Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 28

by S M Mala

  ‘Can I correct you? It’s now coming towards the end of August and you only told me less than three months ago about this.’ Bea stood up and gave a challenging glance. ‘I might not be bright but I’m not going to take shit from anyone, including you. Start telling me the truth. Do you want to try and get custody of Kayden, is that your plan? It might be nice to let me in on it.’

  ‘You think I have an agenda?’

  ‘And what’s going on with Kayden, River and Cole? I can see that little boy is really upset about something. Have you seen the size of River? Even if he slapped me, it would hurt. What are you doing about that?’

  ‘I’m trying to think it through.’ Then she noticed his face suddenly changed. ‘I would never let my child be put in a dangerous situation.’

  ‘You’re not there. How do you know?’

  ‘Don’t say that.’

  ‘Ask them what’s going on.’ Bea bit her lip then shook her head. ‘As much as you might not like to admit it, I was trained in things like this. Did you look at Kayden’s face when River glared at him? Even when Bligh frowned, Kayden seemed worried. Or were you too busy plotting?’

  ‘I’d never do that to you.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Her heart was thumping hard. ‘I like Kayden. He seems really sweet and I can see you adore him. Mylo, I love you and I will help. If that kid is being mistreated, you need to sort it out. If you want me to help, you only have to ask.’

  ‘I asked you to marry me and you didn’t bother to answer for weeks.’

  ‘I take things slowly and don’t change the subject.’

  ‘I’m not setting you up,’ he groaned walking closer and burying his head in her neck. ‘Even I’m not that smart.’

  Bea pulled him so they fell back on the bed then wrapped her legs around his waist while pushing her hands up the back of his t-shirt.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he mumbled into her skin.

  ‘I’ll let you stick it in quickly, if you like.’

  Sometimes she realised that she needed to use a bit of the sex angle while mulling over what her lover’s intentions really were.

  ‘I love you.’

  That’s all she whispered the following afternoon as they walked down the road, holding hands. ‘I really do.’

  The boys had been picked up by Cole, who didn’t hide how pissed off he was, especially when Bligh and Kayden hugged and kissed her.

  But now Bea had a sullen lover strolling with her.

  ‘It was best I ask. Mylo, don’t be mad because others will be thinking the same thing.’

  There was no response.

  ‘If you’re going to be like this all day, I might as well leave you to sulk, lover boy.’

  ‘You were amazing with Kayden,’ he said, squeezing her hand. ‘He adores you, I can tell.’

  ‘I’m sorry if I upset you last night. Jesus, he’s your child, of course you want to have him with you. Who in their right mind wouldn’t?’ Bea felt for him. ‘You have to do what you have to do.’

  Mylo stopped her and looked into her eyes.

  ‘Bea, you know I’d never use or lie to you. I love you.’

  ‘And I love you.’

  Grabbing him, she planted a long lingering kiss on his lips, her body melting into his.

  But this time she hadn’t heard the music which seemed to come out of nowhere but then recognised the familiar voice.

  If ever there should be a big black hole to swallow her up, it would be right then.

  ‘Hello Bethi!’ he said, shouting out with joy. ‘Come and join in!’

  ‘Shit,’ she mumbled.

  Bea turned and saw her father with the Krishna’s as he jumped around like a loony.

  ‘Bernie?’ said Mylo as he looked at her and back again. ‘Is that you?’

  ‘Shit!’ Bea said again, knowing this was going to be one hell of an explanation. ‘Shit!’

  ‘Bea?’ asked Mylo, who was stunned. ‘That’s your dad. Oh, my God! I thought I recognised him. He was the one I was telling you about who liked to sing and dance down the road.’

  ‘I’m afraid that is my father but I deny it when he’s dressed in a sheet.’

  For nearly two years, she had avoided ever bumping into her dad.

  ‘Hello there, Mr Stranger!’ she said, nodding and noticing Mylo’s mouth drop open as she glanced at him. ‘Fancy meeting you here.’

