Fallen: A Dark Italian Mafia Romance (Men of Mayhem Book 4)

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Fallen: A Dark Italian Mafia Romance (Men of Mayhem Book 4) Page 18

by Kristen Luciani

  “The man was involved with a sex trafficking ring out of Croatia. He was murdered. And the girl…he was targeting her.” Her voice trails off. “Oh, Aria. She was one of my girls. Her name is Colette. Only eighteen.” Alice shakes her head, her eyes brimming with tears. “She aged out only six months ago, a few months before you started volunteering.”

  My throat tightens. “What happened? Does the article say?”

  Alice shakes her head. “There isn’t much detail. The club was evidently a big trafficking site with a lot of money exchanging hands. The owner and security team were called in for questioning but they haven’t been charged with anything yet. I just can’t believe it. She was always such a good girl. How desperate must she have been to get involved with that life?”

  I shake my head. “I’m so sorry. But thank God she wasn’t taken.” She’s only a little younger than me! And if I hadn’t stepped in, if I hadn’t tailed them to that room…

  A shiver runs through me.

  She’d be dead.

  Or worse.

  “Who killed the guy she was with?” I shift my weight, only slightly concerned that someone might have spotted me in the club and possibly put me in that room with them.

  “They don’t have any leads. No weapon was found at the scene. No evidence left behind.” Alice sighs. “I’m a devout Catholic, Aria. But I don’t feel at all remorseful about what happened to that man. He deserved what he got, and I’ll bet the police aren’t going to lose sleep trying to find the person who brought that evil monster to justice.” She nods toward her computer. “According to the article, the police are still investigating the heads of this trafficking ring. I very much doubt they will get very far, though. People who run those types of organizations make sure they are well-protected.”

  “Yes, they do.” But it only takes one person to break down the barriers and cut through the barbed wire.

  One person with a deadly vendetta and nothing to lose.

  That would be me.

  A rush of adrenaline courses through my veins as I step up to the bouncer standing at the club entrance. I look up at the large letter “V” hanging over the door.


  From what I can tell online, it’s one of the most popular and exclusive nightclubs in Palermo. A surge of anger bubbles deep within my gut when I look at the bouncer and wonder how much he’s being paid to turn a blind eye to what goes on at this place.

  I flash a wide, fake smile at the tall, hulking guy who gives me a slow and appreciative once-over before nodding his head toward the door. I walk into the dimly lit club, my eyes doing a full sweep of the expansive space.

  It doesn’t have the same seedy feel as the other places. It’s classy and sophisticated with crystal chandeliers and gold-plated décor. The clientele is different, too. Lots of business suits and professional types mingle around, not the typical thug I’ve come to expect at these clubs. Cocktail waitresses wind their way around the room, delivering drinks to VIP tables that are separated from the rest of the club by sheer white curtains.

  And behind the luxurious façade, this place is a breeding ground for local and international sex traffickers.

  My phone pings again and I glance down at it.

  Hmm. This time, Paolo’s name doesn’t flash across the screen.

  Instead, it’s an unknown number.

  I frown at the words on my screen.

  What if something happened? To Paolo or his family?

  By now, Nikola would know what happened to his guy last night at the club. Hell, the whole world knows it because it’s been all over the news today.

  What if the time has finally come for Nikola to enact his own revenge?

  What if he already has?

  A nagging feeling tugs at my brain. I’ve purposely stayed far away from the house today because my poker face is horrible and I suspect Paolo is on to me. I took off right after going home to change and discard my bag of clothes from last night. I’d hidden them in a closet in the pool house, just in case anyone gets curious and goes searching for clues about where the hell I’ve been for the past twenty-four hours.

  If Nikola has made a move, then I have no choice.

  I can’t hope and pray that one of these kidnappers will tell me what I need to know…where to find the kingpin.

  My search led me here tonight.

  There’s only one thing left to do.

  I swallow hard, recalling the eighteen-year-old girl sprawled across the couch at the other club and wondering how many more will meet a worse fate tonight all around the city.

