Pandemonium (Tails Book Five)

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Pandemonium (Tails Book Five) Page 10

by R. E. Butler

  “Remember that turnabout’s fair play. Whatever you dish out, Rafe and I will be doling back to you in spades.”

  “Oh, sexy threats. That did nothing to dissuade me, good sir.”

  Oh shit. She was obviously going to have some fun with them while they were up on stage and couldn’t do anything about it. And he loved it too. Loved seeing her smile and look happy, not worried about Benecio and China as she’d been. Whatever it took to get her mind off things, he was game. Even if it did involve sexy torturing with texts.

  “You’re trouble wrapped up in a sexy package, love.”

  “You know it.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  China sat in the passenger seat of Abbie’s car and stared at the group of males milling around the park. Her whole body was one big nerve.

  “You’re sure about this?” China asked, tearing her gaze from the males and looking at the pride’s match-maker.

  “Yes. It doesn’t mean that you need to do anything, though. We can still leave.”

  “We already called the meeting, though.” And considering what an asshole Benecio was, canceling would definitely not be good. China put her head in her hands. “Crap.”

  Abbie rubbed China’s back. “We don’t have to do this. It’s magic, not science.”

  With a shudder, China sat up and looked at the males. Benecio was sitting on a concrete bench looking pissed. The handful of males around him appeared wary and disgruntled.

  “My destiny is out there, though.”

  “It is. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t forge another path. Destiny can be changed because of free will. If you don’t go through with meeting Benecio, then your destiny will change paths.”

  “And he’ll want to fight Demi’s mates for her. I can’t allow that, not when I could maybe do something about it. I feel like I have to be here.”

  There was a knock on China’s window and she about jumped out of her skin. Vale leaned down as China lowered the window. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry. They’re getting anxious. We should either get this over with or leave.”

  “It’s up to you,” Abbie said, putting her hand on China’s shoulder.

  “Let’s do this before I lose my nerve or barf all over my favorite tennis shoes.”

  China opened the car door and climbed out. She inhaled deeply to settle her nerves, but something that smelled good caught her attention. Her lioness sat up in her mind, curious. Interested.

  “Do you smell that? It’s like really good cologne.”

  Vale inhaled. “Nope. I just smell lions and grass.”

  China hummed and looked at Abbie, who was looking at her curiously. “Let’s go,” China said.

  “As you wish,” Abbie said.

  Their small group walked toward the males. As she grew closer to them, her lioness started to fuss, clawing at her insides and yowling complaints.

  “What the hell?” she whispered, rubbing the space over her heart. “Calm down.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Reign asked.

  “My cat.”

  “What’s she doing?” Abbie asked.

  “Going crazy.”

  “What is the meaning of this meeting?” Benecio demanded, rising to his feet.

  China stopped abruptly. She inhaled, but didn’t smell the good scent anymore, which made her lioness furious.

  She looked over her shoulder but didn’t see anyone. Her cat yowled in misery.

  China turned back to Benecio. He was such a bastard. “I came to see you because Abbie said we were destined to meet.”

  “I told her already that I wasn’t interested in anything she had to say. I will have Demi or I will slaughter the pride to get to her.”

  “You’re an ass,” China said, throwing up her hands. “I’m fucking glad you’re not my heart-match, that’s for damn sure. Why are you so closed minded? Why are you insisting on Demi? She’s mated! She’s not going to give them up for anyone, especially not you.”

  “Shut up, female,” a male next to Benecio said, flashing his fangs at her.

  “Butt out,” she said, her ire rising. She couldn’t figure out if she was more pissed about losing the good smell or Benecio’s behavior.

  Another male advanced with a growl and China took a step back. The males’ eyes were all glowing gold, their beasts close to the surface.


  “We’re leaving,” Vale said. He put his arm in front of China to push her behind him.

  Benecio’s eyes flashed brightly, his fangs elongating in his mouth. “I have a message for you to take back to your alpha. If you survive.”

  His claws erupted from his fingertips and he swiped at her with a furious growl.

  She shrieked and ducked her head, covering herself with her hands and waiting for the blow to come.

  But it didn’t. The delicious scent filled her nose as she peeked between her arms and saw a huge male standing between her and Benecio. The male held Benecio’s wrists and kicked out, knocking Benecio in the knee and forcing him to his knees.

  “You’re going to strike my female? I’ll kill you!”

  “Stand down, Oz,” one of the males said.

  Vale and Reign stepped in front of China and Abbie and moved them away.

  “Don’t leave,” the male named Oz said. “I have to take out the trash, but then we’re going to talk.”

  “Okay,” China said.

  As they moved to safety, the fight blew up as Benecio tried to shift. Oz didn’t let him. He broke his wrists and swiped at his throat with his claws. Benecio grabbed his throat with his hands as blood sprayed.

  Oz roared, his claws dripping with blood. Benecio fell over with a gurgle, his body flopping a bit and then going very still.

  The males around him fell to their knees and tilted their heads.

  “What’s going on?” China asked.

  “He just killed the alpha,” Reign said. “That makes him alpha.”