  ‘Are you still coming for Sunday lunch with Mylo’s mother?’ her father asked, jigging in his uncoordinated way. ‘I have a pukka recipe for a chickpea curry!’ Bernie replied happily. ‘Lovely and not too spicy. But I have also discovered protein vegetarian meat. It’s very tasty! I can’t wait for you to come so we can discuss the wedding.’ He burst into song. ‘Hari Krishna, Hari Krishna, Hari, Hari!’

  ‘Don’t ask.’ Bea turned to Mylo who was smiling. ‘I mean it, don’t say a word.’

  ‘Bye Mylo. See you on Saturday!’ shouted out her father.

  ‘Bye!’ he replied then burst out laughing. ‘Now it makes perfect sense why you used to make snide comments and told me to keep away from them. And why is he speaking with a fake Indian accent?’

  ‘The only reason he joined because he was bald already and likes the idea of going around in an adult nappy.’ Bea looked at her father’s stick legs dancing about. ‘Thank God my mother isn’t around to witness it. Do you know how embarrassing it is for me?’

  The loud laugh coming from Mylo’s mouth made her shake her head in dismay.

  ‘And you have a go at me for keeping secrets?’ he said, turning so she would look up at him. ‘Isn’t that a little hypocritical?’

  ‘I think shagging a man is something completely different, don’t you?’ She bit her lip while receiving a disappointed glance. ‘Look, you know what I mean. Daddy has gone round the bend. Can’t you see what I’m dealing with?’

  ‘Bea,’ he said, his smile slipping. ‘He’s having fun.’

  ‘But look at that!’ she said, pointing to him in the distance. ‘I mean, how can I explain that to people? You know I spend half my time avoiding them. It’s hard work.’

  ‘Oh Jesus, Beatrice! That’s why he wants a Hindu wedding and all the trimmings.’ He was laughing really hard as she grabbed him, heading in the opposite direction.

  ‘It’s not funny. It’s been a nightmare. He has thrown himself into this to avoid dealing with mummy’s death and I’ve been watching, hoping it’s not the sign of him having a breakdown.’ Still Mylo laughed. ‘He jumped in feet first without thinking.’

  Mylo’s face was pink due to his amusement, as he shook his head from side to side.

  ‘What if he turns up to the wedding looking like that? What do I do?’ She let out an exhausted sigh. ‘And our relatives? They will howl the place down with laughter, pretty much as you are doing now.’

  ‘Bea!’ he said, trying to catch his breath. ‘I know what you mean about straight after the bend. And here was me, thinking you were being homophobic.’

  The stupidly infectious smile and laughter just made her want to slap him but she also grinned because the situation was ridiculous.

  ‘And it’s the first time you’ve mentioned the wedding without looking like you’re going to keel over.’ Mylo kissed her forehead. ‘And tonight we’ll tell Kayden about us getting married. Are you ready for it?’

  ‘Can you imagine him meeting my father? Your mother will think you’re marrying into some mentally unhinged family. She’ll probably kidnap you to prevent us from getting hitched.’

  ‘If you can accept what has happened in my life then I have no qualms whatsoever about yours.’ Then he burst out laughing.

  ‘I hope Kayden is like this when we break the news to him.’

  ‘Don’t cry!’

  The child hadn’t taken the news as well as either one had hoped. He was sitting on Mylo’s knee sobbing his heart out. ‘I don’t want you to be unhappy.’

  ‘Is it me?’ asked Bea, unprepared for the negative reaction. ‘I’m not that

  Sitting back on the sofa, she could see Mylo was at a loss on what to do.

  ‘Daddy!’ was all Kayden wailed for a few minutes.

  ‘He doesn’t like me,’ Bea mouthed to a confused Mylo.

  That was a major blow for her ego as she thought they were getting on famously.

  Helplessly, she looked on, not knowing what to do.

  Should she stay and try and console the child, or go and leave it to Mylo?

  Then he jumped off his dad’s legs and ran towards Bea, flinging his arms around her, which shocked the pair.

  ‘Please don’t take my daddy away! Please!’

  Stunned by the comment she scooped him up in her arms, peering into his sobbing face.

  ‘Why would I take him away? I’m not moving.’ She watched Mylo wipe his forehead. The poor guy had broken out into a cold sweat. ‘He will never leave you.’

