Desire After Dark

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Desire After Dark Page 17

by Amanda Ashley

  She frowned. Maybe she should tell Ned and Arnie the truth. They needed to know what they were up against. But even if they knew, what could they do about it? If a vampire hunter couldn’t find Falco, what chance did Ned and Arnie have? She weighed the pros and cons until her head ached.

  Eager to think of something else, she turned on the TV and lost herself in the antics of an old I Love Lucy rerun.

  Her dinner tray arrived an hour later, and then one of the nurses came in to take her for a walk down the hall.

  Bobbie Sue, Gus, and Mrs. Heath all called to see how she was doing. Bert Summers came by to talk to her, anxious for a scoop. She told him the story she had concocted, that she had fallen in the vacant lot outside of town and cut her neck on an old piece of barbed wire. She wasn’t sure if he believed her or not, but she was certain he wouldn’t believe the truth.

  As soon as the sun set, Antonio strolled into her room carrying a huge bouquet of red roses with a red balloon heart in the center. Just seeing him made her spirits soar.

  “I was hoping you’d come,” she said.

  “Where else would I go when you are here?” He glanced around the room. “Where should I put these?”

  “Antonio, all these flowers must be costing you a fortune. Here, put them on the table by the phone. I’ll ask the nurse to bring me another vase.”

  Pulling a chair up to the bed, he sat down, then reached for her hand. “Are you all right?”

  “I am now.” She studied his cheek, noting there were a lot of new blisters. The old burn looked ugly and painful but didn’t look as bad as it had before. “Does it still hurt?”

  He nodded. “When can you leave here?”

  “Hopefully tomorrow. It’s up to the doctor.”

  “I do not want you to go back to your house.”

  “That’s what Bobbie Sue and Duncan said. They want me to stay at Bobbie’s house with them.”

  “They are living together?” Antonio asked, a note of surprise in his voice.

  “So it would seem.”

  “Is that what you wish to do, stay with your friend?”

  “Not really, but I don’t want to stay home alone, either, not now.”

  “You are welcome to come and stay with me.”

  Vicki stared at him. “Stay with you? Where?”

  “At my house in Maine. I think you would like it there.”

  “I’ve never been to Maine. What’s your house like?”

  “It is a castle of sorts, though not as large as most. The house sits in the middle of several acres of land, most of it heavily wooded. A very wealthy man had it brought over from England for his bride some three hundred years ago. He thought it would please her, but the poor girl fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck. Some say she fell because she was frightened by the ghost of the castle’s former mistress. Some say it was because her husband pushed her.”

  “I’ve never believed in ghosts,” Vicki mused. And then she looked at Antonio and smiled. “But then, I never used to believe in vampires, either.”

  Leaning forward, he touched the bandage at her neck. “I am sorry you had to learn of us in such a painful manner.”

  “Me, too. But then, if it weren’t for Falco, I never would have met you, would I?”

  “Perhaps not. Or perhaps fate would have managed to bring us together sooner or later.”

  “I’d like to think so. Is there really a ghost? Have you ever seen it?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re kidding, aren’t you?”


  “Did she try to hurt you?”

  “No. She is a lovely, lonely soul.”

  “And you really saw her? Did she speak to you?”

  “Yes. We are kindred spirits, Lady Kathryn and I. We have spent many a lonely night keeping each other company.”

  Vicki stared at him, not knowing whether to believe him or not.

  “Will you come with me to Maine, Victoria? I can protect you there until Duncan destroys Falco.”

  She shivered at the mention of the vampire’s name. “What if he follows us?”

  “My home is well protected. He will not be able to enter…” Antonio looked at her, one brow raised, “so long as no one invites him in.”

  “I suppose it was foolish of me, what I did. But it never occurred to me that he would come to my house disguised as Darth Vader, of all things.”

  “Now you know better. You will not make that mistake again.”

  “That’s for sure!”

