Catching an Evil Tail

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Catching an Evil Tail Page 20

by Mary Abshire

  The music slowed, but traffic on the dance floor remained the same. As our bodies swayed, I glanced around. Others were watching us. When my gaze met theirs, they looked away.

  "You're quite the celebrity." I tapped my fingers on his shoulder.

  "They don't know what to think of you," he said.

  "That afternoon when you visited me and I left, I was planning to return to the pool. I wanted to explain why I ran off. When I heard a knock at my door, I thought it was you."

  "I'm sorry, Jessie," he said softly, gripping my hand.

  "I think I'm the one who owes you an apology. For a brief moment, I thought you’d given Gabe the direction—"

  "No," he said sharply. "Absolutely not."

  "I know, and I owe you—"

  "You owe me nothing." He shook his head. "You are an amazing woman, Jessie. Nothing has changed between us. If you ever need help, or someone to listen, or you just want to visit for a day or two, my door will always be open."

  "Would that be your bedroom door?" Jeremy asked.

  Alan stopped and drew in a deep breath. Maybe it was my eyes under the dim lights, but it looked like he grew several inches in width. I peered past him and found Jeremy stiff with his arms crossed in front of his chest. People dancing nearby stared at us.

  "Let me handle this," I said, meeting Alan's stern eyes. Without waiting for a response, I stepped around Alan.

  Jeremy glared at Alan. Heated energy flowed from his body in waves. I hated him for trying to create a scene. It was as if the devil within him had taken control and wanted to spread chaos. I couldn't let him do it.

  I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He blinked and looked at me.

  "Don't. Please. I need you," I said.

  He reached out and touched the side of my face with his hot hand. "Do you?"

  As much as I hated to admit it, I did need him. Drake had once been the protector that I could count on. Now that his group of vampires thought I was a threat, I wasn't so sure about him. My life was on the line. I needed someone I could trust to watch my back. I wanted someone who would seek revenge should something happen to me. Who better than a demon who could set people on fire with the touch of his hands? Moreover, who better than a demon who claimed to love me? My feelings weren't the same for him, but I knew for certain he would protect me. I was confident he'd kill for me too if I asked.

  Staring deep into Jeremy's eyes, I swallowed hard and nodded. "Yes, I need you." Without saying another word, I walked off the dance floor.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Warm air hit me when I stepped out onto the back patio of the resort. Cigarette smoke wafted in the air as several guests stood nearby, enjoying their nicotine fix. Past them and down a few steps, I strolled along the edge of a twelve-foot water fountain. A white statue of a naked woman with long hair and leaves covering her southern region stood in the middle. She held a bucket in one hand. Water flowed from it and smacked in the fountain. I sat on the concrete edge and gazed at the clear night sky. Stars twinkled and half the moon glowed. The universe looked peaceful and quiet, but I wondered if it really was.

  "The fireworks will start in a little while." Jeremy strolled toward me.

  "Maybe we can watch from here." I crossed my legs and braced my hands on the fountain wall.

  Jeremy sat next to me. He leaned forward, over his knees, and clasped his hands together. "Help me out, Jessie, before I take matters into my own hands."

  I took a deep breath. "If I want to live, I have to go to Europe with Drake and Kuri."

  Jeremy straightened. "What do you mean by that?"

  I narrowed my gaze at him. His response took me by surprise. Didn't he know why Kuri was here? I wondered what he'd been told. "What did Drake tell you exactly?"

  "He told me about Kuri and the…" He paused and surveyed the area. The werewolves smoking were minding their own business except for one. The man was holding a cigar and looking at us. "He said the group wanted to have a chat with you."

  I was glad he chose his words carefully since Mr. Cigar Man and others were probably listening.

  "Did he tell you why they wanted to have a chat with me?" I asked.

  "No. I assumed it was to talk about Alexander."

  I pressed my lips together to refrain from saying something that would start trouble. Drake had often been vague with me about things, so I wasn't terribly surprised he hadn't given Jeremy all the details. But since my life was on the line, I'd thought Drake would have given Jeremy more information.

