Incendiary (Inferno Book 5)

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Incendiary (Inferno Book 5) Page 3

by Yolanda Olson

  Just like Darby and Taylee. Jocelyn didn’t react to me laying my hands on her like this.

  He shakes his head as he looks at me. He’s trying to hide what he’s feeling right now behind a mask of rage, but he looks more like a hungry lion than a pitiful lamb.

  He’s losing his will right now and that’s exactly what needs to happen.

  “Alright,” I continue as my finger keeps circling the hard nub. “There are a couple of things you can do, but right now, you need to learn the basics.”

  I get to my feet and move to the side, my hand never leaving her soft pussy, my finger still forming slow, deliberate circles.

  If I let him fuck her tonight, she’s going to have to be wet so I’m doing him a favor.

  I’m being a damn good father to both of them right now by stepping in and doing my part when I could just let them figure it out on their own.

  “Wipe the spit from your mouth and sit down in front of her,” I tell him evenly.

  It amazes me that the sight of pussy can make him so fucking hungry for something he’s never had, but I refuse to let him slobber all over her.

  He has to learn to do this the right way and he needs to be a man about it.

  Using the back of his hand, Richter wipes at his lips, then takes the seat I was occupying during dinner and sits down for his own special meal.

  His eyes never leave Skylar.

  They flicker to my finger, then to her hole, then back again.

  If that’s all he wants to do with her, then I’ve already wasted my fucking time.

  “Take a deep breath,” I instruct him.

  I watch as he fills his lungs with his sister’s scent, then uses both hands to run his hands back through his hair.

  I chuckle, glancing down at Skylar whose face is a light shade of red, and watch as her breathing becomes ragged.

  She’s going to come from something so menial that it’s almost not worth it, but I’m curious to witness it.

  Since I won’t be fucking her, I think I’ve earned the right to see what she looks like when she’s tipped over the edge.

  Richter grabs the sides of the chair and pulls himself closer to her, but I hold up a hand to stop him.

  I turn away from him and lean over Skylar, moving my finger in a faster circle.

  She closes her eyes tightly and bites down on her lower lip, grunting.

  A small smile curves the edge of my lips.

  “You’re almost there, baby girl,” I tell her softly.

  It’s taking so much willpower right now not to bust through her wall with my fingers.

  I’m leaving that up to Richter to do since she’s going to be his wife, and he’s going to do it with his little pecker before anything else.

  “Come on girl,” I say, leaning down, closer to her face. “Open your eyes and look at Daddy when you come.”

  Her hand instantly grips my forearm. I doubt she even understands what I’ve said to her or what’s happening, but the way she digs her fingernails into my flesh tells me that she’ll be good from now on.

  Skylar whimpers as her body starts to shake.

  I glance quickly at Richter to make sure he’s still paying close attention, and when I realize he is, I go back to looking at my little girl.


  She lets out a loud gasp as her body lifts slightly off the table, and her eyes widen. Her fingernails dig in deeper as she finally gives in to the little treat I’ve been giving her.

  “Good girl,” I say as I gently run a hand over her hair. “At least we know you’re capable of that now.”

  I reach for one of the cloth napkins on the table and wipe my hand clean before I toss it on the floor, covering the mess I left for her, and go back to instructing.

  “Think you can get her to do that?” I ask Richter.

  He nods confidently and it’s all I can do not to laugh. There’s no way that Skylar will be able to come again so quickly, but part of the lesson is practicing until everything is perfect.

  He leans forward reaching for her clit, and then looks up at me angrily when I smack his hand away.

  “Not with your hands,” I bark at him.

  “But that’s what you—”

  “Don’t you want to be your own man?” I snap. “Now listen to me and do what I tell you to.”

  He grunts as he sits back in the chair, and I let out a heavy sigh as I reach for his shirt and pull him forward.

  Skylar sits as best as she can, and I shake my head at her, nodding for her to lie back down.

  “Do what I did with my finger. Use your tongue,” I instruct him with a nod as I cross my arms over my chest.

  “But I don’t know how,” he objects, looking up at me in frustration.

  I close my eyes for a moment and take a deep breath, forcing myself to be patient.

  “You’ll figure it out once you get going. Start with how I used my finger. And make it fast, I don’t have all fucking night.”

  Richter takes a deep breath as he scoots his chair forward and grips Skylar by the hips.

  “Don’t you think she should take her damn panties off first?” I ask irritably.

  He hesitates for a moment as she shimmies out of her underwear, recovering quickly when I stand up, fully prepared to force his face against her pussy if I need to.

  He slowly places the tip of his tongue against her clit, then stops instantly when Skylar squirms.

  “Keep going,” I tell him evenly.

  I place a hand on the table and tilt my head so I can watch him until he finally seems to have the hang of it.

  When his sister is moaning like her whore of a great-grandmother, I know I can leave them to it.

  I nod in satisfaction when I come to terms with the fact that maybe they both want to learn after all.