  “You will come with me, then?”

  “Yes, I’d love to see your castle. And your ghost.” She blew out a sigh. Talking about ghosts made her think of the four men Falco had hypnotized.

  Antonio squeezed her hand. “What is it that troubles you?”

  “The police came to see me today.”


  “They wanted to know how I got hurt. They had the manacles Falco used. I didn’t know what to tell them, so I didn’t tell them anything. What should I do?”

  “You did the right thing. Telling the police about Falco will only start a panic. Even though people claim that they do not believe we exist, given the right catalyst, they can soon turn into a mindless mob eager for blood. I have seen it happen before,” he said. “Many times. When it happens, innocent people die. Sometimes, ignorance is best.”

  “I guess so.”

  “We will leave as soon as…” He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps.

  Vicki followed his gaze, and a moment later Bobbie Sue and Duncan entered the room.

  “Hey,” Bobbie Sue said. “Saints be praised, you’re looking a lot better tonight. How are you feeling, hon?”

  “Better, thanks. Why aren’t you at work?”

  “Gus gave me an hour off so’s I could come and visit you. He acts so tough, but he’s just an old softie, you know that.”

  Vicki nodded. Everyone in town knew Gus was a soft touch. He contributed to every charity known to man, bought Girl Scout cookies by the case, supported the local Boy Scout troop, donated money to the hospital building fund and the PTA.

  She looked at Duncan, who was staring at Antonio. Only then did she feel the tension in the room.

  Apparently Bobbie Sue felt it, too. Tugging on Duncan’s arm, she said, “Come on, Tom, I think we should go.”

  He grunted softly. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

  Bobbie Sue bent down to give Vicki a hug. “Don’t worry about anything, hon,” she said. “Everything will work out.”

  “Listen, Bobbie Sue, I’m going away with Antonio.”

  Bobbie Sue’s eyes grew wide. “You are? When? Why?”

  “As soon as I get out of here. Because I want to. I need you to tell Gus for me, okay? Just tell him I’m taking my vacation a few months early.”

  “Well, sure, but”—Bobbie Sue lowered her voice—“are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I know you’re attracted to Antonio and everything, but Vicki, he’s a vampire.”

  “Yes, I know,” Vicki replied dryly. “I’ll call you, okay?”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, hon.”

  “Me, too.” Reaching up with her free arm, she gave Bobbie Sue a hug. “Just be sure you know what you’re doing, you know, with Tom.”

  Bobbie Sue grinned. “We sure picked a pair, didn’t we?”

  “That we did.”

  “Night, Vicki. Antonio.” With a wave and a smile, Bobbie Sue left the room.

  When they were alone again, Antonio again took Victoria’s hand in his. “So, you will come with me?”

  She nodded. “How soon do you think we should leave?”

  “Tomorrow night. Can you be ready by then?”

  “I think so.”

  But later that night, alone in bed, when doubts and fears are the strongest, she couldn’t help wondering if she was putting distance between herself and a killer or walking blindly into the lion’s den.

  The doctor okayed Vicki�
��s release the next morning. As soon as she knew she could leave, she called Bobbie Sue and asked if she’d mind driving her home, and if she would please stop off at her house and bring her something to wear since all she had was her bloody Tinkerbell costume, which she intended to get rid of as soon as possible. Once she had a ride home, Vicki asked the nurse to distribute the roses Antonio had sent her to some of the patients who didn’t have any friends or visitors, all except for the dozen he had given her personally.

  Now she sat on the bed, waiting for a nurse to bring her a wheelchair. Bobbie Sue sat beside her, idly thumbing through an old magazine.

  After a few minutes, Bobbie Sue tossed the magazine aside. “So, where are you and Antonio going?”

  “He has a house somewhere in Maine. We’re going there. Should be interesting,” Vicki said with a grin. “It’s supposed to be haunted.”

