Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 15

by S M Mala

The three were huddled around a table in the garden of a pub, having a quick drink, before heading their separate ways.

  Bea wanted desperately to share her news mainly for some sensible advice.

  Right now, she would have been better off speaking to her mad aunts than the pair sitting opposite.

  ‘And that’s as much as you can both say?’ laughed Bea, sipping her drink. ‘Well, it’s good to know who I can turn to.’

  ‘Moving in?’ sighed Anne-Marie, taking a very large gulp of her drink. ‘So soon?’

  ‘Nah, he’s not gay. I’d pick up on it,’ said Erio again sounding really pissed off. ‘Even bisexual I’d know.’

  ‘This isn’t down to the fact he didn’t fancy you, is it?’ teased Anne-Marie before looking at Bea. ‘His ex was a man.’

  ‘Is a man,’ corrected Bea. ‘A very successful restauranteur, from what I’ve picked up, called Cole Silverman.’ She tried not to frown on saying it. ‘Forty with three kids.’

  ‘He has a kid,’ grimaced Anne-Marie.

  ‘Not genetically,’ added Erio. ‘Adopted.’

  ‘Kayden calls him daddy,’ whispered Bea.

  ‘Fuck me!’ Anne-Marie groaned. ‘How did you get involved in all this?’

  ‘Sex,’ said Erio, shaking his head. ‘He has had sex with a man and he still wanted you. That’s interesting.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ shouted out Bea, alarmed at the comment. ‘That once you suck on dick, a woman isn’t good enough?’

  ‘Stop it!’ Anne-Marie put her hand over Erio’s mouth. ‘Bea’s got enough on her plate.’

  ‘He won’t talk about the sex, though I want to know.’

  ‘Why are you so keen to know?’ he asked, frowning.

  ‘I’m curious.’

  ‘As he is bi-curious.’

  ‘He says he’s not gay but is straight.’

  ‘Don’t we all!’

  ‘Fuck me!’ Anne-Marie said for the umpteenth time as they sat in silence. ‘We need another bottle.’

  Getting to her feet, she went to the bar.

  ‘Erio, can he just want me if he has been with a man? I keep thinking that he probably wants both. He says Cole was his one and only. How do I know that it’s true?’ Bea shook her head. ‘Will he want to go off with men?’

  ‘Tell me something, do you think he has cheated on you with other women?’ he asked, leaning closer. ‘Had sex with others?’

  ‘I most certainly do not.’

  ‘Then why should he want to have sex with a man when he’s with you?’ Erio shook his head from side to side solemnly. ‘Haven’t I taught you anything?’

  ‘You’ve told me what you get up to. I’m not sure what a man, who has only been with one other man, does.’

  ‘Are you understanding?’

  ‘I’m trying to understand.’

  ‘That’s not the same thing.’

  Bea looked over at Anne-Marie being chatted up by some older bloke and flirting outrageously.

  ‘I feel a bit betrayed, if you want to know,’ she honestly replied. ‘He didn’t trust me enough to tell the truth but he happily let me fall in love. When he did tell me about Kayden, this child he loves unconditionally, I realised the complication. Cole must know that this is the link, the true attachment. It could also mean that he knows Mylo wouldn’t just cut the kid off.’ Bea glanced at Erio, who was nodding in agreement. ‘And he wants Mylo back so this isn’t going to be cut and dry. If he is unhappy with Mylo’s life choices, he could change everything.’

  ‘I’ve always had partners who knew what they wanted. The men usually preferred to be with men and so did the women. I was the crossed wire. And it’s not like I was confused. I know what I want and who. Mylo at the time wanted Cole and he had the relationship. For whatever reasons, it didn’t work out. Could be Cole feels a little used and abused?’

  ‘Come on!’ she laughed out. ‘He wants Mylo back.’

  ‘Here you go!’ Anne-Marie placed the bottle of wine on the table. ‘What did I miss?’

  ‘Faith,’ sighed Erio. ‘Whether Bea has faith in her man. There’s also her self-doubt and secretly being judgemental about Mylo. And if she can be sure their happiness won’t be scuppered by a gay guy from Chicago. Isn’t that the bottom line?’

