Straight After the Bend

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Straight After the Bend Page 31

by S M Mala

  ‘She likes his aura so she said.’

  ‘I like your aftershave, doesn’t mean I want to sniff it all the time.’


  ‘Okay, I do.’ She wrapped her arms around him. ‘Mylo, he won’t talk about Kayden. I have tried to but he looks at me blankly then changes the subject, as if I’m in the wrong.’

  He looked up at the ceiling.

  ‘Kayden,’ he whispered, the smile fading. ‘Cole’s not being helpful on that front.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Bea sat up. ‘Doesn’t he want Kayden to come?’

  ‘He’s saying that mum flying out to pick up Kayden and then taking him back isn’t a sensible idea.’


  She was dreading the next bit.

  ‘He wants to bring him over with the boys.’

  ‘I thought he’d be busy considering he’s such a successful businessman,’ she replied, trying not to let out a little huff at the ex trying to rain on her parade.

  Wedding parade to be exact.

  Bea swallowed hard and knew this was the next set of problems to arise.

  That was plainly obvious.

  It was the dreaded thought that her daddy would find out the truth at the worst possible moment, then try and pull the plug on everything.

  ‘Have you got wedding insurance?’ she mumbled, watching his face turn to surprise. ‘You never know what might happen.’

  ‘We’re getting married and I don’t care if you change your mind. I’ll drag you kicking and screaming.’ Mylo let out a little laugh before frowning. ‘Mum has been sending me videos of how an Indian wedding ceremony goes. How am I going to understand what they say?’

  ‘How the hell would I know?’

  He laughed out loudly and stroked her shoulder.

  ‘Bea, how did you want to get married?’

  The question threw her as he had never asked before.

  ‘You know, the usual thing. A small wedding. Me in a white dress and my groom waiting for me. Mum and dad looking on proudly and-.’

  Her voice faltered as it was never going to happen.

  There was no chance her mother would be present.

  ‘If this makes daddy happy then I’m willing to do it his way. We do the registry bit beforehand then onto the bigger ceremony. It’ll be fine.’

  Mylo sat up and pulled her to sit facing him.

  ‘I never asked you,’ he said, letting out a little laugh before his face changed. ‘I’m sorry. I thought you wanted what your dad wanted, other than the sari bit and his Hare Krishna mates playing along. Why didn’t you say?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter. The day is going to be lovely. Erio will see to that.’

  Then she remembered what happened earlier on.

  ‘I have to tell you something,’ she said all excitedly, seeing Mylo was deep in thought. ‘Guess who I saw? Okay, you won’t guess but Henry was outside the school.’


  ‘And he’s having a fling with Chloe’s mother! Can you believe it? Well, I can’t. But he didn’t want to tell the cow that we met on holiday.’

  ‘Bea, don’t be mean.’

  ‘Well, she is a cow and was rude to me. I told her a piece of my mind which I will probably get into trouble for next week but I don’t care.’ Then she grinned. ‘Henry is a little so and so. He mentioned his older woman being an artist but what’s the probability that it would be Rachel Dewhurst!’

  ‘Henry fancies you,’ he said solemnly. ‘I can see it.’

  ‘He does not but it’s such a coincidence.’ Then she frowned. ‘Do you think Rachel bitch Dewhurst will bring Henry to the wedding? I had to give her an invitation because of Chloe and put a plus one.’

  Mylo got up and walked away.

  Suddenly his mood had changed and she didn’t know what had happened.

  ‘Have I upset you?’ she asked, getting to her feet. ‘Shouldn’t I have mentioned Henry? I think it’s quite funny.’

  ‘You never upset me, Bea. Only when I don’t know what’s going on in your head. That sometimes fazes me a little.’ He kissed her forehead then progressed to her neck. ‘I want the wedding to be a day to make you happy.’

  ‘It will be.’

  ‘I know Bligh would be happy to be there. As for River?’ She frowned even with Mylo’s soft lips on her skin. ‘He can stay with his wicked god mother, Dean.’

