Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

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Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Page 3

by Sarah Bale

  He says, “The offer stands.”

  He moves to leave, but I put my hand on his leg, stopping him. He watches me with those eyes that haunt my dreams.

  I say, “I’m not ready to talk, but I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  He nods. “Done.”

  We sit in silence until the sky turns shades of pinks and purples. I like that he doesn’t force conversation, because I’m not ready. But, I’ve learned something on this night.

  Rule 2: Sometimes it’s okay to let people in.



  I must have dozed off because, when I open my eyes, I find myself looking up at Dave. His eyes are closed, too, and a light snore leaves his lips. A strand of his brown hair has fallen out of place and I want to brush it aside. Shit! When did I decide to use his lap as a freaking pillow? A comfy pillow, I might add, but that’s not the point. I sit and wake him in the process.

  He smiles at me and my stomach does little somersaults.


  His deep voice sends shivers down my back. Gah! What is wrong with me?

  Standing, I say, “Restroom break.”

  He nods and I go around the corner of the building. It’s taken a long time for the guys to stop following me when I use the bathroom. They say it’s to keep me safe, but all it does is make my bladder shut down. I never had a nervous bladder before, but I sure as heck do now.

  When I return, the rest of the guys are awake. Noah waves at me as I join them. We’re the same age, but his innocence makes him seems so much younger. His strawberry-blonde hair is messy, as if he’s just woke up. Out of all of the guys, he’s the easiest to talk to.

  “Sleep good?”

  I reply, “Like a rock.”

  Dave catches my gaze and gives me a wink. My cheeks feel warm and I pray I’m not actually blushing.

  Rocco yawns and asks, “What’s on the agenda today?”

  We all turn our attention to Dave. I’m not sure how he became the sole leader of the group, but none of the others seem to mind.

  He rubs his chin, which has a five o’clock shadow that makes him look sexy. Why do I keep noticing things like this?

  “Been thinking about something for a while now.”

  Noah asks, “Are we finally going to settle down somewhere?”

  The idea seems foreign to me. Settle down? Where? There are no safe places in the apocalypse.

  Dave shakes his head. “Not exactly.”

  Harper laughs. “Spit it out, dude. We all know something’s been on your mind.”

  “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should head south. It’s almost fall and I’m not sure we can survive another winter like last year.”

  I shiver at the mention of last year’s awful winter. That was the first time I’d wanted to just give up. Our food ran out and we went days without eating. I’ve never been that hungry in my life and I’m not sure I want to experience that empty void feeling again.

  I clear my throat. “That might not be a bad idea.”

  If they’re surprised that I chimed in, they don’t show it. Usually, I just let them make all the decisions.

  Jeff nods. “I agree. What’s our destination?”

  “Maybe Texas? They never had horrible winters before the apocalypse.”

  I’m certain I remember hearing about awful ice storms in the south, but don’t comment.

  Rocco’s eyebrow raises. “Texas? Are you sure this isn’t just an easy way for you to swing through Oklahoma?”

  “Fuck off, Rocco.”

  Rocco holds up his hands. “Just putting it out there, man.”

  I want to ask what’s in Oklahoma, but don’t. Part of me doesn’t want to know anything about these men, but with each day that passes I find myself wanting to be close to them. Maybe that’s what my problem is. Maybe I’ve pushed people away for so long that I’m desperate now. Or, that’s what I tell myself, at least. Because I’m pretty sure each guy has wedged a way into my heart.

  While the others bicker, I move so that we’re separated by several feet. The distance makes me feel better, but Noah doesn’t seem to get that.

  He comes to my side, shaking his head. “I think they’re bored.”


  “I’ve noticed when we haven’t had any action they tend to start barking at each other more.”

  By action, he, of course, means killing zombies. Not like anyone’s getting laid around here. The thought makes me pause. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so cranky?

  I point to a tree with bits of flesh hanging from the branches. “Looks like a horde moved through here at some point. Judging by the damage, it was a big one, too.”

  Which is never a good sign. The bigger the horde, the bigger the risk of death. We knew that first hand after leaving Boston.

  “Yeah, I saw that.” He lowers his voice. “I hope we don’t come across it.”

  I know how he feels. Zombies aren’t smart nor are they fast, but people die when they get cocky around them. And I’m tired of seeing people die. We’ve already lost good men.

  I say, “Maybe we’ll be traveling in the opposite direction.”

  “Maybe.” He pauses, cheeks turning red. “Nikki, can I ask you something?”


  He stands a bit taller, so now I’m really curious.

  “Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?”

  “A… date?”

  Maybe I’ve misheard him.

  He nods. “Yes. Tonight, if you don’t have anything else going on.”

  I open my mouth and then close it.

  His face turns a darker shade of red and he stammers out, “Forget it. I was just joking.”

  He starts to leave, but I reach out to stop him.

  “Noah, a date sounds perfect.”



  “Good! Thank you!”

  He gives me a hug before rushing off. I’m not sure why I agreed, but seeing the smile on his face was worth it.

  “You’re going to give him hopes.”