  Bea knew it was and she had no idea on what to do or how to play it, that was the real problem.

  ‘How did the discussion go?’

  Mylo was standing against the front door as she smiled. ‘Because you did discuss it.’

  His wonderful normal character had returned and it was rather dazzling.

  ‘I told them the truth about you. Anne-Marie just kept saying ‘fuck me’ and Erio probably wants to do that to you but pointed out that regardless of who you had been with before, it’s about faith and loyalty.’

  ‘Which I have in spades. Are you going to come in?’

  It was the first time she had been to his house since that fateful Monday afternoon and something was stopping her from entering.

  ‘I’m not going to bite,’ he whispered, holding out his hand and leading her through the door. ‘I know you’re apprehensive about being here, that’s why I wanted you to stay a few nights. Did you bring a bag?’ She held it up. ‘I see you didn’t pack much.’

  ‘In summer you don’t need much clothing,’ she replied and felt him touch her shoulder. ‘I feel odd, like I’m not supposed to be here.’

  ‘This is your home,’ Mylo whispered into her hair. ‘I want you to want to be here.’

  ‘But Mylo, your ex and-.’

  ‘Don’t make excuses,’ he said, turning to look at her. ‘If you feel uncomfortable then we’ll find another place. It’s only bricks and mortar.’ She flopped her head forward, knowing he was too understanding. ‘I want us to be happy together.’

  ‘I’m being stupid, I know I am but-.’

  ‘So many buts?’

  ‘I’m jealous of the relationship you have with him because I don’t fit in.’ Bea looked up at his widened eyes. ‘Does that sound stupid?’

  ‘There’s nothing to be jealous of.’

  ‘You have a child together,’ Bea mumbled. ‘And that’s your bond.’

  ‘And you’re my present and future.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘You’re all I want.’

  ‘I love you,’ she said, knowing that was the wine loosening her lips. ‘I’m scared, if you want to know the truth. Scared this is going to go wrong. Scared my heart is going to be mashed up again. And scared I’m not enough to make you happy.’

  Then she cried.

  Her emotions were jumbled up.

  Her head wasn’t thinking straight while her heart felt crushed.

  ‘I said no more unhappy tears,’ said Mylo, squeezing her tightly in his arms. ‘You have nothing to be scared of.’

  She was vulnerable and afraid of the emotional pain that love sometimes left you.

  A pain she always found hard to cope with.

  It was more profound since her mother passed away.

  ‘I intend to make sure you’re cared for and loved in the way you deserve. I think you’re amazing and that’s why I want to be with you.’

  His words didn’t help matters, it just made Bea cry more.

  Then he pushed her chin up so he could look into her eyes.

  ‘Now it’s time for me to share some of my past with you. Are you sure you’re ready?’

  Bea nodded because, to be honest, she wasn’t ready for anything.

  ‘He’s beautiful.’

  Bea sighed at the pictures of Kayden when he was a baby until the present. Mylo was engrossed with his laptop, showing snaps of his life while they sat on his bed.

  ‘I love him so much even though he’s not my biological child. People think because we look similar, other than he is darker than me,’ Mylo said, flicking through the photos. ‘These baby pictures we got from the foster parents. We wanted to show him his life.’

  Picture after picture, she saw Mylo’s life before she ever laid eye
s on him.

  From when he was little to now.

  One thing she did notice.

  There were a lot of women featured.

  Very attractive ones to be precise.

  She darted a glance at him then noticed pictures of Cole and Mylo with a group of friends, both male and female.

  And there lay the problem.

  How did she know that Mylo was really straight?

  ‘I see that look of hesitation. It has happened a lot since you found out about Cole and Kayden.’ He frowned. ‘I don’t know how else to convince you.’

  ‘It’s me, not you,’ she replied, knowing how stupid that sounded. ‘And that’s the truth.’

  ‘You shouldn’t doubt me.’

  ‘I don’t doubt you but I doubt myself, that’s the problem.’ Then she noticed pictures of him and her together, looking very happy. Swallowing hard, Bea had to ask. ‘What if Cole stops you from seeing Kayden? Have you really thought this through?’

