Secrets Boxset: A Riveting Kidnapping Mystery Collection

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Secrets Boxset: A Riveting Kidnapping Mystery Collection Page 30

by J. S. Donovan

  “Because she’s valuable in God’s eyes,” Arden replied. “Master.”

  Master nodded agreeably. “Good. Good. I’m sure she is. So are all these girls. Come on, girls. Follow me. There’s been a change of plan.”

  They all looked at Arden hopelessly.

  Master commanded all to go ahead of him.

  Arden dreaded every second she walked. Master told her to go out the back door.

  The sun was setting, casting crimson rays across the sky.

  They walked along a short trail that led to a large tree stump in a small clearing.

  Master put his hand on Arden’s shoulder and pointed to the stump. “I want you to go over there, get on your knees, and pray on that stump. If you do that, I won’t hurt Blondie. I promise.”

  Arden looked over at the other girls. Red’s face had stopped bleeding. The dark-skinned girl was fighting tears. Blondie looked horrified with guilt. Arden looked at her and smiled sadly.

  She walked over to the stump and lowered on her knees. Dirt and rocks scratched against her skin. She rested her elbows on the stump and clasped her cuffed hands together.

  “Lord, I ask--”

  She felt Master’s presence behind her.

  “That you watch over--”


  A biting, sharp pain burned across her back.

  Arden bit her tongue.

  “Continue.” Master commanded.

  “I ask you to watch--”


  Another sharp pain across her back. Arden felt like she would throw up.

  “More,” Master commanded.

  Arden, tears streaming down her face, said, “Keep her safe.”

  Snap! Snap! Snap!

  Arden cried out. She felt hot blood race down the inside of her shirt and jacket. Spots danced in her vision.

  “Pray for the other two,” Master commanded.

  “Protect us, Father!” Arden cried.

  Snap! Snap!

  Arden vomited at the top of the stump. Her face was red and ugly with tears.

  “Not you. Them!” Master shouted.

  “Watch over them!”


  Arden collapsed. Master grabbed her by the elbow and put her back in the praying position. “Come on. You got God on your side. You can take the pain.”


  Arden spit up more bile.


  The world went black for a moment.

  She blinked and heard the girls crying.

  The Master’s shadow was still over her.

  She heard the girls crying. Her back felt like a fiery blaze. The pain was unspeakable. Arden could hardly breathe. She couldn’t see straight. Her mind barely worked.

  Master slowly ran the tip of the stick down her spine. “Pray for me. I’m valuable too, right?”

  Arden spoke through the pain. “Jesus, help this man--”


  Arden almost couldn’t feel it. “Thank You that You died for him just like the rest of us! Help him see Your love... Help him know Your peace!”

  Arden expected another hit.

  Master spoke softly. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever prayed for me.”

  Arden cracked a smile, thinking it was over.

  Snap! Snap! Snap! It went on and on and on. She laid her cheek down in the bile as her body took hit after hit until there was no feeling left and her jean vest was stained red with blood.

  Master turned back to the girls. “Thirty-nine times, just like the Lord,” he said bitterly. “See, I’ve read the Bible. Take her back to her room. I don’t want to look at her anymore.”

  Hesitant, the three girls lifted Arden up. Her body was limp. The tops of her feet dragged against the ground on their way into the house.

  They took her to the room and laid her face down on the bed.

  Master closed the door behind them.

  Broken breaths escaped Arden’s lips. Blondie stood over her and started to peel back the vest. She pulled it off. The simple movement tugged at Arden’s tattered skin. She gasped and blacked out.

  She dreamed of holding her Savior.

  She opened her eyes.

  The room was dark. Night must’ve fallen.

  She tried to sit up but couldn’t bring herself to move. Across from her was a small chair with a vest slung over it. The vest’s back had red stains bleeding through it. They must’ve torn it to get it off her cuffed hands.

  “You’re awake,” Red said.

