Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 24

by S M Mala

  ‘I love you more than anything else in the world other than Kayden, but that’s a different love,’ he said, looking pleadingly at her. ‘If you don’t believe anything else, you have to trust me on that.’

  She took a deep breath.

  ‘Hurdles,’ she said and shook her head from side to side. ‘They’re too high and I’m not sure my little legs can jump over them.’

  ‘I’ll sort it out.’

  ‘How? I know Cole’s coming with the kids in a few weeks, is that why there’s a rush?’

  ‘He really did a good job with you, didn’t he?’ Mylo scowled and reached out to hold her hand. ‘I don’t know what he wants from this?’

  ‘You? Maybe if you forsake your old hetero path and turn homo for him, Dean might be nicer.’ Even when she said it, the idea made her feel sick.

  Mylo moved closer so his face was nearly touching her cheek.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

  ‘I feel detached,’ she quietly said, looking at him. ‘I have a heightened dread that I might feel that horrible pain again, the same one when my mum died.’ Bea used her fingers to gently bang on her chest plate. ‘Here, Mylo. That’s where it hurts and it won’t stop.’

  ‘I’ll make it stop.’

  ‘You’re adding to it.’

  ‘Then I’ll have to sort it out once and for all, won’t I?

  Bea touched his face and could see the sincerity.

  ‘But now,’ Mylo said, kissing her shoulder. ‘Let’s eat together like a couple.’

  ‘Are we a couple?’ she asked, seeing his smile fade. ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘I made one little mistake.’

  ‘Actually, it’s the second time you’ve done something to upset me. You said a couple of months ago you wouldn’t make me cry but you did.’ Bea turned away, knowing she was still angry. ‘This is not what I want my life to be. If you think going off and not calling is the right thing to do, then you don’t know me at all. It shows a lack of respect and not for the first time.’

  ‘Don’t say this.’ She felt his cheek on her shoulder. ‘I know you’re still upset and-.’

  ‘And what?’ Bea turned sharply to look at him. ‘Your phone goes missing and you can’t call. You want to be with me so much, you don’t even think of getting into a cab and coming back. I think you’re full of shit, if you really want to know.’

  Mylo propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her, as if she had said something hurtful.

  ‘What? You don’t think I’ll fight back? I told you once before, you use sex to smooth things over to avoid answering questions and that’s not good enough. Honesty and trust are important in a relationship. If we haven’t got that then I’m better off getting out now.’

  ‘Stop it,’ he said, shaking his head in disbelief. ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘Why not? Where was your phone?’

  ‘I think I must have dropped it in the bar and-.’ He stopped speaking and looked at her. ‘I’ve cocked things up.’

  ‘You wanted to come here. It was your decision to make it a longer holiday. Some romantic trip and you can’t even spend the first night with me.’ Bea sat up and looked out at the sea, then noticed Henry glance over. ‘Someone else did. What does that say about you?’

  ‘It says that there are too many things going on in your head.’

  ‘And nothing in yours,’ she defiantly replied. ‘If I did the same to you as you’ve done to me, would you put up with it?’ Then Bea leant forward and whispered. ‘It’s not your sexual choices I’m wondering about but your life ones.’

  On that note, she got up and put on the bikini top, then flung the tunic over her body.

  ‘Where are you going?’ he asked, looking shocked.

  ‘I’m going to get something to eat.’ She grabbed her things and stuffed them in the bag. ‘You’re in the wrong Dr Mylo Kearney, not me.

  She hobbled away with as much dignity as her leg could allow, noticing Henry sunbathing and smiling up at her. He then mouthed, ‘Good for you.’

  Bea had to stop herself from laughing.

  ‘Can I join you, please?’

  Mylo was standing by the table as she sipped her drink.

  Bea had ordered a bottle of cava and was looking at the beautiful view of the beach. The seating was under a large white umbrella on the patio. All the time she thought about Mylo and what she should do. The only way forward was to be honest.

  She nodded in response and avoided looking at him. Slowly he sat down, pulling his chair closer.

  ‘Have you ordered?’ he asked and Bea shook her head from side to side. ‘Listen to me.’

