Frost (EEMC)

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Frost (EEMC) Page 22

by Hunter, Bijou

  Nursing my beer, I can’t believe I’m worried about Monroe leaving Elko. She’s been into me from the first day we met. We’ve been inseparable for weeks. I got her mom out of a bad situation. Monroe loves me. Why am I questioning her loyalty?

  Bad habits, I guess. I always assume people aren’t happy with me. Or they’ll change their minds at a flip of a fucking switch. Why wouldn’t she be the same?

  Except I know Monroe, and I bet she’s thinking of me while she showers. I always think of her whenever I’m naked.

  “I had zero interest in kids until I got that positive pregnancy test,” Needy says, breaking the silence as she sips her drink. “But then I had someone to love, and her life meant everything. When Bambi said I needed to get rid of the baby or she’d have me killed, I couldn’t chance standing up to her. It didn’t matter that I was certain Monroe was Lowell’s, and she figured it was Rooster’s. Arguing with her seemed too risky. That’s why I didn’t push things in Elko. I took the money I had saved up and ran. It’s also why I went along with Clive’s deal. For my baby, I’ll always back down and play things careful.”

  “But you didn’t with the methhead who broke into your trailer,” Lowell mutters, starting shit.

  Needy’s blue eyes widen. “Monroe told you about that?”

  “She said you hit him with the TV since he was taking it anyway. That was risky. Just handing it over would have been safer.”

  Needy gives Lowell a soft smile. “That’s not why I hit him with the TV, you big dummy. The guy had just gotten out of prison for raping a girl not much older than Monroe. When he stood in our trailer with his knife, I wasn’t thinking about TVs. I only cared about how he looked at Monroe in her pajamas.”

  “Why not tell her the truth?”

  “Lowell, you have a boy, right?” she asks, and he nods. “Well, girls are different. Monroe was just hitting puberty. Her body was changing, and she was getting self-conscious about it. Why explain how when that fucker looked at her, he saw a teen girl with new tits that no man ever tried out before? That’s not what anyone should tell their baby girl. I never wanted Monroe to feel as if her body might not belong to her.”

  Lowell frowns as if struggling to imagine his daughter as a child. He’s only known her as a sexy bunny, community party brawler, and mouthy adult willing to give him shit. He can’t really imagine her as a child. I can’t, either, but I suspect Needy is thinking of her daughter as a kid right now. She wears a soft smile while sipping her drink.

  “Monroe was always proud to have you as her dad,” Needy says, ignoring Lowell’s frown. “When people asked about her father, she would say you lived in Ohio, and you had an important job. When we were struggling in Georgia, those people would ask why you didn’t help. Monroe would give them a dirty look and tell them to mind their own business. Her father’s choices didn’t concern them. She was so confident.”

  While Lowell allows a little grin, I’m smiling like a fool. All my life, I’ve felt alone. Yet, now knowing Monroe existed in the same world makes my lonely memories less painful. She was out there, waiting for me.

  Needy nudges me. “Can I be honest with you?”

  “I fear nothing.”

  “Well, then, I wasn’t happy when Monroe told me on the phone that she was hooked up with Wheels Jessup’s son. There’s no denying your daddy was a sexy badass and could be funny, but he was also a selfish asshole. Sorry, but he was.”

  “I lived with him for most of my life. So, yeah, I know he was.”

  Needy smiles softly. “Of course, I understood why Monroe would be attracted to a younger Wheels. Like I said, your father was handsome and rowdy and fun. He was good in bed, too.”

  “Thanks for that info,” I mutter.

  “Of course, we shouldn’t compare your sexual talents, on account of how Lowell is listening. I suspect he isn’t okay with Monroe spreading for anyone.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Needy snorts. “She’s twenty-one.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want Dunning fucking bunnies. Sex is gross when it’s my kids.”

  “Sure, bud,” she says and then smiles at me. “I planned to talk Monroe out of falling too hard for you. Then, when we talked more while you were getting ready to help me, I realized Monroe was over the moon about you. I mean, you know that, right? I’m not ratting her out here.”

  “Yeah, she worships me pretty hard.”

