Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

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Nikki's Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse Page 15

by Sarah Bale

  My hands actually shake. “We had no idea what would happen when we ran into them near Vinita. They told us to turn around, but it was the fastest route to get here.”

  “And you did nothing to provoke them? Kill one of their members?”

  “No! They’re the ones who have been chasing us. No matter what we do they’re one step ahead of us. They say it’s a game and I believe them. To them, this is fun.”

  She reaches across the table, touching my hand. “I’m sorry. We need to know all the details.”

  “I understand. But we literally didn’t do anything to these people. The second time we saw them they told us the only solution was for us to submit to death. And I believe that’s the only way they will stop hunting us.”

  She says, “They don’t sound sane.”

  “They’re not.” I choose my next words carefully. “I know it’s wrong to ask, but is there any way you can sway Elijah into letting us stay? If we go out there we’re dead.”

  “Elijah has decided it’s up to the members of the community to decide if you can stay or not.” She smiles. “I like you Nikki. You’re strong and willing to do what it takes to protect the ones that you love.”

  “Thank you.”

  She goes on, “My vote will be to let you stay and help you fight.”

  My eyes water. “Daisy, I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say, Nikki. Sometimes you just have to have faith in someone. And, as I’ve told Elijah, it’s okay to let people in.”

  That makes me grin. “This is going to sound silly, but I have little rules for surviving the apocalypse.”


  “And what you just said is the second rule on my list.”

  She smiles. “You’ll have to show me this list one day.”

  I’m about to reply when Grey comes over to our table.

  “Sorry to interrupt. One of the guys told me Boss and his brother are fist-fighting out back. Didn’t know if you wanted to intervene.”

  Daisy curses. “Of fucking course.” She stands and says, “Let’s go watch these grown-ass men fight like children.

  She leads the way from the cafeteria. Grey and I follow.

  He says to me, “This ought to be good. Daisy gets madder than a wet hen when Boss does stupid shit.”

  The more I’m around this man, the more I like him. We go through a set of double doors. Outside, Dave and Elijah are circling each other. Both men have their shirts off. I take a moment to appreciate Dave’s physique. His muscles ripple when he swings at Elijah, who blocks. I gasp when I see the scarred skin on his shoulder.

  Cooper joins me and says, “Damn. This is better than a porno.”

  I laugh.

  “Sorry. Don’t tell my boyfriend I said that.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Daisy steps toward the men and calls out, “You two are being ridiculous right now.”

  Elijah replies, “We’re just sorting through some things.”

  Dave’s fist connects with Elijah’s jaw and he lets out a groan before lunging at his brother.

  Dave adds, “This is harmless, ma’am.”

  “Don’t talk to Daisy,” Elijah says back.

  “Dude. Get over it. I stole one girlfriend from you when we were kids. You’re the one who liked my sloppy seconds.”

  Daisy meets my gaze, shaking her head. “I feel like we’re going to hear things we’ll be able to hold over their heads later.”

  I laugh. Dave looks at me, which give Elijah the opportunity to take a swing. Dave grunts, rubbing his jaw. We watch the brawl for several more minutes. Jeff and Harper join my side.

  “Heard there was a fight. Knew Dave was involved,” Jeff says.

  I reply, “He says it’s harmless.”

  “I believe it. There would be more blood if they were serious.”

  Daisy puts her hands on her hips. “Are you idiots finished?”

  Elijah calls out, “Not quite.”

  Both men are panting, though, and it’s obvious they’re running out of steam. Finally, Elijah steps back. He and Dave hug and talk in low tones to each other. There’s a handshake and then they grab their shirts, heading toward a barn.

  Daisy shakes her head. “Fucking men.”

  Grey laughs. “I’m going to follow.” To Jeff and Harper he asks, “Want to come along?”

  Jeff and Harper exchange a look and nod, following Grey.

  Daisy comes to me. “I swear to God. I do not understand men.”

  Cooper says, “You and me both, girl.”

  Daisy says, “While they’re doing their thing, would you like a tour of the place?”

  “Do you mind if I check on Rocco first?”

  “Of course not. Let’s go.”

  As we walk we pass a man and woman. The man looks familiar, like the star of a television show.

  “Is that-”

  Daisy grins. “It is. I’ll fill you in.”

  Shaking my head, I follow her back to my room. Rocco is awake and looks better today. He and Noah are playing a card game.

  Daisy checks the bandage, nodding. “Looks good.”

  “I can’t thank you enough.” Rocco says.

  “It’s my pleasure. Would you like to take a walk with us? The stitches should hold and it’ll be good for you to get exercise.”

  He nods. Noah and I help him to his feet.

  He flexes his leg. “Feels better than it did yesterday.”

  We follow Daisy from the room. As she gives us the tour of the hospital I’m again blown away at everything they’ve managed to do.

  “Want to walk around the grounds?” Daisy asks.

  Rocco says, “My leg is starting to ache. I think I’ll rest for a bit.”

  Noah replies, “I’ll take you back.”

  “No, you go with Nikki. I know you’re dying to look around.”

  He grins at Rocco. “Thanks, man.”

