Born of Darkness

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Born of Darkness Page 7

by Jamie King

  “Okay kids, time for us to head out.” Kevin says as he ushers Tiffany toward the door. “You two rascals have fun, you hear?” They wave as the door closes behind them.

  Jakes lips brush my ear from behind. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, not too bad yourself.” His slightly unbuttoned shirt displays his collar bone and the top of his chest. The pulse in his neck throbs noticeably as we watch each other.

  “Hungry?” He leads me to the small table.

  I sit at one of the place settings as Jake turns the lights off and lights the surrounding candles. The sensual orange flickers of flame dance over the room. “This is beautiful, thank you.”

  “I’m glad you like it, Nuri.” He sits across from me. “I was worried you wouldn’t come.”

  “Why wouldn’t I come?” why would this gorgeous man before me think I would stand him up? I bite my lip. I almost forgot about my cold feet at his door.

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know, you just seem too good to be true, I guess.”

  His words surprise me. I’m too good to be true? “I’m nothing special.” I take a bite of my salad.

  “Oh, on the contrary, my light. You are very special.”

  “How so?” I dip into the food

  He swallows the steak he had been chewing. “You’re like me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The night I met you, Nuri, was the night of your awakening.” his eyes rake over me. “It was a surprise when I first saw you. I could feel your powers itching to be released.”

  I gape. I knew he was maybe like Luka. I saw Luka throw him into a tree and walk away unscathed. “You knew this whole time?”

  He nods. “I had trouble finding you after that night and this isn’t something you talk about while sitting in High Octane or Club Pyrien or a library.” He winks and takes a bite of his food.

  I nod in understanding. “So, you’re like me?”

  “I’m exactly like you.” He smiles and trails his finger up my arm. The electricity under my skin feels drawn to his touch. His finger glides across my skin and then a spark of electricity bridges between us.

  I jolt at the sight of the white light. “What are you doing?” My voice shakes. It doesn’t hurt, but my unease grows.

  “Magic.” He continues to move his finger over my skin. The line of electricity dances in a white trail.

  I laugh uneasily. “How are you doing that?”

  “I visualize it.” His finger traces my collarbone. “I can teach you.” He breaks the contact. He stands and laces his fingers in mine. “Come on. Let me show you the power of two witches.” I follow him through the dark living room and into a dark hallway. He pushes the door at the end of the hallway open and releases my hand as he steps to the side.

  I take in his room. His sheets and blankets are black. Dark curtains hang over a small window. The twilight sky attempts to pierce the dark material, but only a thin stream of light illuminates the edges of the curtain. A painting of a large black dragon hangs above the dresser. The dragon’s massive wings span over a red barren landscape.

  Is he a member of the black coven? Luka had mentioned three covens. “Two witches?” I whisper. “Witches.” He whispers in my ear. His breath dances on my skin. “But you and I.” His lips brush my shoulder. “We are more.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You’ll see.” He whispers. His chest presses against my shoulder blades. His hands trail over the back of my dress. “You are exquisite.”

  Jake slowly spins me to face him. His bright blue eyes appear to glow as his hands move over my waist. “Your eyes.” I breathe.

  “So are yours.” He brings his hand to my neck and trails his finger down slowly over the exposed skin. The electricity bridges between us once more and I press into the contact. A strong pressure releases from him. Electricity fills the room. Sparks ignite in the air and quickly snuff out.

  The intensity of his eyes is darker and more aggressive. His lips meet mine. The buzzing hum under my skin intensifies Electricity sparks between us and a warm tingle spreads over my skin leaving trails of warmth everywhere the sparks touch. Electricity crackles and erupts in the room. Flashes of white light force me to shut my eyes. Jake’s powerful hands cup my face and I force my eyes open. The glow from them is so intense I can barely make out his pupils.

  “Release your energy, Nuri.” He places a soft kiss on my chin. “Relinquish control of it and it will expand.”

  “Jake, I don’t know how.” I breathlessly plead against his lips..

  “Let the walls you’ve formed fall down around you.” His lips trail down my neck. “I’ll help you.”

