Atticus's Angel

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Atticus's Angel Page 5

by Pearl Tate

  “Ah, Ashlyn. How long I’ve waited for you.” Atticus’s soft whisper in my ear takes my breath away. I feel the same way. I’ve waited for him, too.

  I didn’t realize it or know it. But as I wiggle closer, pulling Junior and my backpack with me, I settle against him. His strong arms still press me to him as he shifts me onto his thigh.

  Sitting across from me, he didn’t look that big. But now that I’m sitting on his lap with his leg like a picnic bench under my butt, I realize just how large he is. Large and… safe. That’s how I feel. Safe.


  - Atticus

  I’m holding my mate. She’s tinier than I ever imagined a female could be, but she’s curled into my lap as if she belongs there. It’s heaven and hell, holding her here.

  The room around us is filled with males, some I recognize. There are a few new recruits from the last rotation onto the Discovery that I don’t, but we’re all sitting across from our mates. The sound in the room is starting to pick up as they talk quietly.

  Ashlyn doesn’t talk. Her handicap appears more in her head than physically displayed on her body. As I begin to stroke her silky hair, I glance up and see a young female standing with the help of her mate who’s giving her a cane.

  I realize this influx of females with disabilities is going to create a lot more work for Brock and I. Maybe only at first, while they’re getting settled in and healed, but I’m sure many of the males here are going to want files done and checkpoints to monitor the corrective healing their bodies are going through. Documentation.

  A small voice echoes from my chest as I hear my mate’s voice for only the second time. “Can we go now?” Pulling back slightly, I look down at Ashlyn where she’s cuddled into a ball against me. I could sit here like this forever, but I’m excited to take her back and introduce her to Brock, as well.

  “Are you ready to go?” She nods without looking up. Slowly, I reach down and tilt her chin up until her eyes meet mine. “I don’t want to rush you. We can stay here and get to know one another.”

  My cock throbs as I say this, reminding me that it’s there and has been since she touched my leg voluntarily. I didn’t realize how much self control it was going to take to meet my mate. Sure, I’ve done my daily reflections halfheartedly—on and off—my entire life, but for the first time, I’ve had to consciously breathe to calm myself. I don’t want to scare her or do anything that will make her run screaming back to the Ashen.

  I start to stand, easily gathering her into my arms. As if she’s off balance, she throws her arms around my neck, tilting her body into mine as I lean forward. I bring my hands together and close the fastener on the bag she opened so hastily to get her comfort item as it tumbles form her lap.

  I’ve read about attachments such as these but never seen one. As a soothing mechanism, it’s recommended in certain circumstances with patients. A picture or friend can calm someone under duress, especially if they’re in pain.

  “Is there anyone we should speak with on our way out?” I’m already moving towards the door while she clings to me and her animal. As she shakes her head, the door slides open to expose a small human female. She’s accompanied by two of the prisoners clad in bright yellow clothing.

  “Hi there, I’m Janette. Are you two ready to leave?” Her eyes only flicker to me briefly before settling on Ashlyn still curled in my arms. When my shy mate doesn’t answer, her eyes come back to mine. “She’s going to have to give me her verbal consent before we want you to leave. Do you mind… putting her down for a minute?”

  Slowly, I lean forward to let Ashlyn detach herself from me, but it takes Janette leaning forward and whispering into her ear before her legs that have tightened around me drop from my waist and she pulls away. “It’ll only take a minute, I swear.”

  Smiling tightly, I clutch the bag that Ashlyn was holding on the chair when we first met. It feels so wrong to have her walking away from me, and it takes all my self control not to follow. Of course, it makes sense that they’d want to confirm she’s comfortable and ready to leave their care.

  Janette moves Ashlyn to the side of the room as I wait patiently. She’s planted Ashlyn with her back to me in front of her, so I can’t decipher what they say to each other. But after a moment, Janette turns her around by gently grasping her shoulders before putting her arms behind her and ushering her back over. “I’m so happy that you all hit it off so well!”