  ‘Why?’ Bea could see he was unsure on what to do. ‘What can you say?’

  ‘I’m here to be with you, protect you and make sure you’re happy. I admit I have failed dismally over the past two to three days on all of that. Yes, I get hurt and upset when you question me again and again.’ Mylo let out a sad sigh. ‘I don’t use sex to avoid telling you things. I want to show you how much you mean to me. Don’t you get it?’

  The bashing her feelings were given by Dean the day before still sat heavy in her chest.

  ‘It’s not nice to be judged. Dean made a good point about you not being open and that sticks in my head, here.’ She got a finger and pointed to her skull then placed it on her chest. ‘And here.’

  Taking a sip of her drink, she thought hard about what she was going to say next.

  ‘I lost an important person in my life a few years ago. If I lose you, I’ll get over it. I’m not as weak as you and your friends think.’

  Her eyes flitted out towards the sea and she felt a little better, handing over her anger and annoyance to Mylo. Resting his elbows on the table and clasping his hands together, he stared at her.

  ‘I know you’re not weak,’ he whispered. ‘And I realised your reaction in May was because I had let you down and you were shocked. I fought to keep you and that’s why I asked you to move in and marry me. I knew what I wanted and not because of Cole coming over. I did it because I love you.’

  A tear fell from his eye which he quickly wiped away. Bea examined the face and swallowed hard. She wanted to hurt him as much as she had been hurt the day before but it wasn’t in her nature to be that cruel. There was no way Mylo would do that to her and she felt bad. Touching his hair, Bea pulled his head closer and kissed it.

  ‘Don’t make me regret this,’ she whispered. ‘Because if I do, I will never forgive you.’

  And she truly meant it.

  ‘I’m stuffed.’

  Bea felt much happier after eating lunch. ‘And a bit pissed but there’s no pain.’

  Mylo had put her legs on his lap, occasionally rubbing them as he ate his food, grinning at her non-stop. He was wearing his straw trilby hat that was pushed back, revealing a tanned and handsome face.

  After she had laid her cards on the table, it took a while for the pair to start talking.

  It was like when they quarrelled for the first time and didn’t know what to say but soon they felt relaxed. Bea could see the turmoil Mylo felt. She said her piece and would now would let it lie.

  ‘Of course you feel pissed after nearly a bottle of cava.’ He let out a little laugh and carried on eating. ‘You look much better.’

  ‘The pain will go by tomorrow.’

  ‘Your daddy seems to think that the pain gets worse when you’re under stress or upset.’ Then he put down his fork, wiping his lips with a napkin. ‘Do you think so?’

  ‘He was implying it’s in my head.’ Bea pulled a face as she took a sip from her glass.

  He moved closer, placing his hand behind her neck.

  ‘I have had a few patients who said they were in pain only to find out they were dealing with some emotional turmoil. As soon as they got happy, their bodies returned to normal.’

  ‘You think it’s in my head?’ She pulled her legs away and sat up straight. ‘I can feel discomfort.’

  ‘After all these mo
nths and treatment, it should have gone. You took the drugs and did the exercises. You’ve even got the best osteopath in the country looking after you. Something else must be up.’

  ‘Yes, well, you’re quite good,’ Bea smirked before seeing he was being deadly serious.

  ‘Let me properly check you out when we go back to the room.’

  ‘I’m still not sure if you deserve any attention from me.’

  ‘But I want to give you some,’ he said, then pulled a face. ‘Henry seems like a nice boy.’

  ‘He’s twenty-eight.’

  ‘And he thinks he recognised you from somewhere. That’s a pretty old chat up line.’

  ‘Listen, he was kind. Saw me sitting all alone at dinner and spent some time trying to cheer me up.’

  ‘Do you still want to marry me?’

  Finishing her cava, she got up and looked down at him, not wanting to even think about the question.

  Then she noticed his phone lit up. He had switched off the ring tone and vibration alert, yet the thing flashed every half hour. She deduced he got more phone calls in a day than she got in a month.

  ‘Why aren’t you answering it?’

  ‘Because it’s not important.’

