Raider of the Deep

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Raider of the Deep Page 5

by Vale, Jennae

  “But why? Why did he need all this money?” Lizzie gazed up at him, clearly puzzled.

  “I don’t know.” He could only imagine what she must be feeling. She hadn’t the least suspicion that her father was anything but a good man, father, and governor. This must be devastating to her. “He must have had a good reason, though and I intend to find out what it was.”

  He took a quick look around the room. If he was collecting all this money, it must be hidden away somewhere. “Where did your father keep his valuables?” he asked.


  Was there a tinge of suspicion in her voice? Why wouldn’t there be? By the very virtue of the fact he was a pirate, he would always be suspect. He brushed that thought aside. No matter what she or anyone else might think, he only sought to help her. “He had to be doing something with all the extra money he was receiving. If we know where he kept it, we might find the treasure there with it.”

  “He never told me anything about his business. He didn’t feel it was a woman’s place to know these things. It was my job to see to the servants, tend the garden, and look after Daniel.”

  “Was there anyplace here that he didn’t want ye to go? Or want the servants to go?” He tried to put himself in William’s shoes. To think what he would have thought.

  Lizzie put her finger to her lips as she gazed across the room. “I don’t believe so.”

  “I don’t think we’re going to find anything else here.” He’d already checked under the desk and in all the drawers. It was time to widen their search, but first he must sail his ship around the island to a small leeward cove that would protect both ship and crew during the coming storm. He turned to Lizzie, who stood gazing at him. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Where are you going?” Lizzie asked.

  “To The Dagger. I must see to the safety of my men and my ship.”

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” She tipped her head as her eyes searched his face.

  “No. I wouldn’t do that to ye,” he assured her.

  “Then take me with you.” The determination in her voice made it clear to him she meant what she’d said.

  “It’s too dangerous. Ye should stay here.” Even as the words left his mouth, he knew they wouldn’t be enough to deter her.

  She shook her head at him and placed her hands on her hips. “My whole life my father kept me here by telling me of the dangers of the world. The dangers of the town and the tavern. Do not do the same.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Cap’n, it’s me, Hawes.”

  “Come in,” Rourke said.

  The door opened. He nodded to Lizzie before turning to Rourke. “We’ll need to return to the ship.”

  “Aye. Go. I’ll catch up with ye.” Rourke turned to Lizzie. “I will not leave ye. I promise ye I’ll be back, but if ye insist on returning to The Dagger with me, I will no’ stop ye.”

  She hurried to his side, a glint of excitement in her eyes. “We should go, then.”

  He hoped he wouldn’t regret giving in to her.

  Nothing would stop her. Lizzie was determined to live her life the way she’d only dreamed of in the past. Her father had protected her from everything, even from the dark side of his business dealings. There was no need for her to continue to live by his rules. He was gone and could no longer stop her.

  “Guyton, I’m going to Captain Mackall’s ship. See to it that the house is secure for the approaching storm.”

  “Yes, Miss, as you wish.” If Guyton thought it at all strange that she was on her way to a pirate ship, it didn’t show on his face.

  She followed Rourke through the doors and down the steps. He grabbed her hand, sending a thrill through her that reached deep down to a place she’d only vaguely been aware of until this very moment. The man had her feeling and thinking things no proper lady would ever consider.

  “We must hurry.” He gave her hand a squeeze of encouragement.

  “What about Daniel?” she asked.

  “Pargo is no fool. He’ll keep him safe.”

  That wasn’t the answer she was hoping to hear.

  They were running directly into the wind. Hawes and Jamie were visible in the distance in front of them. Palm trees blew back and forth and fronds were lifted into the air and blown into their path. Rourke guided her safely around the windblown hazards they came across without missing a step.

  As they approached the harbor and the waiting skiff, the sky was filled with dark clouds. The sun would be completely gone in a matter of minutes. Rourke stopped. “He’s gone.”

  “Who?” Lizzie asked.

  “Pargo. His ship is gone.”