  Janette’s sincere comment surprises me. I don’t answer immediately, since I’m not sure I think we necessarily hit it off… at least not verbally. It’s more to do with the mating. The physical connection that draws you to the person.

  From the time I saw her picture, the physical expression of our connection began. Seeing her in person ramped it up to an almost unbearable level. Controlling myself around her will be a true test of my patience and control.

  “You’re free to go, Atticus Fluen. Do you wish to wait for a shuttle or use the Ashen’s transport technology to return to the Discovery?” Janette’s marking something on the tablet I didn’t realize she now has in her hand as Ashlyn stands awkwardly between us. I can feel Ashlyn’s indecision as she wonders what I’ll say.

  On one hand, I’d like to get back up to the Discovery as soon as possible. I’m aware that the Ashen used some kind of transporter technology to get me into this meeting room with her, and the sensation wasn’t bad. But does Ashlyn mind?

  “Are you okay with the Ashen transport technology?” Ashlyn doesn’t look up as she stands silently next to Janette, but her shoulders come up in a shrug. That doesn’t tell me anything.

  Dropping to my knees, I peer at her closely, grasping her hands and enjoying the rush of attraction that shoots through my veins. “The trip will be quicker, don’t you think?”

  Her eyes meet mine as her lips tip up slightly at the edges. As her head nods briefly, her eyes drop again to my chest, and I look up at Janette with a smile. “We’ll use the Ashen technology.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, Ashlyn throws her arms around my neck, burying her face in my throat.

  Janette’s smile widens as she turns slightly. “Follow me.” At the edge of the wall is a slight indentation with four chairs. “They don’t need to have you anywhere specific as you probably noticed when you arrived in this room. And transporting can be programmed into information like it was in the Accord you immersed in earlier. But in general, they do like both ends to have knowledge of sending and arrival so this is our little offset to go. You’ll arrive in the receiving end of the shuttle bay on the Discovery. Okay?”

  I nod enthusiastically as I stand with Ashlyn in my arms with a smile. This is better than okay. Maybe Sol should have negotiated for more of their technology in our agreement?

  Janette points at the chairs, and I lower Ashlyn into the first one before settling next to her still holding her hand. “Is it alright for me to hold her?”

  Nodding, she looks down at her tablet briefly before looking up to smile softly at Ashlyn. “I’ll see you again real soon.”

  I’m still staring at Ashlyn who’s just starting to look up at Janette when the first of the bright rainbows of light begin. It could be my imagination, but the experience seems much quicker this time. Bright, bright light and then nothing—before my vision starts to come into focus again, and I look around warily.

  “Welcome back, Atticus… and who’s this beautiful female?” Barek, one of the shuttle operators and technicians is standing at the door, and I realize they’ve set up chairs in the service technicians clean up room. There are bathing facilities in the area behind us, but I don’t see anyone else coming in or out.

  Standing quickly, I reach for Ashlyn who’s cowered back into her chair. She doesn’t respond so I crouch down, placing my hand on her leg lightly. “We’re here. Ready?”

  Her eyes flicker up before they travel over my shoulder to Barek before dropping to my chest before she nods tightly.

  “Good, because I’m dying int
o introduce you to everyone.” Reaching out both my arms, she doesn’t hesitate to grab onto me around the neck, and I lift her slight body against mine again. The feeling of completeness cloaks me as I turn to face the door. “This is Barek. Barek, meet Ashlyn, my mate.”

  “Welcome.” Barek notices her uncomfortable demeanor as she keeps her head down. Stepping outside the door, I pass him quickly and make my way to the nearest lift without another word, knowing he’ll understand.

  “This is the Discovery. One of the Quasar planet’s most high-tech and largest spacecrafts. We travel all around our assigned zone and check on the planets under our care.”