  Then she looked down and saw Cole’s name flash up.

  ‘I’m not stopping you from speaking to anyone, am I?’

  ‘Hi,’ he answered sounding cheerful as she walked towards their room and tried to eavesdrop. Mylo reached out to hold her hand. ‘It’s great, thanks.’

  She looked at him avoiding eye contact.

  ‘Yes, did you tell him? I was shocked when he turned up at the hotel.’ He flicked a glance. ‘He hasn’t been too nice to Bea, in fact, he stepped over the line.’

  Bea shook her head from side to side knowing Mylo was proving a point.

  ‘I know you can’t tell him what to do. There’s no way he would act like that with anyone else, whether male or female. It’s pretty disrespectful to Bea and more to me.’

  She could see Mylo looked annoyed.

  ‘Then he took her bag for a joke, leaving Bea stranded.’ Mylo bit his lip listening to Cole. ‘Yeah, I know he likes a prank but this was done spitefully.’ Then he hesitated. ‘He also took my phone the other night.’

  Bea stopped in her tracks and looked at Mylo, not knowing what had happened.

  ‘I’m not accusing you of anything,’ he sighed, shaking his head. ‘What did he say? I’m really gay and using Bea!’

  ‘Mylo! Not so loud.’

  That’s when she hoped no-one overheard.

  She upped the speed and hurriedly limped to their room, as she pulled his hand and shut the door behind them. Then he put his arm around her waist. Bea looked up at him.

  ‘I made a success of my business, not you. And marriage? That was between us.’ Mylo didn’t divert his eyes and was getting flustered by the second. ‘Allegedly, I fled the country, not because it wasn’t right for us.’ He held his breath. ‘Okay then, right for me. Cole, please put an end to this now. He’s your friend, not mine. I don’t want us falling out over this.’ Then he kissed her cheek as Bea tried to step back but he wasn’t letting go. ‘Don’t apologise on his behalf. I didn’t mean to accuse you.’

  ‘I’ll get the champagne,’ Bea whispered, trying to pull away but was prevented.

  ‘I need to tell you something. I’m marrying Bea. She is a permanent fixture in my life. I hope you can be happy for me.’

  Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. She hadn’t actually confirmed she wanted to go ahead with it but it seemed he had.

  ‘Mylo,’ she whispered as he looked upset.

  ‘I want Kayden to get to know her.’ Something else was being said and Mylo looked down at the ground before looking up at her. ‘Because I’ve fallen in love with Bea and wouldn’t care if it was a man, woman or budgie. Sure, sure. We’ll talk later. Send my love to Kayden.’

  It sounded like Cole had hung up as Mylo grimaced.

  ‘You didn’t have to tell him right now.’

  ‘I don’t care about Dean but I do about Cole. I’m not letting anyone feed you bullshit, putting doubts in your head. It’s unfair on us.’

  Reaching out, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders so she could kiss his lips.

  This was probably his first step on the path to her forgiving him for being an arse, though he won loads of brownie points based on his phone call.

  He grinned and walked backwards towards the bedroom slipping his tongue into her mouth.

  ‘I keep on thinking about having sex with you. Making up sex is always a must,’ he mumbled, pulling off her tunic. ‘Even on the beach with your bare bosoms, it was making me very hot. And when we get home, you have to walk around in a bikini. You’re a sexy little thing.’

  ‘I think you’ve got sunstroke,’ she whispered, pushing his hat back. ‘You shouldn’t have said anything to Cole.’

  ‘I had to. I’m sorry about telling you not to say anything to Dean. That probably gave you mixed messages.’

  ‘It made me feel unsure.’ Bea removed his hat then shirt, rubbing his tanned shoulders. Her body yearned for him. ‘If Kayden is coming over in the next few weeks, let’s not rock the boat, just yet.’

  ‘I want to rock you,’ he said, placing his forehead against hers. ‘Very much.’

  He slowly undid her bikini, pulling it away from her skin before caressing her breast. Bea groaned as he reached down and sucked on both her nipples, making her squelch with delight. This he realised when he put his hand down the front of her bikini bottom then grinned.