  ‘But when a boy marries a girl, she takes them away from other boys. And I’m a boy.’ Not knowing what he was talking about she waited for further explanation. ‘Because girls stop boys from being with boys.’

  Then the penny dropped.

  A woman had taken Mylo away from Cole and that was a bad thing.

  ‘Kayden, look at me,’ she asked, wiping his face with the hem of her dress. The big brown eyes were transfixed but equally scared. ‘I’m not taking your daddy away from you. He is staying right here. Nothing will change. I want you here as much as possible as we are a family, a new family. I’ll even decorate one of the rooms so it’s for you and you alone. I don’t know who told you that but they weren’t being very helpful.’

  ‘River said that if daddy married you, you wouldn’t want me and you would take him away. He said girls take boys away from boys.’

  ‘How do you feel about your daddy being with me, a girl?’ she asked, watching Mylo wince in response. ‘Don’t you like it? Don’t you like me?’

  ‘I like you very much,’ he said, starting to stop snivelling. ‘I like staying with you and playing and eating your food. I like it when you laugh which makes me laugh.’

  ‘Kayden, I want to be your friend. I hope you like me because I really like you. I don’t like your older brother.’ Mylo shook his head in dismay as she cuddled the child. ‘But Bligh is a nice child, which makes up for it.’

  ‘Not always. He pretends,’ Kayden whispered then blinked away his tears. ‘Can I come to the wedding?’

  ‘You are the guest of honour!’ she said, seeing him start to smile. ‘I think you’re giving your daddy away. It means to stand by his side, hand him the wedding rings and give a best man’s speech. You will be the most important person on that day as he won’t be able to do it without you.’

  ‘And I get to eat lots of cake? When I eat it I’m very happy!’

  ‘Me too!’

  Then the sorrow was harder than before.

  Her mother wouldn’t be at her side and that made her want to weep, nor would she meet this wonderful little boy. Bea held onto the tears as Mylo quickly took Kayden out of her arms and frantically kissed his son’s face.

  ‘I love you so much!’ he said as Kayden tried to fend him off. ‘I don’t want you to be sad. You should be happy that daddy has met someone he loves.’

  Quickly she swallowed hard then heard the doorbell.

  ‘I’ll get it.’

  Bea rushed to the door, flinging it open to see Jessica standing there.

  ‘Hello my future daughter in law!’ she said, opening her arms and grabbing Bea tightly.

  ‘Grandma!’ shouted out Kayden, rushing past Bea and jumping into the lady’s arms. ‘It’s me! It’s Kayden.’

  ‘I know who you are, honey. How could I forget my favourite boy? Come here and give me a big hug!’

  ‘Come in,’ Bea said and looked at Mylo. ‘I’ll put the kettle on.’

  Bea remembered when her life was cluttered with people.

  Two people to be precise. Her mother and father.

  Now her life seemed empty compared to Mylo’s transatlantic menagerie.

  She felt his lips on the back of her neck while stood in the kitchen.

  ‘Bea, Bea, Bea,’ he whispered into her skin, giving her tingles as she closed her eyes. ‘You are wonderful with him.’

  ‘What if he really isn’t happy? He might be saying all the right things as he doesn’t want to let you down. He’s a child. He’s going to be scared and worried about it all.’

  ‘As long as you’re not scared or worried, that’s the most important thing.’

  He turned her around as she scowled before letting out a long sigh.

  ‘Mum wants to talk weddings, okay? I didn’t know she was going to turn up today as she just flew in from Dublin. I thought she’d be here tomorrow. It’s a lot to take in and with the party on Thursday night.’ Mylo kissed her forehead. ‘Do you want to still get married?’

  ‘Don’t say that.’ She pushed him away. ‘You know I do.’

  ‘I wouldn’t let you back out,’ Mylo said, holding her face gently in his hands. ‘I will take you kicking and screaming because I love you. After they’ve all gone, it’s just me and you. We’ll focus on us.’

  Bea realised Mylo had no idea that others, like Cole, might not let him have his way.

  ‘I’ve got a tummy ache!’

  Kayden announced just as they were about to get ready to leave for the party on Thursday afternoon.

  ‘But you were okay half an hour ago,’ said Mylo, going straight up to him and bending down. ‘Where does it hurt?’

