The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set Page 44

by Cara Alexander

  David looks at him, Dev shakes his head.

  They both stand staring out to sea for a few minutes then David takes out his phone, he starts walking towards the bar. ‘I’ll call the police, tell them about Helen.’

  ‘Yes, and find out when they’re coming to check Beth’s room, this should have been done yesterday, time is of the essence when dealing with these people.’ He stands flicking through his phone, then it rings, it’s Katia. ‘Yes, what is it?’

  ‘Haven’t you heard, there’s been a shooting in Westminster, they’re threatening to blow it up if they don’t get a helicopter and 20 million, where the fuck are you?’

  ‘I know, they told me. I’m on the next flight to London,’ he snaps.

  A cab suddenly squeals to a halt outside the hotel entrance, Dev turns and gasps.

  ‘What’s wrong,’ Katia asks, quickly. ‘Is everything all right?’

  ‘Yes, talk to you later Katia.’

  Sliding his phone into his pocket he stands staring at the cab.

  ‘Can you pay the driver for me, I lost my purse,’ Beth asks, getting out of the cab.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Monday morning

  David stops talking to the police and stands staring at Beth. Then he snaps out of it, closes his phone and walks over to pay the driver.

  ‘Where the hell have you been and why are you dressed like that?’ Dev asks, still staring at me.

  I walk over to a table and sit down. ‘I’ll tell you in a minute, but first I need to have a shower and change.’

  Dev stands looking at my sheet dress, then he takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. ‘I’ll take you to your room, you can shower, get dressed, eat something and then tell us what happened.’

  ‘I’m okay. I just need my key; I lost my bag.’

  David jumps up, runs over to reception and gets me my key.

  ‘Thanks David.’

  I hurry over to the elevator, hit the button for the fifth floor and walk quickly to my room. I open the door expecting to see Jamie, but his bed’s empty. I’m suddenly gripped with panic; I call down to reception and ask to speak to David.

  ‘Where’s Jamie?’

  ‘He’s with Jose in his room, come down and we’ll have breakfast, it’s still early so we won’t be disturbed.’

  I quickly shower and change, then go downstairs to the restaurant where I find David waiting for me.

  Coffee, croissants, toast, and jam are spread out in front of me by the waiter.

  David drums his fingers on the table then stops. ’Would you like something hot, we have vegetarian sausages, sautéed potatoes…’

  I shake my head. ‘No, this is great, just what I need.’

  Dev suddenly appears, he walks over to where I’m sitting, pulls out a chair and looks at me. ‘What happened, Beth?’

  So, I start telling them.

  David sits with his head in his hands mumbling in Spanish.

  Dev’s face is ashen, he takes out his phone and walks a few yards away from where we’re sitting.

  David raises his head and looks at me. ‘What time did Miguel leave you last night?’

  ‘It was late, I don’t know for sure what the time was, he took my phone.’ I’m just about to add he took my clothes but stop.

  ‘You fell asleep in this house, awoke early and then started walking towards the sea.’

  I nod.

  ‘Did you see anyone?’

  ‘No, not until I’d walked for about an hour, then a woman stopped and gave me a lift. I was so lucky. She was on her way to the market, she thought I’d been to a party, I didn’t tell her what really happened.’

  ‘Were there any cars near the house?’

  ‘No, it was in the middle of nowhere.’ I sit sipping my coffee trying to remember. ‘There was a rooster, it woke me up making that awful noise.’

  David looks startled. ‘So, there must be a house nearby, you just didn’t see it.’

  Dev comes over, his blue eyes are grey, he looks tired. ‘We have to find them Beth, did David tell you about Helen?’

  I suddenly feel a shiver run down my spine. ‘No, what?’

  ‘She’s not in her room, we haven’t seen her this morning.’

  ‘But she was here last night?’

  ‘She’s probably with him,’ David groans, holding his head and looking at the ground.

  ‘You think she’s with Miguel?’

  He nods.