  ‘Of course Cole can come, if he wants.’ Bea mumbled insincerely. ‘But I really don’t want him to.’ Mylo laughed. ‘I need to speak to you about Kayden.’


  She looked up into the confused eyes.

  ‘I can’t extract Cole from your life, mainly because of Kayden. And I wouldn’t want to as he is the other parent. He doesn’t want me to be Kayden’s mum. He told me quite clearly the day they were flying out. Luckily, your mum told him what for.’

  ‘Why didn’t you mention it?’ Mylo sighed, the happiness from a few minutes ago completely subsiding. ‘He has no right to say that.’

  ‘He has every right to be afraid that his son might want to live with his other dad, that’s why.’ Bea rubbed his chest and could see he was worried. ‘You know when Kayden was here last? We got talking about a few things.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Like how it was for him at home. He’s not happy. That’s not the sign of a little kid trying to tell tales. That’s the trigger all is not well. And there were faint bruises on his legs. He got upset when I asked and said he was being hit.’

  ‘Bea, please?’ It was as if he knew what she was going to say. ‘I’m trying to figure it out.’

  ‘River is thumping that kid. Kayden is telling Cole and it seems the other daddy isn’t listening. That poor child told me of the awful things he’s being told and about why you left. Can’t you see? You have to do something. We have to do something.’

  ‘Like what? I’ll have to go to court to get Kayden to come and live with me. Don’t you think I started it as soon as I came back? Even with or without a wife, partner or what not, it’s going to be hard. It’s a major upheaval and complicated.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘I know you’re thinking of me. Before I fell in love with you, I was even contemplating moving back to Chicago so we could have joint custody.’

  ‘Mylo!’ Bea stepped back and stared. ‘Why didn’t you say?’

  ‘Why do you think I really ran away from you in December? I was confused and knew I liked you too much. I don’t want to fall in love again and get my heart broken.’


  ‘With Kayden and then you.’

  ‘I’m not going to break your heart. I want to mend it. You’re stuck with me for life, I’m afraid.’ Burying her head in his chest, she thought hard about what she was going to say next. ‘He’s four and needs a happy home. I can see he loves you more than anything. Can we at least try to find out what we can do?’

  Mylo wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on the top of her head.

  ‘I’m not certain,’ he whispered.

  ‘You have to be.’

  ‘If there’s one thing you can be certain about, it’s that I love you very much. I promise I’ll never let you down, you know that, don’t you? I think I let my son down and I’m trying really hard to make it better.’

  ‘Then we’ll fix it.’

  She listened to the fast pumping sound through his chest and closed her eyes.

  Even if she was unsure what the next few weeks would unfold, she could hear Mylo Kearney’s heart.

  And to her, that spoke volumes.

  It was kind and full of love.

  That was the only thing that mattered.

  Plus his son.

  ‘Today you want to talk?’

  Her father sat opposite while she was having lunch in her usual café, the following Wednesday. ‘Now? Daddy, I have to go back to school and this isn’t the time. Why didn’t you bring it up weeks ago?’

  ‘He has a child,’ her father replied solemnly,
sipping on a camomile tea and trying not to show he didn’t like it. ‘Mylo mentioned briefly there was a child but I didn’t know to what extent. He adopted a child, Bea.’ Bernie had a questioning look in his eye. ‘Does that mean he’s sterile?’

  ‘I don’t know! What a question to ask?’

  ‘I’m just asking,’ he said slyly. ‘Didn’t you ask?’

  ‘Really?’ she replied, not wanting to admit that had crossed her mind as well as many other questions. ‘Why would I?’

  ‘You’re getting married to him, aren’t you?

  ‘Yes, I am. In answer to your question about his past relationship, to me, it meant they were expected to stay together for life but it didn’t work out. Doesn’t that say something about Mylo?’

  ‘It says that he was unhappy and took the monumental decision to break-up, leaving his son. If you’re trying to find fault then I am a little disappointed. By taking on a child whose own parents didn’t want to know shows what sort of a man he is.’

  ‘And his ex? How do you think that made her feel being left alone to bring up three children? Mylo wasn’t being fair there, was he? How do you know he’s not going to walk out should you have a child? That’s if you can have one.’

