
Home > Science > Boralene > Page 13
Boralene Page 13

by Nathan Jones

  Tycho immediately shook his head. He'd been thinking about this for a while now. “I've been thrill seeking since I was just a kid. I know better than anyone that the adrenaline rush of the first time is never as good thereafter, and that after the rush is gone the empty feeling is often even worse if there's nothing significant there to fall back on.”

  His companion eyed him thoughtfully. “Deep thoughts,” she observed. “So what's your conclusion?”

  He shrugged. “That the thrill of new experiences is a diversion, and can be an enjoyable one, but it can't give me what's missing in my life. If all these years of trying haven't proven that yet I don't know what will.”

  “Well I suppose I won't complain if you quit doing dangerous things so often,” Eva admitted. “In any case it all turned out well in the end, although I hope you'll reconsider bringing me along the next time you try something like this. If for no other reason than my own peace of mind.”

  “I'll consider it,” he agreed.

  “Good.” She gave him a wide smile, finally allowing herself to join in the excitement of this event. “Then I suppose the most important question is did you have fun?”

  Tycho grinned, adrenaline surging through him at just the memory of his meteoric trip. “Yes. Yes I did.”

  Chapter Seven

  An Invitation

  Tycho drifted in space for the second time that day.

  This time, however, he did so without a suit or any other protection in the simulated space of his full immersion workplace, hovering before a barred spiral galaxy beyond the edge of the explored universe. It was roughly 82,000 kiloparsecs away from the Helios system, and over 5,000 kiloparsecs outside the boundary of space that had been well explored by humanity.

  It spread before him like a bluish-white flower, with four thin, delicately curving petals for its main arms. Not so very different from other barred spirals he'd seen, but he could admire its majestic beauty even so.

  None of his pressing tasks for his data processing work seemed very engaging, so Tycho had called up the data from the farthest venturing scouting drone, which was currently exploring this galaxy. Mostly in the brief hope that it being the farthest out meant it had the best chance of discovering something interesting in that mundane barred spiral.

  As he idly began sifting through the crushing mountain of scan results and preliminary searches from just the small portion of the galaxy already scouted, he was struck by a sudden resolution. “You know what?” he told the AI. “Keep feeding me everything from this drone, queuing it as first priority. I'm going to do the job proper for once, filter through every anomaly in this galaxy from one end to the other.”

  That should keep him busy for a while, even working in the slowest slowtime.

  The passing of time as he worked was hard to gauge, taking on a sort of timelessness as he threw himself into his new project. In fact, Tycho was so immersed in the data stream that he started in surprise when it was interrupted by a notification. “Requested face-to-face: Callista Ensom.”

  He couldn't help but smile as he shuffled his work aside, heart speeding up at the prospect of speaking to her again. On the verge of changing the background setting to his living area for the call he paused, then simply had the display open so it was framed by the barred spiral galaxy he'd decided to explore.

  Callista was back on the hilltop he'd seen her lounging atop on her second call, and actually walked to with her near the end of his visit. They'd shared a light meal of rich poached eggs on a bed of wilted greens there that Bruce had cooked for them, enjoying the view of her estate the hilltop offered.

  The gorgeous silvery-haired woman immediately brightened when he appeared on her display, and Tycho had to admit he felt his own mood improve dramatically at the sight of her. While her pile of books remained on her table she was now busily painting on a canvas, wearing some sort of smock to protect her clothes from the paints on the palette she held. The POV angle on the display only showed him the back of the canvas so he couldn't see what she was working on, but in any case she seemed happy to abandon it.

  With a wide smile she tossed her palette down beside her books and peeled off the smock to reveal she was wearing a thin, clinging nightgown underneath, which covered her from head to toe without seeming to cover anything.

  “Tych, darling!” she exclaimed, settling down languidly on the reclining seat and primly tucking her long silvery hair, now in a ponytail bound down the length in half a dozen places, across her lap. With her hair that way it gave an even stronger impression of being a cat's tail, which was only strengthened as she toyed with it while leaning forward to engage with him.

