Marked For You: The X-Perience Series

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Marked For You: The X-Perience Series Page 9

by C. G Miller

  “Excuse me?” She sprung up from the bed. “Hey, I was offered a lot of money to take your mind off that girl. But you Cree are the prize. Come on. Fuck me like you mean it.” Her smile was of deceit.

  “Who offered you what?” I demanded.

  “Yeah that’s not for me to discuss.” She huffed with confidence.

  “I will never fuck you. As far as I’m concerned you’re blacklisted. Have fun trying to come back from this.” I dressed quickly leaving her naked, her face ashamed as she scrambled to figure out if she would be blacklisted. I stopped just outside the door listening to her talk to someone.

  “Hey it’s me. Yeah what you told me to say didn’t work. No, he walked out and said I was going to be blacklisted.” There was a pause, “So he can’t?” Another pause. “What now? Wait, you don’t want me to pursue him? Do I still get paid? Okay I’ll talk to you later.”

  Someone was playing me, but I always won. I thought as I exited X Bar. I called Eve and asked her to cancel the rest of my submissives. She was rather pissed at me but said fine, agreeing I needed a break and she could do that for me.

  “But Cree, I do have a party I am hosting and will need you to accompany me.”

  “What kind of party?”

  “Well I have some new investors and would like you to look at our new girls.” She laughed. “Investors don’t care how much money they put out as long as the women are superior.”

  I had been to a few of the parties. They were really meant to work in the girls. The party was treated like an initiation for them to understand their limits and the investors loved pushing those limits. I had no problem going. Because I was an investor, I knew what the girls would be subject to and what to look for. It was fun to watch, to see how corrupt people were.

  “Black tie event Cree.”

  “I got it. Send me the schedule and I’ll meet you there.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Eve chuckled and ended the call.

  Chapter 15 Kyle

  I laid on my full bed staring at my hand where a small bird colored in black was in flight. I wondered what it meant and was curious if Cree’s looked identical to mine. The last few weeks I had caught myself always touching it, missing him.

  After a weekend away, falling back into step was not as difficult as I had thought. My body was natural to my job. The air got colder, and I did miss the Vegas heat. Walking to and from work I didn’t miss making me wish I was back in Vegas.

  No one asked me about my little vacation. But, I never expected anyone to since, I don’t really socialize with anyone. But, it was sad not to share how enticing it was. I had yet to really see Tilly because I had been working more to try and make up for my impulse spending to go to Vegas. It was well worth it.

  Vegas had given me a growth I didn’t realize I lacked. Going through my composition journal, I read all my thoughts and feelings. The reading was of an immature girl. The girl I left behind when Vegas changed me. I found myself laughing at all my ill perceived connotations of the everyday community that came into the market. It seemed childish. The realization that I had dreams, but no goals was saddening.

  Dreaming of always leaving here, I was curious how to put that forth. How could I turn it into an achieved goal? What was my next step?

  A ping from my laptop alerted me, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I had hoped Cree tracked me down and was willing to see if what we shared in one weekend was something worth exploring.

  To my surprise, it was from the CEO Eve offering me a huge opportunity to work for The X-Perience. There would be a workshop in two weeks that I could attend to see if I would be suitable with the company and an invitation attached to be presented at the door.

  The opportunity presented itself at the exact right time. Funny how life does that. But, I was more excited at the fact that if I were to take this job opportunity it would give me the chance to bump into Cree.

  A knock from my door jolted me. Tilly stood in the doorway with a six pack in hand. Her face held a welcoming smile lifting the beer up. Her action made me feel accepted as I let her in.

  Sitting at a small table I had fished out of the dump; we opened our beers. Tilly looked at me with an inquiring mind waiting for me to speak. I gave her a smile and giggled shying away from her and focusing on the fridge.

  “You’re going to make me beat it out of you aren’t you?” She laughed causing her bob to bounce, a pink bandana bow sported in her hair today. She was so welcoming and spoke like we were old buddies making me feel more fortunate.