  ‘Just hope she is,’ Dev says, frowning. ‘The people in charge of this are extremely dangerous, Miguel’s nothing compared to them, if they took her…’

  ‘Mum! You’re back!’

  Jamie runs over to me; Jose stands gaping at me.

  ‘Yes, Jamie, I’m back, I missed you so much.’

  I get up and hug him.

  ‘I was so worried Mum, can we go home?’

  I kiss his head and mumble. ‘Yes, our flight leaves today, now let’s get you some breakfast.’

  Dev sits watching us, he has a strange look on his face. The waiter brings Jamie veggie sausages and baked beans, something he loves.

  Then Jose comes over with Christina, she looks worried, she must have heard the news about Helen and what happened to me from David.

  ‘Can I talk to you,’ she asks, beckoning me over to another table.

  Jamie and Jose are chatting happily, Dev’s on his phone.

  ‘Of course!’

  ‘Oh Beth, I can’t say how sorry I am, such a terrible thing to happen and now Helen’s missing.’ Tears roll down her face. I wrap my arm around her. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll find Helen, she might be on her way back to the hotel right now.’

  I start thinking of last night and Miguel. Then I stop. Helen wanted to tell me something, she was bursting to tell me. Did she find out about Nick being here? Is that what she wanted to tell me?

  ‘Mum, can I go swimming with Jose before we go to the airport?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Christina grabs a serviette, dabs her face and is all smiles again. ‘Come on boys, I’m coming with you.’

  Jamie looks at me expectantly. ‘Mum?’



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Monday – One hour later

  I’m in the bar watching Jamie and Jose in the swimming pool. They look happy. I hope Jamie will soon forget what’s happened. I told him the story I told Miguel when he asked me what I would tell the police. It’s partly true, I had an accident, the car went over the mountain road, I tried to get a lift. Of course, I didn’t say the man attacked me, just that he gave me a lift but it was to the wrong place. He didn’t have any money to lend me so I had to walk all the way back. I was so tired I fell asleep in a field. I had no phone, I lost it in the car. I don’t think he believed me.

  I try calling Helen again, still no reply, it goes to voicemail. If she’s with Miguel…


  I look up and see Dev. The sun’s in my eyes so I hold my hand up so I can see him.

  He sits down. ‘Beth, I’m going soon, I’ve spoken to the police, I gave them your details in London so they might contact you. I’ll be round to see you when you’re back, we have a lot to talk about.’

  ‘What about Helen? I can’t leave without knowing she’s alright!’

  ‘You have Jamie to think of, he has to go to school. The Spanish police are looking for her and we have people searching for her.’ He stops and frowns. ‘You might hear from her or someone…’ He stops and stares at me. ‘Let me know, we need to find them.’

  He gets up to go.

  ‘You’re talking about Nick and Miguel aren’t you?’

  His deep blue eyes gaze into mine. ‘Who else is there?’

  ‘Do you think I enjoyed it,’ I snap, glaring at him.

  He shrugs. ‘You and Nick were good friends from what I’ve been told.’

  ‘Yes, that was before...’

/>   He’s looking at me intently. ‘Before what Beth?’

  I never told him what Nick did to me, why should I? It’s not something I want to talk about. It’s all because of Nick, everything bad happens, he was at the Major’s farm when they - I shiver remembering what they did and he did to me. Even here it wasn’t Miguel who grabbed me and took me to that house in Granada, it was Nick. If he hadn’t been there I wouldn’t have been caught, it’s all because of him that everything bad happens.

  Then I think of Miguel. I told them he made me take off my clothes so I wouldn’t leave the house, but nothing happened. I look at Dev, he’s still watching me.

  ‘Don’t worry Beth, tell me next time I see you.’ He lowers his head to mine and whispers. ‘Be very careful, take a cab to the airport or get David to take you!’ Then he’s gone.

  I look over at Jamie, he’s having a drink with Jose and Christina near the pool. She catches me looking and beckons me over.