  How many I won’t be able to save.


  My pulse picks up speed as the idea percolates.

  The whole point of me playing this part is to get close to Nikola, but these guys he has running his operation probably don’t know who they’re even working for. They only care about how much money ‘the boss’ is lining their pockets with, and the higher the delivery volume, the more cash they collect.

  That’s their motivation.

  And killing his guys, while extremely satisfying, isn’t getting me to my goal.

  I run a hand through my hair as I take tentative steps toward the dance floor. My skin prickles with anticipation, the dance beats vibrating the polished floor under my feet. I run a hand over the front of my tight dress, smoothing it down as I wind my way to the epicenter of the madness and move my body to the pulsating rhythm in the most seductive way possible, a show that’s bound to capture the attention of my targets.

  There’s only one way for me to win this battle against the predator.

  And that’s to become his prey.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “You’re lucky I don’t tie you to a chair and stick your face into a bowl of cannoli cream right now.” Tommy turns to glare at me while he sticks the key into his front door lock and twists the handle.

  “Look, I know you’re pissed off at me—” I start to defend myself, stopping before I can finish my own thought. Who the hell am I kidding? There’s no defense. What I did…why I did it…who I incited…none of it matters now.

  All that matters is damage control.

  Judging by Tommy’s murderous look, that may include beating the shit out of me, just for good measure.

  I wouldn’t blame them.

  I’d have done worse to any of my brothers if they pulled this shit.

  Tommy slams the door once we’re inside, pacing around me like he’s gonna pounce and tear me to shreds with his hands. He fists his hair, chuckling in a maniacal type of way that almost makes me a little nervous. “You asshole,” he mutters, still walking in circles. “For years, you tormented all of us for our ‘bad judgment.’ Coming off like you’re God, like you know all, see all, fix all. That you’re the only one who can shine a bright light and clear the shit storms we cause. And lo and behold, it’s our fearless leader, the condescending prick who’s been lying to us for months, who’s about to drag us into his toxic downward spiral. .

  His biting words make me cringe a little.

  I do sound like an asshole.

  “I hope you had fun with that dildo,” he hisses. “Because I’ve got another one upstairs that I’m gonna shove so far up your ass, it’s gonna come out of your goddamn nose!”

  Gemma lifts an eyebrow at me. “So you’re just going to take that, huh?”

  “I kind of deserve it,” I say, rubbing the knot at the base of my neck.

  Her lips lift into a teasing smile. “Probably. But maybe I should be the judge.”

  Tommy narrows his eyes at me. “My brother here, the same one who railed on me about you not too long ago, took it upon himself to gun down one of the most notorious sex traffickers in western Europe — and his entire crew — after killing our traitorous bastard of an uncle who happened to be helping them snatch and transport women for sale.”

  “I didn’t kill Uncle Sil,” I mumble.

  “Sorry,” Tommy snaps. �
�It wasn’t Vince who killed him. It was the sex trafficker’s daughter.” He looks at Gemma. “Who, coincidentally, is also Paolo’s cousin, Aria. Remember when we were wondering what the hell was up between her and Vince? How they needed to work out that animosity with a lot of hate sex? Well, they did! Six ways from Sunday using the vibrator I left at his villa!”

  Gemma’s eyes widen. “Oh my God! I knew it! I totally sensed a spark between you guys!”

  “Gem, you’re missing the big picture,” Tommy says with a hint of frustration. “He’s completely fucked us all! For a hot piece of ass!”

  “Holy hell, is she ever hot!” Gemma smirks and winks at me. “Good for you, Vince.”

  “Yeah, great. He gets off and now we have to take cover before everything goes to hell. Get on my page, Gemma!” Tommy groans, scrubbing a hand down the front of his face.

  Her lips twist into a grimace as she faces him. “Okay, so first, don’t yell at me. Second, Vince got laid, so can we just celebrate that for a second? And third, no matter what kind of shit your family name gets dragged into, somehow your clan of clowns seems to always rescue it. So fucking relax and make a panini or something!”

