Circus of the Dead: Book 1

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Circus of the Dead: Book 1 Page 14

by Kimberly Loth

  I can’t believe I was so blind.

  “When hell freezes over.”

  I rush from the docks toward Amy’s. I don’t want to be anywhere alone right now.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I wish you would believe me. I’m serious. This is no laughing matter. There’s real magic here. Voodoo and witches and all that. Zombies, too. I literally watched one push its own severed head into the swamp.

  It’s scaring the crap out of me. I’m so scared I’m gonna die.

  Please help. Make Mom and Dad come and get me. I promise this isn’t a joke. I love you, and I would never make up something like this.




  This isn’t funny. Don’t send me another letter until you have something real to say. I won’t respond to the next one.


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “I don’t get Benny.” I watch Lorena as she mixes herbs. I’m trying not to think about Samuel betraying me. I left my boat early this morning so he wouldn’t find me.

  Lorena’s whole boat smells like incense, but at least we are inside instead of on the porch where she normally likes to sit.

  “What’s there to get? He’s a ghost, he likes you, and he has to kill you.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “It’s true. Problem is, Samuel likes you, too.”

  “Yeah, what’s his deal?” I ground a plant with a mortar and pestle. I don’t know what it is, but the smell is strong. It’s good for taking out my frustrations, except that it makes my eyes water.

  “I don’t know, dear, but I haven’t seen him this smitten in years. He’s not going to give up.”

  “Nobody here makes sense. Samuel said he’d help me, but then he didn’t. And Benny says he doesn’t want to kill me, but that he’s being forced to.” I just want to get away from this crazy island.

  “And you don’t see the connection?”

  I meet her eyes. “What connection?”

  “Benny is being forced to kill you. Who do you think is pulling the strings?”

  “Samuel? No.”


  “What?” I shriek. “Why?” I thought it last night, but Samuel said Benny was lying. Was there anything he was honest about?

  “I don’t know, but you came to this island under mysterious circumstances, and I believe Samuel is behind them all. I’m not sure he planned on falling for you, though.”

  “But why would Samuel want me dead?” I hand Lorena the ground up herbs, and she gives me a handful of scallions and a knife. I rub my fingers along the rough green stalks.

  “Your guess is as good as mine.”

  I can’t do anything without understanding exactly what I’m in for. Samuel didn’t know me before I came to the island, and he wanted me dead the second I set foot here. There’s more going on than just Samuel. Someone wanted me here just to kill me.

  I stand. “I’m going to find out.”

  Lorena gives me a look. “Are you sure you want to do that? Surely you’ve figured out by now that Samuel is dangerous.”

  “Obviously. But if he really wanted me dead, he could’ve done it a thousand times over already. He wants Benny to kill me, and right now, that’s not an option, so I figure I’m pretty safe.”

  I race down the path and find Samuel chatting with Luke near the tigers. They prowl in their cages and growl as I approach. The smell of ammonia hits me. Ugh. Who knew tigers were so stinky.

  Samuel smiles at me. Luke scowls.

  “Callie, love, you’ve been avoiding me.” He seems so calm and nonchalant. Oh, he has no idea.

  I get right into his face. “Don’t try to deny it anymore. Why did you send Benny to kill me?”

  He flicks his eyes to Luke. “This is a conversation between me and Callie. Excuse us, please.”

  Luke doesn’t move.

  “It’s okay, Luke. I’ve got this.” I can handle Samuel.

  “Are you sure? I can stay.” Luke gives Samuel a disapproving look.

  “No, you can’t actually,” Samuel says. “Come, Callie, we’ll have this conversation somewhere else.”

  Luke looks from me to Samuel. “It’s okay. I’ll leave.” He looks me right in the eye. “If you need anything, you yell, and I’ll hear you.”

  I nod. Luke escapes into the cooler where the steaks are kept.

