Catching an Evil Tail

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Catching an Evil Tail Page 22

by Mary Abshire

  "If you hear a rattle, stay away from it," Ryan said, then aimed his flashlight in front of my feet.

  I frowned, though I doubted he could see my expression.

  Jeremy chuckled. "I wouldn't worry about the fanged snakes or spiders. The fanged beasts on two legs are the ones to be careful of."

  I wanted to punch him in the arm. Better yet, his face. My future was in shambles because of him. Guess I could say the same for Drake. My track record with men sucked.

  I drew in the clean night air as we walked farther away from the cars. Our flashlights revealed tiny plants, cacti, and little critters that darted back into the darkness. I began to believe we truly were in the middle of a desert. Ahead of us, clusters of lights glowed and the bonfire blazed. I heard the whispers of male voices as we neared the men. A current of energy electrified the tiny hairs on my body.

  With my attention focused on the men instead of on my feet, I stepped on a rock and my ankle twisted. I teetered to one side. "Shit!" I squawked as I latched onto Jeremy's arm. I pressed my foot on the ground, and a sharp pain zinged up my leg. "Damn it."

  "Want me to carry you?" Jeremy asked, holding the light at my feet.

  "No." I gritted my teeth as I took a small step forward with my aching ankle. I wouldn't look strong and confident if someone carried me to the challenge.

  With my arm wrapped around Jeremy's for support, I ambled toward the cluster of men. My ankle burned with each step, but I managed not to limp too much.

  The chuckles and voices of the men silenced as we drew near. Heads turned and I felt the weight of all eyes upon us. My skin itched from the energy flowing around me.

  "Ryan, I thought this was a private gathering of our kind," said a brawny man. His white button-down shirt hung out over his dark pants.

  "They're Alan's guests. They won't interfere with the challenge," Ryan said.

  We stopped several feet from the bonfire. Even at a small distance, the heat of it brushed over me in gentle waves. Many of the men held flashlights while others held larger fluorescent lights. Most were still dressed in their formal attire, but without the jacket and with their shirts untucked. Some were even bare-chested.

  "They're demons. They shouldn't be here," said a man from somewhere off to the left.

  I cringed. Hearing the familiar voice made me angry and nauseated at the same time. Gabe squeezed his way through the crowd and stopped in front of us. Another man with shoulder-length stringy hair stood next to him. His gaze traveled the length of my body as if he were sizing me up. Both men were the only ones dressed in jeans and polo shirts.

  Jeremy pointed at Gabe. "You're a dead man, Gabe." Jeremy's deep voice was thick with hatred.

  "Lay a finger on him, demon, and you'll be the first to die tonight," said the older man with stringy hair.

  As I stared at the werewolf next to Gabe, I wondered if he was Matthew. He was shorter than Alan was, and definitely older, with large patches of gray hair. His broad shoulders and solid build advertised his strength, but I doubted he was any stronger than Alan was. The energy emitting from him hovered at the same level as the rest of the werewolves standing around. So why would he challenge the leader?

  Jeremy took a step forward. I grabbed his arm, stopping him before he took another.

  "Are you Matthew?" I asked the werewolf next to Gabe.

  He grinned. "I am."

  "Why are demons here, Ryan?" asked one of the men standing out from the pack. "There has to be a reason why Alan would invite them as guests."

  "She catches souls and sends them to Hell. He's her bodyguard," Gabe said with a snicker.

  Men mumbled and whispered. The one word I heard the most was "how?"

  "Alan wants her here, so she stays," Ryan said, loud enough for all to hear.

  "Let her stay," Matthew said. He stared down at my breasts. "We can play with her after the challenge."

  My temper started to rise, but I maintained a calm demeanor.

  Jeremy wrapped his arm around my waist, then kissed my ear. "Don't worry. I won't let any of them touch you."

  I nodded. In front of me, Matthew flashed a wide grin while Gabe chuckled.

  "Do you really think he can protect you against two hundred werewolves?" Matthew asked as he outstretched his arms to display said pack of beasts.

  I bit my tongue as I fought not to show too much emotion. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop my pounding heart or the spike in my temperature.

  Jeremy's hand tightened on my side. The heat from his touch fueled the perspiration building on me. "I'm sure I can take several of you puppies out if you want to play," he sneered.