  Waiting for the lift, Ashlyn flattens her hand on my chest before moving it up to the exposed skin of my neck. The tingle of awareness as her small fingers begin to trace a mating mark above my collar makes an erotic sensation travel straight to my cock. I realize I’ve moaned when she stiffens in my arms.


  - Atticus

  “It’s alright. It… it feels good.” I whisper the last part as the doors slide open to the first available lift and we step inside. When the doors close in the tiny space she buries her face in my neck, clutching me tightly as the familiar stomach-dropping sensation starts. “It’s quick. Just relax. This’ll take us just down the hall from my dwelling at the medical bay.”

  She doesn’t respond until the doors open, and we enter the corridor that’s eerily quiet. It makes sense since there’s only half the staff on the ship right now. Moving quickly, we enter the medical bay to see Brock standing over Vekel who’s still lying motionless in his bed.

  “You’re back!” Brock straightens and comes toward us quickly, excitement flashing in his eyes. His steps slow as he gets closer, taking in Ashlyn still clutching me tightly.

  “Yes, and this is Ashlyn. My mate.” Brock’s eyes roam over us both, assessing and giving a small nod. That’s one thing I can always count on with Brock. He’s intuitive.

  His voice drops substantially as he smiles. “Well, Ashlyn. I certainly hope you don’t mind being here with us. We’ve been looking forward to your arrival.” Waving us forward, he turns and walks toward the back hall where our living spaces are. “Tomorrow, I go down to meet my mate. I certainly hope she’s as beautiful as you are.”

  Dropping myself lightly onto our sofa, Ashlyn sits up straighter to look at Brock across the room in the food prep area. Setting her bag next to us, I move her braid closest to me over to the side so I can see her face more clearly. “This is our living area. Do you need to rest or are you interested in learning about what we do?”

  Ashyln looks up with her big, blue eyes wide. “I can learn.” For the first time, I can sense excitement from her. She’s looking forward to learning about what we do, and that’s a start—something to have in common.

  “Well, how about we go out, and I’ll show you how to use the scanning device for a general scan and we’ll do each other?” The excitement pulsing immediately through our bond grows as her muscles tense on my lap. It makes sense that this would be something that interests her. After all, we’re mates and going to be perfect for each other.

  Lifting her to her feet, I wave at the bag still sitting on the couch. “Would you like to put your belongings into our sleeping room?” Her eyes flicker around the space, watching Brock leave to head back out to the medical bay. When she nods slowly, I pick up the small tote that now holds all of her possessions and lead her to the small sleeping compartment. There isn’t much to it, but our bathing facility is large and only shared with Brock’s sleeping quarters.

  “This is it.” I wave at the sleeping platform with her bag before placing it gently on the plush surface I’ve covered with a bright and cheerful covering from Quasar. It’s something I picked up on one of my last trips to the surface. There isn’t much I need. I spend all my time on the Discovery, but it caught my eye, and I knew eventually I’d find a use for it.

  Walking to the side of the sleeping platform, she quietly opens the bag and sets her soft toy inside before closing it carefully. Turning to me, she grasps my hand. Her touch isn’t forward or sexual in any way, but I know she enjoys my touch through our bond.

  A bond that I’m going to look forward to completing, although the process itself may be slow. From her hesitant demeanor, it’s clear that she may not be experienced. I can’t say I’ve had too much exposure to sex itself, but I’ve been taught how to please a female. Kaleen made sure of that.

  Smiling down at Ashlyn, I shake off the past memories that’ve haunted both my dreams and nightmares, pulling her toward the door. Leading her into the food prep area, I draw us both a glass of water and hand it over wordlessly. Leading by example, I finish mine quickly and drop it into the cleanser before tugging her out to the medical center.

  Brock’s standing at the monitor but wordlessly moves away as we come in. Picking up one of the displays, I pass the slim object to her. “This display works in conjunction with this device.” Picking up a handheld receiver, I wave it slightly. “It can be used with or without the display, but you only get a more basic reading on the device itself. Let me show you.”