  "Did he tell you Kuri was here to make sure Drake brings me to them?"

  "Yes. Drake wouldn't let Kuri harm you, or anyone else for that matter."

  I arched a brow, surprised me to hear him express such confidence in a vampire he detested. "Yeah, well, I'm not so sure anymore."

  He rose, then moved in front of me. "Why do you say that?"

  "Because they think I'm a threat."

  "What?" he asked with pinched brows and a look of pure bewilderment.

  Clearly Drake hadn't shared much information with Jeremy.

  "Think about it. What do they value that I can take from them?"

  All emotion drained from Jeremy's face. "Motherfuckers. Every last one of them."

  I dusted the little bit of dirt from my hands. "Yeah, well, I have to talk to them or…"

  Jeremy balled his fists. "Shit!" His voice carried in the night.

  I looked at the smokers. All of them had shifted their attention to us.

  Jeremy paced in front of me. "The bloodsucker didn't tell me that part."

  "Maybe he didn't see a need to worry."

  He stopped. "But you do."

  "Please, come sit by me." I tapped my hand on the concrete foundation.

  He sat at my side. His back was stiff and he bobbed his leg. I lifted one of his balled hands and held it over my knee. After he unclenched his fist, I glided the tip of my finger over his palm.

  "Your hand is so warm," I said, feeling his energy seep into my fingertip. It spread up my hand and arm. The creases in his palms were deep, yet his hand was soft. He held the power of fire in his touch, just beneath my finger. His ability astounded and frightened me.

  "Let me help you, Jessie," he said in a soft voice.

  "Maybe," I said grimly, terrified of the price I'd have to pay if I asked for his help. Would it be worth it? What was I willing to pay big for protecting my life?

  "I'd like to know more about you, Jeremy. Can you share one little detail from your past with me? Just one?" I asked, searching deep into his eyes for a clue that would tell me something more about him.

  I wedged my fingers between his, and he squeezed. Then he took a deep breath. "I was a great fighter. My earliest memory is fighting alongside Alexander the Great in Greece."

  My eyes widened. I should've guessed he had the soul of fighter since fighting was part of his job as a hockey player.

  "I've fought in many wars and killed many, slaughtered and burned them. In every body I've possessed, I've fought and killed."

  As I stared into his eyes, I believed he was telling me the truth. I wanted to question if he'd killed anyone in his current body, but I bit my tongue. I'd ask him at a later time.

  "How is it you can remember your past lives and things you have done, yet I have no memory?"

  He shook his head. "I don't know. My parents had a friend who knew a great deal about demon history. But after my parents died, I lost contact with all their acquaintances. He would be one person who might be able to answer that question."

  "Your parents are dead?"

  "They died seven years ago in a car crash."

  A chill ran down my spine. Jeremy's head jerked as if he sensed something too. He let go of my hand and shot to his feet. Body stiff, he surveyed the area.

  I stood. "We should go inside."

  Seconds passed and he hadn't moved. He continued searching the darkness past the resort. I couldn't see anything, but it wouldn't have sur
prised me if Drake or Kuri were lurking around. And if they were, I didn't want to talk to either of them.

  I tugged on the sleeve of his suit. "Come on."

  Walking next to Jeremy, I realized I had a great amount of knowledge and skills available to me through him. He was a fighter—no, not just a fighter, a skilled one with centuries of experience. With his help, I could learn a thing or two about how to defend myself.

  As we turned the corner to head back to the dance room, Jeremy nudged me aside, out of the walkway. I stopped with my back against the wall, swiveling my head from side to side. Few people roamed the hall. Music spilled into the hall, diluting voices.

  Jeremy placed his hands on my waist and moved close to me. I wasn't sure what he was up to, but I wasn't in the mood to flirt. I placed my hands flat on his chest and prepared to push him back. He brought his face near mine as if he were going to kiss me.

  "I want to help you. Tell me how I can help," he said.

  My increasing temperature began to cool when I realized he was putting on a show.