  “He’s a fucking badass. He took him out with one swipe,” Vale said.

  “Did you know this would happen?” China asked Abbie.

  “I only knew that your destiny was here. I didn’t know exactly what would happen.”

  “Holy shit, I have a heart-match and he’s incredible.”

  Oz turned slowly and faced them. “Mate.”

  Be still her freaking beating heart. He could call her mate anytime.

  “What should we tell Duke?” Vale asked.

  “Tell him that the threat is gone and Demi and her guys are safe. Because I’m the bestest best friend who ever lived.” She stepped from the small group and then hugged Abbie. “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  China strode across the grassy area to Oz, whose golden eyes were shining like coins. He was damn spectacular and she was feeling supremely lucky. He’d saved her life and saved Demi and her mates in the process.

  “I’m China,” she said. He was a foot taller than her. Broad-shouldered and muscular. And so freaking hot she wanted to kiss every inch of him.

  “Oz.” His harsh, nearly shifted features eased back to normal and he exhaled. “Let’s talk, China.”

  “You got it.”

  * * *

  The following morning, Demi rolled over with a groan, her eyes aching from lack of sleep. She’d slept fitfully, worried about China and the situation with Benecio. She hadn’t heard from China even though she’d left her several messages.

  “You okay?” Rhaider asked. He went up on one elbow and looked down at her.

  She shared her worries.

  “Well, if something was very wrong, we could assume that she would’ve reached out. Or Abbie. Or one of the guards that Duke sent along with them. If one of them contacted Duke, he would’ve called us with information. I think this is a case of no news is good news.”

  “Blergh, I hate that.”

  Rafe chuckled from behind her. He kissed her bare shoulder and said, “Let’s j
ust hope for the best.”

  “Yeah. I’m not going to be great in the classroom today.”

  “I’ll fix you an extra strong cup of coffee,” Rhaider said. He slipped from the bed and she ogled his cute butt while he tugged his jeans on.

  “I saw that, woman,” he said with a grin. “Keep looking and you’ll not only be tired but very late to school.”

  She rolled to her back with a giggle. “Fine, fine. I’ll just kiss on my other mate.”

  “Hey, I can make you very late to school too,” Rafe said.

  “Well, I don’t want that. But I do want a good morning kiss.”

  He pressed his lips to hers for a brief moment then got out of bed. She sat up and stretched, rolling her neck and rubbing at a tension ache. She needed to get up and get moving. The kids counted on her to be there, not to mention that being tired wasn’t really a good enough reason to take a day off.

  By the time she got out of the shower, the coffee was waiting in a travel mug and she took a long drink of the hot, sweet brew. “Ah, that hits the spot.”

  Rhaider stepped into the shower. “Glad to be of service.”

  “What are you guys doing today?” she asked as she walked out into the bedroom to get dressed and found Rafe in jeans and a button-down shirt.

  “We’ve got a meet and greet with the pride school director and then Titus said we could use the bar to practice as long as we’re done by noon when they open for the day.”

  “I didn’t know you had something set up with Director Reuben.”

  “Got an email late last night. You were already asleep when it came through. Duke had sent him our information and he messaged that he’d been out of town and wanted to meet with us today to see what options were available.”

  Rhaider walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. “And we’re supposed to sign the papers for the house after school today. Duke said we could pick up the keys at the bar and open the house up and get in to clean, so we’ll do that while we’re waiting for you to finish for the day.”

  The house was empty, so it would be easier to clean first and then move in. The carpets needed to be steamed and there was a layer of dust everywhere. But the large ranch home had four bedrooms, a full basement which would be perfect for a rehearsal studio, and a big yard. It was two doors down from her parents’ home, which would make it easy to have visits and meals with them whenever they wanted.

  “I really can’t wait to be able to move in,” she said.

  “Us too,” Rafe said. He gave her a kiss as he walked by to go into the bathroom.

  Rhaider fastened his jeans and reached for a shirt hanging in the closet. “It’s about time we found our forever home with our forever girl.”

  Her heart melted a little bit right then.

  She was half in love with them and they’d only been together since Friday night.

  When they were ready, she drove them to school and they followed her inside. She introduced them to Director Reuben, gave them both a quick kiss, and headed into the teachers’ lounge to drop off her lunch. She set her coffee down on the desk in her classroom and sat in the chair with a sigh. It was going to be a long day, but at least she had something good to look forward to after it was all over.

  Her phone buzzed in her bag and she dug through the contents to find it.

  China’s picture and number flashed on the screen.

  “Oh!” Demi said when she answered, nearly dropping the phone in her haste. “I’ve been so worried! Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, I promise,” China said.

  Demi blew out a relieved breath and sank back in the chair. “Oh, thank goodness. So, what happened? What on earth possessed you to take Abbie and go to see Benecio?”

  “I had to find out the truth of Abbie’s vision. It was going to drive me nuts not knowing if he was really my mate.”

  “Well, you obviously didn’t die, thank heavens, but you risked a lot going there.”

  “I did, but it was worth it. Because I’m happy to tell you that Benecio is not going to be a problem for you anymore.”

  “So…wait, what? Is he your mate?”