  ‘What time is your flight, Beth?’

  ‘Soon, we have to leave in an hour, our flight leaves at 4.30 this afternoon.’

  ‘I’m driving you to the airport.’

  ‘No, please don’t worry, you’ve done so much for us already, I can easily get a cab.’

  She raises her eyebrows in mock surprise. ‘No way will I let you get a cab to the airport.’

  She turns to Jose. ‘Come, Jamie must get ready, you’ll see him later when we take him to the airport.’

  Upstairs in our room I’m just finishing packing our things when there’s a knock on the door. Before I can say anything Jamie runs to open it, it’s the police.


  Suddenly David appears. ‘Jose’s waiting for you downstairs, Jamie!’ He turns to me. ‘I’ll see to your luggage.’ Then he mutters something in Spanish to the police. From what I can understand he said they don’t need to check the room now and to call Detective Martinez.

  ‘What did they want Mum?’ Jamie asks as the elevator doors open to go down.

  ‘They’re checking to see that everything’s in order, things like fire escapes and that kind of thing.’

  I can tell he doesn’t believe me but he says nothing.

  We go to the terrace, find a table overlooking the sea and order our last drink.

  Ten minutes later Christina and Jose come over. ’I think it’s time to go,’ she says. ‘Manuel put your luggage in my car. David said he’ll call you later and to have a safe journey.’

  An hour later we’re at Malaga airport. We’re just passing some shops when I see him watching me from inside one of the shops. ‘Oh my God, it’s…’

  Christina follows my gaze then looks at me. ‘Is everything okay, Beth?’

  Jamie’s looking at me. ‘What is it Mum?’

  I laugh it off. ‘I thought it was someone I know from Greece, but it wasn’t, I made a mistake.’

  Christina puts her arm around Jamie and hugs him close. ‘Come back and see us soon, yes?’

  He nods.

  Jose slaps him on the back then hugs him. ‘When I come to London I’ll come and see you.’

  Jamie smiles and hugs him back. ‘Yeah, if I don’t see you in Spain first.’

  I turn to Christina. ‘Thanks for everything and let me know if you hear anything.’

  She wraps her arms around me and whispers. ‘As soon as I know anything I’ll call you.’

  An hour later we’re on the plane back to London. Jamie’s reading one of his magazines and drinking a juice. I’m staring out of the window at the retreating shoreline of the Costa del Sol thinking about Nick and Miguel.



  Next Day

  Bayswater, London

  I think I’m going out of my mind, I seem to be losing everyone I’m close to. I smash my fist onto the bed then roll off it and glance in the full-length mirror opposite the bed.

  I look awful, dark bags under my eyes, hair a mess, my face looks white and blotchy.

  Shit! It’s like a horrible nightmare. Where the hell is Helen?

  Then I think of Miguel —’

  I’ll go for a run, I never do this but there’s always a first time for everything, isn’t there?

  Grabbing my trainers, I sit on the edge of my bed and pull them on – keys, phone – I’ll go to the park round the back way that way I won’t see anyone.

  I take the stairs, it’s easier than taking the elevator. Without looking left or right I charge over the road. Cars brake, people stop and stare, I don’t care. Up Thorpe Road then over the crossing on Bayswater Road. I’m through the black iron gates of Kensington Gardens, I run faster passing the café where I always go with Helen – I run faster, tears run down my face, I can’t stop. I run around the pond - ducks and children scatter as I stumble along then suddenly stop.

  Next minute, I’m sprawled out on the grass weeping. People nearby look at me as if I’m crazy which makes me feel worse. A blade of grass tickles my face, I press my face close to the grass and close my eyes.

  I’m not sure how long I lay there but the cold nose of a dog nudging my face gets me up.

  Slowly I walk across the park then round the back way and I’m home.

  Shit, Dev’s car is outside my block.

  ‘Beth,’ he calls when he sees me. ‘I thought you’d forgotten.’

  He stops and stares at me. ‘What's wrong?’