  Bea bit her lip and looked at the overcast sky through the window, knowing Bernie had said ‘her’. Not to mention as well as casting doubts about her lover’s virility.

  ‘Mylo loves me and I love him. I know he won’t leave me unless his future father law remains being a pain in the arse.’

  ‘You’re talking about me?’

  ‘Who else?’ She sat back in her chair and shook her head. ‘It’s Mylo’s business and I love his little boy very much. He’s a sweet kid and we should welcome him with open arms into our female dominatrix family, don’t you think?’

  ‘You mean domineering?’

  ‘I know what I mean.’

  Her father stared, not convinced by the comment, as he put sugar in his tea. All he did was frown as if she had done something wrong.

  ‘And furthermore, why didn’t he want to have a child of his own, if he’s so fertile? Why adopt? Why not conceive one with his ex?’

  ‘That would be impossible,’ she mumbled, knowing her father hadn’t heard.

  ‘Baggage,’ he mumbled. ‘That man comes with baggage.’

  ‘And your point is what?’

  ‘Are you sure about him?’

  ‘I’m certainly sure about him. I come with heavy baggage too so it’s not all one sided.’

  ‘What baggage?’

  ‘You,’ she cheekily grinned, watching him roll his eyes and grimace when sipping his tea. ‘All this crap you’re willing to do for your Hare Krishna’s and when it comes to me, you just see fault. Drink milk, eat eggs and have bacon. Live a happy life.’

  ‘How can I when I worry about you all the time?’ Bernie sat back in his chair. ‘And I need to do this, change my lifestyle to make sure I’m around. I’m certainly not leaving this earth knowing you still can’t look after yourself.’


  ‘You are a child, easily influenced by those around you, especially men. Mylo is a marvellous man, I can see that but he’s had a life, you can tell. Someone who looks the way he does and from his background must have had a colourful past.’ Her father smiled. ‘I mean, he’s rather flirtatious don’t you think?’

  ‘I’ve never noticed,’ she blatantly fibbed. ‘What do you mean by the way he looks?’

  ‘He’s not your average man and neither is his mother. On the upside, at least you’ll have devastatingly handsome children, should it possible.’ Bernie smiled at her in an uncertain way. ‘Are you ready to be a mother, to take on that responsibility? I’m telling you to wait until you’re forty.’

  ‘I am ready to have a family when the time is right. Mylo would like that more than anything.’

  ‘And he’s a little too perfect, don’t you think?’

  ‘What are you trying to say?’

  ‘He has his own business, a mortgage free home and is very much in control of his destiny. Whereas you are still trying to find your feet in the world and haven’t got a place to call your own, other than your real home which is my home too. I love you very much, you know that, but with his child I do wonder if he is suitable husband material.’

  ‘You just said he was perfect!’

  ‘A little too perfect,’ he added with a smile. ‘Don’t get me wrong, he’s a lovely man and I do like him.’

  ‘Really?’ Bea wasn’t too convinced. ‘That’s not the vibe I’m picking up.’

  ‘But it’s all too fast. I still need time to get to know him better.’ Her father pushed away his cup. ‘Find out who he is.’

  It was the expression he pulled that made Bea see he was up to something.

  ‘You want to spend more time talking to Mylo?’ she asked, noticing her father ponder for a moment. ‘Without me?’ He then touched her face and looked at her in the loving way he always would. ‘Daddy, I love him, I really do. Don’t find fault for the sake of it.’

  ‘I’ve found something else,’ he sweetly replied. ‘A private investigator who will look into his life both here and in the States.’

  She slapped his hand away.

  Now she knew exactly what her father was up to.

  ‘Stop laughing!’

  Bea was in Mylo’s treatment room watching the man she loved giggle his head off. ‘He wants to dig up dirt on you. Can’t you see he planned this all along?’

  ‘Genius!’ he sighed, still chuckling to himself while sat behind his desk.

  Bea hopped onto the treatment table and frowned. Her heart pounded with the fear of her father finding out about Mylo’s life in Chicago.