  I spin, coming face to face with Jeff. He’s not as much of a dick as Dave, but he comes pretty darn close. Mostly because of the natural swagger he has. The dude just puts of a vibe that Skeeter would have called “big dick” energy.

  “Were you listening to us?”

  He shrugs. “Came to tell you we’re about to head out. Can’t help that the kid waited until that moment to guilt you into a date.”

  “He didn’t guilt me into anything.”


  He smirks and I want to smack the look off his face.

  “Maybe he just has more balls than you, Jeff.”

  One eyebrow lifts. “What?”

  For some insane reason, I feel the need to provoke him. “Maybe you’re just jealous that he asked me first.”

  He takes a step toward me and I freeze. Not from fear, but something I haven’t felt in a long time. Anticipation.

  He gazes down at me, with those dark hazel eyes that looks into my soul, and says, “Maybe so.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  His lips twitch. “Ask you out. Tomorrow sound good?”

  There is a tingling in the pit of my stomach that I can’t deny. I like him, big dick energy and all.

  I nod. “It’s a date.”

  He spins, walking away in large strides. I put my hand to my chest, feeling shaky. What in the crap did I just do?


  My nails dig into my palm and I release the fist I’ve been clenching. I damn near kissed Nikki just now. What in the fuck is wrong with me? I’m so caught up in my thoughts that I don’t see Rocco and run smack into him.

  “Dude. Watch it.”

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  Rocco and I have known each other for a long time, so he’s pretty good at reading my signals, especially when a woman is involved.

  “What’s up?”

  I nod my head and he fo
llows me away from the others.

  “I did something real fucking stupid.”

  “What’s new about that?” Rocco grins. “What did you do?”

  “I asked Nikki on a date.”

  “You did what?” His voice echoes.

  “I walked up on the kid asking her out and the next thing I know I’m the one asking her out. And she said yes.”

  Rocco shakes his head. “How in the fuck are you going to take her on a date? This is the apocalypse, dude.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  Rocco chuckles. “Dave’s going to be so pissed.”

  He’s not joking, either. I’ve seen the way Dave looks at her. Hell, can’t blame him, either. Nikki doesn’t talk much about herself, but what little I know, I like. And, she’s kind of hot. Okay, real fucking hot. Reminds me of a sexy librarian. The thought makes me groan.

  I ask, “Think I can get away with not telling him?”

  “Not with your luck.” He pauses. “Since everyone is asking her out, I think I’m going to.”

  Rocco and I have similar tastes in women, so this isn’t surprising. In our wild days we even had threesomes together.

  I roll my eyes. “Of course you are.”

  He grins at me as he heads toward Nikki. She smiles at him and then her eyes widen as she nods. He does a nerdy little jig and comes back to me.

  “We’re going out the day after you.”

  I’m about to reply when Dave and Harper walk up. Rocco gives me a look and scurries off. Fucking coward.

  “What’s up his ass?” Dave asks.

  Sweat beads on my upper lip. Fuck. Why am I so nervous? I should just tell him and get it out there in the open. But, I don’t.

  Instead, I say, “Who knows. Ready?”


  Harper watches me and then says, “I’ll let Nikki know.”

  As he makes his way to her, I wonder if he overheard me and Rocco. Because I haven’t seen that much strut in a walk in a long time.


  I blink as Rocco leaves. I feel like I’m being pranked right now. How in the heck have I gone from barely talking to these men to agreeing to three dates? Harper and Dave are the only ones who haven’t asked me out. Yet.

  Harper makes his way toward me, shaking his head. My pulse pounds in my neck.

  “I think everyone is smoking crack,” he says as he gets close to me, running his hands through his blonde hair.


  “Heard those jackasses are all asking you out.”

  A nervous laugh leaves my lips. “Guess the rumor mill still works in the apocalypse.”

  He nods. “Guess so. So… want to add one more?”

  “I… yes. I do.”

  His blue eyes widen. “Fuck. Really?”

  He’s as shocked as I am.

  I nod. “Only if you are serious, though.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be serious? I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while now.”

  This makes me smile. “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because we’re in the apocalypse. Didn’t seem likely that you’d say yes.”

  I shrug. “Beats sitting around a campfire, twiddling my thumbs.”

  He lets out a deep laugh that makes his eyes crinkle around the edges. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him laugh like that before. It’s nice. And sexy.

  “You’re so fucking right.” He glances over his shoulder. “Don’t think Dave knows what we’re all doing. He’s not going to be happy when he finds out.”

  “Doomsday Dave will have to get over it.”

  He glances at me. “You know he’s a dick because he’s got a thing for you, right?”

  I shake my head. “There’s no way.”

  Harper looks me up and down, making my skin heat. “Believe me when I say he’s definitely interested, Nikki. He’d be a fool not to be.”

  I’m saved from replying because Dave chooses that moment to come up.

  “Let’s go. We’re losing daylight.”

  Harper slaps Dave’s shoulder. “Maybe we’ll luck out and find a vehicle.”


  Harper grins at me before joining the other men. When he’s gone, Dave looks at me with an intent expression.