  ‘Here.’ Kayden pointed to his tummy, sticking it out. ‘I can’t go to the party so I’ll have to stay.’

  ‘I’m sure if we go it might get better.’

  The child shook his head from side to side, sticking out his bottom lip.

  ‘It hurts, daddy. It really hurts.’

  Bea glanced over at the boy and noticed that Kayden didn’t look in too much pain. She wondered what was going on.

  ‘Well, we can’t go. I’ll call Cole and tell him,’ Mylo replied, looking confused. ‘Everyone is going to be upset they didn’t see you.’

  ‘I’ll stay with him,’ she piped up, seeing Kayden flick her a little mischievous glance. ‘If you head off and leave the address with me, we can come along later.’

  ‘I won’t feel better,’ Kayden said, shaking his head.

  ‘How do you know?’ she asked.

  ‘I know these things.’

  ‘Are you sure? Shouldn’t I stay?’ added Mylo, looking at Kayden who hugged his dad’s leg. ‘I don’t want you getting ill before flying out.’

  ‘I can look after him.’ Then Bea spotted it. Kayden gave her a sly smile. She knew he was pretending. ‘You must go and see your friends. What do you think, Kayden? Do you mind staying with me?’

  Kayden shook his head from side to side then ran up to her, burying his head in her skirt. She felt his arms wrap around her thighs and noticed Mylo was stumped on what to do.

  ‘The cab will be here in a minute. Take the presents and we’ll follow when Kayden feels better. I’ll sort it out.’

  Slowly getting the bags and seeing the taxi turn up, Mylo kissed Kayden before looking at Bea.

  ‘I’ll text you the address and call me if he gets worse. It’s only twenty minutes away and I can get back anytime,’ he said, stroking her face before glancing down. ‘Kayden, are you sure you don’t want to come?’

  He shook his head from side to side then up and down, his face embedded in her clothing.

  Watching Mylo walk off, they waited until the taxi drove off.

  ‘The coast is clear. What are you up to?’

  Kayden ran to the window, looking out, before turning to face her with a bright smile.

  ‘Are you playing tricks?’ she asked, wanting to laugh. ‘Your dads will be upset.’

  ‘I don’t want to go. The kids are really mean. They’re probably going punch me and call names so I wanna stay here. What shall we play?’


  In the meantime, Kayden kicked off his shoes and removed his jacket, throwing it on the floor. He ran up the stairs to the main bedroom, banging about, until he came down wearing a pair of shorts and a large t-shirt, back to front.

  ‘You had no intention of going today, did you?’ she asked, watching him skip and jump around the living room.


  ‘And what do you think your daddies would say?’

  ‘You didn’t want to go. I heard you tell Aero on the phone you would rather stay at home.’

  Bea looked guiltily away as he had overheard her that morning. She didn’t want to go and was dreading meeting people who would obviously disapprove of Mylo and her. Plus Dean would be there which would only make it worse.

  ‘That’s different and his name is Erio. I don’t know the people really well and one of them wasn’t nice to me.’

  ‘They’re not nice to me. Who was mean to you? Uncle Dean. Grandma says he’s a jack ass.’


  ‘Well, he is. He’s mean to me and Bligh doesn’t like him. All he cares about is River. He’s horrid and smells of strong stink smells because he uses too much perfume.’ Then he started to laugh, amused by his own comment.

  ‘What do you want to do?’

  ‘We can play then we can watch television and we can get a takeaway. I really like Indian food and we can get some of that.’

  ‘Sounds like a plan.’

  She ran upstairs and put on something more relaxing.

  When she got back down, he was splayed over the sofa watching cartoons.

  ‘You know, daddy will be back about seven o’clock so we have four hours to chill out. Don’t you think I should tell him you’re pretending?’ she asked as he put his feet on her lap and lay back. He nodded his head then shook it from side to side. ‘Fine!’

  She lay back and the pair watched cartoons.

  The little feet were wiggling on her lap so she gave him a foot massage, which made him giggle. As she examined his skin, there were still the same faint bruises on his legs she had noticed the day he arrived. It was now time to delve a little deeper.


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