Eclipsed Sunshine

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Eclipsed Sunshine Page 17

by D W Marshall

  “Don’t be a stranger when you get to London. Maybe we could meet for drinks. I could show you around,” she says.

  “That sounds nice.” It would be nice to know someone out there, but I know I won’t be strong enough to look her up, knowing how easy it would be to see Niko again. Amaris offered to move with me, but I declined. Having her there would be another crutch for me to lean on, and I need to learn how to depend on my own legs to hold me up. A thought pops into my head.

  “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Anything,” she says.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m standing at the foot of Thomas’ bed. Sam kept telling me on repeat that Niko was not going to like this, but I can’t leave this country, or this hospital, without facing Thomas. He is big part of this journey. There are two officers at his door, and one inside. Thomas looks small handcuffed to the bed. He is broken, bruised, and bandaged. Shot and stabbed—but like the cockroach he is, he’s still alive.

  “Hi, Thomas,” I say.

  He only stares at me. Sam backs up and positions herself by the door. I pull up the empty chair near his bed and sit down. The room is thrumming with tension. “I’m getting discharged today, but I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  Still, he doesn’t speak. He stares at me and blinks.

  “I wanted to share a story with you. I know how much you like them. It’s about a little genius girl who was snatched from her precious island. From everyone she knows and everything that she loves. While she was gone, she was forced to have sex with strange rich and powerful men. Guilt and fear wrecked her body and mind every moment. The worse part of all was at the end of the year, the strangers weren’t so foreign to her—she was beaten up by the guilt of her body and mind’s adaptation to her new life. She hated herself for not hating it.” I start laughing at the absurdity of this story. Thomas’ eyes grow with worry. I can be crazy, too. “The thoughts that saved her were knowing that she had a loving family, her beloved island, friends, and a man that loved her.”

  Thomas looks away.

  I get closer to him. “Oh, no you don’t Mr. Ackerly, eyes this fucking way. The story is about to get good.”

  He turns back and looks at me.

  “Imagine her dismay when her boyfriend finds out his love is back from hell, and instead of loving her and keeping her safe he thinks it’s a fancy idea to treat her like a whore and offer her up for fast cash to get himself back on top. Can you imagine that?”

  I glance over at Sam.

  “Thankfully, her love was a dumbass and his first client was a cop,” I say and belly laugh this time. “Imagine that. The poor genius girl thought she was saved. But things for her get so much worse. The man she thought she loved wasn’t just the worst prince charming ever, turns out he was actually the devil himself. He repeatedly harassed her, got inside of her therapist’s head, and then kidnapped her. Boy, was he surprised when she stabbed him with his own knife.” I stand up, my story is almost over.

  “Like I said, I know how much you like stories. This one is coming to an end—but it’s full of twists and turns. Karma is a bitch because if the guy would have been a good person, a loving human being, you know, the poor little genius girl would have gotten around to telling him about the four million dollars she was paid by her captor. That kind of money would have fixed all of his problems. I’ll let that sink in.” I say and wait. His face contorts and his brows furrow. “Good, you understand what I’m getting at. Really good story, right?”

  “Whitney—” he tries to say, but I cut him off, putting my hand up.

  “So here it is. I’m moving to London for school. I’m telling you this, so if you ever get out of prison, you’ll know my last known location. But just know that some of my fortune will go to training myself to be a lethal fucking bitch, so if assholes like you even look at me wrong—you’ll regret the day you were born.

  I start to walk away. “I hope you liked my story, and I hope you burn in hell with my blessing.” I smile from ear to ear and walk out of his room. Of course I start crying, I’m not a complete cyborg, but damn it felt amazing to take a little of my power back. I can feel it in my posture, my shoulders pulled back a bit more, my head a little higher. I hope to be as fierce as the woman in that room, and for the first time, I believe with time I will be.

  By the time we get back to my room my tears are all dried up.

  “Woman, I am in awe of you. I wish Niko could have seen you back there. You were amazing.” Sam hugs me.

  “Thanks. That felt pretty damn good. I think I will meet up with you for drinks after I get settled in. If I can do what I just did in there, who knows what else I can do.”

  “Perfect. I better get out of here. Hey if you’re ever in the mood for some of London’s finest brew, Unlax is tops. Niko introduced me to it; it’s his favorite coffee house. There’s only one, so it’s easy to find.”

  We hug again and she’s out the door. I know what she did there. I shake my head and smile.

  Chapter 34

  London, Six Months Later

  The last three years of my life have come to this place. London.

  I really hate thinking about the past and all the twists and turns I made in my life that I could have done differently. Not feeling guilty about the choices I can’t change is a valuable lesson that I learned from my whack job therapist. But, I am human and I can’t help but wonder if I wouldn’t have taken the two-year break in the first place and come straight here, would any of this even happened to me?

  When those thoughts come crashing into my head, I quickly push them out. I have to because the reality is: It happened to me, it all happened and unless someone comes up with a time capsule to go back and change the past, I can’t.

  Even if I could, I don’t know if I would. Because after everything that I went through, I’m different. I’m changed, but surprisingly, the outcome isn’t bad. The road to get here sucked in all ways possible, but I am a survivor and I wear it like a badge.

