Wicked Winters: A Collection of Winter Tales

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Wicked Winters: A Collection of Winter Tales Page 44

by Lucy Smoke

  Justin: Yeah, I have 2. And no, live in an apartment about a five-minute drive away. Just pulled into the carpark.

  I could feel my pulse pounding in my head, that little vein that ran down my forehead ticked with all of the extra pressure. Justin had to drive home, and he didn't seem like the type to text and drive.

  I reopened Christian's message and saw the little bubble appear.

  Christian: Sorry for the delayed reply, was driving me and my two roommates home. Just pulled into the carpark.

  I felt faint. They lived together. How did this happen to me? How did I meet three, really good looking, hockey players, two by chance, who were all first string forwards, who were all best friends, and who all lived together? This just got a little more complicated.



  Saturday 2nd December – 23 days until Christmas

  I snuck the warm muffins into the study hall in my backpack. I felt like I was smuggling uranium or something. Gripping the strap of my bag tightly and furtively looking around for anyone who might ask me what was in my bag. I stopped and took a deep breath and reasonably argued with myself that no one had ever, in the three years I had used this study hall, asked to check my bag.

  The only reason they are going to ask this time is because you are acting like a crazy person. Deep breaths.

  On the way over it had started snowing, the light fluffy kind that only fell at the beginning of the season, so I had a fine layer covering my shoulders and the top of my hoody. Dusting it off as I pushed my hood off my head, leaving my grey beanie on and I started down the center aisle of the study hall.

  As I approached my usual table, which I had actually reserved for the entire years’ worth of Saturdays, I wasn’t surprised to see that Hayden had beaten me to our session. She studied the screen of her laptop intently; a little frown formed on her gorgeous face.

  Reaching up, I adjusted the back of my beanie, a habit that only occurred when I was nervous. Hayden looked fucking amazing today. She had knee high Ugg boots on with white laces that criss crossed up the front ending in little balls of fluff. Tucked into the tops of the boots were white jeans that from this angle looked like they were a second skin. Her aqua mittens lay discarded on the table by her laptop, and her beanie still rested on her head with her long brown hair done in some sort of fat braid hanging over the front of her shoulder. She wore a Boston College hoodie in pale blue, the emblem over her chest.

  I couldn’t believe how hung up I already was on this girl. I’d brought her muffins for our study session. I don’t even remember doing that for Vanessa, ever. Was probably why she ended up sleeping with my buddy Stephen. That fucker had probably taken her muffins.

  Approaching, I heard Hayden let out a huff as she stared at her computer and leaned her cheek into one hand, elbow resting on the table; her face was adorably smooshed on one side. I dropped my textbook on the table, and a soft thud echoed throughout the hall, disrupting the classic Mariah Carey Christmas tune of All I Want for Christmas is You.

  I wouldn’t mind having Hayden all right. Naked, down on her knees staring up at me.

  Hayden startled at the noise and gazed up at me with unfocused eyes, still clearly engrossed in whatever had annoyed her just now. The way she was looking at me didn’t help to dispel the image I had of her.

  “Hey.” My voice thick with on my arousal as I placed my backpack on my chair, unzipped it, and withdrew the package of goodness. I opened the brown paper bag and pulled out a muffin before offering it to her.

  “Aww, you didn’t have to actually get me a… wait is this blueberry?” she asked, with a quizzical expression crossing her face.

  “Yep,” I replied with a smirk. “I thought you were naughty enough and could do with some sweetening instead.” I had to clench my jaw to stop from laughing out loud at the stunned look on her face. Serves her right for starting the naughty texts last night.

  After a few seconds, I couldn’t contain it anymore; my chest vibrated with the effort. A rumble of laughter worked its way out, erupting from my mouth. I used the table to support me as I reached and plucked the blueberry muffin from her hand and fished around in the bag for her real muffin. Triple choc chip like she’d requested.

