Marked For You: The X-Perience Series

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Marked For You: The X-Perience Series Page 5

by C. G Miller

  I parked the car and hand in hand like two people in love I lead her towards our destination.

  “What is the X Bar?” She looked to me with fear and excitement all wrapped into one.

  “This is the bar we all frequent. I want to show you what you’re getting yourself into and then, we will talk about how you feel.”

  With the ending sweet summer heat, I would have never thought seeing goosebumps hit her flesh would be so enticing. To get closer to her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

  My words were bitter and cool giving her a way out. I wanted to tempt her all the while giving her reasons to say no. It was an act I had never done before with anyone. I had had my fair share of virgins, but they seemed so much more experienced than she. They were all little she devils where she wore an angel halo. I couldn’t come to terms with my actions all though, I knew they may bite me in the ass later. Maybe I was the one falling in love and would be heartbroken if she decided to not go through with this.

  Chapter 8 Kyle

  My heart beats rapidly as we come closer to X Bar. I couldn’t tell if it was fear or anticipation of what was to come. Cree acted cool as his gestures mimicked what a movie boyfriend would do, but I felt there was a hidden message in his words. Almost like he was giving me a way out. Maybe he assumed I would be tainted and should have just done this the normal way.

  The man at the door checked IDs as a long line of men and women waited to be let in. Cree walked with ease as he bypassed the long line heading straight for the door man. Cree grabbed something from his back pocket and flashed it to the man. The man then undid the clip at the end of the black rope letting us freely walk past.

  The music was loud but muffled by the long black lighted corridor we walked down. Cree’s hand rested on my lower back while he guided me into a room. The room was plain with a coat rack, small grey loveseat, leather couch, and a small table that rests up against the wall with a decanter and some small glasses.

  “Let me have your clutch Little One.” When he called me Little One, it made my blood heat as it ran through my veins. He gave me a sense of entitlement being on his arm. He was nothing like I expected. Handing it over, he set it on the table. It gave me a chance to take him in. Cree was much taller than me. He wore a black suit with a deep grey shirt accompanied by a black tie. His face is defined with a strong jaw. His hair in the light at the restaurant seemed light but, here in the dim it was dark fashioned like a faux cut. He had a small stubble that lined his perfect jaw giving him a dangerous edge.

  When he turned back to me, he stared into my eyes taking his jacket off followed by the tie. My chest began to rise and fall with unsteadiness as I thought this was it. This was what I paid for? A man to take me to some cheap bar to deflower me in a cramped room with nothing but a dam loveseat.

  “I am not doing you here.” I demanded.

  Cree’s lips formed into a mocking smile, “No Little One. I won’t do you here.” He enunciated the do with a chuckle. “I don’t do anyone. I give them hot, pleasurable sex that makes them unable to walk for days. But don’t worry, when the time comes, and I think you’re ready, we will go easy the first time.” He promised with a wide grin.

  His eyes turned darker with his last sentence that made my stomach fill with butterflies. I couldn’t help but stare at the chest hairs that he unveiled as he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. Behind the hair I could see hints of ink making me curious what was under the rest of the shirt. He then unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled both sides a small way up unveiling more ink on both arms just past his wrists.

  “What is that?” I pointed to his arms.

  “My art.”

  “Of what?”

  “Soon enough Little One will you be able to admire every inch of my body. Don’t get ahead of yourself yet. Be patient.” He smiled soothingly.

  I hated being patient. That was probably why I always came up with little stories for everyone to keep my mind busy. Cree didn’t give me enough time to think one up of him as he led me from the room, locking it with a key attached to a keychain with the emblem of a giant X, and then we continued down the long corridor where we were met with another door.

  The room was vast, full of life as music played, the bartender concocted drinks, women danced, and men gawked. The lights moved with a variance of colors. My interest was piqued as I watched the unknown to me. The night life was so intriguing my eyes couldn’t help but stare.

  We passed two women both on their knees seductively touching a man seated with his legs open to them. The man caught me staring and gave me a wink making me quickly turn my face the other way clutching onto Cree.

  My sight caught another seductive encounter. A woman pinned up against a wall as two men touched her intimately. Cree walked me to the bar where he ordered us drinks. I continued to stare most likely with my jaw on the floor as I noticed two men softly touching one another before one planted a kiss on him. On the other side of the bar, two women laughed lusting over one another.

  Of all the little stories my mind couldn’t help but make up, here I didn’t need those stories. All these people were here playing out their deepest secrets in a room of lust. Cree handed me a flute glass that bubbled, and he sipped on something dark.

  Cree leaned in close to me, his nose brushing my cheek. “What do you think so far?” He whispered into my ear.

  Getting on my tip toes, I grabbed his neck to bring him closer to me and whispered back in his ear, “No words.”

  His cologne was intoxicating making me linger near his neck longer than I should have. As I began to pull away, he watched me closely and then with passion he kissed me fervently. Lost in each other, he cupped my cheek, using his other hand, he played with my hair. I could feel my panties dampen as our bodies came closer to one another. I gripped his shirt tighter as my stomach filled with butterflies. Cree clenched my hair, our breathing quickening with need.

