Twice Tempted

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Twice Tempted Page 13

by Marquita Valentine

Page 13


  “One last kiss, then you can let me go. ”

  A predatory light filled his eyes. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you go. ”

  This time his kiss was savage, dominating. Gabriel’s kisses had always been affectionate, never crossing the line, and Christian’s, well, his had been urgent and passionate before now.

  But this? This was something entirely different. His hands tangled in her hair, holding her securely in place while he devoured her mouth. She gripped his shoulders, unable to contain the moans leaving her throat.

  “Screw it. ” He tugged the shirt over her head, pressing his body to her. She pushed at his boxer briefs, desperate for him be inside of her. “I’ve condoms. ” At his touch a compartment in the headboard slid open, an opened box of condoms prominently displayed.

  Plunging her hand inside the box, she snagged the one first one and handed it to him. “Put it on. ”

  Foil tore, the rest of their clothes thrown to the floor. The head of his penis at entrance of her sex, his hands on her hips and his mouth. . . tongue plunging between her lips.

  Another tap on the door. “We’re starting our descent, sir. You and Ms. Ambrose should move to a seat and buckle up. ”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “Bloody fucking hell. ” He rolled off of her, panting. Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his lips, then placed it over the tattoo on his chest. His heart raced beneath her palm, keeping time with hers. “Not frustrated with you, love. ” After a couple of minutes, he left the bed, rummaged around the room and grabbed his boxer briefs.

  She sat up, hair falling around her bare shoulders and down her back. “I guess they knew what we were doing back here, huh?”

  “Don’t worry. My crew is compensated not to say anything. Trust me, they’ve seen and heard worse,” he said, buttoning the fly of his jeans. He passed her the dress she’d carefully draped over a chair.

  Now that she wasn’t flat on her back in bed with him, Zoe could think again. And she was thinking that he was sounding like he did this all the time. The opened box of condoms was a dead giveaway. It was humiliating to be put in the same category as all the women before her. Should she feel special because he needed her longer than a single night?

  But no matter how mad she was at him, it wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t made her do anything, only taking what she freely offered. What she had allowed.

  They finished dressing in silence, and moved to the front of the plane. Sitting in her former seat, she looked around the interior as Christian spoke in low tones to the co-pilot. A soccer game still played on the television. Her purse still sat on the floor and his phone was still in his hand. Everything was as it had been. As if they hadn’t been in a bedroom, kissing, touching and stroking one another.

  The stewardess, a beautiful woman with straight black hair and liquid brown eyes, placed a hand on Christian’s shoulder, letting it linger as she bent down to ask him a question. He smiled at her, eyes crinkling.

  Zoe’s heart jumped in her throat. They were lovers. Had to be, given the way the woman was touching him. After the co-pilot and stewardess left, Christian’s blue eyes found hers. He smiled, the same smile he gave every woman.

  She forced a neutral expression on her face. It was time to have the ultimate talk with him. “We need to clearly define the boundaries our relationship. ”

  Christian placed his phone on the table between them. Her look of embarrassed confusion had given way to fury. He suspected that if he touched her, she’d explode. To stop himself from doing exactly that, he clenched the armrests.

  “I’m all ears. ”

  Frowning, she crossed her arms. “What happened shouldn’t have and it won’t again. I’ll help you for the rest of my stay, but no more kissing or touching or-or anything else. ”

  Convinced he’d misunderstood Zoe, he twisted his seat around to fully face her. “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy what we did?”

  Twin blooms of pink formed on her cheeks. “I liked it just fine, but this won’t work. It can’t work. Despite what happened between us, I don’t do this kind of thing. Not like you. ”

  Just fine? She liked it just fine? Zoe really knew how to kick a man in the balls. He was tired of her ‘fines’. Of waiting patiently for her to figure out what the hell she wanted.