  ‘Little else since the day I met you. When I told him I had fallen in love, a week later he flies over. Then the inevitable happened. I manage to hurt and nearly lose you.’

  He lay back on the bed, putting his arms behind his head and looked up at the ceiling.

  ‘Cole and I were good friends but because I was still attracted to women it didn’t help. But I fell in love with Kayden, how could I not?’

  Bea lay next to him and stroked his tummy.

  ‘Did you cheat on Cole with a woman?’ she asked tentatively, seeing him glare at her. ‘Or anyone come to think of it?’

  ‘Don’t you listen to me? I’m a faithful man. I would never do that. Anyway I wasn’t the one who cheated but I don’t blame him. He was trying to get a reaction and he did. I realised he wasn’t what I wanted. Not because he was a man, he wasn’t the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. If I could, I would have taken Kayden but that’s not fair on the kid. He’s only little and needs a steady family after how his life began.’

  There was no hidden agenda and if there had been one, it was long gone.

  Of course Cole wanted Mylo back; that went without saying.

  But she still had more questions.

  ‘You have known a lot of women in your life time, haven’t you?’ She forced a smile but could see a smirk appearing on his lips. ‘And they’re not exactly your ugly type, are they?’

  ‘And what are you asking?’

  ‘You’re not shy.’

  ‘Why should I be?’

  ‘No reason. How quickly did it take you to sleep with a woman after Cole?’

  ‘A day.’

  ‘What!’ She sat bolt upright and was astonished by the answer. ‘One whole day! You don’t waste much time do you? When it came to me, you were positively going at a snail’s pace like a frigid teenager!’ He started to laugh while stroking her back. ‘It’s not funny.’

  ‘Shut up!’ He yanked her down and grabbed her arms, putting them over her head. ‘I took my time with you and you now know the reason why. I had to be certain you wouldn’t judge me and you haven’t. Though you are asking lots of questions, which is good.’ Mylo rubbed his nose against her cheek. ‘I’m pleased you didn’t end up with someone else before we met.’

  ‘My grief is so severe, it was never going to work with anyone.’

  ‘You said ‘is so severe’. Which means you’re still grieving.’

  ‘It won’t ever stop. I miss her so much and last week, when I thought you and I were finished, I asked her again and again what I was supposed to do. I looked at the sky and hoped to see a star to guide me.’ She stared into his eyes. ‘But there was nothing other than this overwhelming pain I had lost someone I loved, again. And it hurt.’

  ‘You’re not losing me.’

  ‘Are you sure? It’s the second time, since losing mummy, I felt so upset.’

  He kissed her, his mouth open, ready to receive her lips. Delving into his breath, she tasted him, knowing what she wanted.

  Mylo Kearney.

  Mind, body and soul but right now he just wanted her body.

  They tugged each other’s clothes off and she was being more forceful than usual, wanting to get to grips with his body. All he did was smile and giggle at her inability to strip him without causing damage. Eventually he had to undress at high speed as she stood and took off her clothes.

  He lay back on the bed, grinning as she straddled him, kissing his chest and stroking his skin. Then she kissed all the way down, gently stroking his balls while licking his shaft. When she put his end into her mouth, he groaned quite loudly, enjoying her mouth and hand action.

  Then it crossed her mind that Mylo was always well groomed. His pubic hair nicely trimmed as well as his chest. There were no straggling bits of hair under his pits, they too were shaped well.

  The other men she had slept with weren’t that pristine on their appearance, whereas Mylo always was.

  Maybe that was a sign she didn’t pick up on.

  Shoving the thought out of her head, she then wondered if he preferred her small mouth and smooth skin, or he yearned for a larger one with stubble on the chin. Being she had quite soft inner thighs, beard scraping against it was a turn on as well as being uncomfortable, depending on the strength of the movement.

  Sucking hard and closing her eyes, tasting him in her mouth, Bea couldn’t help but ponder if Mylo enjoyed going down on her. Most recently he had been devouring cock, very much like she was doing. She tossed and turned in her head if he missed it.

  ‘Bea, you’re pulling faces,’ he said, half laughing while looking down at her. ‘Is everything okay?’

  It was on the tip of her tongue, which was currently flicking his knob, as she nodded.