  Arden spotted her seated in the corner of the room. She had her knees pulled close to her chest. Her eyes were bloodshot. A small slither of moonlight escaped through the barred window and illuminated her. “The others cried themselves to sleep.”

  Arden’s mouth was completely dry. She tried to ask the girl a question, but nothing came out. Red picked up her meaning though. “He didn’t come back. Not yet, at least.”

  Arden shut her eyes and drew in a deep breath.

  Red kept talking. “You know Sarah, the blonde girl, has been prostituting for years, right?”

  Arden didn’t respond.

  “Yep,” Red said matter-of-factly. “We’ve worked together. She’s into all sorts of freaky stuff. Even on her nights off, it's hard for her to keep her legs closed.” Red locked eyes with Arden. “You took that beating for damaged goods. According to your Bible, she’s going to hell. You would’ve been a lot better off if you just let Master have his way with her,” Red said.

  Arden forced words out. “She’s… still… loved.”

  Red mocked her with a chuckle. “And if she dies tomorrow before her big saving moment, will anything you did matter?”

  A part of Scripture came to mind. 1 Peter 2:21. “For to this you were... called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving... us an example, that you should follow His steps.”

  Red looked at her with awe. “You’re insane.”

  Arden didn’t reply. Her body cried out in pain, but there was a peace in her soul she hadn’t felt in a long time.

  After a couple of long hours, the sun breached the window and lit up the near barren room. There were two bunk beds, a dirty rug, and an empty bucket for their feces. The walls had cropped white paint, and there was a patched hole on the ceiling where the light and fan had been removed.

  The agony robbed Arden of any sleep.

  If she could move, she wouldn’t for fear of splitting the long scabs on her back open.

  Blondie and the other girl woke up and went to check on her. Blondie--whose name was Sarah--was too guilt-ridden to speak. The dark-skinned girl introduced herself as Karla.

  Fighting the pain, Arden was able to speak her own name.

  Karla held Arden’s hand in her own. She sniffled and smiled sadly.

  Sarah sat at the foot of Arden’s bed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Arden said. Inside, she pleaded for the pain to go away. Prideful thoughts came, saying that Sarah owed her something. Arden put those to rest quickly. She didn’t do this for a reward in heaven or on Earth. Someone needed help. She stepped up.

  “How did they get you?” Karla asked.

  “Long story,” Arden replied. “My partner and I were trying to stop people like Master and help girls like you. I let my emotions drive me, and now here I am. How about you?”

  Karla took a deep breath. “I met this guy at the bar one night--”

  “How old are you?” Arden asked.

  “Nineteen.” Karla got defensive. “I know I shouldn’t have been there, but if you met this guy, you would’ve gone off with him too. He said he was going to show me the world. Instead he spiked my drink, offered me up to his friends, and then sold me to some local gangbangers. They’d been keeping me under lock and key for a while. They said they had a special buyer for me who wanted to keep me chaste until he bought me. Surprisingly, the men kept their word. I was held up in their hotel, sorting money most of the time. I almost forgot about the deal until they came hauling me off i
n that semi. That’s where I met these two.”

  “You got any family?” Arden asked.

  “No one who cares,” Karla said.

  Sarah shook her head.

  “Same,” Arden replied. “My partner was pretty close.”

  “He your boyfriend?”

  Arden smiled at the remark. “No. We just work together… Did you see anyone with me when they put me in the truck?”

  The girls shook their head. “You were the last one they grabbed.”

  Arden sat in silence for a moment. She turned to Sarah. “You got someone special, Sarah?”

  “Most guys don’t stick around for long. I’m not really wife material,” Sarah said with shame.

  For her corner, Red eyed her.

  Arden said softly. “You don’t find your value from things down here. Find it from the One up there.”

  “Alright, preacher,” Sarah replied half-jokingly.

  If you would’ve seen me two days ago, you would not call me that, Arden replied in her mind.

  Suddenly, the door opened.

  Master stood in the gap. Still shirtless, the man fumed. Something had pissed him off. His meaty hand clenched the rod. “All rise.”