  Bobbie Sue stared at her. “You’re going to a haunted house with a vampire? Have you lost your mind, hon?”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Vicki assured her.

  “You don’t sound all that convinced to me,” Bobbie Sue retorted. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? He’s a vampire, Vicki. It’s not like he just thinks he’s one, you know. He really is, and they kill people.”

  Vicki took Bobbie Sue’s hands in hers. “I love him, Bobbie. What else can I do?”

  “Sakes alive, hon, I can think of a lot of things that would be smarter!”

  “I know, so can I.”

  “Where is this house of his?”

  “I’m not sure. Somewhere on the coast. He said it’s a castle.”

  “A haunted castle on the coast of Maine?” Bobbie Sue asked incredulously. “How Stephen King can you get? Are you sure you won’t change your mind and come and stay with me?”

  “I’m sure. And no matter what Tom says, I’m sure he’d rather I didn’t stay there.”

  Vicki stood as the nurse appeared in the doorway. “Let’s go, Bobbie Sue. I’ve got a lot of packing to do when I get home.”

  Chapter 25

  Vicki stood in the middle of the living-room floor. It seemed like years had passed since she had been home last. After putting the roses in a vase, she went through the house and opened all the curtains and the window in the kitchen.

  She was going to miss this place. Even as the thought crossed her mind, she told herself she wasn’t leaving Pear Blossom Creek forever—just for a few weeks, until Dimitri Falco was no longer a threat—but she couldn’t shake the feeling that her life was about to undergo a major change, and that she would never live in this house or in this quiet town again.

  Shaking off her feelings of doom and gloom, she went upstairs and took a long, hot shower, washing away the antiseptic smell of the hospital. She slipped into a pair of comfortable sweats, pulled her suitcase off the top shelf of the closet, and began to go through her clothes, trying to decide what to take and what to leave. Figuring a castle in Maine would probably be cold and drafty this time of year, she packed mostly jeans and sweaters and long-sleeved shirts. She added a few dresses, a warm nightgown and robe, slippers, underwear, several pairs of shoes, and a pair of fur-lined boots. She packed her toiletries in a small bag, added her camera, a portable CD player and her favorite CDs, and the book Bobbie Sue had given her. She called the utility company and left a message on their answering machine, informing them she would be going on vacation and to please turn off the gas, electricity, and phone until further notice starting the day after tomorrow. She started to write a note to the mailman, but stopped when she realized she didn’t have a forwarding address. She would have to ask Antonio about that later.

  In spite of her repeated assurances to herself that there was nothing to worry about, she grew increasingly nervous as the day wore on.

  She spent an hour on the phone with her sister and her mother, then drove over to see Mrs. Heath.

  “Victoria, dear!” Mrs. Heath said, taking Vicki’s hands in hers. “I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “Worried? Why?”

  “Well, dear, you know how rumors spread in a town this size.” Mrs. Heath placed a hand over her heart. “Now, dear, I know it’s none of my business how you conduct your social life, but land sakes, child, what were you thinking?”

  Perplexed, Vicki said, “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mrs. Heath cupped her hand to Vicki’s ear and whispered, “Bondage.”

  “Bondage!” Vicki stared at the other woman. “I’m not doing anything like that. Where on earth did you hear such a thing?” she asked, but of course she knew. You couldn’t keep a secret in Pear Blossom Creek. The fact that she’d been wearing manacles when she was admitted to the hospital must be all over town by now.

  “At the market this morning. It was all anyone could talk about.”

  Vicki groaned softly. Before nightfall, her reputation would be in shreds. Bondage, indeed! “Mrs. Heath, you’ve got to believe me—”

  “Now, dear, you don’t have to explain anything to me, but, well, and this is none of my business, have you been to confession lately?”

  “Mrs. Heath, I swear to you, there’s nothing like that going on, honest. It’s all a misunderstanding. It was Falco. He kidnapped me and imprisoned me in that old house down by the Hollow.”