  Handing her the handheld receiver, I place the tablet on the tabletop. “You’ll want to wave it around like this.” Grasping her wrist, I move it slowly up and down between us. Humming slightly, the device automatically fires up and begins scanning. It’s a good thing I’m holding it with her, or the device would’ve ended up on the floor. “Ready?”

  When she gives a small nod, I release her wrist and step back so she can slowly move the scanner between us. As the information begins to load, I can see her face change, becoming focused and interested instead of the blank look that’s her default. Her expression now is something entirely new. This is what she’ll be like when she’s healed, I’m sure.

  From the dossier I read on her disease, the lack of eye contact and repetitive movements she does when not in my arms, are part of her disease. All brought on by the genetic issue that the Ashen are confident our nanos will heal.

  I hear the audible, low completion tone and step around to look at the display with her. Slowly, I move through the readout, utilizing the display to explain more on how all the colorful and detailed information work. The process takes time, but there’s access to more information readily available on the device. I can’t help but let her take the time to read through it if it interests her.

  While she reviews everything, taking additional time to look extensively at the differences in our hair, I review my own work logs next to her. As I suspected, I’ve already received fourteen requests for medical checks for new mates.

  Returning the confirmations on the booking system, I note there are two other females that have exactly the same genetic disease she does, called Fragile X Syndrome. Not that it matters. I don’t know exactly how long it’ll take to correct this, but I intend to know here shortly.

  Sensing her looking at me, I smile back when our eyes meet. “Are you ready for me to do your scan now?” She’s more eager than I’d hoped. As I suspected, doing me first and letting her study it has only given her a taste, and she wants more.

  Passing the device to me, I wave it lightly between us while she still clutches the display. Information loads slower for her this time, but that’s to be expected due to it being the initial examination. “It’s slower on you, because the system’s never scanned you before. Understand? New patients take more time, but my records have been in the system, and so it just quickly compares differences and then notes any concerns.”

  Beeping interrupts me, so I pass back the device, tugging her hand to me as she takes it. “Anything you see on the display, we can put up on the screen either here…” I point to the larger screen in front of me, slightly tilted up out of the surface of the desk. “…or here. Or really any of the screens built into any of the rooms here. They’re all equipped. Will you sit here while we look together?”

  Patting my left thigh, her face brightens as she moves
a step closer. When she leans back against me, I pull her into the circle of my legs and arms so I can look over the display too. I’ve returned enough confirmations to tie up our morning tomorrow, and I’ll be on my own with Brock gone. Everyone will have to be patient with us while Ashlyn gets settled in. Maybe she’ll be interested in processing intakes for me?

  “This here shifts it to this screen.” Making the necessary modifications, the read out becomes much larger as it’s displayed in front of us. Colors I’ve never seen displayed before have appeared. Even my scans of the other females have never processed out like this.

  I’m thankful that Hannah has worked on transferring all the language options on my displays so that we can toggle back and forth between Quasarian and English. Even though Hannah can read Quasarian now, she says English is easier, especially in the technical medical jargon.

  It’s clear that even though Ashlyn may have some depression issues she’s being medicated for, how much of that was due to the limited circumstances she was subjected to on a regular basis? Grouped with other slow learning students her entire life, anything that interested her would be shuffled aside for more all-inclusive studies their testing was done on. Because even though her concentration was documented as lacking, she’s smart.

  I can sense her focused interest in her anatomy. When she reaches her reproductive system, the dismay I feel is clearly not my own. Zooming in on what she’s reviewing, I note that her reproductive system—as is—isn’t functional. Pulling up the dossier and searching for reproduction, I see this isn’t uncommon. So, she wants children?


  - Ashlyn

  My mother said I couldn’t have babies. It isn’t until I see the proof on this alien technology that I actually believe her though. There have been so many things over the years she’s lied about. Where we’re going… What doctor we’re seeing… Her long term plans for my life…


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