  “I’m not apologizing for being who I am, for having fun, or for being in my twenties. Not for a damn thing. ”

  A shaky breath left her as the plane bounced once and then slowed. “I’m not asking you to change who you are or say you’re sorry. I’m telling you who I am. I want monogamy and meaningful relationships. ”

  That was her problem: she didn’t think he could be faithful? However the media painted him, when he decided to be monogamous and in a one-on-one type of relationship, he’d damn sure not have any problems accomplishing the feat. He’d done it before, but everyone, including Zoe, seemed to forget that part of his past.

  All of which had absolutely nothing to do with them being together while in Vegas. It wasn’t as if he planned on using and discarding her. Or never talking to her again. They had the same agent for God’s sake.

  He leaned forward, staring directly into her pretty eyes. “What are you asking of me?”

  “Nothing…I can’t let my heart get broken again, not by you. ” Her lower lip trembled. “I don’t think I’d be able to recover this. . . from it. ”

  Falling back in his seat, he twisted the platinum band around his forefinger with his thumb. For some reason he’d chosen to wear it today after finding it in the bottom of his shaving case. There used to be two of them, his good luck charms when he’d first started out. He’d worn them to every audition that he’d gotten a call-back on. Only once had they failed him.

  Zoe pulled her phone out of her purse, her lips compressed tightly.

  Make that twice. He took the ring off and shoved it into his pocket. “I thought breaking up with your ex was a good thing. ”

  “I wasn’t referring to Gabriel. ”

  “Who then?”

  “A stupid boy pretending to be a man made promises he didn’t keep. ”

  “His actions still control your life?”

  “I—he…” Her mouth snapped shut.

  Tension shimmered between them, hanging like a heavy curtain as her mouth snapped shut. She looked as though she had revealed more than she wanted, and now he had to know who this man was. A man that eclipsed her ex-fiancé and hurt her.

  He had a sudden urge to track the guy down and beat the hell out of him. “Tell me. ”

  “It’s none of your business. ” She turned away from him, casting her attention to the window. Dark hair tumbled down her back and over slender shoulders that were shaking slightly.

  He reached out to comfort her, thought the better of it and found another seat as they taxied.

  Damn her.

  Chapter Eleven

  The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Christian had procured another private jet, but instead of finishing their trip, they headed back to Vegas and to separate rooms. Without a good-bye.

  Zoe fully expected him to ignore her the rest of the time he was there. She fully expected him to go out with other women who wouldn’t shoot him down or insult him.

  I liked it just fine.

  God, his face had been priceless. He looked shocked, then hurt. It had satisfied a base need in her to injure his pride like he’d done to her. However, her satisfaction was short-lived.

  She cringed as she thought about their conversation before the little girl needing a heart transplant had boarded the plane with her family. But what had really gotten to her was the fact that she and Christian had exited the plane before the family got on. They never knew it was Ian Romanov, world famous actor, who was helping them.

  When she’d asked him about it, he’d only said, “I don’t want them to feel like they owe me,
and I don’t want the press to hound them for supposed insider information. The McConnells should be given their privacy and dignity when they have a child suffering from a disease that will most likely cut her life short. ”

  The contrast between the man he could be and the playboy he was did things to her heart that couldn’t be ignored. However, it could be denied and safely tucked away in a little box.

  She looked out of her window, the Vegas strip coming to life with neon lights. Only four more days to go and she’d be free of him once more.

  Her cell rang and she searched for it, finding it under the dresser with a necklace and yellow flower petals. The vases of flowers that had taken over her room had been sent to the other guests on her floor. Except for one. One vase she kept for herself and her memories.

  She answered on the third chorus of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream”. That needed to change. Maybe to Cee Lo Green’s old hit “Forget You”.

  “Ready for your book signing tomorrow at two?” Martha asked.

  “Yes. ” Actually, Zoe had forgotten all about it. For the first time in years, her career obligations had taken a backseat to her wants and dreams. To Christian.