  Perhaps the boy will be ready to become the man of the house sooner than I’ve given him credit for.

  Chapter Nine

  I left Richter downstairs working on Skylar with the strict instruction to not fuck her yet.

  Not that I think he has it in him because I’m fairly certain that he shot his load the moment he started licking her like a feral cat, but he needs to be guided for now and it’s not time for that yet.

  Running a hand back through my hair, I walk over to my bedroom window and push the curtain aside. I grip the windowsill tightly as I lean out and inhale the crisp, night air before my eyes fall on the oubliette.

  Fucking idiot girl.

  She didn’t put the damn gate back over the entrance when she was done failing at her chores. It makes me wonder if she needs to go back down there and spend more time with Darby.


  Sometimes I think about her.

  How for the slightest moment she convinced me that she loved me only to turn on me and try to throw me into the darkness where she found herself.

  That’s part of the reason I decided that love is a weak emotion. I almost died because she toyed with me and made me believe her lie.

  I’ve changed since then, but not without some sleepless nights over what was done.

  She should still be here.

  She had more to do as my wife, more needs to take care of, and to keep these fucking children preoccupied so I wouldn’t have to deal with them.

  I sigh as I run a hand over my face.

  The luck of the draw has never been something I was good at.

  From Taylee down to these bastards now, I’ve never had much to be proud of.

  Except for her, I think as my eyes go back to the oubliette.

  I guess, in a weird way, I miss her.

  Not because she took care of her womanly duties, but because she was the only one that understood how a family should be run.

  No matter how much she tried to fight it; Darby knew that the only way to have a stable home was to live the life I had set the path for.

  And for a time, she was good at it.

  Until I took the slow one and dumped her somewhere.
br />   That was when she decided she was going to be a mother.

  She always had a soft spot for that little shit, and it ruined what we had.

  But things ended as they should have even if it was prematurely.

  I’m so lost in my own thoughts of the bitch rotting at the bottom of the well, that I didn’t hear anyone come up the stairs. And with as thin as these walls are, I shouldn’t be as caught off guard as I am when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

  I glare over my shoulder as the sound comes again.

  These kids know the fucking rules.

  No one is allowed up here unless I bring them up here.

  The second floor is for true Greene men and women.

  These goddamn kids are still learning how to touch each other at this point.

  I stalk toward the door, then whip it open and stare down at Skylar and Richter.

  It makes sense that neither of them would be brave enough to come up here alone, but that doesn’t excuse it.

  “What?” I snarl at them.

  “I just wanted to tell you that I got her to do it again,” Richter mumbles as he lowers his eyes to the hallway floor.

  “Took you long enough. Now take your asses downstairs and go the fuck to sleep,” I instruct them evenly.

  I know he’s lying.

  I didn’t hear her up here, and with as new as she is to this, she would have let out a loud moan like she did when I played with her little pink pearl until she came.

  Or maybe she wouldn’t have.

  As they turn to walk away, I reach a hand out and grip Skylar by her shoulder and yank her back toward me.

  “Yes, Daddy?” she asks nervously.

  “That table and floor better be spotless. I don’t plan on eating my breakfast in your little whorish puddles.”

  “It is, Daddy.”

  “Good, now go to bed.”

  I slam the door so violently that the walls shake.

  I can hear them gasp and run down the hallway, then the echo of their footsteps as they barrel down the stairs.

  Once I hear two separate doors close downstairs, I take a deep breath and go to my bed.

  Being a parent shouldn’t have to be this fucking hard, but at least I’m good at it, I think as I turn on my side and stare out the open window.

  Chapter Ten

  I make my way down the stairs and out the back door as quietly as I can.

  I haven’t been able to fall asleep and sometimes the midnight moon is the light to work by.

  I take a deep breath as I reach down and grab yet another root by the oubliette and get a firm grip around it. With a grunt, I start twisting and pulling at the damn thing, trying to pull it free.

  I never realized how badly upkept the landscaping was around this thing until I came out one night to visit Darby and damn near tripped over one.

  Lucky for me, the gate was closed firmly over the top of the entrance, or I would have taken my own tumble down into the darkness.

  But considering it’s still currently occupied, no thanks to the girl, there’s no room for anyone else right now.

  Which reminds me.

  I let go of the root and reach for the gate, ready to close it over the top of the oubliette when I catch a glimpse of what’s left of her at the bottom of the pit.

  I glance up at the midnight moon, then back down at Darby before I look at my home.

  All of the lights on the main floor are off which means those damn kids are probably still asleep.

  And for the slightest moment, I find myself wondering if I should go down there and gather up Darby’s remains and take them out into the clearing myself.

  With a scoff, I shake my head and pull the gate over the top.

  I can’t be easy on these kids.

  I gave Skylar the responsibility and if I do it for her, then she’ll never learn.

  I roll my shoulders as I let out a sigh and go back to work on the root.

  Eventually, I’ll get them all out of there.