  Samuel purses his lips, reaches out, and strokes my cheek. I jerk away, and hurt crosses his face. “Yes, I sent Benny to kill you, and I’m afraid I cannot tell you why. I made a deal, and it’s secret. I can’t stop Benny now unless you make a deal with me. And I’m fully ready to make a deal.”

  “Tell me why.”

  “That is a secret I can’t reveal.”

  I cross my arms and stare at the tiger. She’s grooming herself like a housecat. “I thought you liked me.”

  “I do.”

  I meet Samuel’s gaze. He’s so dang good looking. “You have a funny way of showing it.”

  “Well, in my defense, I wanted you dead before I knew you. Now, I don’t want you dead, but only if you agree to be mine.” He raises his eyebrows at me and gives me a crooked grin. He’s so damn cocky.

  He sticks his hands in his pockets and saunters away, whistling a sinister tune. I clench and unclench my fists. Part of me wants to run after him, tackle him, and punch his beautiful face in. Another part of me realizes that is stupid.

  A hand touches my elbow, and I spin around. Luke creases his eyebrows at me.

  “You want to come help me with something?” he asks.

  I let out a breath. “Sure.” Maybe it will take my mind off wanting to murder Samuel.

  He heads for one of the cages. “I hear you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble.”

  My lips twitch. “Yeah.”

  “Somehow you managed to get entangled with the two most dangerous men on this island.”

  I hold my breath. Maybe this was a bad idea to offer to help him. I don’t want him lecturing me on Samuel or Benny.

  “Seems like my number might be up.” I try to sound flippant, but it comes out a lot more serious.

  “If you are anything like your mother, you’ll find a way to survive. You are just like her in a lot of ways, and she is a fighter. If she were in your shoes, she’d be doing everything she could to get off this island. And she wouldn’t put up with the likes of Samuel.”

  “Mom doesn’t believe me. Why is that?”

  He shrugs. “Look how long it took you to believe it.”

  “I guess. But I’m running out of things to try. I tried to get Lorena to give me a spell or something that would protect me from Samuel, but she said there was nothing she could do.”

  “Lorena is bound more tightly to Samuel than anyone else on this island. She can’t actually help you if Samuel told her she couldn’t.”

  “And Benny?”

  “Benny takes his orders from Samuel. Find a way to protect yourself from Samuel, and Benny will stop. Also, I’m not buying that the reason Benny is trying to kill you is a secret. Samuel is the reason. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be able to make a deal.”

  “How did you hear the whole conversation?”

  “The freezer has a back door. I doubled around and stood just behind the tent. I heard everything. After you accused him of sending Benny to kill you, I wasn’t about to leave you alone with him.”

  We enter one of the tiger tents and find Fiona prowling around inside a large cage. I can still feel her claws on my back.

  “What are we doing here?” My breath catches in my throat, and I back away from the cage.

  “This is one animal I can teach you how to protect yourself from.”

  “No offense, but I’m not getting back into a cage with that thing.”

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. You can just watch and listen. But I think it would do you good to give it a try.”

  I am curious to see what he wants
to show me, so I stand far enough away that I don’t feel immediately threatened but close enough that I can hear Luke talking.

  He lets her out, and I back away.

  “That’s a good girl.” He raises his hand, the tiger sits up on her haunches, and he feeds her a treat. “It’s a lot like training a puppy, actually.” Fiona nudges his head with hers, and he scratches her behind the ear. It seems so innocent, but I know the truth. That’s a vicious monster.

  He croons at her. “Someday, both you and I will get out of this stinking place, won’t we?”

  “Why do you stay?” I ask.

  “Because I have to. Just like everyone else. But if I could, I’d take Fiona out to Montana and buy a big ranch where I’d let her run. She’s trapped just like me.”

  “Surely there is a way out.” I cross my arms and keep my eyes on Fiona. I don’t trust that tiger.

  “You don’t think I’ve tried?” He turns to me, his back to Fiona, and walks slowly.

  “But now you’ve given up.”