  Before The Chamber I would have never taken combat classes, and now I can’t get enough of them—jujitsu, Krav Maga, weapons handling, you name it. I am inhaling the knowledge. My body has lost the baby softness and that has been replaced with early signs of sleek warrior. I found a therapist and she is amazing. My sessions with her are helping me work through the grief and guilt of my too recent past.

  I changed my doctorate degree to Security and Criminal Science. A choice, born from my experiences, I want to help others. If I can get a Thomas off the streets, or even better, a Mason, using my genius brains and education then I have to; it’s my purpose. Of course my parents’ imaginations’ got the best of them and they envisioned me with a gun and cuffs out running down bad guys. I relieved their worried minds when I informed them that I will be tracking them from the comfort of a computer screen—at least that’s the plan. The best news is that it’ll take me less than two years to complete.

  I miss my family and the island. But I don’t miss the sun as much as I thought I would. London’s fog calms me in a way I hadn’t expected.

  When I’m still and quiet, I can’t help but think of Niko. Is he here? Or is he on another assignment? I miss him. I forgave him back in the hospital for the lies. I will be forever thankful for his friendship. In more ways than I care to admit, he saved me. Time and time again. In big ways and small.

  I know I did the right thing by letting him go, he deserved so much better than what I could give him back then. I was broken and beaten, both physically and emotionally.

  It’s still hard to believe that it’s been six months since I left home—it feels like a life time—circa London, is what I like to call that time in my life. That me wasn’t ready for him or any man. It wasn’t fair for me to start a relationship with him when I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

  These days, I’m feeling more myself than I have in a long time. But, I don’t feel like my old self, I feel like my new self. A stronger more confident me, aged by
circumstances and experience. I love how I feel in my bones. Being kidnapped two times was two times too many. The woman that I’ve become will make it nearly impossible to play the victim to the whims of a man ever again.

  Next week I start an exciting internship in the school crimes division, with school shootings growing rampant, it is too important. My dissertation is what actually landed me the internship, a solution for school crimes may be implemented one day. The focus of my dissertation is decreasing bullying, identifying children that are isolated, and at risk in order to decrease school violence.

  I can’t think of a better place to start than with kids. It’s so strange that I’m only going to be twenty-two, barely older than a lot of high schoolers—yet I feel twenty years older than them.

  This meeting with the company I’m interning with is a big deal, so I decide to dress the part—a simple white blouse, gray dress pants, and gray heels. My hair is knotted into a messy low bun with tendrils framing my face. I’m wearing nude make-up, except for a soft pink lip gloss. I throw on my gray winter coat, purple scarf and matching gloves and head out the door.

  There are eleven people that I count situated at a conference table, in cushy black office chairs, waiting for the speaker to show. I’m more nervous than I should be. Being a prodigy, I’m accustomed to being the youngest in the room by a decade or two. Small conversations are taking place around me, while I wonder what the hell is going on with my body.

  When Niko walks into the room, I know it’s because of him. He stops at the front of the table. His chocolate hair is brushed back, neat. His blue eyes find mine but they don’t register as much surprise as my own. My smile threatens to split my face.

  He begins his presentation.

  A story of him being a kid that was small for his age, an easy target for bullies. He tells the story of how he turned his life around, by motivating the entire school—the same small fish concept he uses with adults, the tattoo he bears on his forearm. Save the small fish before they become sharks.

  When the story is over the room erupts with applause, no one louder than me. I am so proud of Niko. I love him. I feel it through my soul. My body yearns for him. When his eyes find mine, I smile wider and brighter than anyone else.

  I stand back and watch him at the end of the meeting as he shines, engaging in smaller conversations. This crusade of his is just what the world needs right now.

  When the people begin dispersing, they take the air with them. We are alone.

  Neither of us speaks for several moments.

  Niko is first. “So, what did you think?”

  My cheeks hurt so much from smiling. “So amazing, Niko. More than I could have expected for my first internship. I’m all in.” The fact that we get to work together is another bonus.

  “Really?” he asks, unsure of himself in a way I’ve never seen.

  “Yes,” I nearly squeal.

  “I need coffee. You?”

  I don’t hesitate. “Absolutely.”

  Niko extends his hand and I take it, like second nature or a second skin. Butterflies pepper my stomach in a way that only happens when I am in his presence.

  Unlax, is a quaint coffee shop with heavy, dark furniture. We sit on the same side of the table.

  Like a couple of dorks we stare at each other and blush, a lot.

  “So, how do you like it here?”

  “I love it here. I never thought I’d be okay without my sun, but this is so much better. I can open my eyes all the way without sunglasses. I’ll appreciate my sun more when I go home.”

  When the waitress comes to our table she addresses me first, “For you, madam?”

  Niko perks up. “May I?” he asks me, and I nod his permission.

  “The lady would like a coffee, with enough cream to make it caramel in color, and two sugars.”

  I can’t help but smile.

  “And the gentlemen?”

  I chime in before he can answer. “He’ll take his black.” I turn to him. “You still take it that way?” I ask.