  As we walk we tell Daisy how we came to know each other.

  “So Dave saved you from your groom, who just turned?”

  I nod. “Best thing to happen to me.”

  When she tells us how she met Elijah, I laugh.

  “That is so crazy. They really used to bow to him?”

  “Oh yeah. That’s one of the things I don’t miss. That and the way women are viewed. Before, they were kept inside where it was safe. Now, it’s understood that men and women are equal in every way.”

  Noah replies, “Just as it should be.”

  I say, “You seemed surprised when Dave said he was Elijah’s brother. Had he never mentioned Dave before?”

  She smiles to herself. “Elijah is complicated. He hadn’t mentioned him before, but it was because he thought he was dead. Believe me, if his dad had sent him a letter saying where Dave was, Elijah would have tried to get there.”

  We walk until the sun is overhead. Again, I can’t believe what they’ve accomplished. Solar panels. Fields for crops. Running water. Communication with nearby communities.

  Daisy says, “I think things are finally looking in our favor.”

  Cooper finds us in the connecting housing addition.

  He says, “Elijah sent for all of you. Says it’s time for the vote.”

  Suddenly, my stomach feels heavy. Whatever happens next will change our lives, one way or another.

  Rule 16: When things look bleak, sometimes you just need a little faith.



  Elijah and I talk most of the morning, after we burned off some energy. My jaw still aches where he swung at me. I’m impressed at what he’s built here considering everything that happened.

  He says, “You know I want to help you, but I promised these people that I would let them have a voice in what happens. It would be one thing if you were just asking to stay. But you have trouble on your heels.”

  Jeff says, “It’s not like we went looking for a fight. Those freaks are crazy.”

  “I get that.
But I can’t say we’ll fight for you. These people have to agree to it, too.”

  I know this is hard for him and I can’t blame him.

  I slap his good shoulder and reply, “And that’s all we can ask for, Eli. Let’s see what they have to say.”

  Seeing Elijah’s mutilated shoulder was like getting punched in the gut. When he told me the man who injured him was dead, I was fucking glad.

  We go to the cafeteria where several people sit. Elijah goes to the front of the room, Grey at his side.

  “Thank you all for coming.”

  A man up front says, “Not every day we get summoned like this.”

  “You’re right, Andrews. As some of you know, we had visitors at the gate last night. It ended up being my brother, Dave, and his group.”

  There are murmurs throughout the room.

  “Dave and his group ran into some trouble east of Tulsa. That trouble has followed them here.”

  A man stands in the back. “Is that what Marshall was talking about over the radio?”

  “Yes, Amos, it is. This group is searching for Dave. I’ve been told they are hunting Dave’s group as a sport.”

  A woman asks, “What did they do to the other group?”

  “They didn’t do anything. Simply chose to cross a road instead of turning around. I know some of you who have been on tower duty have seen the other group out, searching. What are your thoughts?”

  Grey clears his throat. “This group is different. They seem to thrive on hurting others. I watched them purposely wound a deer and leave it for the biters to kill.”

  There are more whispers as people talk to each other. My gut is telling me this is hopeless, but I have to try.

  I step forward. “My name is Dave. I know how this sounds to you and what we’re asking you to do. I never thought when I came to look for my brother that I would also bring trouble with me.” I meet the gazes of a few people in the front row. “We just want somewhere safe, where we can finally stop running.”

  Nikki comes to my side, taking my hand. “Please, you’re our last hope.”

  Elijah can barely look at me as he says, “I told you all when I came back that things would be different. Therefore, this isn’t my call. It’s your call. I won’t tell you to fight, but I’ll ask that you consider helping my brother.”

  Daisy says, “He might not ask you to fight, but I will.”

  There are a few gasps.

  Daisy goes on, “Elijah has given a lot to this place, to you. And no, you don’t owe him anything, but you owe it to yourself to be a good person.” She pauses. “If we turn them out, who’s to say this group will leave? I believe they’re studying us, just as we’ve studied them. And, as we’ve learned, there’s only one way to take care of a problem.”

  Daisy finishes by going to Nikki’s side, putting her arm around her shoulder. “I’m going to help these people. I hope you will, too.”

  I’m blown away by her speech. I can tell by the look on Elijah’s face that he didn’t expect it.

  He clears his throat. “All in favor of asking these guests to leave?”

  A few hands lift.

  “All in favor of helping them, even if it means fighting with this other group?”

  The majority of the hands lift.

  Grey grins. “Well shit. Would you look at that.”

  Elijah says, “We need a plan. We won’t let them gain the upper hand on us.”

  Daisy replies, “You’re not going to like my idea. I think we need to send a messenger out there to make contact. And I’d like to volunteer.”

  The look on Eli’s face is downright scary. “Daisy-”

  “Elijah, I said I wanted to help them and I’m not afraid. This might be the only way to see what they want.”

  I say, “As much as I appreciate that, I can’t let you put yourself in danger. I’ll go out there and try to talk to them again.”

  This time it’s Nikki who gasps. “Dave!”

  But this is how it has to be.