  Then there would be no Bernie at the wedding. And that would upset Bea.

  She lay down, hoping if she kept still, it would be less alarming.

  ‘Don’t look so upset,’ Mylo said, getting to his feet. ‘I’ll speak to him.’

  ‘I don’t understand that weirdo, I really don’t. I love my daddy very much but he never lets me get what I want without a struggle. It was like when I wanted to do tap dancing lessons. He made me watch Fred Astaire movies and then follow the moves before he allowed me to take classes. He said he wanted to make sure I wasn’t the worst in the class.’

  ‘Were you?’

  ‘I was diabolical but that’s not the point. Daddy wanted to be sure that I was sure.’

  ‘So you’re rubbish at tap dancing, that’s good to know.’ He stretched out and grinned. ‘Your daddy is being protective.’

  ‘And he said I shouldn’t have kids until I was forty. He doesn’t think I can take on the responsibility, just yet, given that at thirty-five I’m still a mere child.’ Bea let out a little huff when she said it. ‘It makes me want to get married more and knocked up!’

  ‘That I am certainly happy to do.’

  Mylo started to laugh again and walked over to her.

  ‘Why do you think this is funny? He could ruin everything.’

  ‘He loves you, Bea. The man wants to do what’s best, that’s all.’

  ‘But what if he finds out about Cole and goes ballistic because I didn’t say!’ She had lost her cool completely seeing Mylo didn’t know the gravity of what her father was doing. ‘He doesn’t trust you. Daddy said, quite clearly, you were a little too perfect. That’s bad. On the other hand, he said he liked you so who knows what he expects to find out.’

  ‘Your daddy was asking my mummy a lot of questions when they met, all about me and my previous relationships. Knowing that we intended to tell him that afternoon, she didn’t let on. Mum seems to think that your dad is only looking out for you.’ Then he sheepishly looked away. ‘He has doubts about your choice in men and simply wants to make sure that you’re happy. Though she did pick up on the fact he kept saying you could always go back and live at home if things didn’t work out.’

  ‘See!’ She jumped off the table. ‘He’s banking on it. I’m surp
rised he hasn’t redecorated my old room in anticipation.’

  He stood with his hands on his head, still smiling.

  It was unnerving.

  ‘I’ve just told you my father is going to hire a private detective to dig up dirt on you and you’re grinning. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?’


  Mylo moved closer, picked her up and sat her on the treatment table.

  ‘It’s pretty insulting, don’t you think?’ she continued, noticing he was peering down the front of her top. ‘I mean, he’s going to be your future father-in-law.’

  ‘He’s testing you by letting you know of his intentions, to then test me. I don’t mind.’ Mylo pulled her hair up and started to kiss her neck. ‘You smell good.’

  ‘I think he stinks by doing this, I really do. It’s wrong and he should mind his own business and-.’ His lips had touched her sensitive ear lobe and she lost her concentration for a moment. ‘Aren’t you a little bit pissed off?’

  ‘How many kids are we going to have? Two would be good or more, if you want.’

  ‘Mylo, I don’t want to discuss children right now. Actually I do. What shall we do about daddy?’

  ‘I love being a daddy.’ His hands started caressing her back. ‘I really like the idea of trying for a baby.’

  ‘Should I just tell him?’

  He wasn’t listening, just touching her body and she knew he wanted to make love.

  ‘Are you avoiding talking to me about it, hence your sex moves?’ she whispered. ‘We did it in the massage room but that was cut off from everyone else. I’m certainly not letting you get your end away on your treatment table.’

  Clearing his throat, he looked at her, still smiling.

  ‘Your dad does need to know about Cole,’ he said, putting his finger down the front of her bra to touch her nipple. ‘It’s very important there are no secrets.’

  ‘He said ‘she’ regarding your ex-partner. I didn’t correct him,’ Bea solemnly replied.

  ‘It’s not for you to say, it’s for me.’

  ‘But if you tell him now he will throw a big wobbly.’ Bea hesitated. ‘I’m agreeing to what he wants when it comes to the wedding so he’ll be there. I have to make sure he turns up.’


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