  Panic gripped her. “Daniel!”

  He took her hand again and ran for the skiff, lifting her and setting her down inside. “Sit,” he ordered.

  Hawes and Rourke shoved the boat out into the water before jumping aboard. The water was choppy, unlike her first trip to The Dagger only two short days ago. It had been smooth as glass then. Now, the boat rocked up and down with each wave it met. Rourke, Hawes, and Jamie paddled furiously with the oars. The sky was so dark Lizzie strained to see where they were headed. How would they ever find the ship if they couldn’t see it?

  Her fears were soon allayed as she saw several small dots of light ahead. “Is that The Dagger?” she asked.

  “Aye.” She looked in the direction of Rourke’s voice, barely making him out in the dark, despite the fact he wasn’t more than a foot away from her, but the sureness he emitted put her at ease. She felt safe with him when perhaps she shouldn’t.

  They approached the side of the ship. Jamie scrambled up the rope ladder to the deck. He disappeared from sight and was back in a moment shining a lantern down so they could see.

  “Ye first, lass.” Rourke helped her stand and then guided her to the ladder.

  She clutched at the ropes as she slowly made her way up. Rourke’s hand was on her backside, then her leg and foot. Oddly, the familiarity of his hands in places no man should be touching calmed her enough to make it to the top, where Jamie helped her over the side and onto the deck. She gasped for air, realizing she’d been holding her breath the whole way.

  Rourke and Hawes hopped aboard. “Go to my cabin and stay there,” he said to Lizzie.

  She balked at his tone, but did as he said. Jamie led the way to the quarterdeck and the door that led to the captain’s quarters. He entered first with the lantern, then made his way around the cabin, lighting candles here and there until the chamber was bright, and Lizzie felt a bit more at ease. “I’ll leave ye, Miss. The cap’n will need me on deck.”

  She looked for a comfortable spot to rest. She was bone tired. This had been a long and taxing day for Lizzie. She ran her hand across his desk, taking in the map set atop it along with a few books. She’d been here before, but so set on finding something that might lead to the treasure, she hadn’t paid much attention to the furnishings. She stopped for a moment to listen to orders being shouted on the main deck as men answered and moved quickly to carry them out. The boat lurched forward. They were under sail and heading for safety. She knew little about ships, which was surprising considering she’d lived her whole life on an island. Even still, she knew that Rourke was doing exactly what he must to save his ship from disaster.

  As she walked around the chamber, she came to a bed. A rough, wool blanket was neatly laid out across it. She sat on the edge as fatigue overtook her. She could lie down for a short while. Rourke wouldn’t mind.

  She removed her shoes and lay down. The thought of Rourke sleeping here in this very bed made her smile. Closing her eyes, Lizzie wondered what it would be like to have him here beside her. She imagined his strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close. Perhaps a kiss would be shared and then another. A certain euphoria overcame her as her mind wandered further and further into a dream she wished to be real.

  Chapter Six

  The Dagger sliced through the choppy seas to come alongside Las Animas.
As Rourke suspected, Pargo had sailed his ship to safety in the cove. Several other ships had done the same. Those left in the harbor of Manta Cay risked destruction, and those who sought the open sea must hope to outrun the storm or find themselves at its bottom.

  Rourke shouted to the crew of Las Animas. “I’ll speak with yer captain.”

  Pargo’s crew stared with obvious disdain at him and the men backing him on deck. No one moved.

  “Traeme tú capitán,” he shouted in Spanish.

  One of the men nodded and scurried away. A while later, he returned, followed by Pargo.

  “Sí,” he said. “What is it you want? Have you found my treasure?” It was obvious he was irritated at having to come on deck to speak with Rourke.

  “No. We’re still looking. Where is Daniel?” Rourke asked.

  “He is safe.” His tone was short.

  “On yer ship, or on land?”

  Pargo cocked an eyebrow, his eyes narrowed. “Why do you ask me such a question? You know I will not tell you.”