  Energy from the wolves surged, electrifying my skin and making it twitch more. The men stared at us with their faces tight and lips pressed together. Deep growls mingled and formed a hum. Tension thickened the air.

  "Leave them be," Alan called out from behind us. The throaty rumbles hushed.

  We spun and found him approaching. Two men held flashlights on either side of him. Half of Alan's shirt hung open as he worked on unbuttoning the rest. Drake was on Alan's right side, wearing a dark, short-sleeved shirt in place of the long-sleeved shirt he'd worn earlier.

  "If anyone touches them, it will be considered a direct threat to me, and you will suffer the consequences." Alan's voice echoed in the night.

  They stopped a few feet in front of us. Alan removed his shirt and handed it to the man next to him. My attention flashed to Drake. His cold eyes locked on Jeremy's arm around my waist.

  "Where's Kuri?" I asked, voice low.

  "Taking a walk," Drake said.

  "Did you really need the support of demons and vampires, Alan?" Matthew's grin reflected an evil madness.

  "They're here to protect her. They won't interfere with the challenge," Alan said.

  "Then it's true? She can send souls to Hell," a member from the crowd said.

  "Yes." Alan scanned the crowd. "This woman is here to claim Matthew's soul."

  The men whispered and mumbled.

  "And if I win, she will claim your soul," Matthew said.

  Silence fell over the crowd. Alan held his head up. He beamed with confidence and strength. He curled his lips into a slight grin. "If that is what you require of her."

  I was about to say something when Jeremy's fingers dug into my side, stopping me.

  "I will require her to take your soul," Matthew said.

  My heart pumped fast. Take Alan's soul? I couldn't do it. He didn't deserve to go to Hell, no matter how many Bambis he'd eaten. How could he make me agree to such a thing? Okay, sure, he was confident he would win, and I was confident too, but even to suggest that I send his soul to Hell rattled me.

  "If you're ready, let's do this. I hate to keep my guests waiting," Alan said as he removed his belt.

  The silent crowd moved back. Matthew took off his shirt and dropped it on the ground. As I turned, I saw the four other men that were with Gabe at the truck stop. They were dressed in dark slacks and no shirts. I wondered if they'd been at the party.

  "Come on," Jeremy said, nudging me back.

  I walked away from Alan with Jeremy on one side and Drake on my other, a step behind me. When we were far enough way, we stopped and turned around. The crowd of men stretched out and formed a large circle.

  "The four men working with Gabe are here," I said softly.

  "Where?" Jeremy asked.

  I gave him details and directions so he could pick them out in the crowd. He did in little time and stared at them as if he were committing their faces to memory. Let it be known, don't fuck with a full-blooded demon.

  Naked and on all fours, Alan faced Matthew. Energy grew around us. I rubbed my arms to ease the tickling sensation. The two began to change. When bones snapped and Alan's body contorted, I looked at Drake.

  Standing with his arms folded over his chest, Drake held a cold and impassive expression. Was he angry, disgusted, or disappointed? I couldn't tell. I longed for a few minutes alone with him,
away from Kuri, Jeremy, and anyone with supernatural hearing. I needed to talk to him and explain myself.

  Upon hearing more snaps and cracks, I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see Alan change. The image of his strong, healthy body was the one I always wanted to remember. After a minute or so, the noises stopped.

  "You can look now," Drake said softly, and I opened my eyes. Despite the kind tone of his voice, his expression hadn't changed.

  "I'm sorry," I said. They were the first words that came to mind.

  Drake's jaw tightened, and the skin over his temple shifted. Still, he didn't look at me.

  Deep, throaty growls reverberated from the two wolves at the center of attention. I sucked in a breath at the sight of them and held it as they circled slowly, planning their attacks. Light reflected off their shiny coats. Their long, pointed teeth were very visible, even from this distance. I picked Alan as the larger one with light brown fur.

  Men squatted and some stood while they focused their attention on the two wolves snarling at each other. All appeared tense.

  "The others aren't going to change?" I asked softly.

  "No," Jeremy replied. "Ryan told me they agreed not to this time since everyone's spouse or girlfriend is waiting for them at the party. Assuming Alan wins, they will celebrate in a few days."