  Then he burst out laughing, pulling her up by the shoulders until she was lying on top of him.

  Her heart burst with happiness seeing the beautiful smile in between the laughing.

  ‘What’s so funny?’ she asked stroking his face and feeling something poke between her legs. ‘Was I doing it wrong?’

  ‘You always do it perfectly but your face was something else. It was like you were having a conversation with yourself.’

  ‘I was thinking,’ she sheepishly replied. ‘About you.’ That wasn’t a lie. ‘Because I do all the time.’

  ‘I love you,’ he said, reaching out to touch her breast. ‘Everything about you.’


  Again, that little thought was creeping into her head about whether she lacked certain things.

  Like a dick.

  But she didn’t want to ask because she knew he would get upset again and she wouldn’t want that to happen.

  ‘Sit on me,’ he whispered as she positioned herself and slid down his shaft, watching him fling back his head in delight.

  Slowly she rode him, as he helped her, his hands placed either side of her buttocks.

  ‘You move really well,’ he said, breathing deeply. ‘Is your leg okay?’

  ‘It’s fine.’

  Then he started rubbing her nub with his thumb as she looked at him.

  ‘Does that feel good?’ All she could do was nod. ‘You’re turning me on.’

  He propped himself on one elbow, rubbing her faster.

  Gasping for breath, she succumbed to what was happening to her body and all the time he smiled.

  She felt her fanny throb in time with the pulsating of her clitoris. It was getting too much and Bea felt like she was on the verge of passing out.

  All the time he stared as she could feel the orgasm shoot through her body and had to steady herself from falling forwards.

  ‘Love you, Bea,’ he half shouted and groan.

  ‘I love you,’ she panted back, watching him come as another orgasm went through her body.

  ‘Are you sure?’


  Mylo’s hips were moving faster as she was aiming to lean forward to balance her hands on his chest.

  ‘Bea, marry me.’

The shock of the thrust and the question made Bea lose her balance, making her catapult straight off the bed.

  ‘That was different.’

  Mylo was looking at her while she was sat on the floor. All he did was stroke her hair and laugh, as he leant off the bed. ‘I’ve never had anyone shoot off the end of my dick when I came. Must have been some impact.’

  Bea couldn’t speak.

  Mainly because she was in shock.

  Her fanny was throbbing from the sex and her arse was pulsating from landing straight onto the ground.

  And her heart was racing as there was a feeling of sorrow at the same time.

  This was new and she couldn’t figure it out.

  He slid off the bed and looked at her.

  ‘What did you just say?’ Bea was shaking her head, thinking she misheard.

  ‘I said ‘Bea, marry me?’ Mylo grinned. ‘Look, it goes without saying we want to be together.’ He bit his lip. ‘And if we do it properly your daddy won’t mind, will he? I know he has forbidden engagements.’

  This had left her head whirling.

  Or it could have been the amazing sex?

  Either way she wanted to get this straight.

  ‘I only found out ten days ago that your last serious relationship was with a man and you adopted a child together. Are you running away from that by using me?’

  ‘That’s not fair,’ he replied, suddenly looking anguished. ‘I’ve explained it.’

  ‘How do I know you won’t see a man and suddenly want them?’

  ‘Or a woman?’ he added, starting to get flustered. ‘Because that’s what I do. Change my mind about who I want to be with. Fuck, Bea! Don’t you have any faith in me?’

  ‘I’m worried you’re not thinking straight.’

  The comment was received with one of his unimpressed looks. Mylo jumped up and marched to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

  ‘Shit,’ Bea mumbled, knowing she had to tread carefully. ‘Shit, shit, shit!’

  Laying back on the floor, she was at a loss on what to do.

  The man she loved had just asked her to marry him, as well as move in. It would be perfect if it wasn’t for the fact he had let her into a big secret no so long ago.

  ‘Mummy, what am I going to do?’ she whispered. ‘I love him but daddy is going to go mental and not to mention when he finds out about Mylo’s ex. He’s not going to make it easy.’ Closing her eyes, Bea wanted to cry because it was getting all too much. The tears dripped down her face as she quickly wiped them away. ‘What am I going to do?’


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