  Needy smiles wider. “And I wasn’t okay with that, but then she used words like ‘sweet’ when describing you. Monroe said you had a good heart, and you made her feel safe. Not from danger, but just from worrying about life. You kept her calm, even when life was kicking her around. I knew right then that you weren’t like your dad. Not completely, anyway.”

  “So, you’re not going to convince Monroe to dump me now?”

  Needy nearly laughs at my question. “No way will she give you up. I suspect if you end things, she’ll hide in the bushes outside your house and watch you.”

  “We have sprinklers,” I say, and Needy’s blue eyes warm. “I’d just turn them on and scare her off.”

  “Monroe doesn’t mind getting wet.”

  I immediately imagine Monroe in the shower, and my dick says hello.

  “Conor, why don’t you head back to the room and receive your reward,” Needy says as if sensing where my brain went. “Lowell and I will stay here. He can give me shit for not telling him about Monroe. I’ll rag on him for not keeping the club’s old ladies in check. Then, I’ll share stories about Monroe as a kid, and he’ll try not to cry with pride.”

  Lowell grunts, but I think he actually needs someone to talk to about Monroe. Though Topanga might support her man, she can’t really reminisce with him. Needy can share what he’s been lacking these last few weeks.

  Leaving them to work out their parenting issues, I head upstairs to the room. Lowell is set up next door. Needy will bunk in the second bed in my room. Not an ideal situation, but I couldn’t stand telling Monroe to ditch her mom for the night.

  “My hero,” Monroe sighs as I enter the room to find my blotchy-faced babe in a hotel robe. “Are you cocked and loaded?”

  As soon as the door clicks shut behind me, Monroe offers me an eyeful of what’s hiding under her robe.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, trying to focus on my lovestruck heart rather than my hard dick.


  “Why were you crying?”

  “We talked about Zella and how difficult the months apart were,” she says, and I hear her voice break. “But I’m okay now. Are you alright?”

  “I’ve missed those tits,” I murmur, remaining at the door. “But I feel neglected.”

  “Hey, bud, I wanted to blow you in the SUV but figured my dad might pitch a fit.”

  “Good call,” I snicker, ditching the slow-go scenario. Moving quickly to her, I plant a kiss on her sexy lips. Monroe tastes so good that I need to rip open my jeans just to think.

  “I can never repay you for helping my mom,” she says, sliding her tits against my now-bare chest. “I’ll just have to make it my mission to please you sexually. Like even if we break up, I’ll still show up to suck you off occasionally.”

  Grinning, I roll my eyes when she kneels before me. “Nope. I need pussy.”

  “Are you shit-talking my blowjobs?” she growls dramatically as I lift her up and dump her gently on the bed.

  “Why would we ever break up when I’m obsessed with your pussy?” I ask, stroking her mound. “And never talk about leaving me. I’m feeling insecure. That’s why my dick is so hard.”

  Monroe strokes my face. “Many people love you, Conor, but none of them love you like I do. My home is wherever you are.”

  All day, I’ve stressed over if this woman would leave me once she got her mom back. During all my worrying, I forgot how she needs me to breathe, too. This kind of unflinching love is new for me, and I’ll need to figure out how to trust in it.


My plans always turn to shit, so I never made one for when Needy returned to Elko. I figured the answer was simple. Except where can she live? I’m not even certain where I’m living. I spend half my time at the Overlook and the other part at Conor’s house.

  “I have an idea,” Conor says after I’ve ridden his dick into a blissful state in our hotel room.

  “Should we put clothes on before Needy comes up?”

  “She’s seen you naked. It’s fine.”

  Grinning, I run my fingers through his dark pubic hair. Conor gives me a slight scowl, thinking I want more fucking.

  “You wore me out that second time,” he mumbles as his lips caress my forehead.

  “Not every touch is a hint for sex. I just want to know every inch of your body until it feels like an extension of mine,” I explain and then smile at his unreadable expression. “Is that so wrong?”

  “Nothing’s ever sounded more right.”

  “Then, why don’t I continue chastely fondling you while you explain your idea?”