  Mrs. Heath sat down on the stone bench, her face going pale. “Oh, my dear! Thank the good Lord that you’re all right. You haven’t told anyone about him, have you?”

  “No, I didn’t think anyone would believe me.”

  “You’re so right.” Mrs. Heath blew out a deep breath. “I tried to tell people what had happened to me. No one believed a word I said. I had no proof, of course. My father threatened to send me to a convent if I didn’t stop telling such outrageous stories. My mother took to her bed. I knew right then that when the truth was ugly, people didn’t want to hear it.”

  For a moment, Vicki was tempted to confide in Mrs. Heath, to tell her about Antonio, but she quickly decided against it. The woman would only worry more if she knew there were two vampires in town instead of one.

  Vicki was about to take her leave when ten-year-old Jimmy Hernandez came running down the street, crying incoherently.

  “Jimmy,” Vicki called, “what’s wrong?”

  “Body!” Slowing, he stopped in front of her, panting hard. “My dad…We were fishing…He found a body…near the lake. He sent me…to find Officer Williams.”

  Vicki glanced at Mrs. Heath, then looked back at Jimmy. “Do you know who it…who it was?”

  Jimmy nodded. “Miz Collins,” he said, and ran down the street toward the police department.

  “Victoria, dear, I think it’s time you got out of town.”

  “Yes,” Vicki said. “I think you’re right.”

  Another murder. Another girl drained of blood, her body discarded in a ditch like an empty cup. It was all Vicki could think of while she paced the floor, waiting for the sun to go down. Waiting for Antonio.

  She practically jumped out of her skin when the doorbell rang. “Victoria?”

  “Antonio!” Remembering how Falco had imitated Antonio’s voice, she peered out the window to find him looking back at her. Vampires can change their shape. She paused with her hand on the door knob. “How do I know it’s you?”

  “Search your senses. They will tell you.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Open your mind. Think of me, of the kisses we have shared.”

  She did as he said and knew without doubt that it was Antonio standing on her porch. She could feel his essence, unlike that of anyone else. Smiling, she opened the door.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yes. Did you hear about…about Suzie Collins?”

  “Yes.” A muscle worked in his jaw.

  “I feel like such a coward, running away like this.”

  Antonio drew her into his arms. “I am the coward,” he said, his breath fanning her cheek. “I fear I cannot protect
you here, and I cannot abide the thought of losing you.” He gestured at the luggage she had stacked beside the door. “Is that everything?”

  “Yes, except for my coat and pocketbook.”

  “Let us go, then.” He gathered the bags under one arm, then held out his hand.

  “Just let me get my keys.”

  “You will not need them.”


  “No.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close against him.


  “How can I relax when I don’t know what you’re going to do?”

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of. Close your eyes and trust me, my sweet one.”

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. She experienced a sense of movement, as if she were flying, a sudden queasiness in the pit of her stomach, followed by a feeling of weightlessness, as if she had left her body behind.

  “Are you all right?” His voice sounded in her ear.

  “I don’t know. Am I?” Opening her eyes, she glanced at her surroundings, murmured, “Oh my,” when she saw the castle. It sat on a verdant hill, looking almost iridescent in the moonlight. A long curving driveway stretched away from the front of the house. There were trees everywhere, all heavy with fall foliage. The air was thick with the scent of rain, damp earth, and moss.

  “Welcome to my home,” Antonio said.

  Taking her by the hand, he led her up the stone steps. The door opened as if by magic. Candles sprang to life, lighting their way through a narrow foyer tiled in black and gray and into a large parlor with vaulted ceilings and tall, leaded windows. Tapestries hung on three of the walls, depicting a variety of hunting scenes. Other than that, there were no pictures or decorations in the room. The furniture was heavy and dark. A massive stone fireplace, the mantel higher than the top of her head, took up most of the fourth wall. A fire sprang to life in the hearth.


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