  “His sister is worried about him.” All he could do was hope to glean some information from this exchange, perhaps mentioning Lizzie’s concern would get him some answers.

  “Tell her he is in the safest place he could possibly be. I told her I would take care of him, and I am a man of my word.”

  Rourke acknowledged him with a scowl and then ordered his men to drop anchor a good distance from any of the other boats. He left Hawes in charge and went to reassure Lizzie that Daniel was safe.

  He didn’t see her when he first entered his quarters and was worried she might have wandered off to explore the ship without his knowledge. He poked his head out the door and saw Jamie walking toward him. “Where is she?”

  Jamie put his finger to his lips and walked into the cabin. He pointed to Rourke’s bed. Jamie awaited his next orders, but Rourke pointed to the door and he silently crept from the room.

  Rourke hadn’t anticipated he’d find Lizzie asleep. He crept softly to the bed where he gazed down at her lovely face, completely at ease for the first time since he’d met her. He hoped it was because she felt secure with him and knew he would let no harm come to her or Daniel. His next thoughts were not so chaste, for which he silently berated himself. This was the daughter of the friend he had only this morning laid to rest. He was asked to aid her upon her father’s death, not bed her. There were plenty of women on the island who would be more than eager to fulfill his needs, but none of them were Lizzie.

  A riot of blonde curls lie scattered across his pillow. He reached down and twirled one gently around his fingers. Her hair was as soft as silk, just as he’d imagined it would be. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, drawing his attention down the length of her body, which he appreciatively drank in. What would she think if he were to lie with her, hold her, feel the length of her body against his? Would she welcome him or would she be angry? As he watched, she shivered and pulled her arms and legs close as if to ward off a chill. Rourke retrieved a blanket and gently laid it over her. He mentally shook himself out of the crazy thoughts he was having. Lizzie deserved so much better than what he had to offer.

  He sat at his desk, doing his best to keep his mind off of the lovely woman who occupied his bed. The wind had begun to howl, vying with the pelting rain to see which could be the loudest. Rourke wasn’t surprised when it woke Lizzie.

  “Rourke?” She sat up in the bed, glancing around the room until she saw him.

  “Are ye well?” he asked.

  “The rain…” She hugged herself.

  “Ye’re cold,” he said, rising to go to her.

  “And a little afraid.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, taking her into his arms as if it was the most natural thing to do. He tucked her head under his chin. “Doona fear. Ye’re safe here.”


  “Pargo is moored here in the cove as well. He says Daniel is safe, and I believe him.” He felt her body relax in his arms and knew she trusted him. It was an honor he didn’t feel he deserved. “Go back to sleep. I’ve some work to do.”

  “Where will you sleep?” she asked.

  “With the men below deck.” He looked down at his feet and then glanced toward the door.

  “But this is your bed,” she protested. The candlelight did nothing to hide her beauty, in fact, it enhanced it.

  “Not tonight.” Why not tonight? he wondered.

  “I would feel better if you stayed here.” The pleading in her voice touched his heart. How could he leave her?

  “All right. I’ll make my bed on the floor.” He looked around for the perfect spot, but she interrupted his search, and his head popped up as she spoke.

  “You can rest next to me. I don’t mind.”

  He was kicking himself for choosing this moment to be a gentleman, but now was as good a time as any. “That wouldn’t be right.”

  “It would be.” She pulled the blanket aside and moved over to make room for him.”

  “Lizzie, I…”

  “I don’t want to be alone.”

  How could he refuse her? It would require a good deal of restraint on his part. She was staring at him with eyes as blue as the Caribbean Sea, her rose-colored lips parted and waiting, but for what? He’d never felt less sure of himself with any woman. He knew she was different. She was a lifetime, not a single night, for any man who dared to make her his own. Still, he did as she requested. She covered them both with the blanket and then snuggled up beside him, resting her head on his shoulder. For his part, Rourke didn’t dare move for fear it might trigger an urgent fire that only Lizzie could quench.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. The sound of her voice nearly breaking his resolve.