  Cree let a low growl escape his lips as he pulled away from me. Brushing my hair aside he said, “You’re so beautiful.” Our eyes lost in each other. Pawing at each other with no care in the world and everyone around us oblivious. I felt free in an unknown element that was becoming more enticing by the second.

  My body was becoming an open shell for Cree. I could feel myself getting lost in this world of desires. While everyone had a role to play, it was what they actually wanted in life. It was the truth hidden behind an act. It felt more real than the average everyday life I lived in. I was hiding but here, you didn’t have to which engulfed me with wanting more.

  Clasping his hand with mine, he led me to the other side of the bar to a closed door. Before opening it, he turns to me, “All you have to say is you want to leave, and we will.” His entire demeanor changing. It was protective and scared while being sincere.

  I nodded at him and followed him into a red hallway lit by big fixtures that lined the red hallway. The walls were of black cushion and the floor a shag red. Windows covered by red curtains lined either side.

  At the first one, he opened the curtain and inside was something I would never forget. A man strapped to a saddle with a blind fold on. A woman stalked around him with a leather whip in hand saying what I couldn’t hear before it would smack down on his back. Shocked, I brought my hand to my mouth.

  He closed the curtain and went to the next one, a woman was tousled up, held by ropes as a man buried himself inside her, ramming into her with force.

  I am not sure I was even breathing as each window revealed an even darker fantasy than the window before. When we got to another, a woman was plastered against the window, another woman held her by her throat, as her other hand pleasured the woman against the glass. Her eyes plastered to mine, with a jump back, I quickly turned around, “Can they see us?”

  “No, they cannot.” Cree rubbed my shoulders. “This is just the beginning, there is so much more the X-Perience offers that you will never know. I just want you to be aware of what you signed up for.”
  “Are all the experiences like this?” My voice was shaky as I began to realize maybe Cree expected so much more of me.

  “Not always, some are more vanilla, like what we are doing, but they are rare. How did you find the X-Perience?” Cree looked at me quizzically.

  “I was just digging on the web and it brought me here.”

  “Normally people are referred and are more aware of what is offered. Is this still something you want to do?”

  Turning to face him, I wasn’t sure anymore. I was blind to what I had signed up for and deep inside me I wanted to continue with him but, it made me wary of what his expectations from me would be.

  “Is this something you want to do to me? I am not like those girls. I didn’t sign up to be choked, beaten, or raped. I was just looking for an experience. Something different than what I was already doing.” Honesty was one thing I never played with. Lying only brought pain. But, honesty was a pain that was truer. “Do you prefer this with your companions? Like, am I not what you’re willing to act with? Is this why in a nonchalant way you wanted to give me a way out?”

  With a deep sigh he says, “ Yes and no. While I deal with a little more hardcore scenarios, I can play nice too. I am the most reliable for you. Some others may not have treated you better. I am honest and aware of my companions and their needs. That is why I brought you here. I could tell this might not be for you.”

  He spoke with care trying to help me come to the right decision. We weren’t acting right now. We were just two people brought together by a sex sensation to have an intimate conversation of our will to whether or not to be together.

  “What are you comfortable with? Your contract was a little all over the place.”

  “Well I am not comfortable getting hit.” I said with confidence.

  “I know that. You’re a virgin. You are a delicate flower that I have to be careful with. We will take it very slow. Always be vocal with me because I don’t want you to be in a situation where you think it is best to just go along with it. If you are uncomfortable or don’t like something tell me. If you want something else or want to try something, tell me. This is about you and me together. We have to trust one another. I promise, you will always come first and everything I do will be to please you.”

  “And you will do the same with me? If you’re giving me what I want, I want to give you what you want too.”

  “Okay I can do that.” His smile is refreshing locking his hand with mine. “Well Little One, do you want to keep watching?”

  “No.” I shake my head giving his hand a small squeeze..

  Cree nods at me and in a swift movement, he is cradling me in his arms, carrying me out of the bar and to his car. My spirit is free as giggling at him, nuzzling my neck.

  Cree speeds off towards the freeway with his hand gently resting on my knee. With every rev of the engine he grips my knee, sending sparks through me.

  Feeling noticed and wanted was a whole new sensation I had never felt before. I found myself becoming addicted to that sensation. My veins were filled with greed wanting so much more. But, I had only signed up for the weekend making me adamant to embellish the whole experience while forgetting there was only a few days left before I had to go back to my real life.

  Cree was a full-on gentleman once we parked in his drive. He walked with a sexy sultriness to open my door. His hand was an electric force as he caressed mine helping me out of the vehicle. Staring intently into his eyes, I could see he held a darkness in him. It was buried so deep that not even he may know how dark he is. The unknown made it all the more tempting. He gave me a sinful smile walking me into his home.

  The home was dark as we walked up the stairs. Looking around, a fear crept into my bones that battled with my sex. With a flip of a switch the living room came to life. The kitchen to the left was shiny and spotless. The living room held a couch in front of a glass entertainment center. Placed on it was a sound system. Above on the walls were delicately placed paintings.