  In my heavy daze I relax and imagine myself letting go of all control. The electricity that has been trapped under my skin dances in anticipation. Crackles of electricity erupt over my body and wave of power pushes out from the center of my body. I feel it leave me like a sonic boom. My energy crashes against Jake’s and the room erupts in bright light.

  “Tá tú mianach.” Jakes breath is heavy as he gazes into my eyes. “Mianach.” His voice is breathy.

  I stare into Jakes luminous eyes. “Your eyes are still glowing.”

  A gentle smile curves up the side of his face and his thumb caresses my cheek. “So are yours, my light.”

  “Really?” A mirror is attached to his closet door. I hop off the bed and stand in front of it. I feel his eyes watching my every move as study myself in the mirror. Chapped bitten lips and flushed cheeks. Messy auburn hair and amber eyes glowing like the light from two small suns. I touch my face. “How?” Who is this girl looking back at me?

  He laughs and pats the spot next to him on the bed. “Come here.”

  I prance over to him and curl into his chest under the warm blanket.

  “It’s very rare. Even among witches it’s extremely rare for eyes to be capable of glowing.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Glowing eyes is a trait of the Fae and Demon realms.”

  I gawk at him. “I’m not human?”

  “You are, but you are also half of something else.” He tilts his head. “Or less than half. It really depends on your bloodline.”

  “Why don’t my eyes glow all the time then?”

  “On earth the eyes will glow when using magic or when emotions are high.” He places his thumb over my lower lip. “Like when two lovers come together.”

  “Oh.” I breathe.

  “So, you aren’t completely human either?”

  “Yep, I don’t know what I’m half of, but my coven doesn’t seem to care much.”

  “You have a coven?” He pulls me closer to him. “Is that what the tattoo is for?”

  “I do.” He pulls me close to him. “I’ll tell you all about it later.”

  I close my eyes and let myself relax in his embrace.



  The steady sound of dripping water wakes me from a dreamless sleep. I still sit in the afterglow of Jake and reach beside me to find that he isn’t there. I open my eyes, but only darkness greets me. What the hell? I sit up, the grogginess of sleep evaporating. Could this be one of those weird dreams again? I check myself for clothes. My dress is on., Wait, how is my dress on? The last thing I remember was falling asleep beside Jake. And we definitely didn’t have any clothes on. I touch the blanket resting over my legs. The material is rough and dry. I press down on the area around me. The hard mesh cot refuses to budge under the pressure of my hand. I push the blanket to the side and feel for a wall. My hand passes over a slimy stone.

  “Gross.” I hiss and continue to trail my hand down the stone. The cot creaks beneath me with each movement. I slide my foot to the edge and position myself to stand. I pause at the sound of footsteps. I can hear a man’s voice as he speaks to someone. I sit back down and press my back against the wall.

  “But gran, you don’t need to lock her away. She would have come willingly.”

  Jake? My pul
se quickens. This isn’t one of those dreams then.

  A woman’s voice snaps back at Jake. “I will not hear any more of this. She is the daughter of a rebellious traitor and cannot be trusted.”

  “But I care for her, gran.” He pleads.

  “We cannot trust that Endellion did not corrupt her mind. She’s not one of us.”

  Endellion. I’ve heard that name before. I bite my lip. Where have I heard that name?

  “She is one of us, she just doesn’t understand yet.” Jake pleads with the woman.

  “Silence, before I make you silent.” The woman snaps. “You will not defy me anymore on the subject.”

  Jake doesn’t respond this time and their footsteps come closer. Bright blue light peeks around the corner illuminating the metal bars holding me hostage. The room around me becomes visible. The small stone covered cell is dark and damp with moss growing from crevices on the walls. Water streams over the stone walls like miniature waterfalls and a wall of metal bars prevent my escape.

  A short silver haired woman comes into view followed by a dejected Jake. His fingers grasp a lamp filled with small stones emitting a bright blue light. His eyes flash at the sight of me and my heart flutters. I really liked him. Maybe I could have fallen in love with him. Jakes eyes gaze sadly at me, but he says nothing and makes no movement toward me. I feel his now familiar energy touching and dancing against my skin as it caresses me. Is he trying to comfort me?