  Conor gives me a warm smile and then relaxes into the hard mattress. “Amity doesn’t like to live alone. There’s no room for her with any of the other bunnies. If you move out, she’ll be sad. Amity isn’t any fun when she’s sad. Bunnies don’t stick around when they’re not fun.”

  Before I can complain about how Amity should be able to own her feelings and the club should suck their own dicks until she’s in the mood, Conor kisses me. Once I’m sufficiently silent, he continues, “But two bedrooms won’t work for three women.”

  “I can sleep on the couch.”

  Conor kisses me again. His gentle way of telling me to shut the fuck up registers.

  “I think Needy ought to live with Amity. You can move into my room until our house is finished. That way, Amity isn’t alone, Needy has more privacy than living in the Woodlands can offer, and I get access to you at all times. I feel like it’s a win-win-win situation.”

  “Can I speak now?”

  Conor kisses me quickly and then nods. “I have unlocked your lips.”

  “Is the reason you’re sticking my former bunny mother in the bunny house because you still think of her as a bunny? Or is it because you know everyone in the Woodlands will view her that way?”

  “Obviously the latter. How is that even a question?”

  “Well, fuck that shit,” I mutter, ready to start trouble.

  “Look, baby, I know you got your heart set on bossing everyone around and making them kiss your ass, but I’m not president yet. You’ll have to get along with people until I’m the big dick in Elko.”

  Grinning at the idea of everyone bowing to me, I run my fingers over his scarred stomach. “I’ll always be protective of my people. My mom is the best, and you’re amazing. If people fuck with either of you, I’ve got to go insane in the membrane in response.”

  “You sound like Aja.”

  “Thank you,” I say, giving his dick a gentle squeeze. “However, you are right that people will be judgmental twats about Needy. Although I also think we can bully them into accepting her. Look at how they were with Pixie and her family.”

  “You weren’t around when that went down.”

  “Yes, but Amity is a big Pixie fangirl and barfs out all the gossip. I know the Woodlands people didn’t like her. They still don’t, but they adjusted to the fact that she wasn’t going anywhere. And they’ll do the same with Needy and me. I’ll just have to be patient until their resistance breaks down.”

  “That’s the smart chick I fell hard for,” he murmurs and nibbles at my throat.

  “Will your mother be okay with me living in her house?”

  “No, but then I’ll mention how we can live with Lowell until our house is built. No way will she have the community, especially Bambi, gossiping about why we’re in another family’s place.”

  “Sometimes, I feel sad for your mom,” I say, thinking of how hard it must be to live in Barbie’s messed-up head. “She’s got the crazy brain and a bitchy sister.”

  “But she also has me, and Bronco babies her a lot,” Conor says immediately. “When he wouldn’t let her visit his house or spend time around Lana and the baby, he still came to our place and brought her treats. My mom’s life started out shitty, and she’s often paranoid, but don’t let her guilt-trip you. That woman’s won more fights against Bambi than she’s lost. Now, she has a new partner in crime with Pixie’s mom. Barbie’s life is fucking great in a lot of ways. Yet, when she’s on edge, she’ll play the pity card.”

  “Calm down, lover. I’m not blinded by my sympathy for the woman who gave you life. I can feel protective of her without bowing to her bad attitude. And if she messes with my mom, I’m willing to punch someone drawing Medicare.”

  Conor smiles softly. “I always worried my mom would scare off any woman I fell for. On the day you walked into my life, my first thought was you gave me the biggest boner. My second thought was that Barbie would make you cry. But the universe knew.”

  Conor’s normally cool expression shatters long enough to reveal how much this man needs me. Not only wants my hot body or enjoys my company. Conor Jessup, honest to goodness, needs me. We kid around about how he’d stalk me if I ended things or I’d live in his attic if he dumped me. But neither of us can walk away. We’re only home when we’re together.

  That’s why I’m willing to move into his mom’s house despite her clearly hating this idea with her every fiber. And Conor does what he can to keep his mom and me apart. She has her shit to do, and we hang out in the basement a lot when she’s home. That doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally find myself running into Barbie. Like today, when Conor is off doing sexy biker stuff while I wait for Dunning to get home to shoot hoops.