  “Well, I say seeing as how I lent you my car we can be the best of friends now. A car is a person's most cherished domain and I shared mine with you, so, out with it.” She laughed joyfully.

  I was nervous as to how much I should share. Tilly had never given me the indication that she would be judgmental, and I have wondered what it would be like to have a friend. I was curious to how she would perceive my little secret. If she did judge me, I wouldn’t have to live with it for long since I had made up my mind and was going to go to that workshop.

  If it didn’t work out, I’m sure I could manage to find a place to stay and work elsewhere in Vegas.

  “Well,” I hummed, “I felt stagnant here. I had said I went to see an old friend from school, but I actually went to meet a man.”

  Tilly let out a gasp followed by a wide inquiring smile. “And?”

  “And we had a good time. Well more than a good time. But, it’s done now, and I suppose we go back to our everyday lives.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “So, you’re never going to see him again? Why?” She asked curiously.

  “Well, I met him through an agency and paid for his time.”

  Tilly was taken aback, “Oh. What made you do that?”

  She didn’t seem repulsed by my confession, so I continued. “I was missing something in my life. Being born here, as you know, there are not many to choose from. So, I did some research and found this site that offered several different experience packages. It was welcoming that they pair you with the right companion to meet your needs. I didn’t want to be one of the many girls that lose their virginity in the back of a truck in the mountains. I paid the fee, had the experience and it was amazing.” I gushed.

  “Wow.” Tilly was speechless taking a gulp of her beer. “And he treated you with care?” She sounded concerned.

  “Oh yes. He treated me to fine dinners, gave me a tour of the strip, and took me to his favorite coffee spot. He lavished me. I didn’t want him to spend money on me but, it was part of the agreement so I could get the most out of the experience.”

  “What about the sex?” Tilly asked bluntly making my cheeks flush red.

  “I have nothing to compare it to. But, it was wild, filled with lust, passion, need, and want.” I say stumbling over my words unjustly finding the right words to express what the experience made me feel. “But, when you pay for something like that, it’s all an act. A scenario is planned out ahead of time, so you understand what you’re paying for. Towards the end I found myself confused. I understood what I signed up for but, I failed to understand how he would make me feel in the end. I don’t think that I love him but, if we had more time together I could have fallen in love.” My words were saddening the more I spoke about him and how he made me feel. I found myself looking down at the black bird slightly caressing it acting as a soothing agent but unfulfilling.

  “I don’t really approve how you went about this. You should have told someone. You could have told me. People get taken advantage of in Vegas and luckily you are back but, if you hadn’t come back no one would have known where to look for you.” She said with remorse. Her facial expression saddened at the fact that I could have disappeared, and it would have caused her pain with the unknown.

  “Thank you for that.” I smiled, taking a sip of my untouched beer.

  “From what you say, your experience sounds rather heartbreaking. They build you up in this fantasy offering unreali
stic wants and needs only to let you down again when it’s time to go home.” Tilly watched me closely as she spoke.

  “Did he give you any impressions that it might mean more to him too?”

  “The way he would look at me or quirk his head gave off more. Like he was hiding behind his dominance. He was unwilling to be vulnerable. So, to save him, I walked away first. That was all I could think of to do to make our departure less awkward.” I shrugged my shoulders taking another sip of the beer. “But, I was offered a job. Well to go to a workshop. Maybe, I’ll run into him and see if there is something more. I don’t know, maybe I’m being foolish.” I stared off into space.

  “Maybe you are, but who cares? No one. It’s your life. You choose how to live it. And what would your life mean to you if you never explored options or opportunities. People don’t learn if they don’t make mistakes. Just like people don’t really live until they take the chance. I say go for it, see where it takes you, and if it’s nowhere, then you can always come back here. You are always welcome here.” Tilly tilted her head followed by a caring smile.