  He returned her smile. “Good evening, Calli. I'm glad you called.”

  “Of course,” her smoky eyes danced mischievously. “What is this setting you're in? Even in full immersion most people just go with their own rooms or some other comfortable location for face-to-faces.”

  “This?” Tycho shifted the display around so he'd be standing framed by the galaxy. “My work.”

  Callista's nose wrinkled. “Parsing data from scouting drones to see what anomalies are worth investigating.” Her smoky eyes drifted past him to inspect the galaxy. “Sounds deadly dull, but this is certainly a striking image. I've captured it to put on display in full holo . . . maybe in my sunroom.”

  He blinked. “You're putting up an image of me in your house?”

  “If you don't object, and mostly for the galaxy panorama.” She gave him a knowing grin and stretched languidly, posing. “Although I won't mind if you'd like to return the favor and capture an image of me.”

  Tycho felt his face flush at the suggestion, or more accurately the suggestive display. Although he was oddly flattered that she wanted to keep an image of him, even if only for the picturesque backdrop. “No objections.”

  “Okay, great!” She straightened purposefully. “On to why I called, then. I don't usually offer second invitations to visitors once we've concluded our, ah, purpose for the visit. But I had so much fun with you I was hoping to see you again.” Her smile widened, flashing brilliant white teeth in the sunlight. “Besides, we haven't had a chance to do everything I'd like to do together.”

  Tycho felt his face flush again. He would've thought that as he became more familiar with the beautiful woman she would've lost some of her power to discomfit him, but it hadn't happened yet. “I've been hoping the same. Maybe this time you'd like to come to my estate and I can return the favor of giving you a tour.”

  “Oh, that would be delightful! I'd love to see the environment you grew up in that led to such . . . unique views of the world.” Callista flicked her hair back and forth a bit faster, and if Tycho hadn't known better he almost would've thought she seemed a bit uncertain, maybe even nervous. “But how about you visit here again first? I didn't get a chance to show you the entire manor, and there's a lovely spot on the grounds you absolutely have to see.”

  “Okay. How about tonight?”

  The silvery-haired woman made a face. “Too soon, darling. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. Besides, I'd like to properly prepare the place for your visit this time.”

  Tycho wasn't sure what to make of that since Callista's manor and estate had been pristine when he'd seen them. He couldn't think of a single thing she could've improved on. But he could hardly argue against her going to that extra effort on his behalf, especially if it would make her happy. “My schedule's open for the foreseeable future.”

  “Isn't everyone's?” Callista replied with a tinkling laugh. She glanced off to one side. “How about two days from now? Seven in the afternoon my time.”

  That was five in the morning on Helios 4, and he did his best not to make a face; factoring in travel that meant he was in for an early morning. But on the plus side it meant he'd be able to sleep on the trip, right through the rifts. “I'll look forward to it.”

  “Great! Perhaps leave Lady at home for this one, although I'd love to see her aga
in soon.” The silvery-haired woman elegantly leaned forward to blow a kiss into the display, then she was gone.

  Tycho wasn't sure what he was going to do to make waiting so long for his next visit with Callista bearable. But the fact that she'd agreed to visit his estate gave him an idea.

  He pulled Eva's simile into his full immersion workplace. “I'd like to start a new project,” he said as she looked around curiously.

  “A gift for Callista?” his companion guessed with a knowing smile.

  He shrugged sheepishly. “Pretty much.”

  “I think that's a wonderful idea.” Eva hesitated. “Speaking of gifts, since Miss Ensom offered to let you capture an image of her I selected one for you.”

  Tycho immediately balked. He was certainly charmed by the notion of having an image of the woman, who he hoped was becoming his friend, to remind him of her. But at the same time . . . “I'm not sure. Is it really proper, you know, respectful, to have an image of her looking like, well, like she usually does?”

