could work from home here just as easily as she could work from home in Ventura.

  “I know. It’s selfish of me. And I know it’s too soon to ask you to live with me.”

  Her breath caught in her chest. “To what?”

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. “I know it’s too soon, but whenever you’re ready, I would like you to move in with me. If you want to. And then … down the road …”

  Her heart was pounding in her chest.

  “Or did I screw everything up? Is it too crazy?”

  “It’s not too crazy.” She sucked in a deep breath and then slowly let it out. “And, honestly? It’s not too soon, either. Maybe it is on somebody else’s timeline. But we’re on our own timeline. We can do what’s right for us. And you’re right for me, Ted.”

  He cupped her face between his hands and brushed his lips over hers. “You’re right for me, too.” He winked. “Does that mean I can do you?”

  She laughed. “Any time you like.”

  He closed his arms around her, and she rested her head against his shoulder.

  “We’ll figure it out, Audrey. If it’s up to me, I want to wake up beside you every day for the rest of my life. It doesn’t matter if that’s at your house in Ventura, my house in Laguna Beach, or the house we find ourselves here.”

  She looked up at him. “I want to agree with you that it doesn’t matter, but if we’re honest, we both want to be here, near our kids—our family.�

  He smiled. “We do. And you’re happy for us to buy a place here?”

  “I’ll have to sell mine in Ventura first.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t have to. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not an issue, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to give everything up to be with me.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  He dropped a kiss on her lips. “We will. I feel as though together, we can make anything possible.”

  “That’s because we can.” Audrey couldn’t quite believe that this was happening. But she couldn’t deny that it felt right.

  Ted lowered his lips to hers, and just like he did every time he kissed her, he made her feel as though everything was going to be all right. He made her feel safe even at the same time that he made her feel sexy—and oh, so very loved.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ted was nervous as he waited in the lobby at the lodge on Sunday morning. They’d decided that it was better to stay here rather than at one of the houses in the resort. This way, everyone had their own space and could come and go as they pleased.

  He and Audrey had had breakfast with Diego and Izzy—he still couldn’t figure out what was going on there. And afterward, Audrey and Izzy had spent some time together. He loved that she had such a close friend. Whenever he’d dated in the past, women hadn’t been so understanding about how close he and Diego were. He knew that wasn’t an issue for Audrey.

  “Hey, Mr. Rawlins.”

  “Good morning, Roxy. For someone who’s not supposed to work weekends anymore, you’re here on Sundays a lot.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t mind helping out. And Logan’s working, too. We get time off in the week to make up for it.”

  “Logan runs construction at the development, doesn’t he?”

  She nodded proudly. “He does.”

  “Do they build any custom homes?”

  She smiled. “They do. Please tell me, you’re thinking about moving here?”

  He winked and nodded but didn’t answer.

  She clapped her hands together. “That’s wonderful! Oh, I’ll give you his card, or he can call you, whatever you prefer.”

  “Thanks. Roxy, I’ll take his card. You can tell him to expect my call soon. I want to get moving on this.”

  “That’s wonderful. Oh, here she is.”

  Ted turned and his heart clenched in his chest when he saw Audrey coming out of the elevators. He wasn’t sure that it was wise to do what he wanted to this morning. But after the mess he’d made of things by leaving it too long to tell her what he was thinking about moving here, he’d decided that he shouldn’t delay in telling her what else he wanted. She didn’t have to say yes, yet. He just needed her to know how he felt and that he hoped that with time she’d feel that way, too.

  She greeted them with a smile. “Hi.”

  “Morning.” Roxy’s phone rang, and she scowled at it. “You guys have a wonderful day,” she told them before she picked it up.

  Ted was glad to be able to take Audrey’s hand and go without needing to stay for more chitchat.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I thought we could take a walk around the plaza like we did on our first date.”

  She smiled. “Aww. Aren’t you sweet? You’re the best boyfriend a girl could hope for.”

  “I do my best. I’m trying to make you see that I’m a good guy.”

  She laughed. “I already know that. Everyone who meets you knows that.”

  They walked down the steps and out across the square.

  “Are we going somewhere in particular? You’re walking like you have a purpose.”

  He tried to slow down. He was more nervous than he’d thought. This might be a terrible idea, but he wasn’t going to back out now.

  “If you don’t mind, I thought I might catch Smoke.”

  “Smoke? Oh, the guy who flew us back to Ventura. Oh, he’s Laura Hamilton’s husband.”

  “That’s right.” It was a weak excuse, and Ted knew it.

  Audrey smiled. “Is he at her store? I don’t mind browsing while you catch up with him.”


  When they reached the store, he noticed his hand shaking as he opened the door for her. He hoped that he wasn’t going to embarrass them both by doing this too soon. He’d talked to Ally and Brayden. He’d explained that he wasn’t trying to pressure Audrey for right now, only to let her know where he hoped they were headed. Her kids had both been thrilled. Eddie and April had given him their blessing, and of course, he’d had to run it by Diego, who surprised him with his enthusiasm.