  Dave is scarce for the rest of the afternoon. Everyone seems to be fine with him putting his neck on the line. Everyone except for me.

  I sit on the bed, next to Rocco. He’s taken a shower and looks better with all the filth washed away.

  “You okay?”

  “No. I’m not. How are you okay with this?”

  He sighs. “Nik, I know it’s not what you want, but they’re right. Someone needs to try to reason with that group. If they can, this might blow over. If they can’t, we need to know.”

  “But why does it have to be Dave?”

  Dave enters, as if summoned.

  “It has to be me, Nikki, because I’m the one who brought this danger here.”

  “No. You’re not. We were all there.”

  His eyes flash. “I won’t ask you to put yourself in danger!”

  “But you’re not asking if I’m okay with you putting yourself in danger! How is that fucking fair?” My voice raises with each word.

  “It’s not. None of this is fair.” His voice breaks. “But if something happens to me, I know you’ll be okay because the guys will be here to help you heal. If something happens to you-”

  He can’t even finish speaking.

  Jeff, who’s sitting on the floor, nods. “He’s right, Nikki. Let him do this without guilt on his soul.”

  My eyes water as tears threaten to spill over. “I hate you all right now.”

  Dave kisses me. “We love you, too.”

  It’s the first time he’s said it out loud. I look into his eyes and see that he means it, that they all do.

  I say, “I love you, too. All of you.”

  There’s a knock on the door. I open it and find Daisy standing there.

  She says, “Elijah would like to talk to everyone. Now.”

  I fear they’ve changed their minds. Maybe they want us to leave? We follow her to the cafeteria, where a group of people wait.

  Elijah says, “This is Marshall, who leads a nearby group. Next to him is Amos, Andrews, Norman, Grey, Kat, Jo, and, of course, Daisy.”

  Dave asks, “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No.” Elijah shakes his head. “We’ve been talking. This is only going to end one way.”

  Dave nods. “I agree. What’s your plan?”


  “Thought as much.”

  I shiver. War. But, they’re right. This is the only way.

  Harper says, “Too bad we don’t have supplies.” At my curious look, he goes on, “If we had our military weapons we might be able to outpower them.”

  Elijah’s eyes light up. He turns to Dave. “When we came back from Texas we swung through Lawton.”

  Dave’s eyebrows lift. “Was it still there?”

  “It’s been damaged, but you might be able to find things you can use.”

  Jeff asks, “Care to fill us in?”

  Dave grins. “There’s a base in Lawton.”

  And just like that everything shifts.

  “It’s going to be dangerous. Especially since we don’t want them to know what we’re up to.” Elijah warns.

  Dave says, “We live for danger.”

  Daisy shakes her head. “Well, if it’s not one thing it’s another.”

  Grey glances at Kat before saying, “I’m in.”

  Kat sighs. “I’m not happy about it, but I’m in, too.”

  “Thank you for doing this for us,” I say.

  Daisy smiles. “That’s what family is for, Nikki.”

  I realize she’s right. Family in the apocalypse is what you make it. We started out alone, found each other, and now there are more of us than I can count.

  Dave hugs me. “We’re going to get through this.”

  I hug him back. “Yes. We are. All of us, together.”

  Rule 17: The end is just the beginning.

  The End

  Coming February 2019: Daisy and the Beginning

  Chapter One


  Elijah cleared his throat. “All in favor of asking these guests to leave?”

  A few hands lifted and my stomach churned. We’d done all we could. It was up to our people now. Nikki met my gaze and I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

  “All in favor of helping them, even if it means fighting with this other group?”

  The majority of the hands lifted this time.

  Grey grinned. “Well shit. Would you look at that.”

  I was overcome with relief. I know we’d just met these people, but they truly needed our help.

  Elijah said, “We need a plan. We won’t let this new group gain the upper hand on us.”

  I thought back to what Marshall had said while observing the group. They were toying with Nikki and her friends. This was just a game, but maybe there was a chance we could reason with them.

  I replied, “You’re not going to like my idea. I think we need to send a messenger out there to make contact. And I’d like to volunteer.”

  Elijah’s expression was murderous. “Daisy-”

  “Elijah, I said I wanted to help them and I’m not afraid. This might be the only way to see what the other group wants.”

  Dave cleared his throat. “As much as I appreciate that, I can’t let you put yourself in danger. I’ll go out there and try to talk to them again.”

  This time it was Nikki who gasped. “Dave!”

  This was madness. If he went to talk to the other group they would kill him. Elijah was frozen in place. I knew he didn’t want his brother to go beyond our gates, either.

  Grey said, “Maybe we should take some time and think this out. No sense in jumping the gun.”

  Everyone agreed. Elijah took off and I followed. Reaching out, I grabbed his hand. He didn’t pull away. Instead, he hugged me to his side.

  We made our way to our room where we could talk privately.

  “Daisy, I can’t let him go out there.”

  “I know.”

  He sat on the end of the bed with a sigh. “I just found him.”

  Last night he’d told me all about his little brother, one I had no idea existed. They had grown apart as they grew older, largely in part because of their father.


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