  I shake my head. ‘Nothing!’

  He grabs my arm and walks with me to the elevator. ‘What happened,’ he mutters.

  ‘What’s the time?’

  ‘Nearly three, why?’

  ‘Jamie’s at school, he’s finishing late tonight, he’s playing football for an hour.’

  I walk over to the small drink’s cupboard in the living room, open it and pull out a bottle of gin. ‘You want some?’

  ‘Isn't it a little early, Beth?’

  ‘I don't think it matters what the time is, if you feel like it you have one. Now what shall it be a finger or two fingers of gin? A few ice cubes and some elderflower tonic. This is really good Dev you should try it.’ I turn to look at him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want one?’

  Dev’s watching me but he says nothing. He sits on a chair by the table, his blue eyes search my face as if trying to work out what’s wrong with me.

  I toss back the drink and sigh with relief as it starts working its magic.

  ‘Look Beth, I want to help but you must tell me what’s wrong.’

  I laugh but it sounds more like a croak. I can’t tell him how terrible I feel, I have no idea where Helen is and the guy she likes…

  Tears run down my face. Dev comes and squats down in front of me. ‘Please Beth, what’s wrong?’

  ‘I’m worried about Helen, we don’t know where she is —’

  ‘There’s been a sighting of her, but I didn’t want to tell you till we’re sure.’ He hands me a tissue from the box on the table then gets up. ‘I’m going to make you a coffee.’

  I nod, he goes into the kitchen and switches on the kettle.

  I sit with my head in my hands. Get a grip woman he’s trying to help. I’ve often dreamed of this happening, Dev here with me and now he’s here —’

  ‘Soya milk and no sugar, right?’


  I get up and walk into the kitchen, he hands me the coffee, my hands are shaking, I try to stop them. He grabs hold of my hand, closes my fingers around the mug handle and helps me drink.

  ‘I'm sick with thinking about Helen,’ I mutter, in between sips. ‘I can't work, I feel I’m going to pieces.’

  He takes the mug from me and holds me tight.

  ‘I never thought this would happen, Dev.’

  He’s still holding me tight. He smells good like he always does.

  ‘You must take it easy,’ he murmurs.

  ‘Yes, but I must do something.’

  Suddenly Dev’s kissing me - I kiss him back, then push him away.

  ‘Jamie might come in!’

‘I thought he was going to be late?’

  ‘Yes, but it doesn’t feel right.’

  He grabs my chin and kisses me. ‘Your Mum will be here tomorrow, won’t she?’

  I nod.

  ‘I’ll collect you at seven and take you somewhere.’

  Then I remember the job, I need this job. ‘I’m sorry, it just got to me, I’m not usually like this...’

  ‘I know, you usually hide what’s worrying you, but we all snap sometimes, you’ve been through a lot recently.’

  ‘Do I still have the chance of a job with you?’

  A muscle in Dev's cheek twitches. ‘Yes, of course, but I'm worried about Jamie, seeing him with you in Spain reminded me that you’re not just some kick ass woman but also a mother. I don't want you to get hurt Beth, I know you're tough and clever too, but this is something only you can answer. Is it something you really want to do? Think about it and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.’

  ‘But I know already, there's more chance of me being hit by a bus than being gunned down on the streets of London.’

  ‘You saw what happened the other day, we were lucky to get them before they blew up Westminster.’ He stops, walks towards the window and sighs. ‘These people are even worse than the ones you had the misfortune to encounter in Spain. This is something you have to be certain you can do.’

  ‘I know.’

  His phone lights up, it’s a text. ‘Sorry, I have to go Beth.’ He walks towards the door, then turns, and looks at me. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow at 7.00.’

  ‘Yes, thanks for coming, and sorry for being such a pain.’

  He smiles, opens the door and is gone.



  Next Day


  Mum's in the living room watching TV with Jamie, I'm getting ready to meet Dev. I think he's coming to collect me, he said he'd see me at 7.00, so I presume that's what's happening.


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