  He was quite sure he would have gotten a better night’s sleep out in the pouring rain than here in this cramped bed with Lizzie by his side. He could feel every soft curve of her on his arm, hip, and leg. His erection was proof of it. Rourke was regretting his decision to accede to her wishes, but he’d been doing that since he first set eyes on her. He’d given in every time she told him she was going to do something he didn’t want her to do. Why? He’d never had a problem saying no to anyone before. What was wrong with him?

  The sooner he found the treasure, rescued Daniel, and got her back to London, the better. Then he could go back to being the dangerous man he was reputed to be.

  Lizzie was enjoying the warmth of Rourke’s body next to hers even though she knew it had been wrong to invite him to sleep with her. She’d never been in the same bed with a man before. When she’d dreamed of the man she would spend the rest of her life with, he’d been a lot like Rourke Mackall. He’d been handsome, tall, and strong, but he hadn’t been a pirate. She found that part didn’t bother her at all. In fact, it excited her.

  She tentatively placed one hand on his chest. She could feel his heart thudding as his body tensed. Had she done that to him? She giggled.

  “Why do ye laugh?” he asked. The huskiness of his voice burrowed down into her soul.

  “I believe I’m making a big, strong man like you a bit nervous,” she said, feeling comfortable enough to tease him.

  He chuckled. “Ye do, lass.”

  She rose up on her elbow and gazed at him, only barely visible by the remaining candlelight of the room. “Why?”

  “Because ye are a beautiful woman and I am a man.”

  “Oh.” She’d never thought of herself as beautiful. “Do you really think I’m beautiful?”

  “Aye.” A certain softness lit his eyes as he gazed on her. “Yer an innocent, Lizzie Wickham.”

  “What do you mean?” No one had ever called her that before.

  “Ye doona ken the way it is between a man and a woman.”

  “No. I don’t,” she admitted. “I’ve never even been kissed.”

  “’Tis a shame. Yer lips are ripe for the picking.”

  “Would you kiss me?” she asked. Her question was greeted with silence. She had been wrong
to ask such a thing. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “Doona be sorry.” He lifted her chin and ever so gently kissed her lips.

  Lizzie thought surely she’d died and gone to heaven. She didn’t dare move, hoping he might do it again. And he did. This time, he took her face in his hands and kissed her more deeply. She was unsure of herself, but she followed his lead, which doubled her pleasure. She snuck her hand into the opening of his shirt, relishing the feel of hard muscle and soft skin. Rourke crushed her to him, rolling partially atop her, pinning her with one heavy thigh. Something hard and long poked her hip.

  “What is that?” she asked, reaching to touch it, but he grabbed hold of her hand, stopping her.

  “’Tis my desire for ye, lass. It’s best ye doona awaken it further.” He set her aside and rolled away from her, leaving her to stare at his back.

  “I desire you as well,” she said, feeling emboldened by his statement.

  “No. Ye doona.” He gruffly stated. “And if ye’re a smart lass, ye’ll no’ tempt me further.”

  She was baffled by his behavior. She’d just shared passionate kisses with the man, and now he was acting as if she’d done something wrong. But what? This was all new to her. No one had ever told her what to expect or how to behave when in bed with a man. That was a conversation her father would never have broached, and she had no mother or sisters to ask. She only knew that it was a wanton woman who would give herself to a man without the sanctity of marriage. That must be it. He thought her a wanton woman!

  Embarrassed by her behavior, she turned away, facing the wall. Lizzie hoped sleep would come quickly to put her out of her misery.

  Morning hadn’t come soon enough for Rourke. He sprang from the bed and out onto the quarter deck not looking back to see if he’d woken Lizzie. What had come over him last night? He was a fool to have given in to her. He knew it then and he knew it now. Once he’d tasted her sweet lips, it was all he could do to stop himself from taking her right there in his bed without virtue of the vows he knew she deserved.


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