  The large wolf in the circle slowly stepped toward the smaller one. My heart rate accelerated. I hoped and prayed Alan would put this evil puppy down without acquiring a serious injury.

  The smaller of the two wolves, Matthew, leapt forward and took a swipe at the other wolf. Alan snapped back and caught a nice chunk of Matthew's fur in his teeth. Flesh tore, and Alan lost his grip. Matthew capitalized on his freedom and pulled away.

  A sick feeling churned in my belly upon seeing the blood and meaty flesh. I swallowed and hoped the queasiness would pass. If I wanted to keep my nice gown clean, I had to refrain from puking.

  Matthew lunged to the side, snapping wildly. Alan responded fast and latched his canines onto Matthew's rear leg. Matthew spun and bit Alan. The two tussled and formed one big ball of fur. When a shrill whine permeated the night, I wondered if the cry came from Alan or Matthew.

  Minutes later, the werewolves separated. The larger wolf—Alan—limped as he backed away. Matthew shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind. Maybe he was dazed from the rough fight.

  I leaned to the side and bumped my shoulder on Drake's arm. "I think Alan's back leg is hurt."

  A split second later, Matthew lunged. Alan's leg gave out upon impact. The two wolves rolled across the desert floor. Dust kicked up like a fog around them. They came to rest several yards away. Alan moved fast and sank his teeth into Matthew's front leg. The smaller wolf issued a pitiful, high-pitched howl and yanked back. He retreated with a hobble and another chunk of flesh hanging loose.

  My heart rapped fast while I fought a wave of nausea. Alan appeared to be winning, since he'd ripped two large portions of hair, skin, and muscle from Matthew. But Alan's injury concerned me. Major blood loss could slow him down and weaken him.

  Alan attacked again and sank his teeth into Matthew's back, near the scruff of his neck. A yelp came from the smaller wolf. Matthew refused to relent. He dropped and rolled, sending Alan to the desert floor a few feet away. Blood from Matthew's wounds colored the dirt around him. Before Alan could get to his feet and shake off the dizzying affects of the throw, Matthew attacked. He chomped into Alan's injured leg, taking advantage of his opponent's weakness. Alan howled and locked onto Matthew's left flank. The smaller wolf snapped back. Once again, the two rolled in the dirt and became a blurred ball of fur and flashing, snapping teeth. Ferocious growls and high-pitched barks flew between the two wolves. They were savage beasts with only one thought in mind—kill.

  Amazement, shock, and nausea claimed me as I watched the death match. Yes, I'd known the fight would be a bloody battle, but I never had expected to see such rage, hate, and determination to kill. It was frightening, yet intriguing. My stomach disagreed and threatened me with a small retch. Perspiration built above my brow. I clenched my fists while fighting the urge to spew.

  Dust encircled the two wolves. Though difficult to see clearly, it appeared Matthew moved away from Alan. I held my breath and stared. Alan lay unmoving on the ground.

  "Something's wrong." My heart wanted to leap out of my chest. Wanting a better look, I lifted my foot to take a step.

  Drake threw his arm out in front of me, blocking me from advancing. "Don't move. Don't say anything."

  Between my thudding heart and the surge of nausea, I thought I was going to lose control. I held my hand over my mouth and kept my lips together. The little effort helped, but if Alan didn't get up, I was going to throw up.

  Alan got to his feet slowly. He hesitantly added pressure to a front and back leg. Once he'd risen, his legs wobbled. He curled his lips and bared his sharp teeth. Matthew growled and stealthily approached him, head low and aligned with his back. A horrible feeling washed over me that this attack might be the final one.

  Matthew charged and I gasped. Alan spun and his non-injured side took the brunt of the blow. He hit the ground hard, but managed to sink his teeth into Matthew's lower back. Matthew bit ferociously at Alan's side until the large wolf had no choice but to let go. They broke away from one another, then circled. Both were wobbly on their legs dripping wet with blood. Without warning, Alan lunged. He locked onto the underside of Matthew's neck. Matthew had no time to react. With one swift, fierce shake of his head, Alan tore Matthew's throat out. Blood and flesh splattered on the ground.