  "Can you teach me to fight?"

  His lips curled into a smile and excitement stirred in his eyes. "I can teach you. I think you should learn how to use weapons, too—knives, swords, guns."

  "I'm willing to learn whatever you want to teach me. I need to be able to defend myself, especially now that my secret is out."

  He looked from side to side as he scoped out the hall. "Are you willing to learn how to kill?"

  I lowered my gaze to his chest. His heartbeat was strong, vibrating under my hand. He'd killed in his past lives, maybe even in his current one. Could I kill like him? Then I thought about the type of people I had to face. They weren't human. My enemy was a supernatural creature. Even so, did that bother me?

  "I'm not opposed to learning if it means saving my life."

  He glided his hands down my bare arms. "You have the right outlook. Keep it that way."

  His touch warmed me. "Have you…killed in your current body?"

  "In self-defense, yes."


  "No," he said flatly. "I'm not a monster, Jessie. Your boyfriend and his buddies are the ones to fear. Not me."

  I lowered my head, not wanting to admit he was partially right. Drake wasn't a monster, but the majority of vampires were. I couldn't continue to think I was safe in my own little corner of the world.

  Jeremy lifted my chin until our eyes met. "How much time would we have?"

  "A week…maybe two." I shrugged.

  "Damn, it's not long enough."

  "I don't think I can delay them any longer. They'll become suspicious."

  "What will you give me in return if I teach you?"

  I drew in a deep breath. "What do you want?"

  Jeremy leaned closer, and grazed the tip of his nose over my cheek. "I want to go with you to Europe. I want you to trust me and keep me at your side."

  His lips were so close I felt his heated breath brush over my face. "Is that it?"

  I had to ask because he'd often failed to mention all the details of his bargains. Demons were tricky.

  "I'll need to move in with you while I'm training you. We'll have to spend every minute possible working together. You'll have to do exactly what I say if you want to avoid getting hurt."

  "I have to work during the day, but after work, you'll have my undivided attention."

  "Good." He moved his hands to my hips. "And I warn you—you're probably going to hate me."

  A smile teased my lips. "I thought I already did."

  He pressed his body against me and his heat blanketed me. I started to feel uncomfortable being so close to him.

  "One more thing…" He nuzzled my ear. "Dump Drake."

  I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. My heart yearned for Drake. Even though I was mad at him and we had our problems, I still loved him. I still wanted to try to work things out and be with him. Asking me to dump him seemed unthinkable. How could I walk away from him? My heavy heart and soul wanted me to refuse Jeremy's demand, but the dominant voice in my head said do it. If it weren't for Drake in the first place, my life wouldn't be in danger. Moreover, I doubted I could have a bright and happy future with a dead man. I'd been lying to myself to think we could make a life together. Love hurt, and I hated it.

  Jeremy gently touched my lips with his. I opened my eyes and gently pushed him back. My heart raced, filled with love and pain. I knew what I had to do, but I didn't know if I could do it.

  "I need a little time. I can't just ditch the man I love and who saved my life three times."

  Jeremy grinned. "I don't care how you do it, just do it."

  I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. The thought of letting Drake go was eating me alive.

  "Let me get this straight. You're willing to risk your life for me as long as I let you move in with me, I abide by your rules while I'm in training, and I dump Drake. That's it." Knowing how crafty he was, I had to clarify the details of his deal.

  Jeremy took a step back and slid his hands into the front pockets of his pants. "I won't force you to be with me, if that's what you think. I only want what is best for you."

  I glared at him.

  "Okay, maybe it has to be in my best interest, too." He shrugged. "If you keep me standing here with a hard-on, I'm going to need more from you."

  I laughed and brought my hands over my nose and mouth. If I didn't laugh, I was going to cry. My heart was ripping to shreds. I didn't want to leave Drake, and I didn't want to hurt him. But if I agreed, I had a better chance of staying alive with Jeremy. And I wanted to live.

  Jeremy looked down the hall in both directions before meeting my eyes again. "Give me one kiss, and the deal is sealed. Just one kiss."