  “After eighteen years, it seems kinda pointless.” He looks back at Fiona and growls. Then, he continues toward me. Fiona follows behind him, stalking him. She snarls. “Anyway, with training her, mostly I use positive reinforcement. Treats and pets when she’s done something good, but occasionally, she’ll do something that puts me in danger.”

  She leaps at him, and I squeak. Luke jumps out of the way in time and cracks a rope at her. It hits her flank, and she cowers. “She needs to learn that even though I am smaller than her, she can not mess with me. It’s rare that she does anything bad to me anymore unless I provoke her like I just did.”

  “I’m still not getting anywhere near her.”

  “Fair enough.” Luke drops his voice low. “But remember, Samuel is the tiger. Show him you are not to be messed with.”

  He winks and turns back to Fiona, leaving my thoughts spinning. Maybe I can’t escape. Maybe I’m really stuck here. At some point, I’ll figure it out, but for now, I need to accept that I’m here for a while at least. And I’m sick of being pushed around. It’s time to show everyone on this freaking island who is boss.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Okay. You win. No more stories. But I am in danger. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m sorry about the creepy things I wrote. I think maybe they are slipping drugs into my food and making me see things.

  Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on, but I need help. Please.




  Oh, my word. I’m so scared for you. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.

  But, Cals, I told Mom and Dad, and they don’t believe me. I showed them all your letters and everything. But they won’t do anything.

  Can you find a way off the island on your own? I wish there was something I could do to help you.

  Send me letters everyday so I know you aren’t dead.



  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Early the next morning, I trudge down to Amy’s boat. She’s usually up early because of the babies. They have the biggest boat on the island aside from Samuel’s, and the door is always open. Jeffrey is outside playing with a ball and a stick.

  “Hi, Callie,” he says.

  “Hi. Is your mom here?”

  “She’s making breakfast.”

  Amy stands at the stove, frying bacon, her face tight. Lizette slumps next to her.

  “Mom. This isn’t fair. I’m old enough to go live with Juliette.”

  “Stop arguing with me. You’ll stay here until I say.” Amy looks up and meets my eyes.

  “Whooie, girl. It’s good to see you this morning. Come here and give me a kiss.”

  I kiss her on the cheek. “Morning.”

  Lizette stomps her foot and stalks out of the boat. I want to yell after her and tell her not to take advantage of her mom. That she’ll regret it someday, but I don’t because that would be weird. I miss my mom.

  “You hear from your sister lately?” Amy asks.

  “Yeah, I get letters from her, but they still don’t believe me.”

  “You usually show up here after you’ve gotten a letter.”

  I guess I did. Being with Amy and her kids makes me feel like I have a family again. She reminds me a lot of my Mom, and I trust her.

  “Did you come for breakfast? There’s plenty.” She points to the food on the counter.

  “I’ll eat, but that’s not why I’m here.”

  She bustles about, fussing with bacon and eggs. “What can I do for you?”

  “You sew, right?”

  She has a sewing machine in the corner, but I’ve never seen her on it.

  “Not as well as Ruth, but yes, I do.”

  “Have you seen the get up Ruth put me in for the show?”

  She snorts. “You mean that Samuel put you in?”

  I hesitate for a minute. Of course, it was Samuel, not Ruth. That man. I swear. “Yeah. Can you make me something different?”

  “I’m not that talented, but you’re about the same size as Juliette. We’ll ask Ruth to do it and say it’s for Juliette.”

  She sets down a plate in front of me, and I attack the bacon.

  “I don’t want to look like a clown.”

  “Let me work around that. What do you want to look like?”

  “I don’t know but something fierce for sure.”

  She gives me a knowing grin. “You got it, girl.”

  The afternoon of the new moon, Juliette flies into my house, startling me. I nearly stab myself in the eye with my mascara wand.

  “You know you could knock.”

  Juliette shakes her head, her whole body quivering with excitement. “Put this on now. I can’t wait to see what you look like.”