  I placed it in her outstretched hand and watched her face convert from shocked, to stunned, to radiantly happy. Her smile transformed her face and sent a sucker punch to my stomach, sucking my laughter back into my body. I felt so powerful in that moment, knowing that I’d made her happy; the glow from her smile warmed me from the inside out, better than any hot chocolate could.

  She brought the muffin up to her lips and, without any self-consciousness, took a bite right out of the side. Her eyes closed as she savored the taste, only to pop back open and look up at me. Hayden covered her mouth with her hand. “Is this heated?” she asked around her mouthful.

  “Yep. I thought since it was so cold today it might be nice to have something warm,” I replied. Was I being too forward? What if she didn’t like her muffins heated? After having had a girlfriend for four years, it had been a while since I’d flirted with a girl. Suddenly feeling embarrassed after my little self-assessment, I could feel the tips of my ears flushing pink and was thankful that they were covered by my beanie. I tried to hide my discomfort by unpacking the rest of my things.

  Her small hand snaked into my view and covered my own, gently squeezing it. I glanced back up at Hayden as she smiled at me. “Thank you, it tastes even naughtier warm.”

  A chuckle escaped me as the tension left my shoulders. Without registering what my hand was doing, I reached over and was using my thumb to wipe away a smudge of melted chocolate from her lower lip, as if she were my girlfriend and I had the right to touch her like that.

  Her mouth popped open, forming a little O as I stood there, leaning over her, hand cupping her jaw, thumb rubbing her lip. My ears were suddenly full of my pulse as Hayden’s eyes flickered down to my lips, and her tongue darted out to moisten her own; the tip of it flicked across the edge of my thumb.

  The small sounds of the room faded away. All of my focus zeroed in on Hayden like she was the goalie keeping me from sinking the puck. I wanted to taste her lips, to lick the chocolate from the inside of her mouth. To pull her beanie from her head and run my fingers through her hair. I wanted to lift her out of that chair, sit in it myself, and place her straddled across my lap and devour her mouth until she made breathy moaning sounds, grinding herself into me.

  I’d just started to lean down to her when her computer dinged causing us both to jump apart like wayward children caught doing something naughty. Her eyes cut from my face and locked onto the notification that had destroyed possibly one of the most intense moments of my life.

  When did I turn into this romantic sap? I barely knew Hayden. But I wanted to. I really, really wanted to.

  I coughed, trying to work my suddenly thick throat. “So, uh, I thought we could start off running through the cards I have so far? And if we make it through all of those, then we can make some more?” I asked, as I started arranging everything on the table.

  “Um, yeah, sure. I downloaded an app on my computer that is supposed to help with your study system,” she said as she turned her computer to face me. It had a big digital clock on it, ready and waiting.

  “That’s great, I’ve been meaning to look into something like that. It’ll be a lot better than just using my phone.” I tried to keep my tone light and not let my disappointment show.

  I sat in my chair directly opposite Hayden and adjusted my legs freezing for half a second as I felt the inside of my foot brush her leg. I peeked under the table to see that both of her legs were stretched out under the table between mine. I glanced up at her, subtly watching her as I reached for my pen and let me leg rest against hers; her left knee touching my right leg.

  She just smiled at me and reached forward for my cards. I released them into her hands and relaxed into my seat, placing my left foot on the outside of
her feet, trapping them between me. She continued to smile as she sorted the cards.

  I watched her as she set everything up to her satisfaction. She was seriously beautiful, and not in a flashy kind of way either. She barely had any makeup on, unlike Vanessa who I’d barely recognized without it. Hayden’s full lips begged to be kissed until they were swollen and red. She had bedroom eyes. She was smart, quick, and had a killer humor.

  I needed to find another way to hang out with her, to get to know her more. This girl was seriously getting to me, and I could see a potential Whip status in my future.



  Saturday 2nd December – 23 days until Christmas

  “Done!” I exclaimed, as I flipped over the last card. I beamed back at Justin so proud of his effort with the final round of flash cards. “That was awesome! You nearly got all of them, and we got your time down to twenty minutes.”