  A violent spasm in my stomach hit me. I held my breath and kept my hand over my mouth while I struggled to keep everything inside me. Matthew's body slumped and fell to the desert floor. Alan limped a few steps away from his downed opponent.

  I darted toward the two werewolves.

  "Jessie, wait!" Jeremy yelled, but I didn't stop.

  Everyone rushed forward at the same time. Matthew's soul, in human form, naked and unappealing, crawled away from the dead wolf. While everyone else moved in around Alan, I crept forward after Matthew.

  "Jessie?" Jeremy said.

  I ignored him, keeping my eyes on the ugly bare ass crawling away. Others couldn't see him, but to me, he appeared as solid in spiritual form as he had when he lived.

  Matthew stopped and looked over his shoulder. His stringy hair hung over his face. Dark hair covered most of his naked body, including the parts I didn't want to see.

  I stepped over the wolf carcass and stopped at his side. "You can't run."

  He rose and I grabbed hold of one of his arms. He swung at me with his other arm and hit the side of my face.

  "You asshole!" I snapped, and tightened my grip as heated pain spread through my jaw.

  He swung at me again. This time, I caught his wrist. My strength was ten times greater than his, if not more. He couldn't hit me or get away now.

  "You fucking asshole. I hope you rot in Hell!"

  Heat flamed within me like a raging fire. I opened my mouth and inhaled, calling his soul to me. His eyes grew wide, and his head stretched as he resisted, but his fight was hopeless. He entered my mouth and slid over my tongue. The flavor of his soul reminded me of rotten fruit. I ignored the disgusting putrefaction insulting my taste buds and inhaled more of him.

  Men around me gasped as they watched. They could see Matthew's soul now. He wiggled within my grasp, trying to free himself. Tightening my hold, I focused on the flame burning inside me. His soul came to me faster and disappeared within me. Half his soul drifted in while the other half stretched and twitched. The disgusting flavor kept provoking my gag reflex. I closed my eyes and focused harder on the rampant fire in my gut. A moment later, the remains of his soul slithered down my throat. After one last deep breath, I pressed my lips shut.

  I held my hand over my mouth and took a step back. A sharp pain sliced through my abdomen. I bent over, holding my other hand over my stomach.

"Jessie, are you all right?" Jeremy asked in a soft voice.

  I was hot, extremely hot. The back of my neck felt damp, as did my forehead. Little pokes inside my belly warned me Matthew was still fighting.

  "Do you feel sick?" Jeremy asked.

  I lifted my gaze. Drake stood on one side of me. Jeremy stood on the other with his hand stretched out to touch me. Both men stared at me with looks of apprehension. Lowering my hand from my mouth, I breathed out, "No."

  Too many surrounded me. I needed air, but they kept asking if I was okay.

  Several feet from me, Alan lay on the ground in his human form, naked. Dark smudges discolored his chest and covered one of his legs. One man had his hands pressed to Alan's thigh.

  Another sharp pain jabbed at me and I groaned. Damn the evil souls. Why couldn't they just go to Hell peacefully?

  I stayed bent over until the ache subsided. Still holding my hand over my abdomen, I slowly tried to stand upright.

  "Talk to me," Jeremy said.

  I took a breath and an intense pain sliced through me like a razorblade. Screaming, I fell to my knees. A burning fluid rose up the back of my throat and filled my mouth. It tasted of hot metal. I choked and blood spilled down my chin and neck. Well, that had never happened before. Ever.

  Houston, we had a problem.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Feverish, my stomach throbbed with intense pain. I lay sideways on the ground in my nice cocktail dress. I doubted it would be nice much longer. The taste of tangy blood clung to my tongue. It took all my effort not to vomit. My chin and neck felt sticky and wet. I was a hot mess, quite literally.

  "Jessie." Jeremy gripped my hand. "What's happening?"

  I slowly rolled onto my back and bent my knees so my feet were flat on the ground. Keeping my legs up seemed to reduce the pain in my abdomen. I'd tucked my dress between my thighs so I wouldn't flash my ass to the world, but I was in so much discomfort that I truly didn't care if my ass showed.

  Drake slid his hand under my neck. A gentle wave of cool energy crawled down my spine, easing some of the pain. "Tell us what to do," he said calmly.


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