  ‘You feel very wet and tight.’

  ‘Oh, I’m tightening by the second.’

  She didn’t have to say anything. He practically threw her onto the bed, pulling down her pants and sticking himself straight in.

  Gasping due to the speed, she felt the thrusts as he kissed her neck, leading up to her mouth. He felt hard as his hips started to build up speed and she held onto his shoulders, knowing she was going to come.

  ‘This is going to be quick,’ she gasped as he smothered her mouth, forcing his tongue inside.

  Her arse was being squeezed tightly as was her breast. He removed his mouth from hers and sucked each nipple, crushing it with is his lips as her tightening turned into a full blow, fire burning, fanny pulsating orgasm. She screamed out, which turned into a deep groan.

  But he wasn’t stopping.

  She felt his hand move down and his finger started to rub her nub.

  That’s when she held her breath, knowing he was on a mission.

  As he humped her, he pumped her little bean knowing it would take it a little longer for her to have an orgasm that way, then he pulled out. He was rubbing her really hard and she bent her legs up, feeling her hole tighten when he stuck a finger in.

  The man was driving her body crazy. Then he started humping her again, coming soon afterwards.

  ‘Mylo,’ she groaned, unable to say anything else, feeling her body covered in sweat.

  He had a sexy glow.

  ‘And you think I’m secretly gay?’ he laughed, pushing hair away from his face. ‘Do you still think that?’

  The way her fanny felt, it was certainly convinced he wasn’t.

  ‘Stop staring.’

  Bea shook her head as Mylo sat with his chin propped up in his hand. ‘People will start to think you’re strange.’

  ‘I’m in love. Let them think what they like.’ Then he moved closer, glancing around the bar on the beach. ‘We had the best sex ever over the past few days.’

  ‘I know.’ She smiled then gently kissed his lips. ‘I love you.’ Bea rubbed her nose against his.

  ‘No more talk of moving back to live with your daddy, let alone not getting married. And you can’t go home without me. Okay?’ She nodded then her smile faded. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I need to pay you rent.’

  ‘You don’t have to pay me anything.’

  ‘I can’t live in your home without con

  ‘Our home, Bea. It’s our home.’

  Then she glanced over his shoulder and her heart sank.

  Dean walked in.

  ‘Your evil friend has turned up to piss on my parade again.’

  ‘Really?’ Mylo turned around and glanced at Dean before looking at her. ‘I didn’t tell him we were coming here. Look, I’ll tell him to leave well alone.’

  ‘Don’t cause a scene.’

  Her cheeks burned with anger when she made eye contact with Dean.

  He glared back.

  ‘Beatrice Mayon, I love you with all my heart. Trust me.’

  He got up and walked towards Dean, not giving him a hug. The old queen looked pissed off and glanced towards her before shaking his head. One of Bea’s key skills was to lip read. It had come in handy with the children at school.

  Currently Dean was saying that she was a drama queen. Mylo seemed to be arguing a point which was making Dean angry.

  ‘Hello stranger. We have to stop meeting like this.’ She turned and looked up to see Henry. ‘And he has left you on your own yet again. I warned him what would happen. Can I sit?’

  ‘Can I stop you?’

  Henry smiled and planted a big kiss on her cheek.

  ‘And that man who played a trick on you. Are you going to forgive him?’ Henry glanced over while sipping his drink. ‘I don’t like him.’

  ‘I don’t want to cause trouble for Mylo.’

  ‘But it’s okay if his friend causes trouble for you?’ He shook his head from side to side. ‘I didn’t think you’d take it lying down.’

  ‘I’m not!’ she said, knocking back her drink quickly.

  ‘Bea, if you don’t nip it in the bud, him or someone else will come at you again. Once you stick up for yourself, he’ll know where you stand.’

  Letting out a sigh, she knew Henry was right and realised she’d have to do something.

  ‘Now I know where we met before,’ he said, starting to laugh. ‘It was years ago and it’s been niggling me. You know Erio, don’t you?’

  Her mouth dropped open in astonishment before something floated into her head.

  ‘You and he weren’t?’


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