  “Nothing. You just seem… happy.”

  I smile. “Thanks.”

  “That’s it? Not going to tell me what’s put the smile on your face?”


  I fall in line behind Noah, who grins at me. Dave takes his spot at the front, but keeps glancing over his shoulder. We travel until the sun is directly overhead, not crossing the path of a single biter. Dave finally calls another break and we take our packs off.

  Noah comes to my side and says, “I’ve been thinking about tonight.”

  “Oh? Change your mind?”

  He shakes his head. “No way. I was thinking… maybe I can read you one of my poems?”

  Ah. So that’s what he does when he scribbles in his notebook at night. I’ve always wondered.

  “I’d like that.”


  He walks away with a huge smile on his face. Dave passes him, his gaze locked on me. I know where this is going so I prepare myself.

  “What in the fuck is going on today? Now the kid’s all smiles?”

  “Can’t people just be happy?”

  He gives me a look and I sigh.

  “Fine. But you’re not going to like what you hear.”

  His arms cross over his chest making the muscles in his arms bulge. “Try me.”

  “He’s happy because I said I’d go on a date with him. Tonight.”

  Dave stills. I’m talking completely frozen. He doesn’t even blink.

  “A date.”

  “Yes.” I rush on, “Somehow the others found out and, well, now I’m going on a date with each of them on different nights this week.”

  His jaw ticks as he thinks. He’s probably trying to come up with a reason why this is impossible.

  “What about me?”


  “Am I so horrible that you wouldn’t want to go out with me?”

  His eyes are wide and I realize he’s serious.

  I swallow. “I wouldn’t say no if you asked.”

  “Nikki, would you go on a date with me?”


  “Guess those fuckers had a good idea for once.”

  He gives me a grin that leaves my knees quaking as he leaves. I sit down on the curb. I’m still not sure how I ended up agreeing to a date with the five of them. Guess that means I should amend rule 3.

  Rule 3: Don’t be afraid to try new things.

  Amendment: Like dating in the apocalypse.



  The guys keep giving me a hard time about asking Nikki out, but I don’t care. She said yes and that’s all that matters to me. I haven’t been this excited in a long time, either.

  Harper points down the empty street. “Which fine dining establishment will you be taking Nikki to?”

  “You’re just jealous that you didn’t think to ask her first.”

  Harper nods. “You’re right, kid. Never thought that you’d be the one to man up first.”

  I don’t take his words as an insult. How can I? Tonight, I get to have dinner with the girl I’ve been crushing on from day one.

  I ask, “Would you mind helping me clear the restaurant on the end of the street? I have an idea for tonight.”

  Growing up, my mom used to talk about her very first date with my dad. It kind of made an impression on me. Plus, I might not get another chance to go on a date with Nikki, so I want to do it right.

  Harper rolls his eyes, but is already heading across the street. I follow him, hoping Nikki doesn’t notice that we’re gone. When we get to the door, Harper pulls out his knife. I do the same. We’re trying to save our ammo for emergencies.

  Harper taps on the door. We don’t hear anything, so he tu
rns the knob, pushing the door open. The scent of mothballs and mold assault my nose right away. I sneeze once. Harper mutters under his breath, walking right into the building. According to the sign on the building, this used to be a mom and pop Italian diner with a catchy name involving meatballs. Just like the type of restaurant my parents went to on their first date.

  There are a few tables that haven’t been turned over, covered in red and white checkered tablecloths. The bar, which has been cleared of any alcohol, has a few candle sticks and a candelabrum sitting on top. That will be perfect for tonight!

  Harper says, “Better open up the windows. Might give it enough time to air out in here before you bring her in.”

  I go to the main window and tug, but can’t get it to budge. Harper sighs and gets it open on his first attempt.

  “I loosened it for you.”

  “Sure, Hercules.” He points. “Why don’t you check the back while I open the rest of the windows.”

  Crossing the room, I walk through the swinging doors to the kitchen. There’s blood smeared on the olive tiles. I try not to think about what happened here. Dwelling on the past doesn’t help. Shoving my emotions aside, I peek in the dish room. There are still a few dishes and an empty pitcher.

  “Find anything?”

  I jump at the sound of Harper’s voice.

  He laughs. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “It’s fine. I didn’t find anything good.”

  “Did you look in the storeroom?”

  He points to a closed door on the other side of the kitchen, near the stove. I guess I missed it. I go to the door, opening it. A biter stumbles out, knocking me backward. My knife falls to the ground and I reach for it. The biter has other ideas and lunges for me. A scream leaves my mouth as we fall to the ground.

  “Goddamn it, kid! What are you doing?” Harper yells.

  “I got it! Don’t worry,” I reply.

  I’m tired of them treating me like a kid. This is the perfect way to prove I can handle myself. My knife is within reach, but every time I grab for it, the biter tries to bite me. He’s strong, too. Must be fresh, otherwise I’d be able to knock him off me. It lunges again and I get a whiff of death – the same stench that haunts my dreams at night. I gag as bile rises up my throat.


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