  Tommy’s jaw drops, his eyes spitting fire. “Are you seriously telling me to relax?” he seethes, inching toward Gemma.

  “Yes,” she says without hesitation, sticking her hands on her hips and staring him down.

  “And did you really tell me to make a sandwich right now?”

  “Again, yes.” She flashes a sweet smile. “I’m starving.”

  He backs her against the wall, slamming both of his hands down on either side of her face. I can see the smoke billowing out of his ears. “Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” he hisses, his forehead pressed against hers.

  “What are you going do about it? Are you going to stick the dildo up my ass if I don’t kiss yours?” she asks, cocking her head to the side.

  He grabs a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back. “Oh yeah,” he growls. “I’m gonna make you beg for it, too.” Then he crushes his lips against hers, the two of them pawing at each other like they haven’t felt human contact in…well, forever.

  Jesus Christ. Is this really happening right now?

  I’m about to be skewered by my other brothers as soon as they show up here, and in the meantime, I have to be subjected to this very demented peep show?

  “I need a drink,” I say, leaving the two of them to work out their twisted aggression. I pour a double shot of whiskey for myself and sink into a counter stool as Gemma’s moans and Tommy’s grunts get louder. Shit, there’s not enough whiskey in Sicily for me to drown out those noises.

  A loud knock jolts me. Thank fuck for forced endings.

  I storm over to the door and peer through the side window to see Cristian and Diego congregated on the doorstep. I know Ant is already at his club, Viviere, and I’m sure he’ll be all caught up later and waiting in line to fuck my shit up.

  It’s time.

  And anyway, I’d rather have my ears cut off and my eyes cut out by my brothers than witness that whole fuck fest again.

  I wait for Gemma to run into the bathroom and slam the door before I let my family inside of the house. And once we’re all piled into Tommy’s office with the door closed…which, why bother since Gemma pretty much already knows everything but my cock size…I tell them the truth.

  All of it, starting with the night Paolo came to me for a favor in exchange for helping bring down Salazar.

  The night that is about to rain hellfire on all of us.

  “Oh, how the fucking mighty have fallen,” Cristian mutters when I’m finished delivering the news.

  “You arrogant bastard!” Diego yells. “Total condescending prick!”

  My jaw tightens. “Look, if you guys are finished tearing me down—”

  “In no way are we finished, Vince!” Diego thunders. “No way in hell! All of that shit you gave us about Nic and Elia Fortunato, the Rojas cartel, Freddie and Gio Cassarella…” He paces next to the window. “The ‘mistakes’ we made that you said put the family in danger, that risked our legacy, our businesses, and our livelihoods. The ones you held over our heads…still hold over our heads to this very fucking day! The ones that you always claimed you’d never make as head of this organization!” His spine is stiff as a rod. “You completely fucked us!” His eyes are wild as he stomps over to me, his breathing ragged. He launches his arm back and takes a swing.

  But I don’t duck out of the way.

  I need to feel it, at least a shred of what I’ve put them through.

  Because, yeah, I am just like them.

  And I deserve to know what it feels like to have the shoe on the wrong goddamn foot.

  Cristian jumps between us and grabs Diego’s arm before he lands the punch.

  I furrow my brow at him. “You should’ve let him do it.”

  “There’s no point now, is there?” he replies, his voice flat. “It’s over and now all we can do is try to recover.” His lips stretch into a straight line. “So, boss, why don’t you tell us the plan?”

  “I have no plan,” I say, my shoulders sagging. “But there’s more you need to hear.”

  Tommy cracks his knuckles and picks up a baseball bat. “Am I gonna have to use this on you?”

  “Maybe. I know I’d beat the fuck out of any of you for this next part.”

  Tommy’s nostrils flare, but his threats don’t deter me. They need to hear the truth. Finally.

  “Before Pop was killed, we’d had a big fight. He took off after me for a job I screwed up. It was brutal. He threatened to cut me out. I needed to let off some steam. But I wanted to fuck with him, too, to get back at him. So I slept with his partner Dom’s wife.” I sweep a hand through my hair, averting my eyes from my brothers’ hard stares.