  His companion frowned. “It seems as if propriety, or impropriety, is something the two of you can decide between yourselves. Her mannerisms suggest that she wouldn't be offended by you appreciating her beauty, as would her open statement to that effect. I would venture she'd even be pleased by it.”

  He shrugged uncomfortably. “Yes of course.” It wasn't as if he hadn't had interactions of the sort with women in full immersion before, although nothing that ever felt meaningful. “It just, I don't know, seems shallow, goes against the relationship I'm trying to build with her.”

  “Give me credit for knowing you better than that, my love.” Favoring him with a fond smile, Eva brought an image of Callista up on the display.

  Tycho felt a strange stirring in his heart at what his companion had selected. The image was taken from the very beginning of their face-to-face, with Callista still standing in front of her canvas with palette in hand, wearing her smock covered with its splotches of paint. The silvery-haired woman had just turned to look at him, and her lovely features were starting to light up in joyful greeting.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered. No barred spiral galaxy could compare.

  “She is,” Eva agreed. “And she seems to enjoy your company. Would you like me to display this image somewhere?”

  After a moment of thought Tycho nodded slowly. “Yes, in Lady's yard.” That way the dog could see her too, be reminded of her new friend.

  “Very romantic,” his companion noted dryly. “The maintenance bots will have it up shortly.”

  “Good.” Tycho began storing his work and prepared to leave full immersion. “Then let's get to work on this new project I'm thinking of.”

  * * * * *

  “Welcome back!” Callista said as Tycho made his way down the ramp.

  For this visit the silvery-haired woman was wearing a cute formfitting exercise outfit of some type, long hair bound in tight loops to allow for ease of movement. As soon as he joined her at the base of the ramp she took his hands with both hers and leaned forward to give him a welcoming peck on the cheek, leaving a faint hint of her enticing perfume behind as she stepped back.

  “I'm glad you invited me.” He paused, looking the silvery-haired woman over. In spite of her attempts to put forward a casual, seductive demeanor she was obviously excited about something, practically dancing in place.

  He didn't have to wonder about it long, because she kept her grip on one of his hands and began tugging him away from her manor. “Come on! I want to show you something.”

  Bemused and wondering if this was some seduction attempt, Tycho allowed himself to be led as Callista struck off through her gardens.

  After a few dozen feet the obvious answer struck him. “Is this surprise small and furry?” he guessed.

  She paused, looking sheepish. “You mean a dog?” A quick head shake sent her silvery loops swaying back and forth. “I took what you told me about raising Laird and Lady to heart . . . I plan to do some thorough preparing before I get a dog of my own, and might even try raising one in full immersion first.”

  That seemed reasonable. “Then is it a yard for the dog when you get it?”

  “Closer.” She insistently tugged at his hand. “Come on, a surprise is no fun if you guess it beforehand. It's not far.”

  Soon they were on the path that led to that small hill to the northwest, meandering up its gentle slope to the picnicking area atop it that she seemed to like so much. Only now when they reached the top he saw that the small lawn at the base of the other side of the hill had been replaced with new construction.

  Tycho gaped, absently pulling his hand free of hers so he could walk to the edge of the picnicking area for a better look. Callista stayed by his side, grinning with delight at his reaction.

  Down below was an exact recreation of his own outdoor tumbling gymnasium, even down to a few scuffs and dings on some of the mats. Eva must've given Callista's maintenance bots the design specifications so she could have it built.

  After a few moments taking in the familiar sight he turned to look down at the shorter woman. “You built this for me?”

  She nodded happily. “I wanted to see a demonstration of your acrobatics. Besides, I want you to have something to do when you visit.”

  The words sent a thrill of warmth through him. “You sound like you're hoping it'll be a regular thing.”

  “Well I didn't build this for myself.” Callista took his hand and squeezed it. “Although I might try it out if I have someone to show me how.”