  “I appreciate the way you’ve been helping Ian over the past few days. Peak has offered him the part of Dimitri and he accepted this afternoon. The contract’s been signed and you’re off the hook. You don’t have to force yourself to be seen with the scoundrel. ” For once her aunt wasn’t her usual hardcore self of all business and not so gentle insults.

  “That’s wonderful. ” Now it was a certainty Christian didn’t need her anymore. No one did, but her fans. They were loyal and devoted. They showed up at her book signings. At her new releases. At blogs, on Twitter and in chat rooms. They had been there through the ups and downs of her career.

  “You don’t sound wonderful. ”

  Zoe’s reflection lifted its chin even as tears threatened to fall. “A little headache. That’s all. Nothing a hot bath and a good night’s sleep can’t cure. ”

  “Did something happen that I need to know about?”

  “No, Chris-Ian is exactly what they say he is and definitely not the guy for me. So no worries of a spontaneous marriage by Elvis. ” Zoe tried to laugh at her own joke, but her throat tightened as if someone had grabbed it. “I’ve got to go now. I’ll recheck my email for details. Good night, Aunt M. ”

  The line went silent. Zoe mentally pleaded with God to make Martha leave things alone. To not ask her questions that she couldn’t—wouldn’t answer.

  “Your book signing doesn’t happen until two days from now. ”

  “I knew that. It’s just, um, I haven’t been myself lately,” Zoe said.

  “Get some rest tonight and go to the spa tomorrow. ”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Then I’ll have the day after that to relax by the pool. ”

  Martha cleared her throat. “No, I’ve arranged a helicopter tour for you and Brennen McGowan. ”

  “I’m not going out on a date with him,” Zoe groaned. She was done with movie stars. Forever.

  “This isn’t a date. It’s just something fun to do with another person while you’re in Vegas. Besides, you know how I like for my clients to be seen with one another. Makes us look like one big happy family. ”

  “Sounds fabulous. ”

  “I knew you’d think so. Have a good night, dearie. ”

  Zoe ended the call, then made her way to the bathroom and turned on the spigots. She added a dollop of bubble bath, watching the white froth cover the top of the water. Once she was submerged neck deep, she let the tears fall until her eyes were swollen and her nose stuffy.

  Things would look better come morning. They always did.

  She hoped.


  Christian threw his phone on his bed, then moved to the living room on the penthouse. Near the coffee table, he found a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He hadn’t smoked in months, but there were times when nothing else would do. Usually, he’d find something or someone to take his mind off it his cravings. But this time, this time he didn’t give a shit.

  Giving into temptation, he grabbed both and strode across the room to the balcony.

  He was furious with Zoe, with his own inaction and reaction. He knew he’d hurt her with his thoughtless words about discreet employees and allusions to random women mile-highing it with him. Any other woman wouldn’t have cared.

  The sliding glass door that led to the outdoor pool and patio bounced as it hit the stopper in the tracks.

  However, Zoe wasn’t any other woman. She was a woman he wanted to know everything about, but prying into her past hadn’t been the way to go. Not everyone felt a need to over-share, but with her, Christian wanted no secrets between them. He wanted to bare his soul to her and it scared the hell out of him. He was utterly out of his element with her.

  Brennen swaggered in, blue highlights in his hair making Christian wince. God, he didn’t know what was worse, the dye job or the wardrobe.

  “Ed Hardy must be your biggest fan. ” Christian lit a cigarette and walked over to the edge of the balcony. Every piece of architecture glowing with brilliant illumination.

  “Don’t be hating my wardrobe,” Brennen said. “I’m feeling all G-6, baby. ”

  “You feel like a jet?”

  “It means awesome. Amazing. Spectacular. Fantastic. Brill-”

  “I get the point. ” Christian took another drag and blew out a steady stream. “Who is she?”

  Brennen gave him his signature grin. “Brainy brunette, very nice rack, round little ass and about this tall. ” He held his hand to his shoulder. “Sweet accent and dark eyes. Seriously, not your type. ”

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