  I laughed at her words while taking them in, “You Tilly are the perfect hype woman. Thank you.”

  “So, when do you leave?”

  “A couple weeks.”

  “Wonderful, I’ll drive you. Make a girls’ trip out of it.” Tilly beams. We laugh as I tell her more, finishing off the six-pack having a true girls’ night. I feel regretful that I didn’t form a friendship with her sooner but am happy we are now.

  Chapter 16 Cree

  Entering the banquet hall on the mid level of the hotel, I realized this was this biggest extravagance Eve had ever put out. Well her minions had ever put out. The room was lit by mixtures of blue and pink lights. A fog enveloped the room as people moved around the bar and others on the dance floor moving to the electric beat.

  My eyes found Eve and she waved me over. She was wearing a white short dress that hugged her small long frame. Her silver heels gave her another few inches making her height match mine. Being a self-made businesswoman, I could read her to a T. She never wanted to look as if she could be walked over always standing taller than anyone else around her always talking with power and determination reeling in the endless investors. Eve was a money hungry bitch and she let you know it.

  “Cree this is Clint. He will be our new party boy experience.” She smiled wide, her pearly white teeth an off color from the lighting.

  Clint was shorter than me but not by much; his lighter features gave him a baby face with blonde spiked hair, he was perfect to reel in the younger audience Eve was trying to attack.

  We both stared at one another sizing each other up. “Nice to meet you Clint. What got you into this business?”

  “Fresh out of college man. Wasn’t ready to put it behind me. My dad is an investor out of California and called in a few favors. Here I am and ready to mingle.” He scoffed with a laugh putting me off.

  “I take it college didn’t work out too well for you then?” I snarked sarcastically.

  He looked at me blankly, so I scooted past him and ordered a drink. With my drink in hand, I brought it up to my lips then saluted towards Eve, “I’ll be at the table.”

  “Don’t wander too far, I need your input on some of the girls.” Her devilish wink had me on edge, wondering what was up her sleeve, as she brought her martini glass to her red stained lips.

  Rapping my fingers against the table, I sipped my bourbon ready to put Kyle in the back of my mind once and for all. Maybe Eve could sense my tension and could be why she asked me to come. I could help her break one of the girls in. Maybe I needed that, to just get on with my way of life. I needed a reality check to bounce me back to who I was before Kyle crossed my path.

  An announcer came over the speakers asking everyone to take their seats. He introduced an acrobatic trio of women for the opening entertainment. The entire hall went dark when the dark melody began. Two white lights shone bright around the stage for us to see the silhouette of the three women. They began slowly dancing, putting sex on everyone’s mind. As the music continued toward a climax the lights changed to a red, then a pink, to a purple as they twisted and turned climbing each other’s bodies in an unusual way. Their bodies distorted as they stretched to their max, balancing on one another.

  The hall went dark signaling the end of the act. The burst of applause drowned out the music. Looking around, everyone was on their feet praising the women. The announcer then ushered all investors towards the makeshift maze to introduce the new girls, leaving the other guests to drinks and finger foods.

  The make-shift maze consisted of black sheets with little sparkles that reflected off the side lights lighting the way through the maze. Each girl would serve as a submissive. Their willingness would determine where they would be placed.

  The first small, sheet wrapped cubby, featured a woman dressed in leather holding a whip, and a leather dog shaped mask around her face. This told me she was versatile but more inclined to pain. She had no limits. Eve introduced her exactly how I had determined by looking at her. One investor raised a red cloth flag signaling he would interview her.

  I had left my red cloth flag at home unsure if I would really use it. Knowing Eve, she would want me to use it because I am the best she has but, I fucked up and attached to Kyle. Now my scenarios are none since the last bitch whom I haven’t forgotten was working with someone to get under my skin.