  Tycho almost automatically suggested Bruce would probably be better for that than he would, then nearly kicked himself. She was obviously finding activities for them to do together to bond. The thought made him feel even more excited about his own project back at his estate, planning for when he'd invite her to visit him.

  He couldn't wait to see her reaction.

  “Well luckily I've spent a lot of time doing paired routines with Eva,” he said instead. “We could practice those together.”

  In response the silvery-haired woman glided over to her chair, which had been positioned to provide a good vantage of the newly constructed gymnasium. She gracefully perched on it and looked up at him with a smile, crossing her legs and settling back comfortably. “Maybe some other time. Why don't you show me what you can do?”

  Tycho shifted uncomfortably. “I've only practiced with Eva or Loran before. I'd feel a bit self-conscious with you watching.”

  Callista blinked. “Performance anxiety? That's an aspect of doing activities with someone in real life that I hadn't really thought about. Aside from my performance during my . . . usual visits, of course. But multiple experiences has got me mostly past those jitters.”

  And just that quickly he felt embarrassed for another reason. He quickly returned the topic to acrobatics. “I'd feel bad not using this after you went to the effort of having it made for me.”

  The silvery-haired woman pursed her thin lips thoughtfully. “What if I'm very supportive and I clap and cheer a lot?” She gauged his expression. “No? Okay, another thought. What if you summon Eva from your ship and do some routines with her? The familiarity might make you more comfortable.”

  And now he was uncomfortable for a third reason. “I've been . . . trying to avoid tossing Eva into the mix while we explore our relationship with each other,” he admitted. “Unnecessary complications.”

  Callista cocked her head, looking genuinely baffled. “Exactly how? She's a companion, not your mistress.” Her lips quirked upwards slightly. “Or am I the mistress in this scenario?”

  Tycho felt the familiar blush spreading across his cheeks. “Well, you do keep telling me I have some strange notions.”

  “You really do.” She tapped her bottom lip and stared at him appraisingly. “Just so you know, I'm not shy about bringing Bruce or Ion into the bedroom during intimacy visits with other humans if that's their preference. Or their own companions if they want. I wouldn't complain if you wanted to h
ave your adult companion along for our first time, either.” She huffed irritably. “If we ever get there.”

  He immediately disliked the idea. Eva represented the placeholder for what was missing in his life that he was trying to move past; involving her in his relationship with Callista would just make that more difficult and confusing.

  “You know what, I'm happy to do a few solo routines,” he said, starting down the slope towards the outdoor gymnasium. When he glanced back halfway down he discovered the silvery-haired woman was frowning after him, and hoped he hadn't offended her or made her think he was crazy or anything.

  He didn't bother to stretch before getting started, doubting she'd find the process very exciting. To add to that he was tense, so all his routines felt off, at times even disastrous. He nearly sprained his wrist doing a back handspring and landed awkwardly on the mat, lying for a moment in mortified pain before he forced himself to get up and keep going.

  His performance should've provoked embarrassed sympathy at best, derision at worst, but through it all Callista kept her promise of clapping and cheering. He wasn't sure if she didn't understand enough about gymnastics moves or basic human gracefulness to see how terribly he was doing, or if she didn't care and was being supportive, but somehow the sheer disconnect of her showing such enthusiasm for his lackluster display put him at ease.

  Before long he was relaxed enough to do some proper routines. He even bowed at the end of one and found the courage to look up at the silvery-haired woman for the first time since he'd begun.

  Callista came down and joined him after that. She didn't actually try any acrobatics herself, but she did spend the rest of their time in the gymnasium talking to him about things like stretches, beginning exercises, and other basics.

  After maybe an hour, when he and his host had settled down to mostly talking and all actual exercise had ceased, the silvery-haired woman looked around the newly created space with a satisfied smile. “I think this was great. I can't wait to try morning exercises here then lounge for a while on my hilltop.”


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