  Cristian lets out a low whistle. “Shit, Vince.”

  I nod. “I drove Pop’s car that night. I wanted Dom to recognize it and to see me driving. I wanted him to go back to Pop and tell him. I wanted to fuck up the relationship.” I sigh. “I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was angry and upset.”

  “What happened?” Diego grunts. “We never heard about any of this.”

  “That’s because Pop never handed me over. Dom didn’t see me, he only saw the car. He believed it was Pop who screwed his wife.” I take a deep breath. “And Pop never told him the truth. He never ratted me out. He took the blame. And a week later, he was dead.” I finally look up at my brothers. “It was because of me. My biggest mistake.”

  This time when the punch comes from Diego’s flaming fist, Cristian doesn’t stop him. He lets it happen and when it cracks against my jaw, I finally feel a little bit lighter.

  A little less angry.

  And a lot more scared.

  Because now the only thing hanging over me is the threat that’s about to be unleashed by Nikola Lovrić.

  And the potential for complete demise at his hand is a lot more terrifying than my brother’s fist.

  Diego pops the cap off of a beer and guzzles it down, his glare still fixed on me as I sit a few feet away from him with a bag of frozen corn stuck to my face.

  Ironically enough, Gemma is the only one in the room who isn’t firing eye daggers at me and I’ve probably been the biggest dick to her out of everyone over the years because I lash out at anyone whom I see as a threat to my family.

  I guess the shoe’s on the other foot now that I’m the biggest threat in the room.

  My brothers may be pissed off at me, but they expect it. And they have to deal with it because I’m their brother and their boss.

  This family doesn’t do coups.

  But regardless of the shit I’ve put her through in the past, flexing my muscles with Tommy and forcing him to choose the family over her time and time again, she’s still the only one standing next to me. The only one smiling and assuring me that I wouldn’t really end up in one of Tommy’s stews, no matter what they threaten.

  ‘Traitor,” Tommy
mutters against her ear while he smacks her ass.

  She yelps and gives him a playful smack on the arm. “Listen, if I can forgive this guy for what he put me through, you all can as well. I think it’s safe to say none of you are perfect. Let’s face it, you’ve all had your share of screw ups. Isn’t Vince entitled to his own?”

  “He’s supposed to be held to a higher standard,” Cristian hisses. “At least, that’s the bullshit he’s been selling since he took over the family.”

  “It’s not bullshit,” I mumble. “It’s the truth. I just lost sight of it.”

  “And now, because you’re falling on your sword, because you need us to help you save everything, we’re supposed to just let it all go? Just because you stumbled into a goddamn land mine that can blow everything to bits?” Diego yells.

  My shoulders sag and I pull away the bag of corn. “I fucked up, and I’m sorry. I did shit I’d have never let you guys get away with. I kept secrets, dirty ones. And I put us all in danger.” I drop the bag on the counter and walk over to Diego. “It took me some time to finally grow the fuck up and figure out how to run this family so we didn’t ever have to struggle on our own like we did after Mama died and Pop went off the deep end with his vengeance. And after Pop was killed, I did my best to be a boss and a brother, to make sure you all were taken care of. It was fucking hard, though. Every day. I had to make tough choices and get involved with people I didn’t always trust so we could stay on top. I hid a lot from you, yeah. But it was only to keep you safe. If you knew half the things I kept quiet, you’d have torn down Palermo a million times over. Sometimes I had to handle shit quietly, not because I didn’t trust you, but because I wanted to keep you alive.” I smirk at my brothers. “Because, you know, that short fuse runs deep in the Marcone DNA.”

  Cristian cracks a smile and Tommy nods, his arm still wrapped around Gemma.

  Diego still looks like he wants to lunge for me and crack his empty beer bottle over my head. “What next, Vince? Is there anything else we need to know?” His voice is tight and he shows no signs of thawing.


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