  “Where’s your whore mom?” Barbie asks when she finds me in the kitchen.

  “Swimming with Amity. Later, she’s coming to dinner at my dad’s. Thanks for asking, Susan B. Anthony Barbie.”

  Narrowing her blue eyes, she growls, “I don’t like you.”

  “Are you sure about that? More than once, you’ve come off like a ‘single white female’ stalker. I’m surprised you haven’t changed your hair color to look more like me.”

  “You talk too much.”

  “And you’re a meek mute. What’s your point, Malibu Barbie?”

  Barbie moves closer, looking ready to punch me. “You’re a terrible person, and my son deserves the best.”

  Refusing to give in to her intimidation tactics, I shrug. “Well, I’ve got an idea. Let’s have a catfight. If I win, you’ll leave Elko and never return. If I lose, I will stop referring to you as ‘Malibu Barbie.’ Doesn’t that sound fair?”

  “Fucking shit is how that sounds.”

  “Or maybe we could focus on what matters, which is backing up Conor. As you know, people always secretly want the big man to fall. My uncle said a man on top has few real allies but many sycophants. Conor will feel the same way when he’s on top.”

  “How do you figure, bitch?”

  Ignoring the attempt by Limited Edition Barbie Stormtrooper to rile me up, I explain, “Your brother will worry Conor is a better president. Bambi’s family will think Whiner Wyatt got screwed out of the top spot. The men getting old will resent Conor for being where they were decades ago. Everyone will compare him to someone else, whether it be Bronco or Wheels or Whiner. He won’t have his own VP yet. The men in top spots rolled with his dad, not him. He’ll feel like a kid trying to stand up to his uncles.”

  “Fuck all those people,” Barbie says, and I spot a flicker of worry in her blue eyes.

  “That’s easy for you to say. You can freak out or walk away when people piss you off. Conor hides his feelings. He isn’t cold inside like everyone thinks. He’s just guarded. But with you and me, he can be himself. We can be his safe space. Two is better than one, right?”

  Barbie flips me off. “You’re sneaky and only want him for his money.”

  “I could have married a guy with money back in Nor
th Dakota. But that guy was dull and had an average body. Conor is fun and hotter than sin. Of course, he got that from his dad, so I can see why you’d feel overly sensitive.”

  “Twat,” she growls.

  “Well, aren’t you a regular Pink Jubilee Barbie?”

  “Watch it, cunt.”

  I start bouncing with my fists up. “Now, remember, Classic Black Dress Barbie, if you lose, you have to leave Elko forever.”

  “I didn’t agree to that,” she says, throwing a towel at me.

  “That’s not how I remember it, Barbie Busy Gal.”

  “You can have your fun,” she says, flipping me off as she walks away. “Enjoy my boy’s dick, but you’ll never win his heart.”

  I wait until Barbie disappears into her side of the house before I stop bouncing. She’s a sourpuss, but I’m not afraid of her. Plus, I memorized the names of a whole lot of Barbie dolls.

  Besides, Conor’s mom isn’t so bad. Lots of people suck worse. Like how Aunt Immee never smiled out of fear of getting wrinkles. Or Grandmother McNamee always corrected people, even when they did a good job. And, of course, Clive could wake up in moods where he walked around, ready to hit people for the smallest infractions.

  Barbie’s more annoying than scary. I’ve also caught how sweet she can be with Conor when she doesn’t know I’m lurking. One day, she’ll look at her grandson with the same love. No matter how much she claims otherwise, Barbie owns a big gooey center. I might never swim around in it—which is probably best for my sanity—but I’d be cruel to refuse Conor and our future kids a chance to get all up in that sticky sweet area of Barbie’s heart.

  Leaving the house, I walk next door to where Lowell stands with Bronco. I admire how strong my father looks even in his early fifties. I can imagine him busting up plenty of assholes back in the day. Now, he talks about his obnoxious teenage son and how his daughter is a bit of a stalker.

  “Bronco, do you hug your daughters?” I ask as I shuffle closer.

  “Of course.”

  “Even seventeen-year-old Summer?”

  “Yeah,” he mutters, frowning as if I’m a moron.


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