  The paintings were eye catching drawing me in as I began to run my fingers over the beautiful darkness of death, life, and love.

  “Macabre.” Cree whispered from behind as the heat from his breath chilled my neck. I noted, I would have to search that later.

  “Beautiful.” Whispering back my breath hitched as his hands softly traced up my arms. He let his forehead rest against the back of my head as he inhaled.

  “Let’s relax.” Cree said and I felt his warmth leave me as he busied himself putting on some music. When the song began it was a much older generation of music. Cree quickly turned it to something newer as a man’s voice creeped through the speakers that was enticing and haunting.

  Cree then went to the kitchen grabbing some drinks. I watched him as he sat on the couch and then patted the fabric for me to sit. Once seated, I took my glass from him and his eyes went wild as if he forgot something. In a second he was gone from the living room. I listened as his footsteps sounded across the house. I heard rustling and then a door shut followed by increased footsteps back toward me.

  There was no warning once the furry pet pounced at me with love and wet kisses.

  “Chula, down.” Cree’s voice was rough and demanding causing the big dog to coward back to submission.

  “It’s okay.” I reassured him and he gave me a side eye.

  “Just because she is not used to company doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to obey house rules.”

  “Not used to company huh?” I asked with a laugh bending over to pet the beautiful dog laying at my feet.

  Cree seemed at war with himself as he sat beside me. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room became icy as I watched him. He was distancing himself from me for whatever reasons and as I watched him, I grew more and more uncomfortable.

  Chapter 9 Cree

  Kyle was just like any other companion. At least, I kept telling myself that. I found myself questioning why I was treating her differently. I had always taken my companions back to the hotel room that I paid for. Never had I brought one here that wasn’t leaving in a blue tarp.

  I felt exposed with her here. Kyle was a thinker which gave her more power than I think she knew. I could see her wheels turning and we hadn’t been here twenty minutes. Kyle was like a sponge taking everything in, questioning everything, and looking for answers that only I could give her. I am a private man making me less likely to ever be able to give her what she truly needs.

  I felt exposed after turning the music on to be reminded that I had been listening to PianoDreams after unwinding from what I did with my last companion. I didn’t want Kyle to know that side of me ever.

  The feeling of bareness was too much, and I didn’t want Kyle to figure out my real darkness as she read into every little thing I did.

  After the weekend she would leave here with a broken heart. I knew all too well the kind of woman she was and yet I was breaking my own rules as I continued to get to know her:

  Watch her.

  Feel her.

  Want her.

  Understand her.

  Kyle could change me in just a short time and that made me scared of what was to come.

  But, I am the leader and I have to put all unknown feelings aside.

  Shaking off my feelings, I inched closer to Kyle as she focused on Chula. Running my fingers through her soft jet-black hair, I imagined how she would look on her knees begging for more. Our dance tonight was for beginners. I continued caressing her a little before lifting her chin to look at me. The want in her eyes told me all I needed to know. Kyle needed a release from all the pent-up frustration she has carried from her treacherous life.

  She didn’t even know she was teasing me as she looked up at me, as her tongue wetted her lips, or how her legs tensed with every touch from me. Bending down closer to her, I gently pushed a stray hair aside giving me full view of her. I studied her every feature before bringing my lips to hers.

  Her scent of honeysuckle alone could push me over the edge. I
t was pure and enticing with a hint of sex making me bend further to my own wants. My hands became restless as I pawed at her hair making my way down her body. She placed her hands around my neck pulling herself closer to me, getting lost.

  Our breathing was ragged with her moans filling the air. When she abruptly stopped, I thought I had done something wrong. She stood rapidly sending chills down my back making me think this was it. The end. She couldn’t do this. In a split second I was relieved and saddened by the thought.

  Kyle surprised me as her fingers gently pushed the dress from her tiny body. Her olive skin is flawless. Her unmarked body made me crave her more knowing another man had never blemished her. She was an untouched canvas I wanted to mark just for me.

  I found myself feeling like a teenager mimicking her. Keeping eye contact with her, I slowly eased out of my shirt and pants. With caution, I searched her eyes sauntering closer to her, waiting for her to back out. But, she never did. I pulled her close to me wrapping her in my arms as I let our naked flesh warm each other.

  I was in awe of her as I continued to get lost in her eyes. Kyle was this innocent girl, but through her eyes I could see so much more. There was pain, torture, even fear but, I saw the trust in her eyes. She trusted me and I didn’t understand why. Maybe that was why I wanted her more than any other person I had been with.

  I could feel our souls connect as I sealed it with a needy kiss. Lifting her up, her legs acted on their own accord tightly wrapping around my waist. Hushed moans left her lips as I turned slightly and laid her down on the couch.

  My heart was beating out of my chest try to will myself to restrain. Hungry for her, I had to remind myself, this was all about Kyle, not me. Moving my way to her neck, I placed kisses all down her body letting her consume me without her even knowing. To feel her was a treasure that deep down I knew, I would never be able to part with. When I reached her stomach, she squealed a little followed by giggles escaping her lips. I smiled against her flesh pleased with her reaction.


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