  Terrified, the girls obeyed

  Master turned to Arden. “You too.”

  Arden rose, feeling a sharp pain shoot down her back from the thirty-nine cuts. She nearly passed out as she managed to get herself to an upright seated position. Without her jacket, Arden covered her top. Her abs rippled as she stood up. Her legs trembled. Her body was mostly lean muscle. Her teeth chattered. She was slightly hunched. Moving her back in the slightest felt like death.

  Master bounced his eyes between the four girls. His large stomach rose and fell with every heated breath. “Who’s going to entertain me today?”

  The girls were silent.

  Arden stepped forward.

  Master smirked and shook his head. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, Master.”

  Frowning heavily, Master shook his head. “No. Not you. Someone else.”

  Arden took another step forward. “Me, Master.”

  Master grunted. He looked at the other girls. “You all can learn from her obedience. Remember, one day, she won’t be around, and who will help you then?”

  Master brought Arden to his bedroom. There were dirty clothes and plates everywhere. The place was disgusting. There was a meat hook hanging from the ceiling. Master grabbed Arden’s right wrist and lifted Arden slightly off the ground. She bit into her cheek as her back split open. Master slipped the cuff chain over the hooks. It was just tall enough that Arden had to stand on her tiptoes. She felt warm blood trickle down her spine and stain the top edge of her skirt.

  She fought the tears the best she could. It made her feel weak crying, but nevertheless, the waterworks began again. Master walked a circle around her. The nearby AC unit blew his hair to the side.

  “You think you’re some kind of hero?” Master asked, fuming.

  “No, Master,” Arden replied through the pain.

  “So you’re suicidal?”

  “I’m already dead.”


  Arden screamed as the rod ripped her back open.

  “Call me by my title.”

  “Master…” the word hurt her heart, thinking it to be a betrayal to God.

  Master stood behind her and stared at her bleeding back. He cocked his head slightly as if studying a work of fine art. “I’m sure you noticed you’re not like the other girls.”

  Arden felt the rod brush against her back.

  She cried out.

  Master withdrew the rod. “I usually don’t like girls your age, but when I was told that you were related to someone very special, I had to get my hands on you. They were going to kill you... and do other things. I told them to wait. I needed you all for myself.”

  Arden silently screamed as Master tickled her wounds with the tip of the rod.

  “She was a good girl, Patricia.”

  The sound of Arden sister’s name infuriated her.

  “Oh, you didn’t know?” Master said. “I talked to Jackie. He told me everything. He didn’t lie to you about bringing you to your sister’s keeper.”

  Arden had flashbacks of her sister’s body. She remembered that she was dressed just like Arden was now. Her heart raced. More blood pumped from her body. She got light-headed.

  Master giggled. It appeared his rage from the day before was starting to dwindle. “Yes. She wasn’t like you. She ratted out every other girl in this place before her turn, and then she was so, so loyal. I liked her enough that I even shared her with my friends. Out of everyone that passed through this place, she was my favorite. She told me all about her life and family. Even her childhood home.”

  Arden went red in the face with rage. She fought against the hook but couldn’t break free.

  “I promised her that if she treated my friends right, I’d take her home. And I did. We enjoyed her all the way there. But my buddies got a little too excited. They squeezed her neck just a little too hard. He tossed her in a ditch right outside her home,” Master boasted.

  Arden pulled on the hook with all her strength. She writhed in place trying to bust free.

  Master walked around to the front of her. “You look angry. Where’s the love of Jesus now?”

  After struggling for a moment longer, Arden gave up. The pain was too great. She caught her breath.

  Master walked up inches from her. “What does the Word say? Forgive or you will not be forgiven? Do you forgive me, Arden? You’ve already prayed for me, or was that just a big lie?”

  Tears rolled down Arden’s face. She wanted to headbutt him. She would if she could. It might not free her, but it would break his nose. Arden restrained herself. Tears streaming down her face, she looked at her sister’s murderer in the eyes and tried to speak, but no words came out.