  He flashed me a quick smile but was already scribbling notes in his notebook. “Thanks, need to do better though. Finals are in a week and a half, need to meet that three point zero or no more hockey.”

  Okay, play it cool, Hayden.

  “Oh yeah, you mentioned that last night. I picked you more for a football guy,” I said as I gave him a playful ankle tap under the table.

  He looked up at me and smirked. “Football? Nah, those guys are wimps. All that padding and all they do is run into is each other? Me, I smash my opponents into walls and eat ice for breakfast. Hockey is for real men.”

  A laugh escaped me as an image of him eating a bowl of ice for breakfast suddenly flashed in my mind.

  I was just about to respond to his terrible imagery when my stomach let out a loud growl. I clapped my hands to my torso and smiled sheepishly up at Justin; my cheeks roared with my blush.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” I chuckled.

  Justin checked his watch – who wears watches these days – and raised his eyebrows before looking up at me. “Our session was over an hour and a half ago. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  I sat there dumbfounded for a second. Why hadn’t I said anything?

  “To be honest, I didn’t even realize that much time had gone by. I was enjoying helping you,” I admitted, both to him and to myself, as I stacked and squared up Justin’s cards.

  Justin’s hand came into my view, reaching to hold my hands still. “I enjoyed you helping me.”

  My gaze flicked up to him to see that he had an earnest smile on his face, causing my heart to melt a little.

  Just as suddenly, my Inner Voice started screaming at me in my head.

  Hayden, what are you doing? He just admitted to being a hockey player; therefore, he is a part of the Puck Games. He is PLAYING you. Get your head out of the clouds and back in the game!

  I sucked in a breath and pulled my hands away. Justin’s eyes dimmed a little, but he kept his smile in place. It took everything in me to start casually packing my laptop up instead of reaching across the table to comfort him.

  Just as I finished zipping my messenger bag shut, my stomach let out another embarrassing growl, which echoed off the silent walls of the almost full study hall. I gasped as I covered it with my hands.

  Like that would keep the sound contained. I could literally see my Inner Voice rolling her eyes at me.

  Justin’s deep chuckle reached me, and I glanced up at him.

  “Want to grab something to eat?” he asked with a slight smile tipping the pierced corner of his mouth. “I know a great little café just off campus.”

  How was he so gorgeous? Weren’t hockey players supposed to be missing teeth and have permanently broken noses or something? I was dying to know what that piercing would feel like pressed into my lip, or as I sucked it into my mouth, or as I felt it trail down my body as he kissed his way to my…

  SNAP OUT OF IT! I mentally slapped myself.

  “I can’t, I have things I need to get done this afternoon,” I replied, knowing my eyes were as wide as saucers and the blush on my cheeks had definitely spread down my neck.

  “Come on, H, everyone has to eat. I promise, I won’t keep you long,” he fired back with another smirk.

  Was Justin asking me out? This is what I wanted, right? For one of them to make a move?

  I watched his face as I hefted my strap up onto my shoulder. He tracked the movement as his hands clenched the back of his chair causing his knuckles to turn white. He’s nervous!

  I chewed on my lip, even as I continued to ignore my racing heart. “Well, I do need to grab something to eat…” I started.

  He instantly relaxed, his shoulders dropped with the draining of his tension, a quick smile kicked at his lips. “Great, it’s a quick walk from here.” He grabbed his bag and slung it over one shoulder as he held out a hand, gesturing for me to go in front of him.

  Justin and I left the study hall and walked across campus in a surprisingly comfortable silence. I felt like every now and then he would glance at me out of the corner of his eye, but I just kept staring straight ahead. I was lucky I didn’t walk into a tree since my peripheral vision was getting such a good workout.

  Halfway across campus my hands couldn’t take the cold anymore, so I riffled through my bag for my mittens. I’d just managed to get one on, when the other one slipped through my fingers and landed in the snow. Less than a second later Justin had scooped it up, rescuing the mitten from becoming a frostbite incubator.