  I lowered my arms and tilted my head slightly. "Seriously?"

  "It's just a kiss. Nothing more. And it seals our deal," the demon said with a luring gleam in his eyes.

  "And if I say no?"

  "The deal will be off the table. And the next time you ask me, I'll want more from you."

  The moment of truth had arrived. My heart wanted to leap from my chest. Who could I count on the most—a vampire that exposed me and couldn't guarantee my safety, or a demon willing to die to save me?

  I didn't want to kiss Jeremy, but I also didn't want to make another bargain with him that would cost me more. I was giving up enough already.

  The corner of his lips curled. "Come on, it's just one kiss."

  I took a deep breath. One kiss. It meant nothing, but it sealed our deal. I had only one life on earth before my soul went to Hell. I'd fight like the devil if I had to in order to stay alive. How ironic. Without giving it another thought, I pressed my lips to his.

  Jeremy wrapped his arms around me and pressed his body against mine. He parted my lips and strong energy flowed into me, invigorating me, and fueling me. The temptation for more was one I struggled to deny. My sadness dwindled and was replaced with determination. I wanted to live. I wanted to feel on top of the world. Jeremy's kiss teased me with the notion I could have everything I wanted. I could fight and conquer. When he claimed my tongue and sucked on it, I knew I could do that.

  "Hey, you two," Ryan said, interrupting us. "The fireworks will begin soon."

  Jeremy let out a soft moan as he broke our kiss. "They already started."

  Feeling awkward, I turned my head away from him and Ryan. Sadness crept into my heart and soul. All the strength I'd felt from Jeremy started dwindling.

  "In case you hadn't noticed, you're creating a little scene," Ryan said politely.

  Jeremy and I turned our attention to the hallway. Several men stood near one of the doors and were watching us.

  I stepped back from Jeremy. "Our business is done."

  He arched a brow. "Is it?"

  I looked at Ryan. "Do we have time for a few more drinks?" I needed a few before I started to regret my decision.

  "Sure, you could probably squeeze in a dance or two as well," Ryan said.
  I looked at Jeremy. As far as drinking buddies went, he'd been the best so far. Why change that?

  He offered his arm in the classic gentleman style. "Let's go."

  I curled my arm under his and gave a nod. Given the deal I'd just made, I needed a lot of liquor to help ease my pain. I hoped the bar was stocked well for us.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Bursts of red, blue, green, and silver sparks lit the dark sky and gave way to loud pops, screeching whistles, and thunderous booms. I watched the bright lights explode high above me while I strolled down the hill, following the pavement to the parking lot where Drake and Kuri waited. My steps were slow, probably a result from the misery clinging to my heart and soul. The choice I'd made hadn't been easy and it brought much grief. Then, I reminded myself that I'd made it so I could stay alive. My odds of surviving were better with Jeremy. I hated to admit it, but it was true.

  Jeremy and Ryan followed me, keeping a short distance between us. I wanted to talk to Drake about my deal with Jeremy before Alan's challenge. I'd told them they didn't have to come with me, but Jeremy insisted. Ryan didn't know about the deal. He was tagging along as my bodyguard. Before we left the resort, I told them they had to stay back while I spoke with Drake. I didn't want them to create any new problems for me. Yet, in truth, I was glad Jeremy came with me. I had a feeling my conversation with Drake might heat up like the fireworks in the sky.

  I cut through the large parking lot between the parked cars. Cold energy drifted like a breeze. It was easy to detect since we were in Arizona. There was no such thing as a cool breeze in the summer.

  I spotted Drake leaning against the back of Ryan's SUV with his arms crossed and head tilted up. Dressed in black, he blended in well with the night. Had it not been for the bright flashes the sky, I probably wouldn't have seen him.

  "Where's Kuri?" I asked as I came closer to Drake.

  He straightened and stepped away from the car. "Behind you."

  I stopped and spun. Kuri was standing behind Jeremy and Ryan. They followed my gaze and twisted around to find him.

  "Are we leaving?" Drake asked.


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