  “Hell no, girl, he’s crazy! And…he’s dead. Which is why I know he won’t be a problem for you anymore.”

  Demi blinked a few times, her brain misfiring. Had she heard her correctly? Benecio was dead?

  “Are you sure?” was all she could muster.

  China laughed. “One hundred percent. So, you can rest easy, bestie. Benecio is dead and his people are back in their home state of Indiana. No one is going to come after you for any reason. They were only here because Benecio was alpha and demanded it.”

  “Did you…?”

  “Kill him? No. One of his pride members intervened when he came after me. And that’s part of the reason I wanted to check in with you.”

  “What is?”

  “I’m in Indiana.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The male who took out Benecio for me is my heart-match. He has to appear before the pride because he took out Benecio and that means he’s the interim alpha. He wouldn’t leave me behind and his people wouldn’t leave without him, so I left with him. I stopped home and packed a bag and my cousin is going to keep an eye on my place. Duke and Titus know, and I turned in my notice at the bar. We’re planning to come back in a week, but I don’t know if we’ll be staying in Kedrick or moving to Indiana.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Demi said. She was having a hard time processing this.

  “Well, you could say you’re happy for me, and thank my sexy heart-match for taking out your stalker.”

  Demi felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders. She started to laugh as tears filled her eyes. “I’m super happy for you, China, and very grateful. To you and your heart-match.”

  “His name is Ozzen, but everyone calls him Oz.”

  “Thank him for me.”

  “I will.”

  Kids started to come into the classroom, their excited chattering filling up the quiet room. “I’ve gotta run,” Demi said. “I’m so glad you called, and I’m honestly so super happy for you. It’s amazing.”

  “It truly is,” China said. “Abbie believes the death she saw when she tried to match Benecio was actually his. She saw me in connection to the match, because I was the reason he died, since Oz killed him to protect me. So, I didn’t have anything to be afraid of and I got my forever guy.”

  “I’d like to meet him,” Demi said.

  “You can when we come back in a week. And no matter where I end up living, we’ll stay in touch. We’re besties, after all.”

  “You got it. Love you, China.”

  “Love you too, D.”

  The call ended and Demi sniffled and wiped tears from her cheeks. She pulled a few tissues from the box on her desk and blew her nose quickly, then stood and smoothed her hands down her slacks.

  “Good morning,” she said to the young lions seated at their desks.

  There was a chorus of, “Good morning Miss Bennett,” and she smiled.

  Suddenly she wasn’t so tired anymore. She was energized by China’s good news. It was hard to believe that her best friend had been the one to get Benecio off Demi’s back for good. She’d have to send her a really nice mating gift as a thank you.

  “Let’s start the day by sharing what we did this weekend. Who’d like to start?”

  All the hands shot up in the air and she picked a young female to go first. As she listened to the kids talk, she thought about how free she felt. She hadn’t realized how the situation with Benecio had tainted everything for her. But not anymore. She could enjoy her mating, her job, and her new home. She was safe now and so were Rafe and Rhaider. They wouldn’t have to fight Benecio on her behalf, and she wouldn’t have to worry about anyone coming after them.

  It was a wonderful way to kick off their mating. And she couldn’t wait for her lunch break to be able to call and tell them the good news.

* * *

  Rhaider picked her up when school was over and took her to their new house, where Rafe was using a rented steam cleaner in the master bedroom. The entire house had light gray carpeting, with vinyl flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms. She kissed Rafe hello and he turned off the cleaner to give her a proper greeting.

  “When do you think we can officially move in?” she asked.

  “Maybe this weekend,” Rafe said. “It depends on how fast the cleaning goes.”

  “Rebel and Mav said they’d help us move, but they refused to clean for us,” Rhaider said with a laugh.

  “What wimps!” Demi said. “Cleaning is much easier than moving.”

  Rafe agreed one hundred percent.

  “So, tell me what happened when you met with Director Reuben,” she said. When she’d talked to them on her lunch break about what happened with China, they’d told her they would share their news with her at the house. She’d been on pins and needles to know what happened ever since.

  “They don’t have the budget for two full-time teachers. He said he could hire us both part-time or one of us full-time. We’ve decided that I’m going to take the full-time job at the school,” Rafe said.

  “And I’m going to teach private lessons full-time,” Rhaider said. “We’ll build a barn in the backyard for a studio and I’ll use it for lessons and rehearsal space for the band, that way we don’t have people traipsing in and out of the house at all hours.”

  “Wow, that’s really neat. I’m so happy for you both.” She hugged and kissed each male. “What will Maverick and Rebel do?”

  “Rebel is going to work at the bar because China is gone and they’re not sure if or when she’s coming back,” Rafe said. “And Maverick’s got an interview in Madeen at an electronics store selling and setting up computers.”

  “And once we move out, they’re going to move into our place. They’re disappointed to leave the B&B’s amazing breakfast buffet, though.”

  “I’m glad they’re able to take the house,” Demi said. “It’s amazing how it all worked out.”

  “Indeed. I think that’s what happens when destiny is involved,” Rhaider said. “Everything works out in its own time.”


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