  I reached out to take it back from him with my gloved hand. Surprising me, he brushed my hand away.

  “Here, let me,” his voice rumbled as he held the mitten out.

  Slowly, I reached my hand out and let him work the mitten on. As he adjusted around my fingers, I watched his face. A slight furrow marred his forehead, and he pulled on his piercing as he concentrated on getting the mitten on, lining up the fingers and then pulling the cuff down to my wrist. He threaded his fingers through mine to push the fingers right down.

  My heart thundered so loudly, I was afraid he would hear it. Besides my parents, no one had ever looked after me like that before. Most guys my age came up short in the chivalry department. He glanced from my hand to my eyes, our fingers still linked.

  His eyes weren’t black. They were really dark blue. I hadn’t noticed before in the study hall, what with the desk and the lighting. But being this close in the sunlight I could see that his eyelashes were thick and framed navy-blue eyes. Eyes that stared at my lips.

  Did he want to kiss me? Did I want him to? Would just a kiss be enough to enter me into the Puck Games?

  Justin glanced up suddenly over the top of my head, eyes widening before he tugged me to my left and into him. I was so shocked that I didn’t brace and kind of just fell. A snowball went flying past both of us.

  “Sorry!” someone in the distance called out.

  I quickly pulled away from him. “Thanks.” I was getting too emotionally involved here. I needed to dial it back. Cool. Calm. Analytical. No emotions. No feelings. This story was massive and so important for so many reasons.

  There was a pause for just a moment before Justin replied, “You’re welcome.” I swear his tone was almost regretful, but I was still too scared to look up. I couldn’t develop feelings for him, or for any of them, for that matter. I had to withstand all of their charms.

  They were all in on the Puck Games. I was investigating the Puck Games. Besides, it was a massive conflict of interest. Even if each of them had me hot under the collar and imagining dirty little scenes.

  Justin started walking again, and I quickly caught up. An odd mix of regret and satisfaction mixed inside me. I attempted to squash the regret but was ashamed to admit that I basked in the satisfaction. The knowledge that he was interested in me filled me, leaving a little smile playing at the corners of my lips.

  Before I knew it, we were off campus and arriving at a really cute, little café. It looked like a converted cottage with a long porch out front. We walked through the front door, and I
instantly felt like I had transported worlds. We were met with a wave of heat, coffee beans, and bacon. To our left was a lounge room, with several mismatched armchairs and couches set to face each other in different arrangements. People sat around chatting, some on their laptops; I think one was even sleeping. To my right was a dining room with a massive ten-seater, long, rectangular, dark wood table. The chairs matched the table and were high backed with cushions attached to the seat. There was a couple at the far end who were eating together, looking super cute with some sort of cake.

  As I peeled off my mittens and beanie, we walked straight down the hallway, which opened out into an open plan kitchen and seating area. The kitchen looked like a normal one but with all the professional cookware installed. A coffee machine spewed steam into the air and waitresses buzzed around clearing tables. The curtains were swept back to let in the light, and I could see an outdoor alfresco area, which would be perfect in warmer weather.

  How have I never heard of this place before?

  Justin found us a table in the corner furthest from the kitchen and dropped his bag. “Any special requests?”

  “Nope, surprise me,” I replied distractedly, as I fluffed out my hair removing my beanie line. This place was seriously amazing. I turned to look back where we came from and let out a gasp. A floor to ceiling bookshelf ran along the wall. There had to be at least five hundred books all haphazardly stacked and placed as if people just pulled them out and put them back uncaring of the order.

  I let my eyes roam around the room, taking in all of the activity. After a few minutes of people watching, I sat in my chair and pulled out my phone, which had several text messages from Christian and Stephanie.

  Christian: How’s your day going?

  Smiling, I swiped open Christian’s message first. I couldn’t say I had been at a tutor session; surely, he would know that Justin had sessions on Saturdays.


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