  Master flashed his crooked teeth. His toxic breath streamed into her nose.

  Help me, Lord. Arden cried on the inside. She fought to say the words. It wasn’t her flayed back that kept her from speaking. The cause was her resistant heart. A strange image floated into her head. It was of Master, but instead of shirtless and sadistic, he was dressed casually and in a Third World country, giving food to orphan children with a gentle smile. He had no agenda. There was no perversion. Jesus stood next to him. Arden blinked and the vision faded. She looked deep into his eyes, understanding it was the man that he could’ve been. Would he change in this life? Maybe… Arden couldn’t know.

  “I… I… I forgive you.” It wasn’t authentic. Weeping, she said. “I forgive you.” Again. It was false. She tried again. It felt like she was about to tear her own heart out. She finally yelled. “I forgive you.” It came from beyond all emotions and rationale.

  Master looked stunned, like he’d never heard someone say the words. Suddenly anger flashed over his face. “You don’t really believe it. You want to kill me.”

  “Part of me does,” Arden admitted.

  Master shook his head. “You’re just doing this to stay alive.”

  “Then kill me already!” Arden shouted in his face. “I’m so ready, you have no idea.”

  Master wrapped his hands around her neck. His angry eyes pierced Arden’s as he squeezed. “Just like your sister.”

  Arden felt her windpipe closing. She didn’t fight it. She was ready to go Home.

  Suddenly, Master stopped squeezing.

  He looked over his shoulder.

  Arden heard it too.

  Someone was knocking on the front door.

  Master cursed.

  He turned to Arden. “Don’t say a word, or I’ll kill the other girls.”

  He let go of Arden’s neck, quickly threw on a shirt from the pile of dirty laundry, and headed out of the door.

  Arden dangled from the hook. Her body swayed slightly. Her head was down. She caught her breath.

  She heard the door open in the other room.

  “Hey, I’m…” The door closed, but the muffled voice kept talking. Master must’ve stepped outside.

  A gnat buzzed around Arden and landed on her nose.

  Yell, the whispering voice said.

  “But the girls,” Arden replied.


  If this backfired, three lives would be on her hands. She set her jaw. She didn’t want to speak.


  She put her doubt aside, hoping that her obedience would be enough.

  “Help! In here!” Her voice cracked. She kept yelling, louder and louder until she was purple in the face.

  The front door opened.

  Master said, “Mother fu--”

  Something heavy slammed on the ground.

  “Keep him pinned,” a commanding female voice said.

  “Help…” Arden said as she fought against the hook.

  Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open.

  A woman with a tight ponytail, a sharp jaw, and a no-nonsense expression stood there. She wore a button-up shirt, slacks, and had a detective badge around her neck.

  Arden’s eyes went wide. She recognized the woman.

  Macon’s Detective Kovac.

  She was just as surprised. “Arden?”

  She gawked at Arden’s tattered back.

  “Other girls,” Arden said. “Bedroom.”



  Kovac ignored Arden’s request. She holstered her weapon, wrapped her arms around Arden’s waist, and lifted her up. The chain connecting the cuffs lifted off the hook. An agonizing gasp escaped Arden’s lips as pain shot through her being.

  Kovac teetered as she helped Arden to the bed. The slightest movement set Arden’s back on fire. Chill bumps rose across her pale, freckled skin. She hugged her chest. A painful expression held on her tear-soaked face.

  “Here.” Kovac unzipped her jacket and handed it to Arden. Her shaking hands clenched the jacket close to her torso. She let her bleeding back breathe. Like drops of rain, tears of blood rolled down her broken skin and stained the mattress.

  Kovac grabbed her police radio.

  Feeling woozy, Arden shook her head. “Don’t.”

  “You need an ambulance.”

  “No hospital,” Arden said. “Help the girls.”

  Kovac was never one for taking orders, but she did as Arden requested and headed out of the bedroom.


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