  The woman’s long-braided silver hair drapes over her shoulder. A red cloak covers her body embroidered with a black dragon ouroboros. A perfect match to Jake’s tattoo. Recognition tickles the back of my mind as I search for the memory of her.

  “Hello Nuri, my name is Agnes, coven leader of the North American Coven of the Black Dragon.”

  Agnes. Agnes. A flash of silver hair and red cloaks briefly comes to the forefront of my mind. Agnes. My blood drains and my body goes cold. The memory of a girl with red hair burning from the inside out. Ceri. The hair rises on my arms and chills shoot down my spine.

  “You see Nuri, your mother, she stole you from us. Now, until we can trust you, you will be here for your protection and ours.” She glances at a stricken Jake. “You have met my grandson, Jacob.” I gaze into his eyes. Devastation and betrayal fill me. Stinging tears attempt to breach, but I fight them back. Do not show emotion. You are strong. Stay strong. My throat tightens as I choke back my tears.

  “Oh child.” She softens her expression. “Do not be angry with him. He only followed orders.” Jake cringes at her words and his eyes fill with sadness as he watches me. I feel his energy reach out to me again. Agnes turns on her heels waiving at Jake to follow her. “I will have one of the girls bring you some food.”

  Jake steps forward. “I’m so sorry, Nuri. I didn’t know this is how they would treat you.” The sincerity in his voice tugs at my heart. “Mo bhfianaise, tá brón orm. Is brae liom tú. Tabhair dom maithiúnas le do thoil, Nuri.” Although I know nothing of his language, I feel as if I should forgive him. “Ní raibh a fhios agam.” He whispers as he walks away leaving me in darkness.

  I lean my head against the cool damp stone and listen to the dripping water. Now would be a good time to know how to use my magic. What could she mean by my mom stole me? She called her Endellion. My mom’s name was Grace, not Endellion. I’ve heard that name before. Was it in that dream? In a room filled with people, a woman’s voice spoke to me and called me Endellion. The same dream of the girl, Ceri, who burned from the inside. Okay Ri, think. I bite my lip in frustration. Was it a dream or was it a vision? How could something like that even be possible? It had to have been a vision.. How else would I have dreamed of Agnes and her stupid silver braided hair and that red cloak before I ever laid eyes on her? God and that terrible scratchy shrill voice of hers. No way did I come up with that on my own.

  “Mom, what were you showing me?” I whisper into the empty darkness. I tense at the sound of footsteps approaching.

  A young girl appears out of the darkness carrying a small lamp with her similar to the one Jake had been carrying. “Hello.” She says in a small voice. She opens the door to my cell. “I brought you some food and water.” She sets the tray down. “Jake says that I should be nice to you. That you are his betrothed.” She cocks her head to the side. “But, if you are his betrothed, then why would Agnes order you to be locked away here?”

  “B-betrothed?” I’m his what?

  “Oh, you didn’t know?” She steps out of the cell and closes the door behind her. “How odd.” She mumbles as she tip toes through the hallway taking the light with her.

  I slide from the cot and delicately walk in the direction I know the food should be. I bend down feeling for the tray. My fingers bump the metal of the tray. I scoop it up and walk directly back to the cot. I sit with my back against the wall and feel for the food. A sandwich, chips, and a bottle of water. What is going on here?

  The girl has visited me eighteen times. I assume she’s providing me three meals a day. Only the girl has come to visit me since I first met Agnes. Jake hasn’t stopped by again and neither has Agnes. I wish I knew their plans. My eyes have grown accustomed to the darkness. I can see my surroundings perfectly. Each crevice and stone. The rats running back and forth from a hole in the left corner. The bucket that has been provided as a toilet. I lift my knees to my chest and stare at the metal bars.