  The next cubby held a soft woman lying under a bed of white feathers that covered her sex and breasts. Her arms moved in a delicate dance above her head. She was delicate, maybe even a wannabe virgin but, would be an angel that complied with whatever was needed from her. The older man next to me raised his flag and Eve ushered him in to join the woman closing the cubby sheet signaling us to move on.

  The next woman was fierce wearing nothing, standing there fondling herself. I could tell she was, in a way, full of herself. She got off on being watched and would need a firm hand to control that. She would most likely end up an assistant to a companion. She needed training for this world and proved today her mind was too conformed to her own needs. In any case, I watched Clint raise his flag standing in for his investor father.

  “Gentlemen, we have one more for everyone to see. This one is special. She is a free spirit that needs to be caged. She is oblivious to the tainted ways of the underground but is eager to learn just how dirty we know we all can get.” Eve winked, staring at me signaling this is the one she wanted me to take.

  I instead turned my head away. A feeling of disgust overwhelmed me at Eve’s lack of morality. They all peered into the cubby with oohs and ahs.

  “Meet our Little One.” Eve announced.

  My head immediately perked up as I peered into the cubby.

  Kyle sat on a chair surrounded in a makeshift cage looking into a mirror attached to a vanity. She wore black wings on her back attached to a simple black lingerie. She was posed like a mannequin not making a single movement. Her face made up like a doll and a lone tear slipped down her eye from what I could see in the mirror.

  She looked fake and lost. I looked down to my tattoo, a cage with the door open. She needed to be rescued. I needed to get her out of here no matter the consequence.

  I went to pull my flag and remembered I didn’t bring it.


  An elderly man next to me raised his flag. I quickly grabbed his arm, “No.” I seethed.

  I walked to Eve and wrapped my hand around her wrist yanking her towards me. “What the fuck are you doing?” I growled with anger.

  “Sorry gentlemen. This one seems to be a little attached to our Little One.” She coyly blasted. “Don’t let that deter you. He doesn’t own her.” She enunciated in my face.

  “The fuck I don’t.” I growled through clenched teeth.

  “Cree you’re making a scene at my party. Enough. If we may continue.” She shouted around me.

  “No, you may not. She is mine.” Screaming in Eve’
s face she just raised her brow at me.

  “Do you have your flag?” her eyes locking with mine. All I could do was stare her down, both of us knowing I didn’t. “Well then it seems we are at an impasse. You may not claim her with no flag. Security.” Eve yelled into her walkie talkie.

  Two buff men came up from behind Eve. “Get him out of here.” Eve chuckled.

  The security barreled towards me trying to grab me, but I was able to bring my fist down hard, smashing one in the face. He fell hard as the other guy’s fist connected with my nose, stumbling me. I recovered quickly blocking the next blow. I gut punched him and he fell to his knees. Using my knee, I brought it up with force to his face and watched him fall back dazed.

  “Cree!” Eve yelled. “Enough!”

  I sneered at her walking into the cubby and slamming the sheet closed behind me.

  Kyle stayed stone like; a shiver appeared on her arm. I watched into the mirror waiting for her to look up. She didn’t. I rubbed a finger against the shiver on her shoulder. A few more tears fell from her face as she tried to not recoil at the thought of a stranger touching her.

  “Little One.” I whispered. Getting her attention, she peered into the mirror looking up, our eyes finally meeting.

  “Cree.” She said with relief, her body instantly relaxed.

  “I’m going to get you out of here.”

  “Wait I made a deal. I keep falling victim to not reading the fine print.” She whimpered with a chuckle.

  “I’ll get you out of it. Let’s go.” I demanded.

  “I pay my debts Cree.” Kyle was adamant to stay.

  “It wasn’t an option. It was a demand.”

  Kyle’s eyebrows tightened into a pout. I pulled my black jacket off. “Stand up.”

  “Is that another demand?” She snarked sarcastically.

  “Yes.” I growled.

  She stood with force and in one quick movement I ripped the fake wings from her back and placed my jacket around her to hide her from everyone’s eyes.


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