  Every single last one of them.

  The hot torrent of water that rushes down my back feels good on my aching muscles.

  I spent a better part of the night into the early morning hours pulling out as many roots as I could.

  It pisses me off that they were still asleep when I came inside. I would have expected they would have at least started their damn morning chores, but I shouldn’t be surprised.

  They’re worthless.

  That’s the lot I got handed in life, and I have to make do with it.

  At least I was a good son.

  I did everything Taylee couldn’t and more. There just came a time when it got to be too much, and I sometimes find myself missing the bitch.

  She would have known how to get these kids in order.

  And anyone that didn’t fall in line would be part of her little late night prayer sessions.

  I turn around and lean my head back in the shower, pushing my wet hair out of my face.

  One more painful rotation of my shoulder and I reach for the bar of soap. But as soon as I start rubbing it across my body, I can see her again.

  ‘You’re doing it wrong, Luke. It’s not like that, it’s like this.’

  I grit my teeth.

  I don’t remember how she ended up sneaking into the shower with me, but Taylee Greene did have her ways of getting what she wanted.

  That was the first time she made me do things with her.

  She pried the soap from my hand and dropped to her knees, running it down my belly, and along my inner thighs.

  ‘See? Doesn’t it feel better this way?’

  Her words came out more as a coo and it made my body react before I could stop myself. However, when she noticed, she looked up at me and smiled, rubbed the bar of soap between her hands, then began to ‘wash’ my dick.

  With a grunt, I throw the bar of soap against the bathroom wall, breaking it in half as I turn back toward the torrent and quickly wash the suds off my body.

  Even after all these years, the bitch can still make me feel like I’m not doing things the right way.

  Chapter Eleven

  I inspect the dining room table when I walk into the room.

  Once I’m fully satisfied that everything looks as it should, I lower the tablecloth again.

  No one would ever know that a good little girl had spread her legs for her father and brother the night before.

  “Good morning, Daddy,” comes the tedious reply from behind me.

  I glance over my shoulder at Skylar, looking her briefly up and down before I walk the length of the table and take my seat at the head of it.

  “What’s for breakfast?” I ask her as she approaches me with the morning newspaper.

  “Um, scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries, and uh…”

  Her voice trails off because she doesn’t know if her decisions are good enough, and honestly, that’s why these women always end up dead.

  They second guess themselves too much.

  They’re not strong enough to be in this family, so they’re used to reproduce and then taken care of accordingly.

  “And?” I inquire in a stern tone.

  “I was squeezing some orange juice,” she answers nervously. I watch as she starts to wring her hands and wonder if that’s a trait they all have.

  “Then get everything served,” I instruct her as I open the paper, dismissing her at the same time.

  I’m not in the mood today to play the part of the dutiful caretaker. Not with memories of Taylee becoming more and more frequent.

  And I honestly wish I knew why.

  Neither of these children seem to be as fucked in the head as she was. They don’t seem to be as carefree either.

  Granted, I may not have found their buttons to push to see if any part of her bled into them after all, but it’s because I don’t care.

  I shouldn’t even have to be raising them.

  I wonder if I should find someone to do this shit for me.

But I don’t want to deal with another outsider, and Darby went in the oubliette, so it’s a moot thought. There’s no one else. I know all of the Greene women.

  It’s a moot thought since I know all of the Greene women in this family from Taylee down and, with the exception of her, they’ve all come from me.

  I could always push Richter to make Skylar a mother sooner than planned and maybe then…

  My ponderings are interrupted by the girl reentering the room and setting a heavy, glass pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice down in the center of the table.

  I look up briefly before I return to the newspaper. I’m not particularly worried about what goes on outside of the walls of my home, but it’s the best escape I can give myself on the days I don’t get into town to restock.

  Speaking of which.


  The sound of his frantic footsteps as he makes his way quickly toward the dining room makes me chuckle.

  “Good morning, Dad,” he greets me as he struggles to catch his breath.

  “We’ll find that out shortly,” I say as I reach for the pitcher and fill the glass next to my empty plate.


  His confusion irks me.

  I’ve taught him to be able to anticipate what I want to talk about, and yet he always seems to forget.

  “Well?” I ask, as I set the pitcher down and suck my teeth.

  “Well what?”

  I lean back in my chair and run a hand irritably over my face. They both have shit to do in this house besides their everyday chores. Skylar always keeps the house, makes sure that meals are prepared when I don’t feel like fixing any for these ingrates, and whatever else I can think of for her to do.

  Richter is supposed to let me know if I need to go into town to stock up the pantry and refrigerator again, do yardwork—which he clearly hasn’t been—and make sure that my truck always runs like new.

  It was an interesting day when I taught him how to work on the truck.

  He barely paid attention and I took notice of it. Then I asked him to do something as simple as rotate the tires and he couldn’t figure out how. So, I took a tire iron to his back until he couldn’t breathe anymore.


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