  She shoves a garment bag in my hand. I unzip it, and my mouth drops open. “That is freaking amazing.”

  Juliette squeals and claps her hands. “Oooh, can I do your hair and makeup?”

  “Yeah, of course.” I can’t take my eyes off the outfit. It’s black leather, molded to look like a warrior princess. It has practical boots that will go up just over my knees, but they are flat, and I could run in them if I had to.

  “You are going to look so badass.”

  Juliette is a pro at the makeup. By the time she is done, I don’t even recognize myself. My eyes have fierce dark lines that stretch out to my temples, and she’s painted my face almost tribal with blood red lines and dots. Then, she braids my hair. She steps back and admires her work.

  “That’s what a fire dancer should look like,” she says.

  I nod. No more wearing that horrible costume Samuel wanted me in. “You mean opposed to a burlesque dancer.”

  Juliette snorts. “Exactly.” She looks out the window at the sky, which has gone pink. “I gotta go get ready. Kill it tonight.”

  Samuel sent me a notice that I had to do three shows tonight, and I have to perform at nine, midnight, and two. I borrow a watch from Juliette so I don’t lose track of time. I have no idea how to get out of here, so I’ll just focus on showing Samuel who is the boss.

  Nine is shortly after the circus starts, so that’s easy. I don’t even bother with a robe this time. I stalk out of my boat, looking like I’m about to murder someone. Who knows, maybe I will. Huh. I’ve really become one of the circus and the island.

  A couple of people stare when I walk past, but mostly they just carry on smoking and looking depressed.

  Tyson does a double take when I enter his tent. “That is a far better costume than the one you had last time.”


  “You definitely must join me after you pass on.”

  I might be stuck here for a while, but I don’t plan on dying. I grab my gear and head outside. I’ve been practicing more with sticks than ropes, and I’m excited to show off my new moves.

  The show starts, and a crowd gathers. I don’t see Samuel anywhere. Benny is nowhe
re to be found either, which is good because I have no use for either one of those guys.

  I hang with Juliette between shows and watch as her siblings go in and out of Tyson’s tent. They bring him food.

  Tonight, I’ll have to be back in my boat long before sunrise as I have no protections on me, and this is the new moon. Plus, I need to hide from the giant who promised to kill me.

  I put three deadbolts on my door and found a slew of kitchen knives. I had thought about hanging with Amy or Luke, but they’ll both be out at the circus until after dawn. Unless the ghosts follow me when I head over, they won’t come after me. Well, Benny or the giant might, but the others won’t. They only have a short window to kill, and they’ll go for the most convenient, which won’t be me. For the first time in a long time, I feel somewhat in control of my situation.

  During the last show, another fire dancer joins me. I glance over. It’s Samuel. He’s shirtless, and his pants hang low on his hips. My heart flutters a little, but I ignore it. I’m over him. And I’m super grateful I never gave him my first kiss. He moves behind me, and our flames dance together in circles. He breathes in my ear.

  “You look exquisite.”

  I slowly turn so I’m facing him. Excitement dances in his eyes. I think about what I could do to show him he doesn’t control me, and I nearly laugh out loud. I’m currently swinging ropes with fire on the ends. He has no idea what’s coming for him.

  I drop my hands low, spinning the fire close to the ground. I’m closer to him than normal, and I can feel the heat of his body.

  He dips his head and presses his lips against my neck. My skin crawls, but for this to work, I can’t move backwards. A couple more inches and his pants go up in flames. I managed to hit both of them at the same time.

  I drop my ropes and duck away from him so he doesn’t hit me with his fire. He looks down in horror.

  “Oops,” I say. I flip him the bird, tuck the fuel under a tent flap, and stroll away as if I don’t have a care in the world.

  “I didn’t recognize you.”

  I jump and turn around. Ravens and other birds hang around behind Benny. I’m just glad it’s not Samuel.


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