  Niko reaches out and puts both hands on either side of my face. His lips take me hostage and hold me there. He licks and tastes me, sucking my lips, our tongues one. I look up at the waitress. “Cancel that order.”

  I pull Niko from the table and out of the coffee shop. I scan the street until I find what I’m looking for. He doesn’t ask any questions; his smiling face is all I need to push me forward. I want this more than anything.

  I pull us through the lobby of a small hotel that is beautiful and ancient. I take out my cards and rent a room for the next two days. I don’t know what plans he has, but he’ll have to cancel. I fumble with the key giddy with excitement. Out of all the things I’ve wanted in my life, nothing is more important than this moment.

  Niko rescues me from the key and opens the door. I begin unbuttoning my shirt before he can get the door closed. Not caring, I pull and rip the remaining buttons. He stands and looks at me with awe, shock, and concern. My chest rising and falling. My skin heated.

  “Niko, why are you dressed?” I pant.

  “Why aren’t you? What are you doing?” he asks.

  My face falls. Shit, did I misread things?

  “Niko, I’m sorry about what happened back in Barbados. I wasn’t the right girl for you then. But I am now. I don’t hate myself for the past. I don’t blame myself anymore. I’ve been training in combat and weapons. I live all by myself, and I’m not afraid of anything but not being with you. I miss you. I love you so much that it hurts.” I start to panic because he hasn’t moved. I pull my blouse up over my shoulders and stare into his eyes, pleading for him to want me. The thought never crossed my mind that he might not. How badly did I hurt him? Did he meet someone else?

  “Niko. Please tell me I’m not too late.” It is nearly a whisper.

  His expression changes and he stalks toward me. He doesn’t touch me, but he’s close enough to. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words come out of your mouth. am going to make love to you right now and when I’m done, I will never leave your side again. I love you so much, Whitney Alexander.”

  My heart floods with happiness, and I nod greedily for him to take me. Niko peels his clothes from his body, and then removes mine. “My God you’re exquisite. Everything I imagined and more.” His eyes cover my flesh. I do the same. His manhood is impressive and ready. His skin stretches over the dips and grooves of his muscles. My heart is racing, and my breathing is out of control. I work out all the time, but this is carnal and hormonal.

  Niko lifts me into the air and I wrap my legs around him. I devour his face with my lips, I pant with lust and hunger. He pulls the blanket off the bed and lays me down.

  “I don’t have anything with me. I mean, I don’t carry protection in my wallet.” His laugh is mixed with embarrassment and amusement.

  “You mean you’re not sixteen?” I laugh. “I’m on protection, a shot I get every three months. We’re covered.” I hate that my mind drifts back to the reason I began that stupid shot, Mason. Will he ever not be a thought in the back of my mind?

  Niko’s expression changes. It’s time to get what my body has been craving.

  “I love you, Whitney,” he says and studies my body, making me crazy inside. When he finally sinks inside of me, I nearly scream from the feeling, the fullness.

  His tongue dances with mine and we find a rhythm.

  “You feel so good,” Niko says into my mouth.

  All I can manage is a moan in return.

  My body moves in ways foreign to me as he pushes deeper inside of me, rolling his hips and making my head swim. With a full hand of his ass, I pull him deeper still and nearly come apart.

  “Woman, I never want to be anywhere but inside of you,” he growls before he pulls out of me, leaving me cold with want. His eyes hold mine.

  “Marry me, Whitney?” he asks and his eyes never leave mine.

  My heart sinks into the depths within me. I want to ask if he
just said what I think he did, but I know what I heard. My mind betrays me and goes back to my last proposal, and I have to shake my head to clear it. The love of my life is hovering over me, bearing everything, stepping out on a line and taking a chance on me.

  I raise up and push him down onto his back and straddle him. Niko stares up at me with wonder in his eyes, waiting for my next move. He gasps with surprise when I sink down onto him, taking all of him. With eyes never leaving his, I roll my hips in slow circles.

  “Niko Andres, can I have you like this anytime I want?” I ask and grind harder. His eyes open to the size of saucers.

  “Yes,” he says around a moan.

  “Can I climb on top of you and do this?” I lift off and slam down, over and over, contracting my walls around him. I lick and bite my lips with satisfaction when he shatters inside of me. Taking all of him, I push until he is as deep inside of me as I can get him and my body comes apart, contracting around him like a vise.

  “Yes!” I shout while my body joins him in our joined ecstasy. “I will marry you.”

  He pulls me into his arms, our moans and breaths are a love song. I see lights as we continue to explode into a crescendo of sounds. Fiery sensations run through me.

  Thoroughly spent, I collapse onto his chest.

  Chapter 35


  When I wake up, I am disoriented. I look around and realize that I wasn’t dreaming. I have no idea the time. Based upon the look of the sky through the sheer curtain, it must be daytime. Niko is not next to me in the bed, but this is the hotel we checked into, so I didn’t dream this. My naked body another indication that I’m not dreaming. But where is Niko?

  The room door swings open before I can think too long about his whereabouts. My beautiful man walks through the door carrying a carafe of coffee and a bag of what I’m hoping is food, because I’m famished.


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