  The familiar blue light bounces down the corridor. A beautiful young woman with long silky black hair that reaches her waist holds a tray of food. Her deep blue eyes lock onto me as she steps into my cell. Her black heeled knee-high boots clap against the stone and her bright red lips part in a smirk. Unlike the young girl, she doesn’t seem to fear me. I feel that I instead should fear her.

  “So, you’re what all the fuss is about?” She drops the tray of food causing most of it to spill onto the floor. She gasps and brings her hands to her mouth. “Oh dear, Lady Agnes will be most displeased that you attacked me and caused your food to spill. She surely won’t want to feed you now.” Her gentle tone is lined with seething hate. She saunters toward me with an evil grin.. “And poor Jacob thought that you would come around.” She stops only a foot away. “Pathetic excuse for a witch. I don’t know what he sees in you.” Her eyes narrow. “Jacob is mine.” She slices her face with a long red fingernail leaving a trail of blood dripping down her cheek.

  “What are you-?” I manage to whisper. My voice croaks as I try to speak. When was the last time I spoke to anyone?

  She sucks in her cheek. “Hush, little girl.” She digs her nails into her arm. Blood pours from the wounds. “Yes, the two of you were conceived with a plan for your futures, but the moment your mother ran off – that plan ended. I had so much hope when Jacob claimed me as his lover.” Her smile drips with hate. “But then someone had to go and find dear old Endellion hiding away in some small town in Virginia.” She snaps.

  The black coven killed my mom? Jake’s family. Jake’s family killed her? My breath escapes me. “W-what are you saying?” I choke.

  She ignores me and continues her rant. “Then Jacob enrolled in school, completely unaware why we moved and he happened to stumble upon you the night of your awakening.” She looks away, pain clear on her face. “He was so excited that he found you. His destined.” She glances down at me in disgust. “He acted like he had found the meaning to life. I became nothing to him.” She lets out a short laugh. “Your mother’s death was pleasurable for many of us. Knowing that she died in the same manner as her sister was just icing on the cake.” She touches her bloody finger to her lips. “I however, do not plan for you to live to fulfill your destiny.” She pulls her finger away from her face. Blood stains her lips and drips down her chin.

  Is she going to kill me? What do I do? I don’t fight. I’ve never even come close to hitting anyone. My heart jumps in my chest and my body goes cold. She’s going to kill me. I’m going to die. Before I can take another breath she leaps on top of me like a bird of prey. Her n
imble fingers press into my throat cutting off any breath I attempt to take. Her eyes stare me down as she drains my life away. Her fingers tighten causing her nails to dig into my skin. The pain shoots through me like needles. I struggle for breath, but her hands close tighter around my throat.

  I can’t die like this. My life has only just begun. I can’t die here. Get off! Get off me! The familiar tingle of energy dances beneath my skin. A surge of energy releases from my body. Her hands release from my neck and I hear her land against the stone. I lean forward choking and coughing. My vision is blurred, but I make out her shadow. She stands and braces herself against the stone wall. A line of blood drips down the middle of her forehead. Shit. I manage to stand, but my balance is off, and I stumble. Before I can right myself her knee cracks against my skull throwing my head back. My head cracks against the stone floor. Hot white pain shoots through my body. My vision darkens and my ears ring.. Don’t pass out. Don’t pass out. I struggle to catch my breath. Stay awake. Get through the pain. It will be fine. I breath in a shallow breath.

  I can vaguely hear muffled talking near me. The clang of metal echoes through the room as she locks the cell door. She’s leaving me to die. This is how I die. In a stingy damp cell, alone. I can feel blood pooling beneath me. So, this is what it’s like to bleed to death. It’s almost euphoric. I no longer feel pain, only a floating sensation. I try to open my eyes, but a powerful force is compelling them closed.

  I open my eyes to candle lit room. White walls are covered in red symbols. I try to move, but an invisible weight holds me down. My head movement is nearly nonexistent. I struggle to glance down at my body. The bed I’m on is covered in white sheets and overstuffed pillows. I’m dressed in a sheer nearly see though gown. Thin straps lead to the sheer material over my breasts. The fabric lies over my body fittingly and ends just above my ankles.


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