  Now all the remained was to find out what Audrey thought.

  Laura Hamilton greeted him with a warm smile. “Hey, Ted. Smoke’s in the back. I’ll go get him for you. But first, you must be Audrey? It’s nice to meet you … I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I met your mom when I was here last time.”

  “I know, she thinks you’re wonderful. Couldn’t stop talking about her lovely new friend.” Laura glanced at Ted. “I’ll be right back.” She gave him an encouraging smile before she disappeared into the back.

  Audrey looked at Ted. “I love her jewelry!”

  He smiled. “We should look around then.”

  “Oh! No. I didn’t mean …”

  He smiled. “At least show me what you like? I need to learn your taste.” He was hoping he already had an idea of at least one piece she would love. He went over to the tray and looked at the rings.

  Audrey raised her eyebrows at him.

  “You don’t like them?”

  “Of course, I do, they’re beautiful.”

  “Which one do you like best?”

  She pointed, and he felt some of the tension ease in his shoulders. She’d chosen it!

  He grinned and pulled it out of its slot.

  “Do you think we should wait until she comes back?”

  He shook his head with a smile and handed her the ring. “Try it on.”

  She took it with shaking hands and then pulled on the wire that held it to the case. Ted was relieved when the note popped out just as he’d planned.

  Audrey frowned. “What’s that?”

  “Read it.”

  She picked up the note, and as she read it, the tears started to fall. He hoped with all his heart that they were happy ones.

  “Will you marry me, Audrey? Please don’t say no right now. I know it’s too soon, and maybe it’s a little too much right now. But one day, whenever you’re ready,” he said, speaking the words he’d memorized before he wrote them on the piece of paper she now held. “I hope with all my heart that you will say yes, to becoming my wife.”

  She turned to him, and her smile gave him his answer. She nodded as the tears ran down her face. “I know it’s too soon, but yes, one day not too far from now.”

  He took the ring off the clip and slid it onto her finger. “Will you wear it until that day comes?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “It’s not just a prop?”

  He laughed. “No! It’s the one I hoped you’d choose … the one I want you to wear.”

  She looked at the tray and then back at him. “How did you know I’d choose this one?”

  He shrugged. “We have similar tastes … and I had Laura tie the note to every ring in that tray just in case.”

  She laughed. “Oh, Ted!”

  He closed his arms around her. “I know I said there’s no rush, but any time you’re ready, you just say so.” Her smile faltered a little, and he understood. “In fact, scratch that. I’ll ask you every Sunday if you’re ready yet.”

  “That works.”

  ~ ~ ~

  As they walked back across the plaza, Audrey couldn’t help but keep looking at her hand. The ring was so beautiful, but what it represented was even more beautiful. She knew she was the luckiest woman alive to have found Ted and to have him love her.

  She looked up when she felt a spot of
rain and then another. All of a sudden, it began to pour down. Ted grinned at her and pulled off his jacket. He held it up over both their heads, and they walked back to the lodge in no particular hurry.

  When they reached the lobby, they were dripping wet and laughing.

  “Into every life, a little rain must fall,” she said.

  He smiled. “We’ve both lived through our fair share of rain. I promise you, Audrey. I’m going to do everything in my power to give you blue skies all the way from here on out.”

  She smiled and touched his cheek. “I love you, Ted. And I believe you, but we both know there will always be rainy days. I’m not worried, though, because we’re strong enough, and I believe our love is strong enough to see us through until the sun shines again.

  He closed his arms around her, and she looped hers up around his neck, and he kissed her. Right there in the lobby with people going by, hurrying in to take shelter from the rain—as if they didn’t know that into every life a little rain must fall.

  She and Ted knew it. They’d each endured it, and she didn’t doubt that they would face the rain again. But with him by her side she knew that the sun would always shine in her heart;


  ~ ~ ~

  I hope you’ve enjoyed Ted and Audrey’s story. As with all my couples, you know you’ll see them again and learn where their story goes from here. In fact, you won’t have long to wait at all. Diego and Izzy are two big personalities who have given me no choice but to continue straight on with their story. We’re in a for a fun ride with those two!

  Their book is called Where the Rainbow Ends. It will release on May 22nd and you can preorder your copy here.

  A Note from SJ

  I hope you enjoyed Ted and Audrey’s story. Please let your friends know about the books if you feel they would enjoy them as well. It would be wonderful if you would leave me a review, I'd very much appreciate it.

  Check out the “Also By” page to see if any of my other series appeal to you – I have a couple of freebie series starters, so you can take them for a test drive. You’ll find a list of all my books – complete with reading order and Freebies here.


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